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Resilience (Individual Role - no DR’s)

The ability to continue to perform effectively when faced with adversity or obstacles.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Provide us with an example of a situation where you knew a project or task would place you under a significant
amount of pressure. Why did this task place you under pressure and how did you respond to the situation whilst
remaining motivated?
2. Tell us about a situation where things deteriorated quickly. How did you react and recover from the situation?
3. Tell us about a time where your idea of a project or task was criticised. How did you respond to this situation and
 Approaches challenges with a can- what did you do?
do attitude
4. Interacting with customers can be challenging at times. Describe a time where you have had a highly stressful
 Seeks support from others
interaction with a customer. How did you manage this interaction?
 Quick to recover when outcomes do
5. Work demands aren’t always realistic. Describe a time when you faced unreasonable sales goals or performance
not go as intended
expectations. How did you respond?
 Ability to handle discouragement
6. Can you tell me about an experience when you persisted for a long period of time? (Listen to frequency of
7. Tell us about one of the most challenging obstacle you have faced at work. Include what the obstacle was, how
you went about dealing with it and what you learned from the experience.
8. Describe a situation where you believed others were putting pressure on you. What did you do to manage this?
Resilience (Leaders)
The ability to continue to perform effectively when faced with adversity or obstacles.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Work interactions can be difficult at times. Describe a highly stressful interaction you’ve had with a team
member/peer/supervisor/manager or team leader. How did you react?
2. Can you please provide us with an example of a goal you struggled to or did not meet? What hindered
your ability to achieve this goal? How did you respond?
3. Tell us about a time when you made an unpopular decision. What thought process did you follow before
making it? What was the reaction of your team/subordinates? How did you respond to their reaction?
4. Describe a time when your team was under a lot of stress. What did you do to resolve the situation and
 Aware of effective stress coping mechanisms
were you successful? Who did you ask for help if anyone?
 Supports others in times of adversity
 Maintains focus on business outcomes 5. Projects rarely proceed without obstacles. Tell me about a recent project you worked on when you
encountered a major obstacle. What did you do to get around that obstacle?
 Positive and resourceful state of mind
6. Tell us about a time when you had to make more than one attempt to resolve an issue. What did you do?
What was the outcome?
7. As a team leader in this role, it will be important to stay positive when faced with challenges. Tell us
about a time when you had to find a way to be positive in the face of something that other staff saw as
negative. How did you go about achieving this?
8. How do you ensure that your colleagues or direct reports do not feel too much pressure? Please provide
an example.
Communication and Influencing (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Communicates constructively to share information, persuade others, gather feedback and gain commitment to achieve outcomes.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Describe a situation where you had to explain something complex to a colleague or a client. What
problems did you encounter and how did you deal with them?
2. Tell us about a time when you were required to summarise complex information (verbal/written). What
approach did you take and what was the overall result?
3. What obstacles or difficulties have you ever faced in communicating your ideas to a manager?
 Clear communicators - both verbally and
written 4. Describe your decision making process when you choose to communicate via the phone, email or face to
 Confirms understanding of key messages face.
 Actively participates in meetings 5. What do you think are the characteristics of effective communication? When have you won an audience?
 Empowered to Question, Debate & Review 6. What approaches have you used to get people interested in an idea or concept?
7. Give an example of when you were able to get someone excited about an idea, concept, product or
service you were offering. What happened? What was the result?
8. Describe an idea that you’ve needed to sell “upwards.” How did you go about this? What was the result?
9. What do you think are the elements of a successful presentation? Describe one you have given. How did
you know you were effective in your communication?
Communication and Influencing (Leaders)

Communicates constructively to share information, persuade others, gather feedback and gain commitment to achieve outcomes.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Describe a situation when you had to communicate a message to someone, knowing that you were right
and that they were wrong and reluctant to accept your point of view.
2. Demonstrate how you vary your communication approach according to the audience that you are
 Establishes rapport to build trusting
3. How have you used your communication skills to influence a group to follow your idea/view point?
4. Describe the most difficult communication you have needed to deliver to an inattentive audience. What
 Encourages inclusion of all stakeholders’
did you do to prepare for this?
 Communicates information clearly and 5. Tell me about a time when you were unable to persuade someone in order to gain support for or
agreement to an idea or concept. (Why?)
timely to stakeholders
 Creates engaging conversation with various 6. Give me an example of where you have successfully/unsuccessfully lobbied individuals or groups across
audiences and outside the organisation to achieve an aim. How did you do this?
7. Tell me about a time when you were able to sell a concept or vision of the future which generated energy
and commitment towards achieving this vision. What tactics did you use in doing this?
8. Provide an example of a situation when someone brought you a new idea that was odd or unusual and
you did not want them to implement it. What did you do?
Awareness of Self and Others (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Aware people are conscious of how their actions and emotions affect their performance and the people around them.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you did or said something and it had a positive impact on a co-worker,
customer, or an employee.
2. Tell me about a time when you were surprised about the negative impact your behaviour or words had
on a co-worker, customer, or an employee. How did you learn this information? What did you do when
you learned this information?

