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Lesson Notes

& Homework

Sounds like: ko zi
Student : Austin Part of speech: adjective
Teacher : Claire Definition: warm and snug in a comfortable way.
Date : 12 Oct 2020
Knight at Dawn
Chapters : Chapter 10

New Vocabulary
Word: deserted
Sounds like: dih zuhrtid
Part of speech: verb
Definition: to leave behind even though it is
one's duty to stay; abandon.

Example: The baby was warm and cosy in his


Word: moonlit
Sounds like: mun lIt
Part of speech: adjective
Definition: to be lit by the light of the moon.

Example: The sailor deserted his ship.


Example: We oculd see the moonlit tree.

Word: cosy Homework Check

Lesson Notes
& Homework

We read Chapter 10
We revised the vocabulary
I have not received Chapter 9’s homework yet. We read Chapter 1 of Mummies in the Morning,
The Magic Treehouse 3

Lesson Feedback

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Today you had some difficulty with…


Other comments…
Austin was very distracted today and we
extended the lesson.


Please do the homework on the next pages.

Lesson Notes

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