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Unit 3 Vocabulary Checkpoint

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Select an option
1) Buying a larger number of goods at a discount is more  than buying
single units. a- bespoke b-cost-effective c-upfront d-assertive

Select an option
2) Alice, who designs fashion accessories, has recently  into swimwear.
a- branched out b-signed up c-sprung up d-flown down

Select an option
3) Before engaging an electrician or a plumber, get three   for the job
you want done. a- ventures b-turnovers c-tradenames d-quotes

Select an option
4) Companies increase their   by manufacturing in countries where
labour costs are low. a- niche markets b-upfront investments c-profit margins d-bargain

Select an option
5) The online fashion company   new customers by offering free
delivery on all orders. a-knocked off b-built up c-broke into d-won over

Select an option
6) They decided against 'ShoesRUs' for the   of their new business
because it sounded cheap. a-venture b-tradename c-start-up d-e-commerce

Select an option
7) Last season's stock was being offered at   prices of up to 80% off. a-
niche market b-grossly overrated c-bargain basement d-bricks and mortar

Select an option
8) Two pairs of shoes for the price of one was an offer I didn't want to  .
a- pass up b-build up c-set up d-sign up

Select an option
9) She forgot to remove the price   on the T-shirt before she wore it for
the first time. a- quote b-gimmick c-margin d-tag

Select an option
10) It's impossible to   a customer base without any advertising or
marketing. a- build up b-click with c-brag about d-break into

11)When I saw the bag, I fell in love with it, I had to have it – it was purely
Select an option
a(n)   buy. a- bespoke b-luxury c-impulse d-upfront

Select an option
12) With an investment from his dad, Sam   the fitness equipment
business and made a fortune. a- set up b- sail through c-knocked off d-sprung up
The passive

Find and correct one mistake in each sentence.

1) The sales staff are going to give their annual bonus this week.

2) Discount coupons can only use in the store, not online.


3) The company's sales techniques have explained to him.


4) Your order is preparing and will be ready shortly.


5) Have been delayed in traffic, she was late for the meeting.

6) Shoppers who greeted with a smile, tended to spend more.

7) Anna is expecting to promote to the position of sales manager.

8) The gains of the previous year had cancelling out by a sharp drop in sales.

9) A boom in online shopping has resulted in more deliveries been made.


10) The seriousness of the fraud has to take into account by the court.
Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Colour in food marketing

Some time ago, it   (determine) that appetite 

 (could / affect) by colour.   (show) to increase appetite, the successful

application of colour   (use) in food marketing ever since. It's possible for

hunger   (trigger) by certain colours – red, yellow and orange. That's why these

colours   (always / choose) by fast food chains for their logos, interiors and

packaging. Yellow and orange make us feel hungry, while red   (associate) with
emotion and passion. Together, they produce an effect of uncontrollable, urgent hunger. The

opposite is true of blue, which makes us lose our appetite. Why? It  (believe)

that because there are very few blue foods in nature, our brains  (may not /

programme) to respond to blue foods. It  (should / note), however, that blue
drinks are popular, probably because they look refreshing, like the sea or a swimming pool.

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