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Advanced structures and vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1

1. **Contrast Structures:**
- While X increased, Y decreased sharply.
- X saw a significant increase, in stark contrast to Y, which plummeted.
- Despite the rise in X, Y demonstrated a fall over the same period.

2. **Similarity Structures:**
- Both X and Y displayed a steady growth over the time period.
- X mirrored the trend shown by Y, with both rising significantly.
- Similarly to X, Y also showed an upward trend.

3. **Comparison Vocabulary:**
- To eclipse: The sales of X have eclipsed the sales of Y this year.
- Far more/less than: The number of X is far more than Y.
- A disparity between: There is a significant disparity between X and Y.
- To outstrip: The demand for X has outstripped the demand for Y.
- In relation to: In relation to X, Y remained stable.
- To have a higher/lower tendency to: People in City A have a higher tendency to use public transport than those in
City B.

4. **Degree and Intensity Vocabulary:**

- Significantly/severely/marginally: X is significantly higher than Y.
- Slightly/moderately/considerably: X increased slightly compared to the considerable rise in Y.
- Dramatically/substantially: The cost of X increased dramatically, while Y saw a substantial decrease.

5. **Vocabulary for Highlighting Differences:**

- A notable difference: There is a notable difference between X and Y.
- A vast contrast: There's a vast contrast in the lifestyles of X and Y.
- To diverge: The trends for X and Y began to diverge in the third quarter.

6. **Vocabulary for Highlighting Similarities:**

- A close resemblance: The spending habits of X bear a close resemblance to those of Y.
- To parallel: The growth of X parallels that of Y.
- Comparable to: The rate of X is comparable to that of Y.


1. **Trend Vocabulary:**
- An upward trend: The graph shows an upward trend in the sales of smartphones.
- A downward trend: The chart presents a downward trend in the number of unemployed people.
- To level off: The rate of inflation levelled off after a sharp increase.
- To remain stable (or steady): The price of gold remained stable over the period shown.
- To fluctuate: The population numbers fluctuated over the decade.
- To peak: The number of visitors to the museum peaked in August.
- To plummet: The company's profits plummeted after the scandal.
- To hit a low: The company's profits hit a low in the second quarter of the year.
- To reach a high: The number of enrolments reached a high in 2016.
- To bottom out: The prices bottomed out in January before starting to rise again.
- An exponential growth: There was an exponential growth in the use of digital payments over the decade.
- A slump: There was a slump in the property market during the financial crisis.
- A surge: There was a surge in interest when the product was first launched.
- A steady climb: The data shows a steady climb in the percentage of homeowners during the last decade.
- To show no significant change: The graph shows no significant change in the birth rate over the period.
- A plateau: After a rapid increase, the sales figures reached a plateau.
- A dip: There was a brief dip in the rate of economic growth in the third quarter.
- A recovery: After a significant dip, the economy made a recovery.
- A spike: There was a sudden spike in the number of reported cases in December.
- A gradual ascent: The graph shows a gradual ascent in the cost of living over the years.
- To experience a downturn: The manufacturing sector experienced a downturn in the last quarter.
- A sudden plunge: There was a sudden plunge in temperature over the weekend.
- To stabilize: After a period of decline, the economy finally stabilized.
- To escalate: Tensions between the two nations began to escalate in the late 90s.

2. **Comparison Vocabulary:**
- In contrast to: In contrast to the high sales in 2015, the following year saw a plummet in numbers.
- As opposed to: The rate of traffic accidents is increasing in rural areas as opposed to urban areas.
- Compared with/to: Compared with 2000, the number of people using public transport has doubled.
- To be on par with: The cost of living in the city is now on par with that of the suburbs.
- To surpass: The number of smartphone users has surpassed the number of desktop users.
- A disparity between: There's a large disparity between the incomes of the urban and rural populations.
- Significantly more/less than: The expenditure on food is significantly more than that on healthcare.
- To dwarf: The population of City A dwarfs that of City B.
- A similar rate to: The unemployment rate is increasing at a similar rate to last year.
- To outweigh: The benefits of the new system greatly outweigh the drawbacks.
- Relative to: The company's profits, relative to its expenses, were quite low.
- In comparison with: In comparison with last year, the company has seen a 20% increase in sales.