 Displays confidence when interacting with 3. What was the most difficult task you had to learn in your current role? How did you learn it?
others 4. Describe a situation in which you learned something complex in a short period of time.
 Seeks and listens to feedback 5. How do you maintain/enhance your knowledge of XXXXX? (Give me an example of where you were able
 High awareness of personal strengths and to apply this successfully).
weaknesses 6. Describe an occasion when you decided to involve others in making a decision. Why did you do so? To
 Takes ownership of own development by what extent did you use their inputs?
acquiring new skills and knowledge
7. Tell me about a time when you completed work for someone but it was not what they wanted. What was
your response to them and what did you learn from this situation?
8. Describe one of the best recommendations you have made to your manager/supervisor/team
9. Tell us about a business situation where you thought you needed to adjust your behaviour? How did you
know and what did you do?
Awareness of Self and Others (Leaders)

Aware people are conscious of how their actions and emotions affect their performance and the people around them.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. A manager has to maintain a productive, positive tone even when they are anxious about a business
threat. Tell us about a time when you were able to do this in previous positions?
2. Tell us about a situation where you felt you needed to modify or change your behaviour? How did you
know? How have you been able to take lessons learned from that situation and apply them to another?
3. Tell us about a situation where you used your internal/external network to get different
perspectives/options before making a decision.
 Demonstrates empathy when dealing with 4. Give me an example of a time when you anticipated the changing needs of another
others department/group/team. What actions did you take as a result of anticipating this changing need?
 Understands our values and demonstrates 5. Tell me about an occasion when you sought to understand your customers’ business and environment
the expected behaviours better by familiarising yourself with company data, industry sector, etc.
 Builds equity in relationships 6. Working with people from diverse backgrounds or cultures can be a real challenge. Can you tell me about
 Reviews own actions and understands a time when you faced a challenge adapting to a person from a different background or culture? What
impact of own behaviour happened? What did you do? What was the result?
7. Tell me about a time when you had to change your ideas based on new information or contrary evidence.
How did you react to this?
8. Describe a time when you were angry about something at work. What impact did that have on your
performance? What impact did your mood have on others at work?
9. Give me an example of when you identified with someone else’s difficulties at work.
10. Tell us about a time when you realised your team was under stress and pressure. How did you go about
understanding what you team members were feeling?
Collaboration (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Works effectively with others to enable achievement of shared goals and support mutual benefit by empowering others to be successful
in the course of achieving his/her own objectives

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Provide an example of when you were able to actively assist a team member towards the achievement of
a common goal? What did you do? What was the result?
2. Give me an example of a time when you shared information and learning experiences with a
colleague/team member.
3. Tell me about a good idea that you have put forward for improving your team’s performance. Why was
this idea good?
 Contributes to working effectively in pairs or
4. Tell me about a time when you encouraged someone to participate in team processes. How did you do
this and why?
 Actively listens to others and identifies their
needs from collaboration 5. Tell me about a time when you took on additional responsibility to improve team performance. What did
you do? What was the result?
 Seeks equity in collaboration
 Identifies and engages with all relevant 6. Can you describe a situation when you needed to cooperate with others to solve a problem? What were
the results?
 Promotes a transparent agenda to build trust 7. Describe a situation where you have had to adapt to the styles of others in order to successfully maintain
your relationship what that person/group.
8. In most cases we strive to achieve a win/win outcome when dealing with key stakeholders, as you know
our stakeholders here can be very demanding. Can you tell me about a time where it was difficult to
achieve a win/win situation? What was the outcome?
9. Tell me about a team decision in which you were a major contributor to improving the team’s
effectiveness. What did you do? What was the result?
Collaboration (Leaders)

Works effectively with others to enable achievement of shared goals and support mutual benefit by empowering others to be successful
in the course of achieving his/her own objectives

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you had to build a relationship with someone outside of your
team/division/organisation. How did you go about this?
2. Tell me about a time when you have effectively engaged multiple stakeholders in order to initiate a
3. Tell me about a time when you have had to manage the expectations of multiple stakeholders?
4. Describe a time when you were able to develop strong partnerships with stakeholders to meet mutual
 Demonstrates empathy when dealing with needs. How did you do this?
others 5. In this role it is important to have good relationships with a variety of internal and external groups. Can
 Understands our values and demonstrates you provide us with an example of a time when you actively built relationships and developed networks
the expected behaviours with other NGO’s and service providers to enhance your work. What challenges did you face with this?
 Builds equity in relationships 6. Tell me about the most diverse group/team you’ve had to lead. Provide an example of an issue/problem
 Reviews own actions and understands that needed to be resolved with the group/team. How did you deal with it?
impact of own behaviour 7. Give an example of where you have shared information which might be useful to your network as a
means of building trust and credibility.
8. Describe a decision that you made that you knew would affect others around you organisation. How did
you arrive at your decision?
9. Tell us about a time when you engaged people from other divisions to be involved in a decision making
10. Tell us about a time when you had to consider the needs of the whole organisation in making a decision.
What was the situation? How did you do this?
Analysis and Problem Solving (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Identifies problems, takes a well-thought-out and analytical approach to come up with viable, mutually beneficial, innovative and
sustainable solutions.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell us about a time when you have had to analyse business processes. What methods did you use to
gather all of the required information? Who did you speak to during this process?
2. Have you ever recognised a problem before your manager/supervisor/team leader or others in the
organisation? Tell me about one of those situations.
3. Describe a complicated problem you have has to deal with on your job. How did you solve this problem?
What made you get a better understanding of the problem?
 Clearly articulates a problem statement 4. Sometimes we can identify a small problem and fix it before it becomes a major problem. Can you give
 Identifies critical issues and key stakeholders me an example of when you were able to identify and fix a small problem before it became a big one?
 Conveys complex data and information in 5. What kind of information have you been required to analyse? Describe one of your most difficult
simple language analyses.
 Utilises an appropriate model to solve
6. Tell me about a time when you were presented with a large amount of complex information which
problems (revolution model / project management needed to be delivered. How did you convey this information to your audience in a simple manner?
model / partnering cycle)
7. Describe a difficult situation when you had to analyse or interpret numerical or financial information.
8. Give me an example of a time when you weren’t sure what a customer wanted. How did you handle the
9. What analysis and modelling techniques and methodologies have you found to be most effective? Why?
10. What diagram and/or other material do you use to capture and describe customer needs and convey
technical information?
Analysis and Problem Solving (Leaders)

