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Australian Seniors Insurance Funeral Plan Group Report



Evaluate Media Options NSWTADV403A

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Australian Seniors Insurance Funeral Plan Group Report

Executive Summary
Australian Seniors Insurance Agency strives to meet the specific insurance needs sought by the lifestyle demands of their niche demographic, with tailored products covering Funeral, Home & Contents, Landlord, Travel, and Car Insurance. The insurance products have straightforward compliance criteria, easy to understand policy documentation, and customer service support that reinforces their stated claim as The over 50s insurance specialist. An evaluation of the most appropriate mediums and media vehicles to reach the target audience of Australian Seniors Insurance Agencys Funeral Plan product has been undertaken. Identified as 60-75 year old retired and semi-retired males and females most closely conforming to the Roy Morgan values Traditional Family segment, the funeral plans target audience may be effectively communicated to through their selected media consumption of newspapers (local and metro), television, magazines, radio, internet and cinema. Within the broad options available from the identified mediums, the most appropriate range of media outlets has been detailed to facilitate a future campaigns ability to effectively reach the target audience at a frequency to be determined by impending campaign objectives and budgetary constraints. Dependant on corporate strategic considerations, it is anticipated that a combination of identified options be employed, mindful of the media presence of direct category competitors and Australian Seniors Insurance Agencys impetus for an aggressive marketplace focus.

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Table of Contents
1. 2. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Target Audience ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Demographic ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Psychographic .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.3. Geographic .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.4. Behavioural .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Media Habits .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. Newspaper................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2. Television ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.3. Magazines .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.4. Radio............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 3.5. Internet ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 3.6. Cinema......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Channel Planning with Rationale ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 4.1. Newspaper................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2. Magazine ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.3. Cinema......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.4. Internet ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 4.5. Radio............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 4.6. Television ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.7. Branded Entertainment ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Media Vehicles Chosen........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 5.1. Newspaper................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 5.2. Magazine ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 5.3. Cinema......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.4. Internet ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 5.5. Radio............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 5.5.1. 2GB ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.6. Television ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.6.1. Television Commercial ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.6.2. Infomercial ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 5.6.3. Branded Entertainment .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 5.6.4. A Current Affair Segment ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Recommendation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8




6. 7.

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Australian Seniors Insurance Funeral Plan Group Report

1. Introduction Australian Seniors Insurance Agency is an insurance provider operating in the niche over 50s market, specialising in policies that focus on the lifestyle considerations and needs of individuals, with products that cover Funeral, Home & Contents, Travel, Landlord, and Car Insurance. They have commissioned an analysis of media options available to them in the current market to most effectively reach their designated target audience at the most appropriate time and in the manner most conducive to responding to Australian Seniors Insurance call to action projected through the advertising for the Funeral Plan product. 2. Target Audience 2.1. Demographic 60 75 M/F with a female skew, married, retired and semi-retired, Christian, dwelling within the greater metropolitan areas of Sydney. 2.2. Psychographic Traditional Family, seeking security and reliability, not wanting to be a burden on their family / adult children, locally focussed with a commitment to involvement in local charity and community groups. 2.3. Geographic Greater suburban area of Sydney 2.4. Behavioural Target audience engages in regular physical activity to maintain health, including daily walking and garden maintenance, in addition to weekly social physical activity, i.e. dancing, tennis, lawn bowls. 3. Media Habits 3.1. Newspaper The target audience are heavy and loyal consumers of local and metro newspapers. Most commonly receiving their preferred metro newspaper daily, delivered to the home, the paper is routinely read during breakfast, eagerly gleaned from cover to cover as part of the morning ritual. Individuals conforming to the Traditional Family segment demonstrate a high interest and involvement in their local community and would also be heavy readers of the local community newspapers. 3.2. Television Television is most likely consumed on a daily basis by individuals in the target audience. Though identified as heavy consumers of television, the target audience is statistically more likely to be conducting their viewing exclusively on Free To Air (including digital) Television, with preferred viewing being undertaken during the morning, mid morning and evening periods. Watching television during mealtimes is a common occurrence. 3.3. Magazines Magazines affiliated with and reflecting the lifestyle specifics (i.e. gardening and home maintenance) and hobbies and interests are voraciously consumed by the target audience. They enjoy reading magazines before going to bed, whilst waiting for medical appointments, on public transport, on day trips, whilst waiting for something to cook and also whilst watching television or listening to the radio. They enjoy magazines that mentally stimulate them with information, news and brain-sharpening puzzles.

