Urban Soils

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J L Morel, C Schwartz, and L Florentin,
Laboratoire Sols et Environnement ENSAIA-INPL/INRA,
C de Kimpe, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Ottawa, ON, Canada
ß 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Soils in urban and suburban areas are transformed by
human activities. For several decades, soil surveys and
research were largely focused on agricultural and for-
est lands, and intensively managed and disturbed soils
were not much investigated as revealed by the white
(nonmapped) areas representing cities on most soil
Figure 1 Urban soils and agricultural soils: (a) urban soil pro-
maps. Urban soils are used for many purposes, in- file showing a sealed surface, imported soil materials, and elec-
cluding urban and industrial activities, forestry, and tric wires; (b) agricultural soil profile showing strong perturbation
agriculture. They are characterized by a strong spatial induced by the incorporation of plastic drains.
heterogeneity resulting from the various inputs of
exogenous materials and the mixing of original soil
material. The basic functions of natural and exten- are often sealed. According to this definition, urban
sively modified soils are essentially the same. The soils are essentially under strong human influence in
evolution of urban soils is controlled by the same urban and suburban environments; they may exert a
factors as natural soils, but the human factor imposes strong effect on human health, on plants and soil
extremely rapid transformation cycles in comparison organisms, and on water infiltration. They are differ-
with those dominant under natural conditions. They entiated from other strongly influenced soils such as
often hold pollutants that may be a threat to human those found in quarries, mines, and mine tailings, and
health. Anthropogenic soils can be investigated at airfields away from cities. However, it is sometimes
least in part with traditional soil survey approaches; difficult to set a clear boundary between urban soils
however these methods must be properly adapted and and agricultural soils (Figure 1).
new methodology must still be developed. It is only
through a multidisciplinary approach that urban soils
Use of Soils in Urban Areas
will be better understood and their use optimized to
protect human health and the quality of natural re- In cities, soils provide support for infrastructure
sources, e.g., preventing groundwater contamination. (buildings, roads, railways, parking lots, bridges),
shelter for cables (electricity, telephone, television)
and pipes of various size and composition (drinking
water, wastewater, gas), and substrate for plants (iso-
‘Urban soils’ is a class of Anthropic soils, a term lated trees along streets, trees in public parks, and
already used in several classification systems. Urban ornamental and edible plants in public and private
soils are soils extensively influenced by human activ- gardens). They are also used for agricultural (horti-
ities, found mostly but not only in urban areas. They culture, suburban agriculture, gardening), and indus-
include: (1) soils that are composed of a mixture of trial (buildings, mining, industrial waste disposal)
materials differing from those in adjacent agricultural production activities, and for recreation (stadiums,
or forest areas, and that may present a surface layer playgrounds). For centuries, the regions surrounding
greater than 50 cm, highly transformed by human residential areas have been used for provision of
activity through mixing, importing, and exporting construction materials and domestic waste disposal.
material, and by contamination; (2) soils in parks There are numerous soil types in urban areas as
and gardens that are closer to agricultural soils but a result of these various uses, which differ in the
offer different composition, use, and management intensity and duration of human impact. Human
than agricultural soils; and (3) soils that result from impact on urban soils may be light (e.g., urban
various construction activities in urban areas and that forests) or, in contrast, maximal in developed built