Identifies problems, takes a well-thought-out and analytical approach to come up with viable, mutually beneficial, innovative and
sustainable solutions.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. What sources of information have you used to monitor/uncover problems in your work area? Tell me
about a situation in which you used one of those sources.
2. Tell me about a task that you felt really tested your analytical abilities?
3. What sources of information have you used to monitor/uncover problems in your work area? Tell me
about a situation in which you used one of those sources.
 Considers the needs of the business and 4. Describe a difficult situation when you had to talk to people to get information you needed to make an
other stakeholders important decision or recommendation.
 Regularly consults/collaborates with key 5. Tell me about a time when you had to review detailed reports or documents to identify a problem.
stakeholders 6. At one time we have all thought we had successfully handled a problem only to find we had really only
 Considers and manages any budgetary affected a symptom of a larger problem. Can you give me an example of when this happened to you?
7. Can you tell me about a time when you discovered a more efficient way to do a major work task? How
 Facilitates multi-stakeholder/partner did you go about finding the solution?
problem solving where appropriate
8. Tell me about an assignment you worked on which you had to amass an extensive amount of data and
then analyse it?
9. Can you tell me about a situation where your analysis of a problem was deemed to be incorrect? What
would you have done differently?
10. Explain a problem you have encounter and the methods you utilised to gather data and develop problem
solving strategies in your previous/current role.
Results Focused (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Demonstrates a strong commitment to delivering value through effective relationships, performance and achieving or surpassing
desired results.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Describe your future goals and the steps you plan on taking to reach those goals.
2. Describe a task or project where you achieved success even though the odds were stacked against you.
What did you do to ensure success?
3. Describe a time when you wanted to push an idea despite strong opposition. What did you do and why?
What did you learn?

 Accountable for and manages own priorities 4. How have you reacted when you found yourself stalled in an inefficient process?
 Escalates issues that hinder progress 5. Tell be about a time when you inherited a process that wasn’t working and you had limited time to fix it.
 Completes tasks timely and cost-effectively What did you do? What was the result?
 Perseveres and overcomes obstacles
6. In any of your previous roles, did you have assigned goals, objectives, quotas or targets? What were they
 Understands the role of metrics and KPIs
and how did you meet them?
7. Describe a time where you took responsibility of a process that was inefficient. How did you increase the
effectiveness and efficiency of that process and what was the outcome?
8. Describe a time when you were faced with a setback that hindered your ability to complete your work.
How did you go about managing your workload and what steps did you take?
9. Provide an example of a time when you were required to meet strict KPIs and targets. How did you go
about meeting them? Were you able to meet them?
Results Focused (Leaders)

Demonstrates a strong commitment to delivering value through effective relationships, performance and achieving or surpassing
desired results.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Describe a time when you and your team collaboratively constructed SMART goals. Were they effective
and what was the end result?
2. Explain a time when your team’s morale was low. What caused this? What was your response? Provide
us with the actions you took.
3. How do you ensure that you and your team are on track to meeting tasks, deadlines and expectations?
4. Describe a time when you overcame a barrier that was preventing you and your team from progressing
forward. What actions did you take? What was the end result?
 Coaches and motivates others to achieve
5. Tell me about a time when you were required to delegate tasks to others. How did you divide the tasks?
 Monitors work to ensure work stays on track
Was there any resistance, if so, why?
 Works with others to overcome barriers to
progress 6. Describe a time when you helped someone set performance objectives. What was your approach? What
 Sets effective SMART goals did you do to assist them to achieve their goals?
 Delegates effectively 7. Describe a work situation in which you can demonstrate that you encouraged the motivation of another
8. Observing your co-workers, in your current or a past job, describe what motivated their best
9. You are assigned to participate on a team that has several members who are not motivated to work hard
and contribute. How have you in the past, or would you, if you were to experience it, approach this
motivation situation?
10. Describe a situation where you acknowledged the contributions of partners in achieving outcomes? What
did you do?
Innovation and Conceptual Capacity (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Applies original thinking and fresh ideas to improve work practices and achieve better outcomes

