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Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Decision Support

in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review
Ela Marie Z. Akay *; Adam Hilbert , MSc*; Benjamin G. Carlisle , PhD; Vince I. Madai , MD, PhD; Matthias A. Mutke , MD;
Dietmar Frey , MD, JD

BACKGROUND: Established randomized trial-based parameters for acute ischemic stroke group patients into generic treatment
groups, leading to attempts using various artificial intelligence (AI) methods to directly correlate patient characteristics to
outcomes and thereby provide decision support to stroke clinicians. We review AI-based clinical decision support systems in
the development stage, specifically regarding methodological robustness and constraints for clinical implementation.

METHODS: Our systematic review included full-text English language publications proposing a clinical decision support system
using AI techniques for direct decision support in acute ischemic stroke cases in adult patients. We (1) describe data
and outcomes used in those systems, (2) estimate the systems’ benefits compared with traditional stroke diagnosis and
treatment, and (3) reported concordance with reporting standards for AI in healthcare.

RESULTS: One hundred twenty-one studies met our inclusion criteria. Sixty-five were included for full extraction. In our sample,
utilized data sources, methods, and reporting practices were highly heterogeneous.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest significant validity threats, dissonance in reporting practices, and challenges to clinical
translation. We outline practical recommendations for the successful implementation of AI research in acute ischemic stroke
treatment and diagnosis.
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Key Words: artificial intelligence ◼ decision support ◼ humans ◼ intelligence ◼ ischemic stroke

schemic stroke is a leading cause of death and disability See related article, p 1517
worldwide and, without effective diagnostic and treat-
ment strategies, its burden is expected to increase.1 In
large prospective randomized trials, time from symptom AI can use complex algorithms to provide decision aids
onset and a so-called imaging mismatch on perfusion offering information and guidance to physicians extend-
imaging have emerged as established parameters for ing beyond the traditional scoring systems.3 AI-based
treatment decisions in acute ischemic stroke. However, clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) have already
those parameters apply thresholds that are population- been developed for the diagnosis of ischemic stroke and
based and not individualized.2 The rise of artificial intel- are commercially available. Most of them aim to automate
ligence (AI) methods and their application in other areas subtasks such as the calculation of the Alberta Stroke
of medicine has inspired an attempt to use intelligent, Program Early Computer Tomography (CT) Score4,5 or
individualized, data-driven decision aids to improve this the identification of ischemic lesion biomarkers (eg, per-
aspect of stroke diagnosis and treatment. fusion maps) on imaging.6,7 However, AI-based solutions

Correspondence to:Ela Marie Zahide Akay, Charité Lab for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CLAIM), Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany.
*E.M.Z. Akay and A. Hilbert contributed equally.
Preprint posted on Research Square June 3, 2022. doi:
Supplemental Material is available at
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 1514
© 2023 The Authors. Stroke is published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This is an open access article under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
Stroke is available at

Stroke. 2023;54:1505–1516. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041442 June 2023   1505

Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke

Outcome Measures

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms The primary aim of this study was to generate an overview of
different decision support methods using AI for acute isch-

AI artificial intelligence emic stroke focusing on associations to outcome measures.

CDSS clinical decision support system Our secondary goals were to estimate the benefit of AI use
CT computer tomography in stroke care in comparison to conventional decision-making,
assess which patients might profit most from AI-based deci-
Minimum Information for Medical AI
sion-making, and assess the potential for integration into the
clinical workflow and the current methodological quality among
different approaches.