areas (e.g., sealed and artificial soils). Therefore, soils

in a city differ according to the degree of human
transformation. In general, artificiality increases
from the periphery to the center of the city, where
original soils are often removed and replaced by an-
thropogenic materials. Older cities show the most
modified soils, as they are generally constructed on
their own waste materials that have accumulated over
the years. For example, cities like Paris and Moscow
are built on several meters of anthropogenic materials
that hold remains of former human activities and
Another main feature of urban soils is the high Figure 2 Urban soil formation and evolution.
frequency of usage change with time. An example is
the conversion of former industrial sites (now termed
‘brownfield’ sites) to new activities, including residen- of the original soil profile; and (3) accumulation:
tial, public, and recreational activities. Such intensive addition of exogenous materials from various origins
changes are often dramatic and may cause problems (soil materials, minerals, technological compounds,
for residents as a result of possible soil contamination. and inert, organic, or toxic wastes). The kinetics of
Landfills located at the periphery of cities are, know- these processes are very rapid in comparison to nat-
ingly or not, frequently converted to residential devel- ural processes, as a result of the increasing use of
opment as a result of the pressure of increasing urban modern equipment, like tractors and bulldozers.
population. This may result in increasing risks for A week or even a day is often the time scale required
residents from contamination through direct contact, to modify completely the urban landscape. Hetero-
inhalation, and/or consumption of garden produce. geneity in the landscape and in the soil may therefore
change rapidly. Digging for new buildings, bringing in
material from large distances for landscaping, dispos-
Evolution of Soils in Urban Areas ing of rubbish, debris and topsoil for leveling and
As known from traditional soil science, a soil is preparing the land for a new use often prevent any
the outcome of the evolution of a parent mineral relation with the original parent material in the vicin-
material under the influence of climate, vegetation, ity of the site being examined. Under such conditions,
topography, and time. Soils generally display a se- the natural weathering mechanism of soil formation
quence of layers with an organically enriched surface does not play a great role if any, whereas transport
horizon. Soil formation is generally a slow process and accumulation are predominant.
that involves typically three main processes: Another main feature of urban soils is the construc-
weathering, transport, and accumulation. Differences tion of barriers, e.g., sidewalk, which notably reduces
in climatic conditions, parent rocks, and topography the infiltration of water in soil, and increases its
are at the origin of a wide range of soil types de- transport to streams, often causing flooding prob-
veloped under natural conditions and, in general, lems. Oxidizing conditions generally dominate in ur-
the soil type can be deduced from knowledge of the ban soils as a result of lack of water in the soil profile.
conditions that have controlled its formation. However, soil compaction and leakage of drinking or
The three fundamental processes of formation (cli- wastewater from pipes may induce locally strong
mate, parent rock, topography) and evolution of soils changes in redox and water flux conditions.
also apply to urban soils. However, urban soil forma-
tion is strongly influenced by the ‘human factor’ Composition and Heterogeneity of
(Figure 2), which often creates a new ‘parent rock’
Urban Soils
(e.g., debris from former buildings or industrial
wastes), and modifies the conditions of its evolution The composition of soils in the cities depends largely
through its influence on water circulation and com- on the nature of the materials in which they are deve-
position in urban areas. The influence of the ‘human loped. Coarse textures, with mostly sand and coarser
factor’ can also be interpreted in terms of soil forma- material (rubble and gravel), generate great horizon-
tion and evolution: (1) weathering: transformation of tal as well as vertical heterogeneity. This is a frequent
the original material by mixing, compaction, or aer- characteristic of urban soils. Bulk density is generally
ation of material layers; (2) transport: excavation of low (<0.5) or very high (>1.60) as a function of the
soil layers, leading to the partial or total elimination parent material. As an example, Figure 3 shows a soil

agricultural soil

Ap agricultural soil

agricultural soil

Figure 3 Soil profile in a twelfth-century urban area (Nancy, France).

Figure 4 Soil profile and metal concentrations (mg kg1) in a former industrial site.

profile observed from a pit excavated for building earthy material of sandy clay texture dominated by
construction in the city of Nancy, France. The soil more than 80% of fine material. They were rich in
exhibited a depth of more than 7 m and consisted of organic matter and presented a brownish color. Nu-
six distinct horizons. The three horizons at the merous tree roots were present. The second horizon
bottom were the relic of a former agricultural soil. It was strongly compacted and the third was character-
presented a clear Ap horizon (15 cm) colored by or- ized by the presence of building material of lighter
ganic matter, very compacted and weakly calcareous density with fragments of dark gray schists coated
as a result of former agricultural practices or addition with clayey sands.
of calcareous construction material. The second hori- Another example is given by a soil developed on a
zon was not calcareous and offered a higher porosity former industrial site (Figure 4). With the exception
with galleries of earthworms. The three upper hori- of the two upper horizons made of agricultural soil
zons (0 to 1 m) were successive depositions of raw material brought in to facilitate the revegetation of
material. They were very heterogeneous and made of the site, most of the material was of anthropogenic