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Describe a situation where you were faced with a problem and you only had a short period of time to fix
it. What was your solution? What was the result?
2. Tell me about an innovative idea you had to improve one of your company’s products or services.
3. Customers can be difficult at times. Describe a time when you were dealing with an unhappy customer.
Why were they unhappy? What did you do about it?
4. Tell me about an opportunity you had to generate a novel solution to a problem. What happened?
 A mindset that looks to achieve better
Where/How did you initially come up with the idea?
 Seeks opportunities to diversify thinking 5. Describe the best business solution you have come up with.
 Takes initiative to improve and innovate 6. Describe a time when you delivered business value through improvement and innovation? How did your
 Seeks to deliver business value through idea create business value?
innovative ideas
7. Give me an example of an idea you had to improve your organisation’s processes or procedures. How did
you develop this idea? What happened to your idea?
8. Tell me about how you have worked with your direct reports/team members to develop new and
creative ideas to solve business problems. Please give an example of when you applied this approach.
9. Tell us about a project, task or situation where you believed a conventional approach wasn’t suitable.
What was your preferred approach? What objections did you face? What was the outcome?
10. Describe a time where you identified a problem and created an innovative solution. What was the
Innovation and Conceptual Capacity (Leaders)

Applies original thinking and fresh ideas to improve work practices and achieve better outcomes.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about the last time you utilised idea generation techniques to solve a business problem. What
was the problem? Describe some of the ideas you considered.
2. In your professional career, what is the most unique/creative idea you ever contributed?
3. Describe the reward and recognition tools that you have used to respond to creative and innovative
approaches by either an individual or a team?
 Learns from external sources and
4. Can you describe a particularly creative approach that your team developed and implemented? How did
organisations to innovate
this come about? How did you reward?
 Identifies, creates and tests ways to deliver
business value 5. Tell me about a time when you have identified a business opportunity that was successfully transformed
 Demonstrates creative thinking into and operational business initiative. What steps did you take to turn the idea into reality?
 Adopts cycle of continuous learning and 6. Describe how you keep up to date on the initiatives and activities undertaken by other organisations.
improvement How have you used this information to apply new thinking within your own role?
7. How have you created an environment that is conducive to learning?
8. What are some specific things that your organisation changed and/or implemented as a result of your
ideas or ideas generated by a team you led?
9. When attempting to deliver business value, how do you identify, create and test new ideas? Please
provide an example of how you have done this in the past.
Managing Relationships (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Develops mutual respect to effectively engage with stakeholders and establishes constructive relationships to support achievement of
organisational goals.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you had to build a relationship with someone outside of your
team/division/organisation. How did you go about this?
2. Describe a situation where you have had to adapt to the styles of others in order to successfully maintain
your relationship with that person/group.
3. Tell me about a time when you have had to manage the expectations of multiple stakeholders?
4. Tell me about a time when you had to take into consideration a variety of needs of your co-workers to
 Understands the needs of others make a decision. How did you do this? What was the result?
 Develops and maintains rapport
5. Describe a time when someone asked you for feedback on a piece of work or on their overall
 Works effectively with stakeholders (uses
performance that perhaps may not have been up to standard. What did you say? What was their
QDR process)
 Builds and maintains trust and confidence of
stakeholders 6. Provide an example of when you questioned, debated or reviewed a task or project that was assigned to
 Provides effective and timely feedback you by a manager or co-worker. What was the end result?
7. How do you generate enthusiasm and commitment around team goals amongst your team? Provide an
8. We don’t always make decisions that everyone agrees with. Tell me about an unpopular decision you
made. How did you communicate it?
9. Give me an example of when you were able to get someone from outside your team/unit/group to
cooperate with you on an important project/task/assignment.
Managing Relationships (Leaders)

Develops mutual respect to effectively engage with stakeholders and establishes constructive relationships to support achievement of
organisational goals.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. How do you keep staff informed about relevant and useful information/new initiatives, procedural
and/or legislative changes/new product lines/etc? Give an example.
2. How do you emphasise the importance of individual roles to overall team performance? Please prove an
3. How do you generate enthusiasm and commitment around team goals amongst your team? Give me an
4. Tell me about one of the most difficult one-on-one meetings you have had with a peer, team member or
 Gathers the opinions and recommendations
direct report. What did you do?
of others
 Responds proactively to ensure key 5. Describe some actions you’ve taken to improve the performance of your team that have produced
objectives are being met positive business results.
 Identifies key stakeholders and assess their
6. Describe a time when you were able to develop strong partnerships with stakeholders to meet mutual
role to the business
needs. How did you do this?
 ‘Walks-and-talks’ the principles of partnering
in all relationships 7. In this role it is important to have good relationships with a variety of internal and external groups. Can
you provide us with an example of a time when you actively built relationships and developed networks
with other NGO’s and service providers to enhance your work. What challenges did you face?
8. Describe a time when you had an important decision to make. How did you go about making this
decision? Who did you talk to?
9. Tell me about a time where you have had engagements with multiple stakeholders such as supporters,
suppliers, coalitions or partnership relationships on one particular issue. Did you respond differently to
each stakeholder? If so, How?
Business Acumen and Commercial Acumen (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Develops and maintains business and commercial knowledge that will enhance the ability to make sound commercial and business
decisions which maximise business performance.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you had to discuss and explain business trends and the implications of
changes in the business environment to other teams/individuals?
2. Can you tell me about any presentations that you have done where you had to explain the workings of
the organisation? How did you do this?
3. Tell me about a time when you used your knowledge and experience to educate someone from another
 Understands key business drivers area of your organisation?
 Continuously aware of important business
4. Explain to me your understanding of one of XXXXX’s vision or value statements. How have you used this
to assist you in your job?
 Applies knowledge and learnings in day-to-
day role 5. Tell me about a major business strategy you are aware of. Give me an example of how you have used this
 Contributes to key organisational outcomes information in the workplace?
and strategy 6. How did you maintain/enhance your knowledge of important business issues that affected your previous
 Understands and demonstrates supporter- workplace both internally and externally? Provide an example of when you were able to apply this
centricity knowledge successfully.
7. Tell me about a major business strategy you are aware of. Give me an example of how you have used this
information in the workplace?
8. Describe a situation where your decision making was influenced by external environmental factors.
9. What do you know of the development industry? How have you developed this understanding?
Business Acumen and Commercial Acumen (Leaders)