are not yet in use for direct decision support such as

Literature Search, Inclusion Criteria
treatment stratification or outcome prediction. This
Trials were captured by searching Embase, Medline, ArXiv,
review focuses on research regarding AI-based CDSSs BiorXiv, MedrXiv, and on May 17 and 19, 2021
directly associating patient characteristics with clinical for trials using the terms “stroke” and variations and combined
outcomes as their development is a novel and promising results with artificial intelligence and similar terms (full search
research field in acute ischemic stroke and could offer strategy available in Table S1).
great potential for both patients and clinicians.3 Because Publications were screened by E.M.Z.A., A.H., and B.G.C.
of this, we do not discuss common AI-enabled conven- for the following inclusion criteria: full-text publication, English
tional medical tools such as e-ASPECTS.4 language, human research subjects, using an AI method, adult
Figure 1 shows the steps in developing a CDSS. In patients with a confirmed diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke,
the development stage, an initial hypothesis is tested developing a method to be used in decision support in the acute
using retrospective analysis of data. This can be achieved setting. We included only articles using an AI-based CDSS cor-
relating patient characteristics to clinical outcomes. Therefore,
using conventional methods such as scoring or mismatch
automated stroke scoring and stroke segmentation methods
detection by human or AI. However, AI models can also were excluded from this review.
be used to provide high-dimensional data analysis to find
complex associations between variables as well as corre-
late patient characteristics with clinical outcomes, thereby Extraction
going beyond conventional clinical methods. Promising We devised an extraction template (see Supplemental Material)
that captured variables in the following domains: AI tech-
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models are then prospectively validated similarly to exist-

nique, patient characteristics, dataset specifications, validation
ing biomarkers. In this review, we aim to provide an over-
method, outcome end point, results, clinical comparator. Criteria
view of AI-based CDSSs in the developmental stage to for extraction were prespecified in a codebook, and coders
determine which AI use cases, models, and paradigms underwent training before data collection. We performed data
hold the potential to be turned into clinical tools. Fur- extraction with Numbat Systematic Review Manager v. 2.13
thermore, we aim at identifying problems in the current (RRID:SCR_019207). Data from each article was extracted
research landscape and providing recommendations for by 2 researchers (E.M.Z.A. and A.H.) working independently.
future research. In case of disagreements, the article was discussed with all
Although existing reviews on AI-based solutions in 3 investigators (E.M.Z.A., A.H., and B.G.C.) until a unanimous
ischemic stroke are limited to certain data modalities,8,9 agreement was achieved.
target only diagnosis and specific cases of stroke,10,11
or focus solely on interventions,12 this systematic review Reporting Guidelines
analyzed the wide range of AI models proposed for As a post hoc analysis, we also report each trial’s concor-
stroke diagnosis and treatment decision support, with- dance with the Minimum Information for Medical AI Reporting
out restrictions to populations, interventions or data (MINIMAR) checklist.13 MINIMAR was designed to standardize
modalities. We hypothesize that there will be a wide vari- reporting on AI in medicine. The full list of criteria can be found
ety of methods using AI with little standardization and in Table 1. We specified criteria to clarify their representation
that the overall methodological robustness of method in our data. Criteria concerning the sourcing, preparation, and
availability of data as well as external validation, target user, and
validation is still to be improved upon to be viable in clini-
the distinction between race and ethnicity were deemed out of
cal practice. scope for this review. Cohort selection was defined as “patient
subgroups” as reported by the authors of a study. Data splitting
was defined as train/test splitting of the dataset and “internal
METHODS validation” was defined as the validation method. Gold standard
This systematic review was preregistered on the Open Science was defined as “clinical comparator,” meaning a method used
Framework. All data from this study is available on the Open for the same classification task in a clinical setting, for example,
Science Framework page. For details see a clinical score or a human rating. Model task was defined as
x5mb3/. Institutional approval or informed consent was not decision support pertaining to the present (classification) or the
required. future (prediction).

1506   June 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:1505–1516. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041442

Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke


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Figure 1. Overview of steps in developing a clinical decision support system (CDSS).

ASPECTS indicates Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score.

there was moderate to low adherence to the included

RESULTS guidelines.
A total of 121 studies met our inclusion criteria. Among
these, 65 were included for full extraction whereas 20
studies were identified as proposing a method for auto- Patient Cohorts
mated stroke scoring, and 36 for stroke lesion segmenta- All extracted studies provided information on the patient
tion in imaging. An overview of the articles proposing a population used. The median sample size in our sample
lesion segmentation method can be found in the Supple- was 220 patients, with a range from 4 patients whose
mental Material. Of the 20 articles on automated stroke imaging was processed voxel-wise35 to 2604 patients.14
scoring, 18 were automated calculations of the Alberta 50 (77%) of the studies specified stroke subgroups
Stroke Program Early CT Score, and 2 reported methods (Table 2). The most common groups specified were
for automated collateral score calculation. Figure 2 shows treatment groups including 20 (31%) with mechanical
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews thrombectomy and 9 (14%) with tissue-type plasmino-
and Meta-Analysis flowchart. Table 2 shows an overview gen activator. Nineteen (29%) of the studies included
of all included studies and their results. The full table with only patients with anterior circulation stroke (anterior and
all extracted information can be found in Table S2. middle cerebral artery) and 7 (11%) with strokes within
the territory of the middle cerebral artery only.
We also extracted the demographic data reported.
Reporting Guidelines Eight studies (12%) reported no demographic data. Most
A summary of the number of studies meeting specific studies included information on age (54/65, 83%) and
MINIMAR criteria can be found in Table 1. In general, sex (52/65, 80%). Race was reported by 2 (3%) out

