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ANAESTHESIA tH Te Operon Frew Geeee @ vein ee An Aesthuis (iter feasabte @ Armacstuesia Avpers fo the Pryach'ce Practice of adomimistosiog mmeAtcations ette bq en) Tnjetion Tnbhalation ds Prat, * Block He Feeling of reas BH elmer v That," Parduce a DEEP SurBow State Of Onennicinuswess v While Vota >» Atrows Gace) procedustaney Sraaes oF Aer Cavever?s eRe) one _ dishes (e506 Sd Jo disttomapare @B Stane T ates) 9 ( Topical appticetion gene that Block thre Tormiimission + Gemurshion . OF Neture Tinputres 2. LA % He rewersteee Loss of Sensation in the Hosme 3, Seme of tre LA —> ¢. Ltq-No- Caine ti. Bu -PL-VvA-caine tu. LEvo- uv -P1-VA-CAINE te. PRI-Lo-caine Ragional ita t+ Ctaemnbietty , Local anauttuta But, Coves a Large orca . 4. Stb-cuteucous Hsu or Larger Poripiunel Wewes | 2. Jt irwetves Cental Neuro-Axtaf Por-peae ewe or plexud blocks, 3. RA aims ae SI the iny toherras, LA ates at > SEY rote, Tyree of Local Anassthecin © Toph eel Ira -eroud aes Hecia He Yee O [Rene Bisex oe ee 1. Bae 4 L. By Dpeon Cote bo tie appropriate Teunic + Mucous fo price — Loss oF Sewsarion periphusalty | Ps 24 Tnker~Scalome Block > for Snort, agony EMER Locaf « Axicary BRACHIAL sed foe o£ (ile man ihe) * EIR 7 raed xt faa Gr Opp Limb Surgery it ® Femornd & Sctakic + PRI-Lo-CAINE > used for Lower Linde ra aes aL ike te SPINAL ANaesTHesia pd irony duno LE Tavelnes Omandtatic injection TIN TuBATION Imlo — Sue-ARACHNOID Space w Cocaine i LA i injected Mm Hue Lumber Legion: 4 EPI-DUKAL a Presta of Subarachnoid i. CA bs injected th Hoe x. Aim - Ts & Biock. the Transmission EPI-DuRAL s, oO FFERENT Ywrwes hecepfors Bf Pie fom perp stkes Bony SPINAL CANAL lonbetvtng Fat Connective hissne ADVANTAGES ; ons — “DISADVANTAGES i lA open co 4 = Patient |. Semel abitnnt A Dining LA - Patent a | wat, Pi ae a . Lak maining hic eum a e oe ene es » Sonne blocks staple up > 30 min. 3. Aspration of Crashic Contents fo be Falty efechive t's Un btaty 3: Avolgesia mag Now shone 4. Suagicel Shras Roduod fabiowk mag Angie ge 5. Earlier Discharge for Outpahenr 6. Smooth Recovery « SE Dissoeiter Anaesthesia hy OB Os Vrrteyoe avataticsia Aust s Sel Chanrackntces! by Asa Contin 2. Paki tan Lwallow bas doesn’t process info. Chun’ tae eyes 3. Use fow — + Super ftetof Operrtive ; Diagnose pia eae (4, KETA-MINE % the Most commcnly Mae agent Sacro- Leiac jotmt PAIN & DYSFUNCTION 1. SIT & He Counce of face tn I5i- BBY. of cates 2, Alo include Pelote Grisdde Pern 3. SIT pain Com Refer bo > Buttock + Abolowun + Tiheac Cvesr —» hey tH. Pogshoe mee teal digs fonetn OF Pada fiom + Lumbar fake-uentebredl discs 5 Facet joint 5. Comment Lolvopatnte 6. Mechaniim of . + Prequon| » Hord Braking + Tramsvan fore Pebuts or MVA Diagrosts 1. SIT Provocation test, 7. Sacred Huet a. reson UW, Dis trachion iv Thigh Thue PAG e v. Grae -n—san’s best an High Speeifie' hy © sensitiv a. Powive joiner yds oP (Liu Pp mamagonet for SIT pain |. Adds entire Abdowino —Liwubo - SAao — pelvic - hip Complex Ds fhy exnuses toblbtly See fate — Cx00k Lying with a Stick pssition : iy phcalbelow ut Knee of Aue Log & at tre upper thigh of Patient is ale as push down the OLof fox — losec- i x Rops- 5 Tastruction fo pie i + Press the ball rile Hip brdging with ball pret lies the pela re Rirsisten cae » YS eee ee a + Open up He Kuces. M Mosiuity_ exercise awl ot tb placed on Une ie) ae Towel ole SIT MwM i“ == Lv forint knees fex Rurtlewer Loup

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