Develops and maintains business and commercial knowledge that will enhance the ability to make sound commercial and business
decisions which maximise business performance.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. In your current role, how have you sought to develop an industry wide focus? Can you provide an
2. Give me an example of when you were able to take the political climate into consideration when
implementing a major change.
3. Give us an example of something that is changing in Australian society today that would be of concern to
this company. Why did you choose that? Why would we be concerned by this?
 Ability to manage project budgets
4. Tell me about a time you used financial, industry and economic environment data to support a successful
 Articulates factors contributing to
performance in their function
 Uses best practice methods for business 5. What have you done in your positions at other companies that made a difference to the business for
planning which you believe you will be remembered?
 Communicates critical business information 6. Imagine that you have been approached with a new idea for your department. How do you go about
to stakeholders determining the feasibility and possible success of that idea?
 Knowledge of external factors relevant to
business performance 7. Describe a time that you provided your best customer service. What was the situation? What was the
8. Describe a time when you formed creative and innovative options to address problems and opportunities
in a manner that created economic value for a company?
9. Tell us about a situation when you were required to explain external marketplace realities and how these
were impacting a company’s ability to drive revenue and profitability. What did you do? How was your
information received by others?
Service and Delivery Focus (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Demonstrates a strong commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of supporters, colleagues, partners and other
stakeholders to efficiently deliver high quality service.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Give me an example of a situation where you demonstrated one of this company’s values.
2. Provide an example of a time where a client has changed the ‘brief’ or changed the goals you were both
collectively trying to achieving. How did you handle this situation? What was the outcome?
3. Give an example of a time you went well out of your way to ensure a customer received the best possible
 Focuses on identifying stakeholder values service from you and your organisation. What was their reaction?
and needs
4. Please provide an example of how you solved a customer inquiry at your previous job. What were the
 Identifies mutually-beneficial solutions that
exact steps you used from the time you began the conversation to when the inquiry was resolved?
meet the needs of supporter/customer and
organisation 5. Tell me about a time when you knew that your customer might not get what he or she needed on time.
 Takes initiative to meet service delivery and How did you handle this?
supporter experience expectations
6. Tell me about a time when you had trouble working with a difficult/demanding colleague/customer. How
 Represents this company’s behaviours and did you handle this?
7. Describe a time when you exceeded a client’s expectations. What did you do?
8. Can you share an example of a time when you developed rapport with a customer? What strategies did
you use? How did you transfer the use of those strategies to other customers?
9. Describe a time when you lost a customer/client. What would you do differently?
Service and Delivery Focus (Leaders)

Demonstrates a strong commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of supporters, colleagues, partners and other
stakeholders to efficiently deliver high quality service.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Describe a situation where you made changes to standard procedures or policies in order to increase
customer satisfaction metrics. How did you get support for this? What constraints did you face? How did
you measure the outcome?
2. Describe a process or a system that you improved so customers would be better served. What did you do
to improve this process? What was the outcome?
3. Describe and give an example of one thing that is important in building repeat-customer business.
4. Describe a situation where you identified an opportunity to enhance your client/customer experience.
 Implements processes and systems to
improve the supporter experience 5. If you wanted to improve the service that you provide to your customers, what would you do first? What
 Measures supporter satisfaction and ensure efforts have you made in your previous job to improve the level of customer satisfaction?
grievances are addressed 6. Please provide an example of how you solved a customer inquiry at your previous job. What were the
 Prioritises supporter-related issues and exact steps you used from the time you began the conversation to when the inquiry was resolved?
 Looks for opportunities to enhance supporter 7. Describe a process or system you have implemented in your previous role/s which was designed to
experience improve the customer experience. What was the outcome?
8. Have you ever felt, during the course of your work, that the existing systems and solutions are not
sufficient to meet the needs of customers properly and/or that they need to be changed? If so, what did
you do?
9. Can you tell me about a time when you did something extra, which was not part of the routine activities
assigned to you, but you did it for the benefit of the customer?
10. Tell me about a time when you received negative feedback from a client/customer. What was the
feedback and what was your response after receiving this feedback?
Planning and Organising (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Takes a systematic and structured approach to organising and planning work to ensure objectives are met.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when your workload was at its heaviest. How did you go about managing your
workload? What techniques did you use?
2. Tell me about a time when you missed a deadline on a project. What were the causes?
3. Tell me about a time when you have been a part of a team that required you to cooperate in the planning
of a project. How would you describe the role that you played?
4. How would team members describe the role you played and the effectiveness of your contribution on a
recent team project or department planning effort?
5. What procedures have you used to prevent control backlog in you work area? Describe a specific instance
 Works to a set of targets and objectives
where you needed to do this.
 Prioritises tasks according to importance and
urgency 6. Provide an example of a time when you were required to prioritise a number of tasks according to
 Communicates critical issues impacting importance and urgency. How did you go about this?
meeting performance objectives
7. Describe a time when you were faced with unreasonable production goals. What was your response?
 Breaks projects down into measurable How did you handle this situation?
8. Tell me about a time when you were undertaking a project that involved a lot of planning. How did you
complete this project? What strategies did you use to ensure this project was completed on time?
9. Tell me about a time when you were able to make an effective judgement about priorities, distinguishing
important from urgent.
10. Tell me about a time when you were faced with conflicting priorities. How did you determine what was a
top priority in scheduling your time?
11. Tell me about a time when you had to alter your own priorities or work activities with little notice due to
changing demands. How did you handle this?
Planning and Organising (Leaders)

