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How I feel When someone asks {Qué tal? [keh tal] or {Cémo estas? [kohmoh esstass], it is useful to know a few phrases to describe how you are feeling, &£ 4 e an Estoy enfadada. Estoy triste. Estoy contenta, [esstoy enfahdahdah] [esstoy treesteh] [estoy kontentah] I'm angry. Pm sad. Pm happy, ff Estoy cansada, Tengo hambre. Tengo sed. [esstoy kansahdah] [tengoh ambreh] [tengoh seth) I'm tired. 'm hungry. I'm thirsty. In general, if you want to say how you are feeling, you can use Estoy... [estoy] I am... with an adjective, for example, enfermo [enfehrmo] meaning ill, aburrido [ahburreedoh] meaning bored, and so on, Some adjectives end in a if you are a girl and in o if you are a boy. For example, if you are a girl you will say that you are contenta or cansada, but f you are a boy you will say contento or cansado, ) Track 2 Use paper plates to draw faces showing different emotions. Your partner asks {Qué tal? and you show one of your “faces” and say how you are feeling. ‘Write underneath each image how that or Tengo... I you use Estoy, girl or o for a boy. Person is feeling using Estoy... Temember to use the adjective ending a for a ToC We all like to talk about the weather and these phrases will help you to answer the question: ;Qué tiempo hace? [ke tyempoh ahtheh] What's the weather like? i, ry | Ke }) Llueve. Hace sol. Hace viento. {yueveh) [ahthe sol] [ahthe byentoti] It’s raining. It’s sunny, It’s windy. ot Esta nublado. Hace calor, Hace frio. [essta nooblahdoh] fahthe kahlor] [ahthe freeoh] It’s cloudy. It’s hot. It’s cold. Look out of the window — how would you describe the weather today? Hoy... [oy] Today Now look up some countries in other parts of the world on the internet and describe the weather there. @ Trock 3 Use the outline map of Spain below to draw your own weather map using traditional weather symbols. Complete the sentences below the map with the appropriate weather phrases. Practise saying the weather report to a partner; maybe you could even record or film yourself saying it? En Madrid En Granada En Barcelona En i ee nities Clee BSR Taine nek meL Numbers to 100 After learning the numbers | to 20, it’s useful to learn the numbers after 20. 2.22 23, 24 veintiuno veintidés veintitrés _veinticuatro_veinticinco [beyntee conch] [beyntee doss] _[beyntee trehs] [beyntee kwarro] _[beyntee thinkoh] 26 27 28 29 30 veintiséis veintisiete veintiocho _veintinueve treinta [beyntee says] [beymtce see-ehtch] [beyntee ohchoh] (beyntee nweveh] _[treyntch] 31 40 50 60 70 treinta yuno _cuorenta cincuenta sesenta setenta [treyntah ee conch] [kwarehntah] _[theenkwentoh] _[sehsentoh] [sehtentah] 80 90 ochenta noventa [ohchentch] __[nohbentah] After thirty, all numbers are made up using the tens number (for example 40) followed by y (meaning and) and the unit number (for example |). So, 4I is cuarenta y uno, and 68 is sesenta y ocho. @) Track 4 Practise counting in tens, backwards and forwards, loudly and quietly, slowly and quickly. You could try saying your ten times table in Spanish, for example, cinco por diez, cincuenta. Did you know? In Spain people often say their telephone numbers in pairs or groups of three numbers, rather than singly ike we do, for example: the phone number 913456789 would be sold in Spanish as: 91-345-67-69 (ninety-one, three hundred ond forty-five, sixty-seven, eighty-nine). Like in the UK, the frst two or three digits of a landline number are called the pref and show where the person lives. For example, the prefix for Madrid is 91, and the prefix for Cadiz is 956, Work out the sums and write the answers in Spanish. Then colour in el robot using the colour key provided. 100, TR” 20 S 60 [oq © A© LEI a 10 ie) Etcatculo es igual a... (rns = add menos = take away) {equ wel color... diez més veinte verde sesenta menos cuarenta rojo treinta menos veinte naranja ‘cuarenta més cuarenta violeta setenta més treinta negro amarillo setenta menos veinte incuenta més diez cozul Juego: Sopa de letras Can you find some of the days of the week and the months in Spanish in the square opposite? lunes marzo octubre viernes enero mayo martes domingo ° c rT u B R E P K olzizizi/lz julio jueves Fizlolol|olo|z;>|/z/a alc]o|}z}>]/>|NJolmie zl>|vl/>je;mi/ziel[rir w|z|>)|x|< Why not make up your own Sopa de letras using some of the Spanish words for months or days of the week?

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