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3.4. Radio Research has identified that the majority of individuals in the target audience 55 and over ritualistically listen to Alan Jones on 2GB in the morning between 5.30- 9am. In addition to tuning in first thing in the morning, radio consumption occurs during the day whilst driving and running errands, during long drives, day trips, and also whilst on vacation. Radio consumption mainly occurs as a subsidiary activity to a primary task (i.e. driving, cooking) or in conjunction with another task (i.e. reading newspapers and magazines), though, similar to print media, radio is a credible and authentic source of information for the target audience, as a trusted medium the target audience grew-up with. 3.5. Internet The internet is used primarily by the target audience to check emails, keep in contact with family and friends, read news and keep informed, research lifestyle specific activities, track investments and financial interests, and, more broadly, to maintain a connection to the world around them. An increasing trend in the participation in social media by the target audience has also been noted. The internet is usually accessed in the evening and at night, almost always from the comfort of home. 3.6. Cinema The target audience routinely attends the cinema on a monthly basis as part of a social group/outing, and/or in conjunction with family outings, including spending quality time with grand children. Attendance usually occurs at mid-morning, afternoon and early evening sessions. 4. Channel Planning with Rationale Newspaper Newspapers are able to reach out to a large percentage of the mainstream Australian population on a daily basis, with a loyal readership habitually tied to consuming their news and sport content in hardcopy tabloid/broadsheet format. Newspaper layouts provide the scope for a variety of creative advertising layouts and the larger sized available space provides the opportunity for quite large graphical/pictorial advertising content, including in colour, or long copy advertisements, to convey more detailed/explicit technical product content. Newspaper advertisements may incorporate direct marketing coupons. As most metro newspapers are daily publications (local newspapers are weekly or twice-weekly), the advertisements have a shorter leadtime. Newspapers are geo-specific in nature, with local papers able to be used to communicate to a target audience refined to within a handful of suburbs.



Magazine Magazines provide advertisers with the space to communicate with the target audience in bright, glossy colour, aligning the brand / product / service with the editorial content of the magazine and providing the scope for the creative to be executed in a variety of options, depending on the budget (ie inside front cover, inside back cover, gatefold, sealed insert etc), the clarity and crispness of magazine printing technology also facilitates the inclusion of QR Codes in the advertisement and for the advertisement to be optimised for scanning by Google Goggles, and potentially other smart-phone applications. The magazine market is highly segmented, with popular magazines reaching large sections of the Australian population, making it possible to communicate with most demographic segments through magazine advertisements. Magazine advertisements also facilitate the inclusion of product samples and perfume panels.

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Cinema Cinema advertising provides advertisers with a larger screen for more powerful, action-filled, emotive advertisements, with the scope for a slightly longer time format. Cinema advertising gives the advertiser the opportunity to make an extended use of a television commercial. Advertisements may be geographically specific, based on products or services focused on a location in the vicinity of the cinema. Cinema advertising provides the ability for an advertisement to be targeted demographically according to the movie genre, broadcast to a captive audience, with a pricing structure and local focus that makes it more attractive to smaller local-based business.


Internet Internet advertising encompasses a variety of online options, including banner advertising, website takeovers, search and mouseover (rollover) to name a few. The technical capabilities of digital advertising, and its ability to provide the context to translate a call to action, straight through with the click of a mouse, to the desired action, be it a transaction, competition entry, database signup, information request, recommendation to friends, or a Facebook LIKE, for example. Internet advertising provides advertisers with the opportunity to communicate to specific demographic groups, mainstream and niche, in a cost effective manner.


Radio Radio provides low cost broadcast medium to reach a designated segment of your target audience via either pre-recorded advertisements or live reads, transmitted at the most effective time of the day for your advertisement, with a much shorter production and broadcast lead-time than television. Radio also offers product/segment sponsorship options (ie, competitions, outdoor broadcasts), with an advertisers message able to be aligned with the stations editorial content.


Television Television allows the advertiser to reach a mass market directly into their home with a 15, 30 or 60 second audio visual message that conveys emotion and delivers a call to action in a manner unsurpassed by other mediums. The finite analysis of broadcast television facilitates precision targeting of advertising communication via media buy (placements) based on TARPs.