Takes a systematic and structured approach to organising and planning work to ensure objectives are met.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you had to produce a plan to forecast the activities needed to deliver an
objective. What did you do? What was the result?
2. Tell me about a time when you had to effectively manage resources to meet competing objectives. How
did you do this? What was the result?
3. Tell me about either a long-or short –term plan you’ve developed for your department. How did you
organise you’re the demands of the project?
4. Describe a time when you identified potential hurdles or roadblocks to a process you had in place. Did
you have a contingency plan? What was the outcome?

 Communicates priorities and goals 5. Describe a time when you established goals and objectives for a project or work team. What was your
 Sets objectives and uses effective metrics to involvement? What was the outcome?
track performance and evaluate results 6. Provide an example of a time when you were required to make a decision for the greater good of your
 Anticipates roadblocks and hurdles team. How did you approach this situation? What reaction did you receive?
 Wise, considered and timely decision maker
7. During your most recent team project, how did you participate in the planning of the project? Describe
you role in accomplishing the action steps needed to complete the project. How did you
measure/evaluate the success of the project?
8. Provide an example of a project that you have had to plan and organise from beginning to end. How did
you communicate priorities and goals? How did you go about delegating tasks?
9. Describe a time when you had several projects that were all ‘high priority’. How did you manage them?
What strategies did you use?
10. Tell me about a time when you had to alter your own priorities or work activities with little notice due to
changing demands. How did you handle this?
Managing Risk and Quality (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Accurately assesses and mitigates risk to ensure sustainable business and supporter outcomes.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Describe the biggest professional risk you’ve taken. What information did you consider before taking
action? What was the outcome?
2. Describe a time when you decided to try a new and untested approach to handling a problem. How did
you go about this? What was the end result?
3. Describe a time when you identified a risk that could have impacted your team/department. How did you
identify the risk? What did you do to minimise the risk?
4. Provide an example of a time you used a new idea without being certain of the outcome. What did you
 Aware of day-to-day risks relevant to own do? Was it a good decision?
role and function
5. Tell me about a time you took a risk in a workplace, by saying or doing something that could have had
 Seeks advice on how to prevent and manage
adverse repercussions on you, but did not? Was the outcome in the long term favourable?
 Flags potential issues 6. Tell me about a time when a change has occurred at your place of work which resulted in an
 Exercises due diligence in developing new unreasonably heavier workload in the long term. What was your reaction? How did you go about
partnerships managing the situation?
7. Describe a work situation where you were faced with numerous risks that needed to be considered. How
did you go about preventing or managing these risks?
8. Please describe one of your current or recently completed projects, setting out the risks involved. How
did you make decisions? How do you know you made the correct decisions?
9. There are often times we have to take calculated risks to get results. Naturally these risks do not always
work out as we would like. Can you recall the last time you took a chance and things went wrong? What
happened? How did your supervisor react?
Managing Risk and Quality (Leaders)

Accurately assesses and mitigates risk to ensure sustainable business and supporter outcomes.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Provide an example of an occasion when you needed to choose between two or three seemingly equally
viable paths to accomplish a goal. How did you make your decision about the path to follow?
2. Describe a time when you had a number of different choices of directions you could choose for a project,
to solve a problem, or to hold an event. Walk us through the process you followed to make your decision
about the appropriate direction to choose that had the best chance of a positive outcome.
3. Provide an example of a time when you were required to make a difficult decision in the workplace. Why
was this decision difficult? What steps did you take to reach a decision?
 Identifies cost, risk, benefits and consequences of
4. Describe a time when you were required to explain the cost, risk and benefits of a potential decision to
potential courses of action
stakeholders. How did you do this? What was the outcome?
 Engages other stakeholders to understand costs
and risks 5. Describe a time when you were involved in making a decision which was backed by data.
 Makes decisions supported by evidence
6. When you are unsure of the outcome when trying a new idea, how do you react? If possible, provide an
 Ensures risks are assessed, mitigated and example of when this has occurred.
7. Tell me about a time when you were handling a project that required systematic data acquisition and
accurate analysis. What steps did you take?
8. Please give me a specific example of a time when you obtained information to solve a problem? What
was the problem? How did you decide what information you required?
9. Tell me about a time when you were required to analyse the outcome of a potentially risky business
decision. How did you analyse the outcome? What was the result?
Strategic Thinking (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Understands drivers, trends and success factors necessary for the organisation’s long term sustainability, and uses this approach to
develop strategy, plans and tactics.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. How have you communicated the strategic plan to your teams?