3. **Percentage and Fraction Vocabulary:**

- A fraction: A large/small fraction of the population chose to avoid public transport.
- To constitute: The elderly constitute a large fraction of the population in many developed countries.
- To account for: Car accidents account for 70% of total road incidents.
- Percentage point: The interest rate increased by 2 percentage points from 3% to 5%.
- To comprise: Women comprise 60% of the university's student population.
- The majority of: The majority of participants in the survey preferred product A over product B.
- A small minority of: A small minority of respondents reported no change in their spending habits.
- A quarter/half/three-quarters: A quarter of the respondents reported dissatisfaction with the service.
- The lion's share: The lion's share of the budget is spent on defense.
- A negligible amount: Only a negligible amount of the budget is allocated to arts and culture.
- A considerable portion: A considerable portion of the budget goes towards education.
- An overwhelming majority: An overwhelming majority of the survey respondents supported the new policy.
- A tiny fraction: Only a tiny fraction of the total population use public transportation daily.

4. **Time Phrase Vocabulary:**

- Over the next...: Over the next decade, the population is forecasted to grow significantly.
- From 2000 to 2010, the country experienced a rapid economic growth.
- Between...and...: The data between 2010 and 2020 show a steady rise in the use of renewable energy.
- By the end of: By the end of the century, it's predicted that the population will have doubled.
- In the span of: In the span of a decade, the city's population tripled.
- Prior to: Prior to 2000, the number of tourists visiting the city was relatively low.
- Subsequent to: Subsequent to the policy changes, there was a significant increase in applications.
- Over the course of: Over the course of the year, there was a steady increase in sales.
- During the period: During the period under review, there was a significant change in trends.
- In the following years: In the following years, the economy saw a steady recovery.
- In the preceding years: In the preceding years, there was a steady increase in the cost of goods.
- Subsequently: Subsequently, there was a drop in the rate of unemployment.
- Initially: Initially, the response to the product was lukewarm, but then sales picked up.

5. **Other Useful Vocabulary:**

- To depict: The graph depicts the changes in the number of visitors over a decade.
- To illustrate: The pie chart illustrates the proportion of people in different age groups.
- The correlation between: There is a clear correlation between the amount of reading and academic success.
- A significant rise (or increase): There was a significant rise in the population of the city.
- A gradual decline (or decrease): There has been a gradual decline in the country's birth rate.
- A dramatic shift: There was a dramatic shift in public opinion after the incident.
- To maintain a level: The company managed to maintain a level of sales despite the economic downturn.
- A steady growth: There has been a steady growth in the number of online businesses.
- A rapid decline: There was a rapid decline in wildlife populations due to deforestation.
- A marginal increase/decrease: There was only a marginal increase in production costs this year.
- A marked change: There was a marked change in consumer behavior after the policy was implemented.
- A pattern: A pattern can be seen in the buying habits of consumers during the holiday season.
- To mirror: The sales figures in the two countries seem to mirror each other.
- An anomaly: The sudden drop in sales in May appears to be an anomaly.
- To demonstrate: The data demonstrates a clear preference for organic products among consumers.
- A considerable discrepancy: There is a considerable discrepancy between men's and women's wages in some
- A shift in preference: The data shows a shift in preference from traditional shopping to online shopping.
- To witness: The industry witnessed a major transformation with the advent of digital technology.
- A significant proportion: A significant proportion of the respondents identified as independent voters.

PRACTICE TEST (Đề thi ngày 05/01/2023)

Task 1: The chart below shows the percentage of people born in and outside of Australia living in cities, towns, and
rural areas in 1950 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features of the graph
and make comparisons where relevant.

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