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Website Guide
The site:
Science classroom at a public high school

Clickable link:
● Active site:
● Editable site: log-in information:

The client:
Mr. Gary Meyers is a high school science teacher. He works at Barton High School. The school
is located in Barton, which is in the extremely rural delta area of Arkansas. It has about 300
students, of which about 100 take Mr. Meyers biology, environmental science, and anatomy
classes each year.

This website is to be a place to house Mr. Meyers presentations and assignments. It will be an
extra layer for students who are absent or if the school ends up having to go virtual again. If Mr.
Meyers ever decides to change schools it will also be a place to showcase his teaching talents.
Students and their parents will need to be able to access presentations (PowerPoints), watch
videos, download assignments, and be able to contact Mr. Meyers.

Students will need the ability to download presentations, worksheets and other materials,
access video and other resources

Target Audience:
14-18 year old students of Barton High School, equal amount of boys and girls, 59% white, 39%
black, 1% Hispanic, 1% Asian

Student A: Likes: watching videos, social media

Dislikes: sitting in class listening to lectures
Reason for coming to website: missed a day of class and needs to
access the video and worksheet she

Student B: Likes: sports, plays football and baseball

Dislikes: math
Reason for coming to website: needs to access primary source
documents for a research paper
SEO Keywords and reasoning:
Barton - Name of the school the website is for
Meyers - Last name of the teacher website is for
Biology - One of the subjects on the website
Environmental - One of the subjects on the website
Science - Content area of the website
Anatomy - One of the subjects on the website
AP - One of the subjects on the website
high school - Type of school the website is for
Lab - Something done in a science class
Presentations - Something done in a science class
Projects - Something done in a science class
Arkansas - State the school is in

The Competition:

Good examples - Each class has a separate page linked on a home page.
Within each class page are links to each unit. There is a weekly agenda. Buttons are utilized
for links. Format is easy to follow and there is enough differentiation between topics to make it
organized. - This is a teachers site within a

schools site. It has a homepage with links to each class. Each class has links for each unit.
The unit pages are very simple and clean. Assignments are easy to find. - This site is very

clean and organized. Each unit has its own page. The colors are a little hard to read. There is
no need to download each document to preview it, which saves memory on the viewers
computer. - This is an older website that has not been

maintained, so there are lots of broken links. It does have separate pages for announcements,
calendar, and each unit. You do not have to download assignments to see what it is. Each link
is described with what type of assignment it is: notes, activity, lab, etc. Standards for each unit
are given as well. This means that even if students missed class, they know what they are
supposed to be learning. - Intro page is very simple and to the point. There is a drop down
menu for each class, with pages for each unit. Each unit page is broken down with noticeable
headers for labs, presentations, etc. You do not need to download the file to see what it is.
Each file has a decent description of what it is..

Bad examples
3 - There is no intro page so students are just sent to a class
page - possibly not for their class. There is a lot of information that is not well organized. There
is no real differentiation between units or type of work. Not all of the links work, and not all of the
urls are linked. This site requires knowing exactly what you want to download because there is
no preview and little description of what each thing is. There is very little direction given on the website. If I

was a student and had been absent I would not know what to do with most of the units. Each
section is differentiated from the others which makes it easy to follow the course. Resources are
just links. It would be better if there was a description of each resource. - This is a teachers’ site housed

on a school website. There is just a wall of buttons and links with no descriptions of what each
might contain. The website is supposed to be for an environmental science class, but there is a
whole section that is for an anatomy class. It isn’t marked as anatomy and there is not any
distinction between it and the environmental science resources. - This one does have a good introduction page, but the actual class
page is done backwards. It is separated by quarters and starts with the 4th quarter. You have
to download a file in order to see what it is as the descriptions are vague. There is a lot of
information to scroll through if you are looking for something. Many of the links are broken. - Introduction page is super busy and full of information.

This makes it easy to miss important information. It is not clear where to click to get the
assignments. Assignments are broken down by labs, notes, etc but you do have to download
the assignment to see what it is. It is not user friendly.

After reviewing the websites it is clear that there are some basic things that make a class
website work well. There needs to be a separate page for each class and housed on that page
there needs to be links to separate pages for each unit. That will keep students from getting
information overload. Having a weekly agenda is also a nice feature. It would allow students to
see what exactly they missed. Placing standards and objectives on the website would help
make sure that all students know what they are supposed to be learning. The biggest take
away from looking into these websites is that organization and simplicity is key.

Style Guide:

Logo: Barton Bears

Header Area
Headline: Playfair Display size 90
Subheadline: Lora size 15
Navigation Menu: Unite size 15
Paragraph titles: Crimson Text size 31
Paragraph text: Quattrocentro size 18
Buttons: Unite

Colors: Primary: Hex: #800020

Hex: #ffffff
Secondary: Hex: #d3d3d3
Hex: #000000

The Weebly website builder will be used to create this website. A template was chosen (Wag
and Paws Unite 2) as that had the general look you were wanting. All spacing is set by the
template. It will be set to dark mode as that gives the best contrast with the school's colors.

To Do Before School Starts

● Once you have your class schedule for the year, add it to your homepage
● Once you know what classroom you will be in add the room and phone number to your
contact me page
● Update the syllabus on each of the class pages (Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology,
Environmental Science, A&P)
● List your class rules for the year on your homepage
● Add your updated grading policy to the homepage

To Do After School Starts

● Upload PowerPoints, worksheets, quizzes, test, webquest, Edpuzzles, etc each week to
the class webpages under the correct units (Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology,
Environmental Science, A&P)
● Update the date for each week on the unit pages
● Add buttons linked to any outside websites that students may need to access on the unit

Copyright Information:
Logo: Copyright © 2022 Barton School District. All rights reserved.

Accessibility Information:
Due to the nature of using a template on a website builder like Weebly the amount of flexibility to
make the page accessible is limited.
What you can do:
● Make sure any pictures added are captioned and have alternative text
● Make sure the colors have enough contrast
What you cannot do:
● Have the footer have enough contrast - the footer is placed by Weebly
● Have more than 1 type of header
● Documents cannot have captions or alternative text

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