2. Give me an example of when you encouraged and/or rewarded behaviour aligned with the organisation’s
strategy, mission, vision and values. How did you do this?
3. Describe a time when you developed an innovative approach or solution, which resulted in the
implementation of a new idea.
4. Provide an example of a time when you demonstrated “out-of-the-box” thinking.
5. What have you done to make your organisation’s strategy and values meaningful to others? What
 Knows the strategy for their team/division strategies have worked, and which have not?
 Understand how their role contributes to
strategy 6. Tell me about a situation in your previous/current role where you developed a new framework to make
 Knows where their “value add” is in the “value sense of complexity and ambiguity. How did you do this?
chain: 7. Give me an example of how you were able to look at a challenge with a new perspective, resulting in an
innovative solution, strategy, or approach. What was the challenge?
8. Please provide an example of when you communicated complex issue/s to other staff members. How did
you do this? Were there any strategies you used?
9. Provide an example of how one of your previous/current roles contributed to the organisations strategy.
Where do you think your “value add” was in the “value chain”?
10. Describe a time when you planned team/group priorities to reflect the organisations strategy and values.
What did you do?
Strategic Thinking (Leaders)

Understands drivers, trends and success factors necessary for the organisation’s long term sustainability, and uses this approach to
develop strategy, plans and tactics.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. What have you done to make your organisation’s strategy and values meaningful to others? What
strategies have worked, and which have not?
2. Provide an example of a time when you have translated an organisation’s strategy and values into
meaningful business unit priorities? How did you gain commitment from your direct reports/team
3. Give an example of a time when you considered how current policies, processes and methods might be
impacted by future developments and trends? How did you do this?
 Interprets organisational strategy into 4. Can you tell me about a time when you have developed business unit goals and objectives? How well
measurable objectives were these objectives received by others? What was the outcome of setting these objectives?
 Leads team that understands how their role
contributes to organisational strategy 5. Can you provide an example of a time when you led the implementation of a significant department
 Demonstrates ability to think medium terms strategy that initially met resistance? How did you clearly articulate the vision and plan to gain
(3-5 years) consensus?
 Articulates clear vision and plan 6. Provide an example of a time when you assessed and linked short-term, day-to-day work in the context
of long-term established strategies and systems.
7. Can you describe a recent time that you developed a business plan aligned to an overall business
strategy? How did you create, implement and monitor the plan?
8. During the implementation of an overall department strategy how have you ensured that operational
decisions have been consistent with the strategy? Describe a situation in which you have done this.
9. Give me an example of how you have sought to increase long-term strategic perspective in your
current/previous role.
Building and Leading Effective Teams (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Provides direction and leadership to support the development of effective high performing teams and creates an environment to
support this goal.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Provide an example of a time when you had to develop strategies to address one of the following issues:
low morale, high turnover or low productivity. How did you go about this and what was the outcome?
2. Tell me about an instance where you were able to effectively motivate your team. How did you do this?
Contrast this with a time when you were not so successful. Why was this?
3. Give an example of how you ensure that your staff understand what is expected of them in their roles?
4. Provide an example of how you emphasise the importance of individual roles to overall team
 Proactively supports development of peers
and team members 5. Tell me about a time when you took the initiative to generate enthusiasm and commitment around team
 Hold self and others accountable for their goals within your team. How did you do this? What was the result?
behaviours and performance 6. Give me an example of a time when you have had to take action with a staff member because
 Knows and reinforces strength of team performance standards were not being met. How did you do this? What was the result?
 Clarifies expected team behaviours and role 7. Motivating others can be difficult at times. Can you tell me about a time where, with the benefit of
models these behaviours hindsight, you would have motivated a team differently? What did you do?
8. Tell me about a time where you were required to support the development of a team member. What did
the team member need support with? How did you go about supporting them? What was the result?
9. Tell me about a time when you delegated tasks according to team member strengths. How did you go
about this? What was your decision making process?
10. What is the toughest group that you have had to lead? What were the obstacles? And how did you
handle this?
Building and Leading Effective Teams (Leaders)

Provides direction and leadership to support the development of effective high performing teams and creates an environment to
support this goal.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell us about a particularly difficult team you had to lead. How did you ensure the team achieved its goals
and objectives?
2. Describe a time when you recognised (a) individual performance and (b) team performance. How did you
reward the individual and the team? What strategies did you use for both?
3. Describe the reward and recognition tools that you have used to respond to creative and innovative
approaches by either an individual or a team?
 Builds team with complementary knowledge, 4. Can you provide an example of a time when you identified conflict amongst your team members? What
skills and abilities action/s did you take? What was the result?
 Praises and recognises team and individual
5. Tell me about a time when you created agreement and shared purpose from a situation in which all
parties originally differed in opinion, approach and objectives. How did you go about this?
 Mediates disputes amongst team members
 Understands individual motivation and 6. Provide an example of a time when you provided a team with a clear sense of direction and purpose
engagement drivers during a period of difficulty. How did you ensure your team stayed on track and remained focused? What
 Provides team with clear sense of direction strategies did you use?
and purpose 7. Describe a time when you were required to understand the key drivers of engagement for individuals in
your team. How did you go about matching their work to their skill level?
8. Tell me about a time when you had to motivate and develop a team in a challenging work environment.
What strategies did you use? What obstacles did you have to face?
9. Tell me about a time when someone in your team was not meeting expectations (deadlines, quality of
work, motivation). What did you do to rectify this? What was the outcome?
Managing Performance (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Adopts a transparent, supportive and outcome driven approach to managing people whilst monitoring and evaluating performance
against goals by initiating open discussions to help people achieve.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time when you were able to identify and act on an issue which might otherwise have
provided a problem to the business. What did you do? What was the result?
2. Provide an example of a time when you suggested a new idea to your manager/supervisor/team leader.
What was the idea? What happened to the idea?
3. Tell me about a time when you pursued a specific target to provide long term opportunity for the
business. What was the target? How did you pursue it? What was the result?
4. Tell me about an occasion when you did something without waiting to be asked.
5. Provide a recent example of when you took steps to improve your skills or performance? What did you
 Celebrates success when a key result is seek out to improve? What was the result?
6. Tell me about a time when you had a reporting employee who performed very well. The employee
 Holds self and others accountable for their
exceeded goals and sought more responsibility. Describe how you handled this situation day-to-day and
performance and behaviours
over time.
7. Provide examples of factors that are crucial within an organisation and must be present in order for you
to work most effectively.
8. Tell me about a time when a member of your team made a mistake. What did you do when you found
out? What was the message you conveyed to the? And what were the short and long-term consequences
for the team member?
9. Describe an example of a time when you identified development opportunities for others. What was your
role in the process? What was the outcome?
Managing Performance (Leaders)

