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1. What is globalization?

Different approaches and theories

In economic terms, it describes an interdependence of nations around the globe fostered
through free trade.
The increased development of technology such as mobiles, airplanes and the internet has
made it easier for people to exchange information, goods, and services between countries.
Without globalization, every company in each industry competes under the same conditions.
Today, companies from different countries can compete in foreign markets and can sell their
products at a lower price since they were produced for less. This leads to an increased supply
of affordable goods to a greater amount of people.
There is not only an exchange of economic goods, but also, knowledge, culture, languages,
and services.
There are also disadvantages to globalization. People and environment suffer from the
increased exchanges. Many people in industrilized countries lose their jobs and people in
developing countries get increased job opportunities. But since the salary is so low thay often
remain poor and doesn't have sufficient insurance covered.
Globalization cause Ecological problems such as climate change due to the transportation of
goods. The release of carbon dioxide is the main reason to global warming
4 approaches:
Economic, political, cultural, and ecological.

•The convergence theory (Brzezinski, Nye)

•The hybridization theory (Appadurai)
•The theory of imperialist domination (Wallerstein, Bourdieu)
The cultural fragmentation theory

2. What are the key points/eras of the history of globalization

3. What are the main characteristics of poverty and inequality

Poverty is a social condition that is characterized by the lack of resources necessary for basic
survival or necessary to meet a certain minimum level of living standards expected for the
place where one lives.

The big five factors of poverty (as a social problem) include ignorance, disease, apathy,
dishonesty, and dependency. These, in turn, contribute to secondary factors such as lack of
markets, poor infrastructure, poor leadership, bad governance, under-employment, lack of
skills, lack of capital, and others.

Inequalities are not only driven and measured by income, but are determined by
other factors - gender, age, origin, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, class, and
religion. These factors determine inequalities of opportunity which continue to
persist, within and between countries.
4. What different types of poverty exist?
Situational poverty - job loss, a divorce, or maybe a health crisis that caused you to be
economically unstable
Generational poverty. - you are born in a pamily that has lived in poverty for at least 2
Absolute poverty - lack of resources, including food insecurity, homelessness and lach
of health 1.9 dollar om dagen
Relative poverty - living at about 50% or below the average income
Urban poverty - structural issues such as housing and safety issues, overcrowding, and
Rural poverty - often isolated and lack access to technology, childcare, and education
Two Main Classifications of Poverty – Absolute vs Relative Poverty.

5. What is racism?
The belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that
racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Individual racisim (one vs one)

These is acts against POC that are based on conscious or onconscius acceptance of
which superiority. overt - covert racism
Imagine an iceberg - on top its using racial slurs, hatecrimes racist jokes, neo-nazism
and racist symbols. burning krosses
the covert is - not fighing racist jokes, claiming reversed racism, removing themselves
from the topic, denial of racism, expecting poc to educate, denying racism these can
not be pointed out directly. rarely called out

institutional racism
systems of society - one system
education system- funding to scool is based on local property taxes, median net worth
of houses will determine what this tax will be, communities with high property value
will have more funding for their school
this can also be seen i how students are treated. black kids are more likely to be
suspended than white kids.
in the fostercare system we see that white kids represent 52 persent of the kids
population and 42 percent of the kids in fostercare while black kids only reperesent 14
percent of the kids population they represent 24 percent of forsterkids in the country.
The black kids are also more likely to be adoped later of have several placements.
criminal justice
innocent black people are more likely to be convicted for crimes than white people
12 times for drug crimes
health care shows that woman are diagnosed with breast cancer later if they are black

structual racism
laws, rules, or official policies in a society that result in and support a continued
unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on

6. What are the different models of integration?

7. What are the different types of migration and their causes

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8. What are the main aspects of Globalization and capitalism
9. What is capitalism? Which types of capitalism exist
Capitalists' main drive force is to create the most profit at the lowest cost.
The whole economy is driven by the balance of supply and demand in the market. This
creates competitions which in turn results in high quality goods at the lowest possible prices.
The economy is affected in a lot of positive ways, such as; Innovation, Capitalism is the major
driver of innovation, it has the ability to create new demands and create new markets.
Innovation is also a great source to work smarter and drive productivity. Competition in the
market encourage businesses to maximize their efficiency and gives people an initiative to
work hard. This will increase the real GDP and in turn, increases the living standards of
society. And most importantly, individual performance is valued and rewarded. When the
market is free it allows everyone to enter and develop new products or come with new ideas
of improvement.
Capitalism also encourages international relationships. As goods and services start to expand
beyond borders, companies become involved in the local country. Many sources of local
revenue require a local footprint, which drives up employment rates in the market where a
company establishes itself. This may span from sales capabilities to factories and can have a
major impact on a country. All imports and exports are a concern for the governing body of a
country and a trade balance is established.
A very prominent downside of capitalism is that the wealth is unequally distributed among
society, and important pillars of a society may become underdeveloped as a result of hardship
to turn investments into return within the acceptable payback cycle of corporations.

The Finance capitalism that we see in the world today through the many institutions that
primarily pursue profit from investments in currencies, stocks, and financial elements such as
bonds. The financial institutions that trade on this level in society have become a real power
factor in society and their actions influence decision-makers of the governments and world
banks around the world. Their reaction to interest rates, inflation and deflation needs to be
taken into account at all times. This was not anticipated in the original idea of capitalism but
is a reality that can be seen as both a positive and a negative in the world today.

liberal market capitalism

Social democratic capitalism

Continental european capitalism

Mediterranean capitalism

Asian capitalism

10. What is global capitalism? Who are the main actors of global capitalism
Global capitalism, the current epoch in the centuries-long history of the capitalist
economy, is heralded by many as a free and open economic system that brings people
from around the world together to foster innovations in production, for facilitating
exchange of culture and knowledge, for bringing jobs to struggling economies
worldwide, and for providing consumers with an ample supply of affordable goods.
But while many may enjoy benefits of global capitalism, others around the world -- in
fact, most -- do not.
11. What is the ASEAN community

12. Who are the asian tigers

The four asian tigers are high growth economies, singapore, taiwan, south korea and
hong kong. Fuled by rapid industrialization. Hogh levels of economic growth since
the 1960s
13. What is the asian miracle
The asia miracle is the fundamentals that created the acian tigers and it is called the
miracle due to its rapid economic growth in the respective markets. This due to the
fact that they exported much more than they imported, much more than the entire
world. Especially in market such as technology. but in the beginning the
manufacturing and production of clothes and textilies

14. What are the SDG´s

mdg va först sen 2015 kom sdg
15. What are the key factors of globalization and the environment?
One of the downsides to globalization is how the free tarde is affecting the
environment, today producton often occurs far from the selling point wich results in
long travel for the products. Rather then when products are produced locally.The
transport leads to green house emissions wich contributes to pollution, climate
change, and ocean acidification around the world and have been shown to
significantly impact biodiversity.
When the transportation is land based it requires railways, roads and bridges and the
development of such infrastructure can lead to issues including habitat loss and
pollution. The more ships that travel by sea, the greater the chances for major oil
spills or leaks that damage the delicate marine environment.

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