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(Adjective + preposition – based on ‘First Certificate Organiser’, p 6)

jealous ____ dependent ____ ready ____

accustomed ____ famous ____ relevant ____

afraid ____ full ____ responsible ____

ashamed ____ good ____ sensitive ____

aware ____ jealous ____ typical ____

capable ____ proud ____

1. Are you ________________ _____ the Scottish weather, the Scottish food, and the way
Scottish people behave?
2. Are you sometimes ________________ _____ making a mistake when you speak or write
English? Why? / Why not?
3. At what age do think children should stop being ________________ _____ their parents?
Why? / Why not?
4. What is your country ________________ _____? What is Scotland ________________
5. Why do some people sometime feel ________________ _____ other people?
6. When do parents normally feel ________________ _____ their children?
7. At what times during the day do you normally feel ________________ _____ a rest?
8. What kind of people are ________________ _____ most of the suffering in the world today?
What do you think?
9. What are anxious and timid people often ________________ _____?
10. What kinds of food, drinks and clothes are ________________ _____ Scotland?
Are there any kinds of food, drinks and clothes which are ________________ _____ your

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