Adopts a transparent, supportive and outcome driven approach to managing people whilst monitoring and evaluating performance
against goals by initiating open discussions to help people achieve.

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Give me an example of a time when you had an underperforming employee reporting to you. How did you
address the situation? Did the employee’s performance improve? If not, what did you do next?
2. One of the jobs of a manager or supervisor is to manage performance and perform periodic performance
reviews. Tell me how you have managed employee performance in the past. Describe the process you have
used for performance feedback.
3. Provide an example of time when you set challenging performance goals for your team members. How did you
assist others to achieve the performance objectives? What was the outcome?
4. Tell me about a project in which you had to monitor peoples’ performance. What controls did you set in place
 Sets others up for success by ensuring they for monitoring the progress of others? And what do you think are the key features of an effective approach to
have the right skills and support monitoring progress towards an objective?
 Sets challenging performance goals and
5. Tell me about a time when you were required to assess the capabilities of people (e.g. direct reports). What
coaches team members methods did you use?
 Monitors progress and provides feedback
 Handles performance problems decisively 6. Describe a time when you set a development plan for a team member. How did you set the development
and in a timely fashion plan? What did you do that was effective? And what advice would you give to other Leaders/supervisors about
setting development plans?
7. Tell me about a time when one of your direct reports thought they were ready to be promoted but you
disagreed. What did you do?
8. How regularly have you sat down with your direct reports to review performance? Tell me about the most
memorable discussion you have had. What did you discuss?
9. Tell me about a time when you were able to address a development need of one of your direct reports/team
members in a unique way.
Change Management (Individual Role - no DR’s)

Ability to transition individuals, teams and organisations to the desired future state to facilitate our journey towards supporter-

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Tell me about a time where you had to adjust quickly to an organisational change. What did you do? How
did you adapt the way you work to incorporate the change?
2. Give me an example of a time when you had to conform to a policy or new way of working which you did
not agree with. What was your reaction? Did you adapt?
3. Tell me about a time when you had to introduce a change or gain the commitment of your team for an
organisational change. How did you go about it? What was the team’s reaction?
4. Provide an example of how you have motivated staff to join change efforts in your area. What was the
 Understands why this company is changing
5. Tell me about a staff member you had to confront about their resistance to change. How did you
 Understands which group of people will be
resolve/attempt to resolve this issue? What was the outcome?
affected by change
 Creates an environment where people are 6. Provide an example of a time when you have involved staff in determining how change will impact the
able to give feedback team and how it should be introduced in the workplace. How did you involve staff? Was the change
7. Tell me about a time when you had to discuss and explain business trends and the implication of changes
in the business environment to other teams/individuals?
8. What tactics have you used to encourage your team to anticipate and embrace change? Can you give
some specific examples?
9. What has been the most difficult change that you have needed to gain individual support for? How did
you go about gaining this support? What was the outcome?
Change Management (Leaders)

Ability to transition individuals, teams and organisations to the desired future state to facilitate our journey towards supporter-

Key Behaviours Interview Questions

1. Provide an example of a time when your organisation was faced with a significant change and as a result you
were required to enlist support from those in your team. How did you go about this? How did you
communicate the change to others?
2. Can you give an example of where you were accountable for the implementation of a major change strategy?
How did you develop support? What were the key features of the communication plan? How did you manage
the people impacts?
3. Describe a time when you were accountable for role modelling the behaviours required for change to take
place. What was the change? How did you adjust your behaviour to support the change accordingly?

 Understands the changes people are being 4. Managing change can be difficult. Can you tell me about a time where, with the benefit of hindsight, you
would have managed the change process differently?
asked to make as a result of change
 Role models the behaviour required for 5. Give me an example of a time when you helped another person in your team/workplace accept change and
change make the necessary adjustments to move forward. What were the change/transition skills that you used?
 Communicates their commitment to change What was the outcome?
in discussions with others 6. Describe an instance where you at first were resistant to a particular change and later accepted the change.
 Communicates the drivers of change Why were you resistant? And what strategies did you used to accept the change?
7. Describe a time when you wanted some change in the working style of the team, but others were reluctant to
do so. How did you get through it? How did you communicate your commitment to the change?
8. Tell us about a time when a reaction you received to a change process was not as anticipated. What did you
do as a result? What was the outcome?
9. Provide an example of a time when you were confronted with a difficult change. How were you impacted?
And how did you respond to the change?

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