Stroke. 2023;54:1505–1516. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041442 June 2023   1507

Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke

Table 1.  MINIMAR Criteria and Number of Studies That technique whereas others relied on a high volume of

Meet Them clinical data points. The highest number of features was
Criterion Specification Studies meeting criterion used by Kappelhof et al23 with 63 clinical features in

Study population and setting combination with CT imaging. The most common clinical
 Population No. of patients 65/65 100% features used were Age (32/65, 49%), National Insti-
 Study setting Out-of-scope … …
tutes of Health Stroke Scale score (31/65, 48%), and
Sex (23/65, 35%). Two articles (3%) gave no further
 Data source Out-of-scope … …
specification of what patient characteristics were used
 Cohort selection Stroke subgroups 50/65 77%
for the model.
Patient demographic 57/65 88%
 Age, y 54/65 83% Model Technique
 Sex 52/65 80%
The reported target outcome end point for prediction can
 Race 2/65 3% be seen in Figure 3. Almost a third of the articles (21/65,
 Ethnicity Out-of-scope … … 32%) proposed methods for the dichotomized predic-
 Socioeconomic 0/65 … tion of the modified Rankin Scale score at 90 days after
status stroke. Final infarct prediction (17/65, 26%) and infarct
Model architecture core mapping (8/65, 12%) were the second most com-
 Model output 65/65 100% mon prediction tasks. Successful treatment by mechani-
 Target user Out-of-scope … … cal thrombectomy or thrombolysis was predicted by 2
 Data splitting 38/65 58% studies (3%) each. A clinical comparator was reported in
 Gold standard Clinical compara- 24/65 37% 24 studies (37%) of which 20 were automated compara-
tor tors and 4 compared the proposed method to a human
 Model task Classification/pre- --- … reading of the data. Most common techniques were con-
diction (future or volutional neural networks (17/65, 26%) and Random
present decision
Forest algorithms (11/65, 17%). Data splitting into a
training set for initial model fitting and a test set for inde-
 Model architecture 64/65 98%
pendent evaluation was reported for slightly more than
 Features 65/65 100%
half of the studies extracted (38/65, 58%).
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 Missingness Out-of-scope … …
Model evaluation
 Optimization 17/65 26% Optimization, Validation, and Outcome
 Internal model valida- Validation method 61/65 94% Measures
We found considerable variance and a lack of reporting
 External model Out-of-scope … …
of standard machine learning methods. Internal model
validation was reported by 61 (94%) articles. The most
 Transparency (data Out-of-scope … …
availability) used performance measurement was the area under the
MINIMAR indicates Minimum Information for Medical Artificial Intelligence
curve, used in 54 (83%) of our samples. A clinical com-
Reporting. parator as a gold standard was reported by 24 (37%)
articles. The comparator was outperformed by the model
of 65 studies whereas socioeconomic status was not in 18 of 24 cases (75%), 2 of 24 (8%) reported a worse
reported by any studies. performance by the model, and in 4 of 24 (17%) a direct
comparison was not obviously determinable. Individual
results for each study as an overview can be found in
Data Used in AI Models Table 2 and Table S2. For details concerning optimization,
For the extraction of the data used as features for the AI validation, and outcome measures, see the Supplemental
model, we differentiated between magnetic resonance Material.
imaging, CT, other imaging, and clinical data. Twenty-
three (35%) of 65 studies used both image information
and clinical data for their proposed method. Raw imag- DISCUSSION
ing data was used by 22 (34%) studies for magnetic This systematic review gives an overview of the CDSSs
resonance imaging and 10 (15%) for CT, whereas 10 for acute ischemic stroke using AI technology. Our
(15%) studies relied only on clinical data. The clinical search revealed a high level of diversity in use cases,
data used varied greatly within the dataset of extracted methodologies, patient subgroups, and input data rep-
studies. Some used few clinical features with an imaging resenting the potentially wide-reaching benefits of AI in

