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Compare these

While, Whereas, On the other hand
Bill Gates
Born in 1955, Seattle.

Went to Harvard University, dropped out.

Opened Microsoft, with childhood friend Paul Allen.

CEO Microsoft until January 2000.

It was the largest software company in the world.

Inventor of the Windows operating system.

Left Microsoft in 2008.

Set up the The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The richest person on the planet from 1995 to 2017

Steve Jobs
Born in 1955 ( died in 2011) in California.
Went to Reed College, dropped out.
Started company with friend Steve Wozniak
Built first Apple 1 computer in 1976
Co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple
Fired by Apple in 1985, and re-hired in 1997.
Bill Gates Steve Jobs
Born in 1955, Seattle. Born in 1955 ( died in 2011) in California.
Went to Harvard University, dropped out. Went to Reed College, dropped out.
Opened Microsoft, with childhood friend Paul Allen.
Started company with friend Steve Wozniak
CEO until January 2000.
Built first Apple 1 computer in 1976
It was the largest software company in the world.
Co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple
Inventor of the Windows operating system.
Fired by Apple in 1985, and re-hired in 1997
Left Microsoft in 2008.

Set up the The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The richest person on the planet from 1995 to 2017

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