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-Jordan Smith Vilca Machaca
-Geremy Vilca Argandoña
-Eduardo Valentino Mamani Villanueva
-Leonel David Apaza Miranda

Arequipa - 2023
A. Cronograma de actividades:

Fecha Actividades Responsable

29/04/23 - designación de proyecto - Docente a cargo

recomendaciones e

05/05/23 - Selección del animal en peligro -Jordan Smith Vilca

de extinción. Machaca
-Geremy Vilca Argandoña
-Eduardo Valentino
-Leonel David Apaza

06/05/23 - Recopilación de información e -Jordan Smith Vilca

inicio del proyecto. Machaca
-Geremy Vilca Argandoña
-Eduardo Valentino
-Leonel David Apaza

B. Temas y / o actividades a desarrollar en la exposición:

1. Importancia de la Pava aliblanca.

2. Alimentación de la pava aliblanca

3. causas de su extinción.

4. ¿porque deberíamos cuidar a la pava aliblanca?

C. Fotografías sugeridas para la presentación:
D. Texto borrador de los temas a exponerse:

 Importance of the white-winged guan

The presence of the white-winged guan in the forests means that they are
healthy and have permanent water.
When the white-winged guan feeds on fruits, the seeds are not digested and
they are expelled through the excrement. Therefore, the seeds end up on
another side of the forest and germinate, causing the forest to grow.

 Feeding of the white-winged guan

Its diet is mainly Higueron, Frejolillo, Cimarrón Cherry, Overo, Pasallo and
Tuple among other species of buds, leaves, fruits, seeds and flowers of
different species of shrubs and trees.

 causes of its extinction.

The white-winged guan is a cracid endemic to the dry forests of northwestern
Peru and is critically threatened with extinction due to hunting and habitat

 Why should we take care of the white-winged

The white-winged guan is important for the ecosystem, because it helps the
forests grow, which is why we must take care of this species. It is known that
where there are white-winged guans there is plenty of water.

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