1508   June 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:1505–1516. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041442

Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke


Figure 2. Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analysis flowchart.
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stroke diagnosis and treatment. We examined AI-based among different models, standardized reporting is
CDSS directly correlating patient characteristics to out- necessary.
comes, thereby going beyond the use of AI for improv- First, we saw limited reporting on the measures taken
ing conventional solutions such as automated Alberta by the authors to guarantee the technical robustness
Stroke Program Early CT Score scoring or extraction of a model. This is usually achieved by simulating real-
of perfusion maps. Although the studies included in world scenarios of varying quality, distribution, and noise
this review are focused on models in the early stages in datasets. The most important step in this process is to
of development, the performances achieved by these split the available data into different subsets: A training
approaches are promising and anticipate the success set is used to fit the parameters of the model to the task
of their future use in the clinical workflow. However, at hand. The validation set is used for model selection and
to be translated into practical clinical tools, transpar- optimization whereas the test set is held out throughout
ent, responsible, and validated research is essential. the model optimization process and only used to evalu-
This review revealed several pitfalls in the methodologi- ate the optimized model’s performance. Almost half of
cal robustness of AI development for acute ischemic the reviewed articles did not describe the use of an
stroke. In the following, we will describe these pitfalls additional test set, thus presumably reporting validation
and offer recommendations to researchers and other performances. Validation results are naturally overfitted
stakeholders involved in the translation of AI into clini- and often skewed to the given parameter combination
cal practice. and optimization process. This means that even though
these parameters deliver the best model, performance
measured on the validation set does not necessarily
Validity Threats reflect performance in a real-world setting. Additionally,
In the first step towards clinical translation, AI models these datasets need to be strictly separated from each
should be assessed by their performance metrics and other, meaning that even if the use of a test set was
the methodological robustness of their development. reported, there is a risk of data leakage between datas-
To allow such an assessment as well as a comparison ets, further limiting the validity of a given approach.79 This

Stroke. 2023;54:1505–1516. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041442 June 2023   1509

Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke

Table 2.  Overview of Studies


References Outcome end point Patient subgroup Clinical Imaging splitting AUC Dice

90-d mRS
 Heo et al14 90-d mRS No recanalization 38 × × 0.888 ×
therapy (ns)
 Seiffge et al15 90-d mRS tPA 5 × ✓ 0.786 ×
 Monteiro et al 16
90-d mRS tPA 49 x × 0.808 ×
 Chung et al17 90-d mRS, Successful Elderly, <3 h 9 × × 0.974 ×
 Alaka et al18 90-d mRS ns 14 × ✓ 0.71 ×
 Zihni et al19 90-d mRS Supratentorial 7 × ✓ 0.83 ×
 Hilbert et al20 90-d mRS, successful Thrombectomy × CT × mTICI, 0.65; mRS, ×
recanalization 0.71
 Nishi et al21 90-d mRS Thrombectomy, anterior × MRI ✓ 0.73 ×
 Heo et al22 90-d mRS First time × MRI ✓ 0.805 ×
 Kappelhof et al23 90-d mRS, mRS after Thrombectomy 63 CT × × ×
 van Os et al24 90-d mRS, successful Thrombectomy, anterior 27 CT ✓ mTICI, 0.55; mRS, ×
recanalization 0.79
 Xie et al25 90-d mRS Anterior 3 CT × 0.748 ×
 Alawieh et al26 90-d mRS Thrombectomy, elderly 9 CT ✓ × ×
 Bacchi et al27 90-d mRS, NIHSS, 24 h ns ns CT ✓ mRS, 0.75; NIHSS, mRS, 0.69;
0.70 NIHSS, 0.74
 Brugnara et al28 90-d mRS Thrombectomy, anterior 13 CT × 0.747 ×
 Ramos et al29 90-d mRS Thrombectomy, anterior 32 CT ✓ 0.81 ×
 Nishi et al 30
90-d mRS Thrombectomy, anterior 15 CT ✓ 0.90 ×
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 Chung et al31 90-d mRS, ≥8 point tPA, age 18–80; 10 MRI/CT ✓ × ×