origin, deposited during industrial activity and mixed Table 1 Concentration of metals in the profile of an urban soil
and compacted at the closing of the factory. Many (see Figure 3)
types of debris are present, including concrete, metal Cd Cu Cr Hg Ni Pb Zn
wires, slag, and industrial sand, each offering specific
Depth (cm) (mg kg1)
physical (density, porosity, mechanical resistance) and
chemical properties (nutrients, metals, organic pollut- 20 0.67 66.2 65.0 2.00 28.3 415.1 325.7
ants). In general, the analysis shows the high pH that 175 0.08 11.8 39.5 0.04 24.5 28.4 50.4
199 0.75 41.0 59.7 0.06 50.0 21.4 119.3
is a common feature in anthropic soils, often as the
215 0.26 20.2 44.7 0.04 28.6 26.6 70.4
result of alkalizing products mixed in the soil. Or- 294 0.11 15.0 54.0 0.02 32.6 24.3 63.4
ganic matter content may be high, and the C/N ratio 725 0.03 5.8 25.7 0.02 13.4 26.0 32.1
is generally high because of the presence of organic
material low in N, especially in industrial soil mate- ver valores orientadores dos metais pesados nos solos brasileiros.
rial; these high values are often due to contamination in the upper horizon as a result of the various urban
with oily wastes. activities, including traffic and water runoff from zinc
Urban soils have different retention capacities for
Soil Contamination in Urban Areas
organic components, but their alkaline reaction often
Because of their diversified origin, urban soils may limits the mobility of heavy metals. In most urban
contain pollutants, the location, characteristics (in- soils, a pH shift to alkalinity constitutes an alkaline
cluding availability), and potential evolution (carbonate) geochemical barrier in the topsoil. This
of which must be established properly for future barrier hinders the mobilization of heavy metals.
land use. Urban and suburban soils prompt a strong Methods developed for agricultural soils (such as
interest because of the growing public concern about plant tests, selective extraction, microbiological and
the environment and human health. For example, enzymatic tests) may be adapted for assessing the risk
urban horticulture provides a nonnegligible percent- of transfer of pollutants to the food chain.
age of the food supply to large populations, especially
in developing countries, and there is a need to
Garden soils
improve this type of production while ensuring its
safety, as well as addressing the issues related to a Gardens are a place of strong interactions between
wide range of land uses. Also, in urban areas children soils and human activities. In general, a very intensive
are often in direct contact with soil material, and soil form of agriculture is conducted, resulting in soils
quality (pollutants, pathogens) in playgrounds may with high fertility and great diversity, deriving from
affect their health. Some urban soils, in particular the multiplicity of gardening practices. Soil quality
those observed on brownfields where they were pre- (i.e., nutrient and pollutant content) in gardens is
viously used as support for industrial production, related to the quality of the parent materials, but
may contain large amounts of mineral and organic through various inputs and modifications of the soil
pollutants that accumulated over time. The profile of profile, the gardener is the most important factor in
the industrial site described above contains elevated soil quality. Inputs range from traditional agricul-
amounts of some metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn), especially tural amendments and chemicals (manure, lime,
in the horizons made of industrial material, e.g., slag. pesticides, fertilizers) to domestic wastes and indus-
Also organic contaminants (e.g., hydrocarbons, poly- trial amendments that may contain several inorganic
chlorobiphenyls, herbicides) are commonly found in and organic contaminants. In general, rates of amend-
urban soils; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ment application are far higher than in traditional
(PAHs), a special class of hydrocarbons, some of agriculture production, and garden soils tend to ex-
which exhibit carcinogenic properties, are found in hibit a deep upper horizon with a high concentration
some former industrial sites (e.g., gasworks, coking of organic matter and mineral nutrients, e.g., nitrogen
plants). The soil shown in Figure 4 was also contam- and available phosphorus. In general, the organic
inated by lead and zinc (Pb and Zn), two metals matter content is directly related to the age of the
widely present in urban areas (Table 1). An urban garden. Therefore, the soil quality, hence fertility, of
soil profile studied in the city of Nancy showed the garden soils is as variable as gardening practices. This
influence of the material in place or brought in. These may be reflected by the biomass production of lettuce
materials contributed to modifying the content of grown on various soil samples collected from a set of
metals in the profile. The metal concentrations in gardens (Figure 5). But pollutants may also accumu-
the urban soil were lower than in the industrial site, late in garden soils and be transferred to the food
but metals were present at significant concentrations chain by direct consumption of vegetables.

