History of BCG Vaccine

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Mædica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine

MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine

2013; 8(1): 53-58


History of BCG Vaccine

Simona LUCAa; Traian MIHAESCUa,b
Clinic of Pulmonary Diseases, Iasi, Romania
“Grigore T. Popa“ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania

Tuberculosis (TB) is still responsible for 2 million deaths every year despite being a treatable airborne
infectious disease. “Consumption“ and “Phthisis“ were terms historically used to describe TB, which
was responsible for one in four deaths in the 19th century. Due to its infectious nature, chronic progres-
sion and long treatment, TB is a great burden for society. Moreover the emergence of multi-drug resis-
tant TB and the current TB-HIV epidemic has raised even greater concern. Treating and preventing
TB has become a permanent challange since the ancient times. Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is the
only vaccine available today and has been used for more than 90 years with astonishing safety records.
However, its efficacy remains controversial. No universal BCG vaccination policy exists, with some
countries merely recommending its use and others that have implemented immunization programs. In
this article we review several important milestones of BCG vaccine development from the discovery till

Keywords: Tuberculosis, BCG, vaccine, history, review

INTRODUCTION the past century marks an important advance

in the history of tuberculosis (TB), which ac-

umans have been infected with counted for optimism to fight the disease espe-
M. tuberculosis (Mtb) for millen- cially in endemic area. To date, BCG remains
nia. TB infection is characterized as the most widely used vaccine worldwide
by a complex immunologic re- and has been given to more than 4 billion indi-
sponse, which leads to a unique viduals with astonishing safety records (1,2).
host-pathogen interaction therefore make it Next to BCG, no other vaccines are available
difficult to treat and control. Moreover TB is a for treating TB and of the many new candidates
poverty related disease and has severe social in the pipeline none is close to market use. In
implications. The introduction of Bacille this review we discuss the major landmarks in
Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and chemotherapy in the history of TB and BCG.

Address for correspondence:

Simona Luca, Clinic of Pulmonary Disease, 30 Dr. I. Cihac street, Iasi, local code 700115, România.
E-mail: simona_luca26@yahoo.com

Article received on the 21st of December 2012. Article accepted on the 5th of March 2013.

Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013 53


Early history of tuberculosis (originally isolated by him in 1902 from the ud-
der of a tuberculous cow), they cultured it on
Mtb, the intracellular pathogen that causes
their bile, glycerine and potato medium and
TB, was discovered in 1882 by Robert Koch
and is responsible for more human deaths than then proceeded to subculture at roughly three
any other single pathogen today (3-5). Early last weekly intervals. By 1913 they were prepared
century, hopes were that TB could be con- to initiate a vaccination trial in cattle which was
quered by vaccination with the newly devel- interrupted by outbreak of World War I. Sub-
oped M. bovis BCG vaccine, isolated by and culturing was continued throughout the Ger-
named after Calmette and Guerin in Lille, man occupation of Lille, despite the greatly in-
France (6). These hopes were further boosted creased cost of potatoes and the difficulty of
by the development of the first anti-tubercu- obtaining suitable ox bile from the abattoir. Yet,
lous drugs during WWII by Selman Waksman, they managed to obtain this by grace of the vet-
who discovered streptomycin bacteriostatic ac- erinary surgeons of the German occupying
tivity towards Mtb (7). Initially, treatment with force. By 1919, after about 230 subcultures
streptomycin appeared highly efficacious, but carried out during the previous 11 years, they
the tide turned when drug resistance rapidly had a tubercle bacillus which failed to produce
developed, an early testimony of Mtb’s ability progressive tuberculosis when injected into
to acquire drug resistance when treated by sin- guinea pigs, rabbits, cattle, or horses. At
gle antibiotics. Despite this early writing on the Guerin’s suggestion, they named it Bacille Bilie
wall, the misconception that TB could be con- Calmette-Guerin; later they omitted “Bilie”
quered by antibiotics and BCG vaccination led and so BCG was born (11).
to complacency for several decades. This situa- In 1921, Calmette decided that the time
tion dramatically changed only in the early was ripe for a trial of the vaccine in man. The
1990s, when the World Health Organization first human administration of BCG was by Ben-
(WHO) declared TB a global emergency (8). jamin Weill-Halle (1875-1958) assisted by Ray-
From that time onwards TB scientists, who had mond Turpin (1895-1988) at the Charité Hos-
been focusing much of their efforts on other pital, Paris. A woman had died of tuberculosis
areas of research and development due to a a few hours after giving birth to a healthy in-
lack of interest in and funding for TB, were able fant. On 18 July 1921, Weill-Halle and Turpin
to reorient efforts and initiate significant activi- gave a dose of BCG by the oral route to the
ties in the study of TB (9). The advent of Multi- infant. There were no undesirable sequelae.
drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), fueled by the HIV The oral route was chosen since Calmette con-
epidemic, were responsible for this shift of in- sidered the gastrointestinal tract to be the usual
terest. Soon, researchers determined Mtb’s ge- route of natural infection by the tubercle bacil-
nome sequence and began to dissect TB’s im- lus. Weill-Halle then tried the subcutaneous
munology and cell biology (10). and cutaneous routes on other infants but local
reactions were objected to by the parents, and
2012 - 91 years of BCG vaccination so the oral method was continued, an emul-
In 1900 Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin sion of BCG prepared by Boquet and Negre
began their research for an antituberculosis being used. By 1924 they were able to report a
vaccine at the Pasteur Institute in Lille. They series of 664 oral BCG vaccinations of infants
cultivated tubercle bacilli on a glycerin and po- (12). The Pasteur Institute at Lille began the
tato medium but found it difficult to produce a mass production of BCG vaccine for use by the
homogeneous suspension of the bacilli. In an medical profession. From 1924 to 1928, 114
attempt to counteract their tendency to clump 000 infants were vaccinated without serious
they tried the effect of adding ox bile to the complications (13). In 1928, Calmette called
medium and, to their surprise, they noted that Guerin to join him in Paris, since he did not feel
subculture led to a lowering of the virulence of it necessary for Guerin to continue the BCG ex-
the organism. It was this fortuitous observation periments on animals in Lille. By 1931, there
that led them to undertake heir long term proj- was a special laboratory for the preparation of
ect of producing a vaccine from this attenuated BCG and Guerin was placed in charge.
tubercle bacillus (11). The method of BCG vaccination was there-
In 1908, starting with a virulent bovine fore proved to be safe. But just as important
strain of tubercle bacillus supplied by Nocard was the question of its effectiveness. The statis-

