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Chapter 1: Computer System Overview

Lecture -3

The Memory [Main Memory / Primary Memory]:

Memory unit (Primary / Main Memory) is used as a storage unit for program as well as
data. The memory of a computer is more like a predefined working place, where it
temporarily keeps information and data to facilitate its performance. Each memory
location has a unique memory address. When the task is performed, it clears its memory
and memory space is then available for the next task to be performed. When the power
is off, everything stored in the memory gets erased and cannot be recalled.

Parts of Main Memory/Primary Memory

The memory unit or main memory is divided into:
a) Random Access Memory.
b) Read Only Memory

a) Random Access Memory(RAM):

It a Read/write memory as it is possible to both read from and write to location
within RAM. It is used for primary storage in computers to hold used active
information of data and instructions. The RAM is a volatile memory as it loses
its data /contents when the power is switched off or interrupted.
The RAM chips in a computer can be of two types:
i) Dynamic RAM (DRAM):
These are made up of transistors and capacitors. The amount of time
taken to produce data required from memory, from start of access until

the availability of data is called memory access time. DRAM chips have
access time ranging from below 20 to 70 nanoseconds.

ii) Static Ram:

These are made up of flop-flop (A flip-flop is binary cell capable of storing
one bit of information) and offer faster access times (about 10
nanoseconds) than DRAMs. Static RAMs are used in specialized
applications while DRAMs are used in the primary storage sections of
most computers.

b) Read Only Memory (ROM)

As the name implies, a read-only memory (ROM) is a memory unit that
performs the read operation only. It does not have write capability. Data and
instructions are placed in the ROM at the time of its manufacturing and can’t
be changed thereafter. ROM is slower than RAM and is used to hold certain
essential instructions to check basic hardware components such as booting,
procedures to load operating system, and frequently-needed functions.
There are various types of ROM which are given below:
i) PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory):
Also called OTP (One Time Programmable) PROM is a user-
programmable memory in which information is burnt using special
equipment called ROM burner.
ii) EPROM (erasable programmable read only memory):
In EPROM, one can program the memory chip (through various
mechanism e.g.¸ UV radiation) and erase it many times as needed. The
UV-EPROM can take up to 20 minutes for erasing EPROM contents.

iii) EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read only memory:

In EEPROM, the EPROM is erased electrically which is faster. Also, with
EEPROM, selective bytes can be erased unlike UV-EPROM which
erases fully.

iv) Flash EEPROM:

It is like EEPROM but is very fast comparatively (the erasure of the entire
contents takes less than a second). Also, it erases fully and not

v) Mask ROM:
Mask ROM refers to a kind of ROM in which the contents are
programmed by the IC manufacturer. It is not user-programmable ROM.

c) Cache Memory:
Cache memory is a small memory that operates much faster than the primary
memory or RAM. It can be either a reserved section of main memory or an
independent high-speed storage device or even on CPU chip. Whenever some
data is required, the CPU first looks in the cache, if it is there or not. If the data
is found in cache, CPU does not access memory and hence the process
becomes very fast. It is also called CPU memory that a computer
microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM.

Units of Computer Memory Management:

The elementary unit of memory is a bit. A bit stands for binary digit, i.e., either 0 or 1,
which is an elementary unit of computer memory. Combination of these two bits together
is used to store the data and instructions. Eight bits together form 1 byte and a group of
four bits is called a Nibble.
Following table shows computer memory units till date:

Sr. No. Unit Description

1. Bit 1 Bit
2. Byte 1 Byte = 8 Bits
3. Kilo Byte (KB) 1 KB = 1024 Bytes
4. Mega Byte (MB) 1 MB= 1024 KB
5. Giga Byte (GB) 1 GB= 1024 MB
6. Tera Byte (TB) 1 TB= 1024 GB
7. Peta Byte (PB) 1 PB= 1024 TB
8. Exa Byte (EB) 1 EB= 1024 PB
9. Zeta Byte (ZB) 1 ZB= 1024 EB
10. Yota Byte (YB) 1 YB= 1024 ZB
11. Bronto Byte (Brontobyte) 1 Bronto Byte = 1024 YB
12. Geop Byte (Geopbyte) 1 Geop Byte =1024

Q.1. Given below are some features of two types of computer memories –RAM and
ROM. List each feature under RAM and ROM.
a) Non-volatile memory
b) Contents can’t be changed
c) Stores data or files the user is currently working on.
d) Volatile memory
e) Can be written to and read from.
RAM: (a), (c), (e)
ROM: (b), (d)

Q.2. What are the two parts of main memory?

Two parts of main memory are as follows:
i) Random Access Memory (RAM)
ii) Read-Only Memory (ROM)

Q.3. What is the function of memory? What are its measuring units?
The memory temporarily holds data and information during processing. The smallest
unit of memory is a byte(8 bits). A byte can store one character in binary form. Other
measuring units are kilobyte (KB) equal to 1024 (210 ) bytes, 1 Megabyte equal to
1024 KB, 1 Gigabyte (GB) equal to 1024 MB and Terabyte (TB) equal to 1024 GB.

Q.4. Why primary memory is ‘destructive write’ but ‘non-destructive read’

When the memory location is read from in the primary memory, the contents of the
memory word remain the same; they are not altered. Therefore, a primary memory
is termed as ‘non-destructive read’ memory since the read operation does not
destruct the contents of a memory word. When a write operation takes place, the
previous contents of the memory word are overwritten. Thus, the primary memory
is termed as ‘destructive write’ memory as the write operation destructs the contents
of a memory word.

Q.5. What is the difference between RAM and ROM:

RAM refers to random access memory where both read and write operations can
take place. But RAM is a volatile memory; its contents are lost when power is turned
off. ROM refers to read-only memory where only read operation can take place. The
ROM is a non-volatile memory.
Both RAM and ROM are parts of the primary memory.

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