Heavy metals tend to accumulate in garden soils practices of the gardeners), natural concentration of
and, in general, their concentration is on average metals in the soils, and atmospheric deposition.
twice that in agricultural soils, probably because
of the input of various amendments to the garden
Functions of Urban Soils
soils (Figure 6). As for fertility, contamination is
highly variable from one garden to another. This can The link between soil functions and various soil prop-
be observed from the analysis of a set of soil samples erties such as substrate, texture, and humus content
collected from family gardens located in the Lorraine for soils at urban, industrial, and mining sites can be
region (France) and in the nearby Saarland region made using a set of indicators of soil quality such as
(Germany) that showed a wide range of values, prob- those developed in Germany: rooting depth, wetting
ably due to gardener practices and the proximity and aeration, nutrient status, and acid neutralization
of industries. Soil physical properties and accumula- capacity. The high degree of surface sealing in urban
tion of heavy metals in the Ap horizon depend on soils limits the water partitioning that normally exists
parent material, substrates, and anthropogenic modi- under natural conditions. Reduced seepage towards
fications. In Saarbrücken, only 18% of the garden the subsurface causes high surface runoff and floods.
soils were natural soils. Also metal concentration Attempts are made to reduce this effect by increasing
correlated well with soil fertility, as expressed by the rainwater infiltration and groundwater recharge, and
total and available phosphorus contents (Figure 7). by reducing discharge by increasing water retention.
Finally, the content of heavy metals can be explained Water and air supply in urban soils, an important
in decreasing order of importance by the age of feature for plant and tree growth, are controlled by
the garden, previous use of the garden (including bulk density, amount of medium, coarse, and very
coarse mottles, organic matter content, and texture
expressed as contents of clay, silt, and sand.
Urban soils are characterized by a great ecological
heterogeneity, and show special distinctness of vege-
tation and fauna. They are habitats for plants and soil
organisms, and for their filtering, buffering, and
transforming of organic and inorganic pollutants.
The root depth is, however, often limited due to
abrupt horizon transitions, especially in the presence
of a large percentage of coarse material (>2 mm). As
a medium for plant growth, urban soil supports a
large population of amenity vegetation in diversified
habitats, including parks, gardens, roadsides, and turf
Figure 5 Biomass production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) grown
areas. Much of the urban vegetation is cultivated, but
on a set of soil samples collected in family gardens in the there are also relics from natural vegetation or spon-
Lorraine region (France). taneous infestation by opportunistic species.

Figure 6 Frequency distribution of copper concentration in garden soils. Regional soils (n ¼ 185); garden soils (n ¼ 233).

Figure 8 Urban soils in old cities are developed on waste


the superposition of several young soils (Figure 8).

Figure 7 Relation between phosphorus and zinc and copper Using this approach, and as long as the human factor
contents in garden soils. is clearly established, an urban soil survey is not
strikingly different from a traditional soil survey:
urban soils are the ultimate members of a continuum
The habitats may create stresses to vegetation sur- characterized by increasing human influence, and
vival: whereas normal root spread requires a circular ranging from soils slightly or not affected by human
soil disk preferably with a diameter equivalent to the influence (forests, rangeland) to agricultural lands
crown spread and one meter deep, most urban tree and to urban soils where the human imprint is max-
roots are closeted in a narrow and shallow strip of imum, and where most natural features have often
substandard soil. In urbanized areas, roots of isolated disappeared. For example, during early city develop-
trees are often sequestered in a restricted space; lat- ment in previous centuries, when large machinery and
eral room space is hindered, with a narrow strip, transportation facilities were not available, rubble
often less than 2 m, of poor-quality soil sandwiched and debris were often disposed of at the site or at a
between building foundations and highly compacted short distance: cities were actually built on their own
road material. The subsurface material quality is wastes. Therefore, the soils may contain layers or
also often ignored. The presence of mortar, concrete, strata reflecting the processes that ruled the accumu-
and asphalt attests to the widespread contamination lation and such layers are the ‘memory’ of past activ-
of sites by construction debris that poses a physical ities: each layer corresponds to sedimentary materials
hindrance to root development. Also the volume for representing an urban soil, generally poorly de-
water and nutrient storage is largely diminished. veloped but significantly influenced by people.
Soils contain a large array of historical informa-
tion, which has been proved very useful in under-
Pedology and Archeology
standing ecological and anthropological evolution.
Contrary to the situation in natural and slightly modi- The materials brought about by human activities
fied soils, e.g., agricultural or forest soils that most may also undergo pedological evolution leading to
often display distinguishable horizons, a major chal- their significant transformation. In general, archeolo-
lenge in urban soils, not only for their characteriza- gists and pedologists have had only a few interactions
tion, but also for determining their potential uses, is in the past. Combining pedology and archeology by
the heterogeneity of the layers associated with the fact sharing research tools will increase our understanding
that the latter are not always horizontal (Figure 3). of human evolution and help to predict better the
Heterogeneity can also be very large within a single problems connected to urban soils. Each layer of an
layer. This prompts a number of questions: what is an urban soil contains products that are characteristics
urban soil profile? What is an urban pedon? What of the technological evolution of human societies.
area, both horizontally and vertically, is required for Combining archeology and pedology enables predic-
its description? What volume of soil is necessary for tion of the location of some pollutants, such as heavy
its characterization? How to describe the texture of metals (Pb, Cu, Zn) and their fate in the profile.
urban soil, in particular the material coarser than sand?
The presence of rubble may indeed confer special
Management of Urban Soils
properties, and prevent some future uses of the soil.
Concepts must be properly developed in order to The world is in the midst of a massive urban transi-
develop a suitable and useful classification scheme. tion unlike that of any other time in history. In 1975,
Soil description involves the characterization of approximately one-third of the world’s people lived in
the successive layers with a specific composition. urban areas. By 2025, the proportion will have risen
Urban soils are thus polycyclic soils composed by to almost two-thirds, which corresponds to more