54 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013


tics of Calmette and Guerin showed a fall in self and received a great ovation. Though, the
tuberculosis mortality among those susceptible report of the German inquiry exonerated BCG
infants who had been vaccinated with BCG. as the cause of the disaster, confidence in the
Outside France BCG vaccination was being vaccine had been undermined.
taken up also, especially in Barcelona by Luis
Saye; and in the Scandinavian countries Arvid The first studies on BCG
Wallgren in Gothenburg (14) and Johannes
By the late 1940s, several studies had ap-
Heimbeck in Oslo (15) pioneered the cutane-
peared providing evidence for the utility of
ous administration of BCG. In Great Britain,
BCG in protection against tuberculosis. Tuber-
however, there continued to be considerable
culosis had emerged as a major concern in the
skepticism and the statistics of Calmette and
aftermath of World War II, and BCG use was
Guerin were strongly criticized in 1928 by Pro-
encouraged, stimulated in particular by UNI-
fessor M Greenwood (16). Moreover, in the
CEF, by the fledgling World Health Organiza-
United States, Petroff and his colleagues at
tion (WHO), and by Scandinavian Red Cross
Trudeau Sanatorium reported in 1929 that in a
Societies. The campaigns spread to the devel-
specimen of BCG supplied by Calmette they
oping countries over the next decade. Also in
had isolated virulent tubercle bacilli, casting
the 1950s, major trials were set up by the Med-
grave doubt on Calmette’s assertion that BCG
ical Research Council in the United Kingdom
was a “virus fixe” (17). Despite these disturb-
and by the Public Health Service in the United
ing reports, Calmette and Guerin remained
States. Soon it became evident that the proce-
confident that BCG was safe, until “the Lübeck
dure employed in the United Kingdom (a Co-
disaster” happened.
penhagen strain BCG, given to tuberculin neg-
ative 13-year-olds) was highly eficacious against
The Lübeck disaster (1930)
tuberculosis (19) whereas that in the United
In 1930 the tragic disaster in Lübeck shat- States (Tice strain, given to tuberculin negatives
tered confidence in BCG. In this Northern Ger- of various ages) provided little or no protection
man city, a scheme to vaccinate newborn ba- (20). On the basis of these results, the respec-
bies was undertaken by Professor Deycke, tive public health agencies recommended BCG
director of the Lübeck General Hospital, and as a routine for tuberculin-negative adolescents
Dr. Alstädt, chief medical officer of the Lübeck in the United Kingdom, whereas BCG was not
Health Department. BCG was supplied from recommended for routine use in the United
the Pasteur Institute, Paris, but prepared for ad- States but restricted to certain high-risk popula-
ministration in the tuberculosis laboratory in tions. The majority of the world followed the
Lübeck and the oral route was used. After four lead of Europe and the WHO and introduced
to six weeks a large number of the infants de- routine BCG vaccination according to various
veloped tuberculosis. Of 250 vaccinated, there schedules (e.g., at birth, school entry, school
were 73 deaths in the first year and another leaving), whereas the Netherlands and the
135 were infected but recovered. The German United States decided against routine BCG use
government set up an inquiry headed by Pro- and based their tuberculosis control strategy
fessor Bruno Lange of the Robert Koch Insti- upon contact tracing and the use of tuberculin
tute, Berlin, and Professor Ludwig Lange of the to identify individuals for preventive therapy.
German Ministry of Health. After 20 months
their report exonerated BCG as the cause of Efficacy of BCG
the disaster, which they attributed to negligent
contamination of the vaccine by virulent tu- Two hypotheses emerged early as explana-
bercle bacilli in the Lübeck laboratories (18). tions for the disparate results observed between
Two of the doctors concerned were given sen- different evaluations of BCG. One attributed
tences of imprisonment. the differences to variation between strains of
As the news of the Lübeck disaster spread BCG (21). In fact, BCG had never been cloned
around the world, Calmette and Guérin were and had been passaged under different condi-
the objects of considerable criticism and both tions, by different laboratories, ever since its
men came under great strain. In August 1930, original derivation in the 1920s. It was recog-
at the Oslo meeting of the International Union nized that strains produced by different manu-
against Tuberculosis, Calmette defended him- facturers differed in microbiological properties

Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013 55


(22) and hence it was not unreasonable to sug- BCG VACCINES today
gest that these might be reflected in differences
There are several BCG vaccines in use to-
in immunogenicity (23). An alternative hypoth-
day. The major producers for the international
esis grew up around the USPHS trials, which
market are Pasteur-Merieux-Connaught, the
noted that the poor results were observed in
Danish Statens Serum Institute, Evans Medeva
Alabama, Georgia, and Puerto Rico, in popula-
(which has taken over the old Glaxo vaccine),
tions known to be exposed to many different
and the Japan BCG Laboratory in Tokyo. Each
“environmental” mycobacteria. It was thus
of these BCG vaccines is produced in a differ-
proposed, originally by Palmer and colleagues,
ent manner, and they are recognized to differ
that exposure to various environmental myco-
in various qualities, such as the proportion of
bacteria could itself provide some protection
viable cells per dose (22). BCG strains derived
against tuberculosis and affect the immune sys-
from the original Paris strain after 1925 (e.g.,
tem in various ways and that BCG could not
the current Pasteur, Copenhagen, Glaxo-Evans
improve greatly upon that background (24).
strains) lack a region of the genome known as
In an effort to decide between these views,
the RD-2, which is still present in strains de-
a large trial was organized in the Chingleput
rived earlier than that date [represented by the
area of South India, starting in 1968, with as-
current Brazilian (Moreau), Japanese and Rus-
sistance of the Indian Council of Medical Re-
sian strains] (28,29).
search, the WHO, and the U.S. Public Health
Phenotypic differences between these BCG
Service (25). The plan was to compare two dif-
vaccine strains were first recognized in the
ferent BCG strains (Paris/Pasteur versus Dan-
1920s and, more recently, molecular studies
ish), each in two doses, in an area known to
have defined their genomic differences. Al-
have a very high prevalence of environmental
though several animal and human studies sug-
mycobacterial exposure. A companion trial
gest that the particular BCG vaccine strain used
was to planned to be set up in an area in north-
for immunization influences the mycobacteri-
ern India with little exposure to environmental
al-specific immune response, there is currently
mycobacteria, but unfortunately, due in part to
insufficient data to favor or recommend one
political unrest, this was never initiated. The re-
BCG vaccine strain.
sults of the Chingleput trial were made public
However, the majority of the world’s popu-
in 1979, and they revealed that neither vaccine
lation is supplied with BCG vaccine procured
imparted any protection against pulmonary tu-
by UNICEF (The United Nations Children’s
berculosis (25). The detailed results of this trial
Fund) on behalf of the Global Alliance for Vac-
are strange in several ways. The risk of disease
cines and Immunization. UNICEF uses only
among individuals considered tuberculin “neg-
four BCG vaccine suppliers who produce only
ative” at the start was far lower than predicted
three different BCG vaccine strains: BCG-Den-
at the outset, and it appeared that there were
mark produced by the Statens Serum Institute
actually more cases among the vaccines than
in Denmark, BCG-Russia (genetically identical
among the controls in the interval shortly after
to BCG-Bulgaria) produced by Bulbio (BB-
vaccination (though the statistical significance
NCIPD) in Bulgaria and by the Serum Institute
of this observation is questionable). Though
in India, and BCG-Japan produced by the Ja-
two WHO-organized workshops reviewed the
pan BCG Laboratory.
trial and concluded that the results could not
In humans, there have been three studies
be attributed to methodological error (26), a
investigating protective efficacy induced by dif-
fully detailed presentation of the results of this
ferent BCG vaccine strains (insert ref). In two
massive trial has never appeared, and without
studies (with between 4- and 50-yr follow-up),
detailed data it is difficult to understand exactly
BCG Pasteur was associated with statistically
what happened. The surprising results of the
significantly better protective efficacy than
Chingleput trial led to a series of observational
BCG-Phipps or BCG-Glaxo (30). In the third
studies aimed at evaluating BCG use in differ-
study (with 15-yr follow-up), BCG-Denmark
ent populations of the world (27). Although
had a greater protective efficacy than BCG-
most studies showed some degree of protec-
Pasteur (25 and 17%, respectively) (31).
tion, the overall impression is one of great vari-
These studies give only limited information
ation, for which there is as yet no universally
about protective efficacy afforded by the BCG
agreed-upon explanation.

56 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013


vaccine strains currently most commonly used tions for global antituberculosis immunization
because BCG-Phipps and BCG-Glaxo are no policies and future tuberculosis vaccine trials.
longer in use and BCG-Pasteur is used in very 
few countries identifying the optimal BCG vac-
cine strain has major implications. CONCLUSIONS
First, given the large population of infants
receiving BCG vaccine each year, even a small
increment in protective immunity resulting A lthough the efficacy of the BCG vaccine
continues to be controversial, live attenu-
ated BCG is still the only vaccine in use for the
from the use of a particular BCG strain would
translate into improved protection against TB prevention of TB in humans. It is effective
for a large number of children. Second, a range against the severe forms of TB and its use pre-
of new TB vaccines are under development, vents a large number of deaths that would oth-
including vaccines designed to replace BCG erwise be caused by TB every year. The choice
and vaccines designed to boost BCG (5). The of the BCG strain to be used for vaccination
most advanced are subunit or live vector-based remains an important issue. Currently, it is dif-
booster vaccines designed for use after admin- ficult to determine which strain should be used
istration of a priming dose of a current BCG and further detailed analysis of the genomics
vaccine. It therefore remains important to de- and immunogenicity of BCG sub-strains may
termine which BCG vaccine strain induces the provide an answer to this important question.
best primary immune response against TB for The World Health Organization and the Inter-
subsequent boosting. national Union against Tuberculosis and Lung
One of the recent studies of N.Ritz and co. Disease could identify the BCG sub-strains that
(32) concluded that there are significant differ- provide the best protection and recommend
ences in the immune response induced by dif- them for future vaccination.
ferent BCG vaccine strains in newborn infants.
Immunization with BCG-Denmark or BCG-Ja- Conflict of interest: none declared.
pan induced higher frequencies of mycobacte- Financial support: none declared.
rial-specific polyfunctional and cytotoxic T cells Acknowledgements: the authors would like
and higher concentrations of Th1 cytokines to thank Matthias I.P. Gröschel, Medical Center
than immunization with BCG - Rusia. These Groningen, Netherlands for the revision of this
findings have potentially important implica- paper.

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