NIHSS improvement at NIHSS, 4–25
24 h
 Matsumoto et al32 90-d mRS, in-hospital ns 49 MRI/CT ✓ mRS, 0.92; Mort, 0.84 ×
 Hamann et al33 90-d mRS MCA, thrombectomy, 12 MRI ✓ 0.684 ×
M1, <6 h
 Jiang et al34 90-d mRS Anterior 3 CT × 0.80 ×
Final infarct prediction
 Giacalone et al35 Final infarct Anterior × MRI × × ×
 Bagher-Ebadian Final infarct ns × MRI × 0.89 ×
et al36
 McKinley et al37 Final infarct with or without MCA × MRI ✓ Positive, 0.94; nega- ×
reperfusion tive, 0.96
 Livne et al38 Final infarct ns × MRI × 0.92 ×
 Nielsen et al39 Final infarct tPA × MRI ✓ 0.88 ×
 Lucas et al 40
Final infarct Thrombectomy × CT ✓ × 0.43
 Tozlu et al41 Final infarct Anterior, <6/12 h, tPA/ × MRI ✓ 0.88 0.28
conservative treatment
 Ho42 Final infarct MCA × MRI × 0.871 0.347
 Qiu et al 43
Final infarct ns × CT ✓ × 0.447
 Yu et al44 Final infarct Thrombectomy, anterior × MRI ✓ 0.92 0.53
 Grosser et al45 Final infarct First time, anterior, × MRI × 0.893 0.387
NIHSS >4, <12 h
 Kim et al46 Final infarct with and MCA, thrombectomy × MRI ✓ × 0.49
without recanalization
 Grosser et al47 Final infarct Anterior, <12 h × MRI × 0.872 0.348
(Continued )

1510   June 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:1505–1516. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041442

Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke

Table 2. Continued


References Outcome end point Patient subgroup Clinical Imaging splitting AUC Dice

 Pinto et al48 Final infarct Thrombectomy × MRI ✓ × 0.38
 Debs et al 49
Final infarct Thrombectomy × MRI × Reperf, 0.87; nonre- Reperf, 0.43;
perf, 0.81 nonreperf, 0.44
 Winder et al50 Final infarct Thrombectomy, tPA, 4 MRI × × 0.464
distal ICA/M1
 Robben et al51 Final infarct Thrombectomy, anterior, 1 CT × 0.54 (PR) 0.47
≤6 h
Infarct core mapping
 Sheth et al52 Infarct core, LVO Anterior × CT × 30 mL, 0.88; 50 mL, ×
0.90; LVO, 0.844
 Rava et al53 Infarct core Thrombectomy, success- × DSA ✓ 0.904 ×
ful recanalization
 Hakim et al54 Infarct core Thrombectomy, anterior × CT ✓ × 0.51
 Yu et al55 TaR, infarct core ns × MRI ✓ TaR, 0.92; core, 0.94 TaR, 0.60; core,
 Kasasbeh et al56 Infarct core Anterior, <8 h 4 CT ✓ 0.87 0.43
Intracranial hemorrhage
 Chung et al57 sICH, 90-d mortality tPA 5/6 × × siCH, 0.941; Mort, ×
 Wang et al58 sICH tPA 5 × ✓ 0.82 ×
 Yu et al59 sICH <6 h × MRI × 0.837 0.717
 Dharmasaroja and sICH tPA 27 CT ✓ 0.788 0.522
 Bentley et al61 sICH tPA 1 CT × 0.744 ×
 Smith et al62 LVO ns × Head- × 0.79 ×
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 Stib et al63 LVO ns × CT ✓ 0.89 ×
 Meijs et al 64
LVO Anterior × CT ✓ 0.98 ×
 You et al65 LVO ns ns CT ✓ 0.847 0.804
Onset time
 Ho et al66 Onset time MCA × MRI × 0.683 0.765
 Ho et al67 Onset time MCA × MRI ✓ 0.765 0.788
 Lee et al68 Onset time ns × MRI × 0.851 ×
 Zhang et al 69
Onset time ns × MRI ✓ 0.74 ×
 Ho et al70 Discharge mortality ns 6 × ✓ × 0.5
 Li et al71 Poststroke pneumonia ns 6 × ✓ 0.841 ×
 Li et al72
6-mo mRS ns 21 × ✓ 0.874 ×
 Qiu et al73 Successful thrombolysis tPA, ICA/M1 MCA × CT × 0.85 ×
 Wang et al74 Penumbral tissue Thrombectomy, anterior × MRI ✓ 0.959 0.47
 Hofmeister et al 75
First-time recanalization, Thrombectomy × CT ✓ 1st pass, 0.88 ×
number of passages
 Fu et al76 Edema MCA 3 CT × 0.96 0.91
 Sung et al 77
Worsening of NIHSS NIHSS≥3 17 MRI/CT × 0.934 0.8
within 3 d
 Velagapudi et al78 First-time recanalization Thrombectomy 20 MRI/CT ✓ 0.659 ×
AUC indicates area under the curve; CT, computer tomography; LVO, large vessel occlusion; MCA, middle cerebral artery occlusion; Mort, mortality; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; mRS, modified Rankin Scale score; mTICI, modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction score; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
score; PR, precision-recall; sICH, symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage; TaR, tissue at risk; and tPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator.