than 5 billion people, mostly in developing countries. See also: Applications of Soils Data; Land-Use
In developed countries, the population shift involves Classification
migration away from concentrated urban zones to
large, sprawling metropolitan regions. Since the be-
ginning of the twentieth century, the French popula- Further Reading
tion has increased considerably in cities, and it
amounts to up to 70% of the population. In these Arbeitskreis Stadtböden (1988) Substrate und Sub-
stratmerkmale von Böden der Stadt- und Industriege-
large cities, as well as in smaller ones, green and open
biete. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen
spaces play an important role as recreation areas, and Gesellschaft 56: 311–316.
they are the ‘lungs’ of urbanites. In the above context, Bullock P and Gregory PJ (1991) Soils in the Urban Envir-
characterizing the land that provides the infrastruc- onment. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
ture for these growing cities becomes particularly Burghardt W (1994) Soils in urban and industrial environ-
important. It is also a challenge: industrial and service ments. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährug und Boden-
businesses that are often located at the outskirts of the kunde 157: 205–214.
cities or in the suburbs near workers and employees Burghardt W, Zuzok A, and Heinen P (1987) Untersuchun-
are not particularly welcome amidst the new urban gen zur Kennzeichnung der Anreicherung und Verteilung
developments, and they are forced to move to a von Schwermetallen in urbanen Böden. Landschaft þ
greater distance. This is favoring the emergence of Stadt 30–38.
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brownfield sites, lands and buildings contaminated
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by previous industrial activities. Such areas are then De Kimpe C and Morel JL (2000) Urban soils: a growing
recycled and often used for other human activities, concern. Soil Science 165: 31–40.
that may present various risks for health. Waste dis- FAO-UNESCO (1990) Soil Map of the World – Revised
posal, especially the accumulation in landfills outside Legend. Rome: FAO.
cities, creates similar concerns. Guillerme A (1999) Histoire du sol urbain. Comptes
Within urban and suburban areas, soils are used as Rendus de l’Académie d’Agriculture de France 85:
physical support for diverse anthropocentric activities 129–140.
and needs: infrastructure both at the soil surface and Hiller DA and Burghardt W (1993) Neues Leben im toten
underground (e.g., roads, parking lots, railroads, Boden. Die Geowissenschaften 1: 10–16.
pipes, sewers, ducts) and for buildings, sources (e.g., Hollis JM (1992) Proposals for the classification, descrip-
tion and mapping of soils in urban areas. English Nature
topsoil, landfill material from excavation) and sinks
Science 2(4): 40.
(e.g., dredged sediments, compost of organic urban United Nations (UN) Population Division (1995) World Ur-
wastes) of raw materials, food production, recre- banization Prospects: The 1994 Revision, pp. 132–139.
ational activities (e.g., parks, landscaping), and mem- New York: UN.
ory and cultural heritage (e.g., cemeteries). Soil World Resources Institute (1996) Cities and the environ-
scientists have the expertise, as well as the social ment. In: World Resources 1996–97, pp. 1–30. New
responsibility, to address issues related to these uses. York: Oxford University Press.

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