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Noa Tyron Uwitonze

8 Garnet Close SL1 9DU - 07547894372 -

April 20th
Costa Coffee
Twinches Ln, Slough SL1 5AL, UK

Dear Sir/Madam.

I am writing this letter to express my great interest in the role of a barista. I am an

extremely motivated individual that can work with everyone, has a go to attitude and can
manage himself. I understand that without any experience it wouldn’t be as easy to hire me
as compared to someone who already has more experience than me which is exactly one of
the reasons why I am so eager to work for you if you gave me the chance. To gain new skills
and experience as a barista and to have a new sense of responsibility which wouldn’t only
benefit my work with you but also outside of it which is why I think this is a great
opportunity for me, it would turn me into a better and more responsible young man. I think
that having such mentality at my age sets me up for a good path for my future. Being able
to make my own decisions, being a team player, easy communications and etc.. And I know
that me living so close to this job is an opportunity to not miss so please also keep that in
mind when making your decision.

I am currently a student at Strode’s College at Egham, Staines. I am pursuing a French A

Level and an Art and Design BTEC. I believe that those subject can give me an advantage
and benefit me in my everyday work life such as French being a language that I am fluent in
which could help with foreign customers that also speak french. And for Art I believe that
the BTEC that I’m currently doing is helping me expand my creativity and with the help of
group work it seriously increased my confidence and makes me a way more confident
person which would make it even easier for me to approach people.

I think I would be a great fit as a barista because with the training that was mentioned, I’d
like to say that I am a very fast learner and would quickly be able to apply my newly
acquired skills and knowledge to use very quickly. I also am a very friendly person; I smile
wherever I go to cheer people on, because I was taught in my family that you never know
what a person is going through and just smiling at them could brighten up their day, so I
think that not only benefits my teams because they would know that I can be of help to
them, but also to the customers. A bright smile always make others happy which is what I
strive for in life.

I please hope that you take a moment to read my details attached in the application.

Thank you for your consideration,

Kindest Regards,

Noa Tyron Uwitonze.

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