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Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke

Figure 3. Outcome end points across studies.

mRS, modified Rankin Scale score; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score; and tPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator.

implies that the majority of the AI models proposed for Although poor reporting standardization is one of the
stroke CDSSs to date would need additional, rigorous main factors limiting reproducibility, another is the lack
testing and external validation to assess applicability in of openly available datasets for researchers to use. The
clinical practice. Another important step towards model dependence of AI on sufficient labeled data to yield
robustness is the use of an efficient search mechanism models with proper generalization and reliable results
to find the best parameters across a well-defined param- has been discussed frequently.80 Due to data privacy
eter space. This process, called hyper-parameter tuning concerns, this is a challenge for all medical AI devel-
ensures that the model architecture is utilized to yield opment. On a positive note, the rise in use of exten-
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optimal performance. Although model architecture is sive data collected by national stroke registries holds
well-reported, only a quarter of the works provide detail great promise as these and other comprehensive data-
on hyper-parameter tuning practices. bases not only enable model development on more
Second, our analysis shows a systematically insuf- data points but also provide a close sample to general
ficient description of patient demographic information stroke populations.
beyond variables used by the developed model. Only a
marginal percentage of the studies report race or socio-
economic status. This represents a major risk of bias as Clinical Translation
it limits generalizability and at worst disadvantages cer- To fully exploit the potential impact of AI-based CDSSs,
tain demographic groups when applied in a real-world clinical feasibility must be prioritized, and efforts must
scenario. be aimed at solving challenges of the clinical workflow.
Beyond the MINIMAR criteria, we found a large This requires researchers to design practical models and
degree of heterogeneity in reporting practices in the clearly delineate the requirements and added value of a
reviewed articles, making comparison between study given model within the fast-paced clinical workflow. Tools
outcomes difficult. The most used performance mea- using data or variables that are not routinely acquired will
surement was the area under the curve and whereas it is impede efficiency as will models that rely on an extensive
a robust metric, reporting sensitivity, specificity, balanced set of clinical variables or imaging.
accuracy and a calibration metric (eg, Brier score) facili- To facilitate clinical translation the input values for
tates a more reliable interpretation. We saw minor align- an AI model need to be quickly available and routinely
ment across the reviewed studies with many of them acquired. However, our analysis showed that close to
failing to report metrics that allow for obvious interpreta- half of the articles involving clinical parameters employed
tion and comparison to other methods. more than 10 variables and almost a quarter of articles
Overall, the reporting standards among different using imaging relied on the acquisition of at least 3
articles do not allow for an effective assessment of the sequences. Even though major centers routinely image
proposed methods. This further impedes the develop- several sequences, for example, CT, CT angiography, and
ment of models that are reproducible as well as gen- CT perfusion, AI should prioritize data-efficient solutions
eralizable to datasets with different characteristics. to increase the accessibility and speed of the proposed

