Development Meme Review

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Your task is to use what we have learned about Human Development to create 10
memes representing different concepts that we have covered in this unit.

● 2 memes for Piaget's Cognitive Development (must be different stages)

● 1 memes for Kohlberg's Moral Development
● 4 memes for Erikson's Social Development (must be different stages)
● 2 memes for parenting styles (must be different styles)
● 1 'wildcard' meme, this can be for any vocab term or concept from this unit that
you have not already used.

You must include an explanation for each meme for which stage it works for and why it
matches that stage. Use the chart below to organize your work.

If you do not have a meme generator already on your phone, you may want to use the
website to create/save memes.

Remember - Meme’s must be school appropriate.

You must submit through canvas.

Explain below what stage the meme Insert Meme below

represents and why it represents that concept

This meme displays both the preoperational
and concrete operational stage. The meme in
the beginning a kid that hasn’t developed the
concrete stage which, in effect, can’t
understand hypotheticals. The end of the
meme displays a kid which has developed
the concrete stage and can understand
hypotheticals and chooses not to reply/
answer the question.
This meme just displays the concrete
operational stage. 7-11 y/o blend into the
phase between playing pretend and being in
the physical reality.
The meme displays both the conventional
level and and the preconventional level. The
6-7 y/o wants to be their own person, but
conventional level wants to be part of society
and pleasing society.

Generativity vs. Stagnation

People that choose stagnation build walls and

limit the group of people they hang with.
Intimacy vs. isolation

20-40 y/o struggling to choose between

limiting their friend group or meeting

Intimacy vs. isolation

Isolation limits the interactions of people you

don’t need/want in your life.
Initiative vs. guilt

3-5 y/o try new things but the guilt of leaving

their parents creep in.

Authoritarian parents keep their kids in strict
rules and regulations and won’t explain why
their right… they just are. :/
Authoritarian parents strictly punish their kids
for stepping outside of the parameters they

Freud related his theory of development to
sex calling it Psychiosexual Development.

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