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American Imperialism 1

HST/165 Version 2

University of Phoenix Material

American Imperialism

Part 1

Complete the chart by identifying the following:

 Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to


 Discuss why each area was important to American empire building (political, economic, and social).

 Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some of the factors that justified American imperialist actions?

 Identify the current political status of these places in relation to the United States.

Age of Imperialism: 1870 to 1914

Place Why was there interest? U.S. actions Status today

Politically, the United States The United States declared the In the Phillipines, the

Philippines had the desire to colonize and Phillipines as an independent government has three branches

conquer the Philippines in nation and even wrote their with equal powers similar to

order to achieve their destiny constitution (Morley, 2018). the USA.

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as a great power (Morley, This justified their imperialism

2018). Economically, the of the country as they did

empire wanted to expand something in return to benefit

their markets and increase on the country which was still

exports. Socially, America under the Spanish rule.

felt that Philippines was the

right place to extend their

spread of Christianity.

Politically, the American The main action taken by the Cuba is currently a member

Cuba Empire wanted to protect U.S in Cuba was participation state of the United Nations

their Cuban-American in the Spanish-American war similar to the United States.

citizens from Spain and to which led to the independence

help Cuba fight for their of Cuba (Campbell, 2021).

independence (Campbell, Although Cuba was under their

2021). Economically, Cuba own rule, the United States

had some major minerals and took advantage of their military

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sugar plantations that the support to exploit the Cuban

American Empire wanted to natural resources like sugar and

exploit. Just like in the minerals.

Phillipines, America wanted

to strengthen their religion in


Politically, America wanted The United States declared war The current political status

Austria to strengthen global security on Germany who had colonized between Austria and America

and promote democracy in Austria (Lowe, 2013). This was is that they are partners in

Europe which was regarded a enough justification for strengthening global security.

more dictatorial continent. America to exploit the

Economically, Austria was a resources of Austria and their

member of different trade tariffs.

European trade unions which

America wanted to exploit for

exportation without trade

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barriers (Lowe, 2013).

Socially, the United States

wanted to promote defend

their values and peace

between them and the

European nations.

Politically, America wanted According to Duns (2020), The United States military is

South Korea to contain communism in America used their military currently stationed in South

Korea. Economically, they supremacy to support South Korea after agreement

wanted to prevent the domino Korea in their war against between the two nations on

effect which would affect North Korea in order to justify peace maintenance (Duns,

Japan, one of American’s their spread of capitalism in the 2020). South Korea also

main trade partners at the country. practices representative

time (Duns, 2020). Socially, democracy just like the US.

Korea seemed to be a

strategic place to expand

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Christianity due to their high


Politically and socially, the America bombed several Japan is currently a strong

Japan United States utilized islands of Japan as a result of democratic nation due to the

diplomacy in order to their resistance to capitalism influence of USA during

maintain peace in the nation (Eskildsen, 2019). This was imperialism.

therefore improving their after America tried to use

political relationship with the diplomacy to solve their

Japan (Eskildsen, 2019). differences with Japan.

Economically, Americans

wanted to modernize Japan so

that they would conduct

easily conduct trade with


Politically, the United States The United States government The political status of Hawaii

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Hawaiian Islands believed that Hawaii was overthrew the Hawaiian and America is that they share

important since it was monarch who was believed to the same laws since Hawaii

strategically placed hence suppress the Hawaiians. became the 50th state of the

strengthening its political country.

power (Swissler, 2014).

Economically, Hawaii was

fertile and rich in sugar as

well which would become a

good source of revenue for

the country. Socially,

imperialism in Hawaii would

ensure good social relations

between the America and

European nations.

Part 2

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American Imperialism 7
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Prompt 1

The term American imperialism refers to the United States' economic, military, and cultural influence on other countries. The

concept of the American Empire was popularized during the presidency of James K. Polk and became a reality in the latter half of the

1800s (Hobson, 2018). During this time, American companies sought new overseas markets to sell their goods as a result of

industrialization. Furthermore, the growing impact of social Darwinism led to the assumption that the United States was essentially

responsible for transferring concepts like industry, democracy, and Christianity to savage societies that were less developed (Hobson,

2018). The United States became imperialistic as a result of a combination of these attitudes and other causes. American imperialism

is based on the country's uniqueness in the mission to promote democracy and liberty. Although it began slowly, American

imperialism reached the pinnacle of its power.

The United States was interested in expansion in the areas for various economic, political and social reasons. Some of the

political reasons include promoting global security, promoting capitalism and democracy and expanding their territories like in the

case of Hawaii. Economically, the American Empire wanted to promote trade and industrialization with other countries (Hobson,

2018). Socially, the United States wanted to spread Christianity to non-Christian nations and promoting peace in countries with

ongoing wars like Cuba.

America was building a global empire because it wanted to become a global super power both economically and politically.

Prompt 2

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American Imperialism came with various benefits and disadvantages to the people living in those countries. For instance, the

people of Philippines and Cuba were protected from attacks by the Spanish people who wanted to colonize these countries. In other

countries like Japan and Korea, the actions by USA improved development of infrastructure and through industrialization, many

people were employed (Duns, 2020). Their actions also strengthened peace and security in nations of the world.