1512   June 2023 Stroke. 2023;54:1505–1516. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041442

Akay et al AI for Clinical Decision Support in Acute Stroke

models. Moreover, we saw that the lack of reporting stan- researchers and reviewers in the field use diagnosis


dards also leads to studies that do not clearly delineate and treatment guidelines provided by regional stroke
what input data is needed. This goes so far as some stud- organizations.

ies reporting the use of clinical data but not describing Third, we encourage funders to prioritize projects that
what clinical features were actually used by the model focus on decision support tools with a clear outline of fea-
(Table 2). sible integration into real-life clinical care, including angles
When discussing the added value of a CDSS within of trustworthiness, usability, technical robustness, and
the clinical workflow, our results suggest that the defini- data governance.83 Specific considerations of stroke care
tion of decision support in stroke literature is ambigu- such as acute, timely predictions, inclusion of neuroim-
ous. We identified 3 main categories: (1) models for aging, and an absolute user-centered approach to effec-
automatically extracting stroke scores, which were not tively unburden medical professionals should be taken
included in this review since they do not augment the into account and evaluated by a multidisciplinary team of
range of available information for decision-making; (2) AI scientists and engineers, clinicians, and ethicists.
models classifying patients for easier treatment selec- Finally, we would like to highlight the crucial role of
tion; and (3) models for predicting a future outcome. high-quality training and validation data. Here, policy-
Both the second and third categories can aid in patient makers have a key role to provide a path for research-
stratification by providing complementary informa- ers to obtain the necessary plurality of data and to meet
tion with regard to the likely benefit of treatment. Of the requirements of robust model development and
particular note is that only 6% of articles proposed a validation.
model directly predicting the success of mechanical
thrombectomy, even though improving the specificity of
patient stratification is one of the main aims of stroke Limitations
treatment research. Our study has several limitations. First, our study included
One of the unique benefits offered by AI solutions only published research articles, making it susceptible to
is the extraction of as-yet-unknown predictors of out- publication bias. Even though unpublished works might
comes from raw imaging. However, only 2 models used shed light on further, novel methods for supporting deci-
imaging for functional outcome prediction. Considering sions, practical implementation of AI algorithms in clinical
the predictive performance of clinical data and estab- settings must rely on rigorously peer-reviewed solutions.
lished biomarkers remain superior, the exploitation of AI- Hence, we do not see unpublished works having an
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driven image processing for outcome prognosis is rather influential effect on the state-of-the-art of AI in stroke
limited. decision support. Second, this study was descriptive in
nature, where we elaborated on trends and presented the
distribution of contributions in the field from some spe-
Implications and Recommendations cific angles. However, we did not formally test the trans-
First, we caution researchers to better adhere to best lated impact and did not carry out targeted quantitative
practices in model development such as data splitting analyses to corroborate our claims. Since the MINIMAR
and hyper-parameter tuning. Evaluation of model perfor- analysis was performed post hoc, some aspects of the
mance on hold-out test sets not involved in model train- checklist were not included in this review although they
ing, model selection, and hyper-parameter tuning should might be of interest to readers and researchers. All the
be warranted. Modern hyper-parameter tuning such as highlighted shortcomings and derived recommendations
Bayesian optimization, hyperband, or spectral analysis are based on theoretical interpretations and thus do not
approaches should be evaluated for the given use case81 reflect the actual impact of practical implementations.
and when applicable, favored over classical grid or ran-
dom search methods. Researchers should involve clinical
practitioners in the design process from the early stages Conclusions
of model development to ensure feasibility in daily clini- Although there have been great advances in grow-
cal practice. Researchers must also review, implement ing availability of research data to promote medical AI
and report on relevant trustworthy and reliability consid- development, the research on clinical decision-making in
erations such as technical robustness and transparency stroke is still limited. Within the existing literature, better
prescribed by, for example, the EU Ethics Guidelines for reporting of AI techniques applied to the context of acute
Trustworthy AI.82 ischemic stroke care is required and best practices of AI
Second, we call for journal editors and reviewers to model development should be adopted by researchers.
demand adherence to stricter reporting requirements, If correctly implemented, these approaches make use
for example, MINIMAR. Describing a targeted use case of individualized patient data while providing additional
and clinical decision to aid in publications of such work information to the physician could lead to better patient
is also of great importance. Here, we recommend that outcomes in acute ischemic stroke.

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