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According to the reading, the devaluation of a country's currency can have a huge
impact on the everyday life of a country's citizens. How do you perceive this impact
in your country? Is that evident in our society? Explain your arguments.

For example, some time ago dollar was cheaper than now, and we could buy a lot of things
due the cheap currency of USA, but know everything is expensive and it’s complicated
even to export and import things from foreign countries because the shipping cost exceeds
the item to pick. By other side, in C.R is very expensive to buy every day, so we can
appreciate the devaluation currency in these cases.

2. Describe some of the benefits from a positive trade surplus and how it generates
economic growth in a country.
If a country has exceeded imports, this means that happens the trade surplus that helps grow
up country’s economy, in the case was different, probably the country will experience the
trade deficit and everything is going to be expensive. The trade surplus helps to have output
to create factories and industrial facilities to bring work to others.

3. Why is the relationship between a nation’s imports and exports and its exchange
rate complicated?
Because there is a constant feedback loop between international trade and the way a
country's currency is valued

4. How do Inflation and interest rates affect imports and exports?

Inflation and interest rates affect imports and exports primarily through their influence on
the exchange rate. Higher inflation typically leads to higher interest rates.

2.     Then, try to develop a round table discussion in which you as a group analyze the
following questions and provide a well elaborated answer, you can search the questions on
the web to get information. 

1. What regulations do I need to comply with? With taxes, problems and rules that can
happens in customs, the custom taxes, legal decisions, inspections, get the license
and needed certifications, also is needed to follow the foreign laws.
2. How can I start importing? At first, it’s important to look for business basics in
order, you need to pick a product to export or import, after you need to look for a
supplier source to help you to continue with your importing or exporting business,
put a price to your product and get your identified target market.
3. Where should I start once I have the information I need?  First you need to attend
trade shows to get ideas, visit potential suppliers in person to help you grow up, also
is important to diversity the supplier list to don’t stagnate, it’s important to research
taxes and product requirements.
4. What are the best products to export? Gold, telephones, cars, premium petroleum,
vehicle parts computers pharmaceuticals, jewelry…
5. Do I need to apply for licenses? Yes, those are primordial to import and export
6. What documents are needed for import/export? Pro forma invoice, commercial
invoice, export packing list, air waybill, bill of lading, certificate of origin and
certificate of conformity and the export license.

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