One of the main disadvantages of their actions is that many people lost their lands and properties. For instance, in Cuba and

Philippines, many of their citizens lost their lives and property during the Spanish-American war (Morley, 2018). Another

disadvantage was that some people lost their sources of income when America exploited their raw materials, for example, sugar and

various minerals in Cuba (Campbell, 2021). Lastly, in their quest to forcefully spread Christianity, most people had to join religions

that they did not want to.

In terms of being conquered, I would describe their experiences through loss of land, property and independence. Hawaii

which was an independent kingdom before Imperialism, therefore, when the United States conquered the Island, it meant that they did

not have their own freedom anymore and most of them lost their land and properties (Swissler, 2014). On assimilation, many citizens

of these countries embraced Americans way of living. For instance, the Cubans and Austrians started practicing Christianity and the

countries started practicing democracy. Lastly, on the basis of marginalization, during Imperialism, the people in those were

dominated by Americans. For instance, in mineral firms and sugar plantations in Cuba, the Cubans worked in the lowest jobs and in

bad working conditions.

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Prompt 3

The moral ramifications of American imperialism were that any nation that grew strong enough appeared likely to build its

own empire by advancing its interests in other countries. The United States, for example, needed a large number of resources in Latin

America and the Caribbean, and obtained them (Tompkins, 2016). Morality is also influenced by technology and economic changes,

as evidenced by the shifting opinions regarding Neo - colonialism over time as technological and economic ties have changed.

The imperialists justified their actions by explaining how they helped to strengthen the countries’ economies, democracy and

unity. For instance, fighting the Spanish colonists in Cuba protected their country from wars and helped them to acquire their

independence (Campbell, 2021). Engagement in sugar plantations and mining in the same country made sure the country became more

industrialized and the Americans developed the country’s infrastructure. In countries like Austria who were ruled by dictators,

America introduced democracy which strengthened peace and unification in the country.

On the basis of race, Anti-Imperialists justified their position on imperialism by claiming that the United States only targeted

countries of different races and that is the reason they focused mainly in Asia (Tompkins, 2016). On economics, the United States

targeted countries that were either rich in minerals, crop plantation or countries with better trade structures in order to exploit them.

On science, the countries that were targeted were not highly industrialized therefore the US took advantage to expand its territory on

such countries by offering them a chance of modernization (Swissler, 2014). Lastly, on religion, countries like Phillipines and South

Korea were unfairly targeted because they did not have any dominant religion at the time.

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Prompt 4

The major significance of the Spanish-American War is that the United States gained possession and/or authority of many new

territories as a result of its victory in the Spanish-American War. As a result of these and other territorial advances, a new far-flung

empire was born. The Hawaiian Islands were taken over by the United States prior to the Spanish-American War. Hawaii, a group of

islands that remained autonomous from the United States, had attracted American corporate interests since the early 1800s (Swissler,

2014). The Dole Family was the greatest landowner at the period, and the Hawaiian Royal family largely followed what they and the

US said. In the mid-nineteenth century, a new monarch, Queen Liliuokalani, took control of the islands and began enacting anti-

American legislation. As a result of the laws' negative impact on commerce, the Doles and other private American businessmen

funded a revolution and seized control of Hawaii (Swissler, 2014). The USS Boston, a battleship from the United States, sat in the

harbor, deterring any Hawaiian resistance. The United States further acquired Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico and other Islands as part

of their Empire. America became one of the most dominant countries during this period both politically and economically.

Prompt 5

In my opinion, the United States is an Imperialist country currently. This is mainly due to the fact that USA no longer has the

desire to expand its territories to other nations. However, from the standard definition of imperialism, United States continues to

influence other nations by offering economic, political and military support. This does not necessarily mean imperialism because in

the past, the United States offered support to other countries and at the same time expanding their territory or taking over their raw

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materials. For instance, they offered military support to the Cubans and helped them to fight for their independence from Spain only to

take over the nation together with their sugar plantations and minerals (Campbell, 2021). Currently, the United States may have

similar relationships with other countries but not to the extent of establishing empires. For instance, the United States offers military

support to countries in the Middle East to aid in the fight against terrorists but the government has never tried to expand the America’s

territory in any of the countries. The only reason the United States still appears to be imperialistic is because it is more influential and

powerful than most countries, therefore they either feel the urge to assist them or the countries ask for their help.

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Campbell, A. (2021). Imperialism and the Transition to Socialism in Cuba. In Imperialism and Transitions to Socialism. Emerald

Publishing Limited.

Duns, P. (2020). Economic dimensions of Meiji imperialism: The case of Korea, 1895-1910. In The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-

1945 (pp. 128-171). Princeton University Press.

Eskildsen, R. (2019). Transforming Empire in Japan and East Asia: The Taiwan Expedition and the Birth of Japanese Imperialism.


Hobson, J. A. (2018). Imperialism: a study. Routledge.

Lowe, J. (2013). The Great Powers, imperialism and the German problem 1865-1925. Routledge.

Morley, I. (2018). Cities and Nationhood: American Imperialism and Urban Design in the Philippines, 1898–1916. University of

Hawaii Press.

Swissler, J. (2014). The Great Debate Anti-Imperialism and the Annexation of Hawaii; 1893-1898.

Tompkins, E. B. (2016). Anti-imperialism in the United States. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Copyright © 2015, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2004 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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