Branded Entertainment Allows a brands product or service to be aligned to the pretext and relative positioning of the branded entertainment environment. By having a product or service placed into the storyline or set environment of a TV show or film, an attitude or behaviour towards the item may be successfully demonstrated, and, by association, affiliated with the aesthetic of the production. 5. Media Vehicles Chosen 5.1. Newspaper Identified as heavy readers of metro and local newspapers, full and half page advertisements could effectively reach the target audience through the publications: The Daily Telegraph (metro) The St George and Sutherland Shire Leader (local) The Inner West Courier (local)


Magazine Roy Morgan has identified individuals conforming to the Traditional Family segment as voracious consumers of magazines, reflecting a preoccupation with lifestyle and lifecycle issues, interested in

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maintaining strong sources of mental stimulation through access to puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku and similar variants of neurological stimuli. The designated target audience may be most effectively reached through full and half page advertisements, and, where appropriate, editorial endorsement, in the publications: Take 5 Thats Life Womans Day New Idea Better Homes & Gardens 50 Something The Retiree


Cinema Val Morgan cinema research has revealed that 28% of moviegoers are over 50, that there is a female skew in cinema goers and that older cinema attendees are more likely to arrive for the feature at the publicised start time (and therefore exposed to the entire pre-feature advertising reel). The target audience may be effectively reached through content communicated to them during the available time prior to their preferred film genres of Comedy, Drama, Epic/Historical and War, in addition to the childrens oriented films that the target audience would accompany their grand children to view. Cinemas popular with and highly accessible to the target audience include: Hoyts cinemas Broadway, Chatswood, Bankstown, Blacktown & East Garden


Internet The internet provides a range of low cost and effective tools to successfully communicate to the target audience, concurrently satisfying a range of corporate objectives including providing the capability for communication to be measured in real time, and for customer databases to be developed and maintained. The internet may be effectively employed in a future campaign via the inclusion of the brand in: Sponsorship of the electronic direct mail (EDM) E-newsletters of Seniors Card, National Seniors Australia and Your Life Choices. Search Engine Optimisation / Search Engine Marketing (as a high involvement item, the target audience will most likely conduct their own product research), utilising the resources of Australias number one website, Google. Banner Advertisements strategically placed on websites frequented predominantly by the target audience, including but not limited to: Ninemsn, 2GB, Better Homes and Garden, Seniors Card, Fishing Australia and Your Life Choices.

5.5. Radio 5.5.1. 2GB Pre-recorded advertisements and live reads during Alan Jones broadcast, giving credibility and authority to the efficacy of the product, and to imbue and project the cache imparted by an apparent endorsement by Alan Jones, leveraging the live read / editorial component with the placement of pre-recorded advertisements during the segment. 5.6. 5.6.1. Television Television Commercial

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Underpinning the brands presence across print, radio and internet should be a strong presence on commercial television, effectively leveraging the increased awareness of the product by the consumer from carefully timed Infomercials and exposure from branded entertainment. Consistent with the viewing habits of the target audience, it is proposed that television commercials be placed during the following programs that would most likely achieve the highest TARPs: Morning and Mid-Morning Sunrise, Today, The Morning Show, Mornings with Kerri-Anne. Afternoon Antiques Roadshow, 4.30 News Peak Packed to the Rafters, Neighbours, Home & Away, Today Tonight, A Current Affair, 6pm News (7 & 9), 60 Minutes, Better Homes & Gardens. 5.6.2. Infomercial The perception of the product as a serious financial instrument provides scope for its inclusion in infomercial advertisements broadcast on weekly morning television. This style of advertisement would be most appropriate for Sunrise and The Morning Show on channel 7, and Today and Mornings with Kerry-Anne on channel 9. 5.6.3. Branded Entertainment Demonstration of the relative benefits of the product to a regular mainstream Australian family, highlighting the relief and ease the product facilitates for the family left behind could be written into the story line of an Australian television drama popular with the target audience, such as Packed to the Rafters. Inclusion of the product by name, with a factual experience of the operational nature of the policy would provide a high level of authenticity and credibility to the product, that could additionally leverage the strength of brand awareness generated from television commercials broadcast during the appropriate episodes. 5.6.4. A Current Affair Segment Additional credibility and authenticity for the efficacy of the product may be achieved by the commissioning of A Current Affair to conduct a survey measuring the financial and lifestyle impact on semi-retired urban couples and their immediate families, from the unexpected death of a partner. 6. Conclusion Dependent on budgetary constraints and corporate expectations detailed in marketing, advertising and media objectives, there is a variety of media options available to reach a large percentage of the target audience with a frequency sufficient to generate a beneficial response to the desired call to action anticipated to be outlined in any impending advertising content, commensurate with the return on investment projected in a campaign of the scale under consideration. 7. Recommendation Mindful of the activity of competitors operating within the same market, a media strategy should be pursued based on owning specific mediums, dominating the funeral plan message available through available media outlets; articulating the funeral plan message most succinctly across several media outlets, utilising all available mediums; or being visible in all the same media spaces as competitors.

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