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Survey Objective With this survey we hope to find how each participant from each generation feels about the relationship between themselves and their parental figures. It is understood that depending on the generational time period, participants of the older generations are less likely to have had as close a relationship with their parents like the participants of the younger generations.

Participants and Procedures In order to retain information from each generation a survey was prepared and handed out. After the researchers put together multiple questions that pertained to the topic of interest. Subjects were found through internet, phone calls, and face to face interaction. Participants filled surveys out with understanding as to why they were being asked to. Surveys were completed immediately and handed back to the researchers. The finished data was collected and counted; each question was put into graph form to visually show what the final similarities and differences were.

Questions Questions given to the participants were based off of their personal relationships with their parents. There were also questions based off of the relationship between them and their own children. In order to keep personal information, such as age, disclosed the different generational years were listed on the top of the survey for participants to identify what generation they belong too. All questions were based on a yes or no answer or on a scale of 1-5.

Hypothesis Relationships between parents and children are different depending on each generation. Due to the fact that some current adults did not like the way they were raised, we believe this will have an effect on how they have/will raise their own children. H1: The older the generation, the less of a relationship the parent and child had at the time. H2: Due to the relationship difference in the older generations, parents in the newer generations are determined to have a closer relationship with their children.

Survey Design Survey was given to fifteen random individuals from each generation. The survey was made up of questions based on their relationship with their parents. Gender: Male / Female Year Born: 1925-1945 1946-1964 1965-1980 1981-2000

1. Please choose one of the following to describe your family structure Parents are married Parents are divorced One or more parents are deceased

2. On a scale from 1-5 how close would you describe your relationship with your parents? 1 Not close 2 3 4 5 Extremely close

3. Who are you more close with? Mom _____ Dad ________

4. How often do you go to your mom for advice? 1 Not often 5. How often do you go to your dad for advice? 1 Not often 2 3 4 5 All the time 2 3 4 5 All the time

6. Circle all which apply to your relationship with your mom: Best Friends Strictly mother-daughter/ son relationship Mentor No relationship Hero Other __________________

7. Circle all which apply to your relationship with your father: Best Friends Strictly Father-daughter / Son relationship 8. Who is more strict? Mom __________ Dad ___________ Mentor No relationship Hero Other __________________

9. On a scale of 1-5, how much more strict are they compared to the other parental figure? 1 2 3 4 5

No at all

Extremely strict

10. 0n a scale if 1-5, how often were your parents home? 1 2 3 4 5

No at all 11. How often were you disciplined? Never Sometimes Rarely

All the Time

Only when disobedient


12. Do you have children? If no, go to question 15 Yes _________ No ___________

13. If yes, on a scale of 1-5 what is your relationship with your children? 1 2 3 4 5

Not Close

Extremely close

14. Would you consider yourself closer with your kids than you were with your own parents? Yes ________ No __________

15. If no, on a scale of 1-5, how close would you want your relationship to be if you did have children? 1 2 3 4 5

Not Close

Extremely close

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