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American Imperialism 1

HST/165 Version 2

University of Phoenix Material

American Imperialism

Part 1

Complete the chart by identifying the following:

 Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914.
 Discuss why each area was important to American empire building (political, economic, and social).
 Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some of the factors that justified American imperialist actions?
 Identify the current political status of these places in relation to the United States.

Age of Imperialism: 1870 to 1914

Place Why was there interest? U.S. actions Status today

Politically, the United States had
Philippines the desire to colonize and
conquer the Philippines in order
to achieve their destiny as a
great power. Economically, the
empire wanted to expand their
markets and increase on
exports. Socially, America felt
that Philippines was the right
place to extend their spread of
Politically, the American Empire
Cuba wanted to protect their Cuban-
American citizens from Spain
and help Cuba fight for their
independence. Economically,
Cuba had some major minerals
and sugar plantations that the
American Empire wanted to

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American Imperialism 2
HST/165 Version 2

exploit. Just like in the

Phillipines, America wanted to
strengthen their religion in Cuba.
Politically, America wanted to
Austria strengthen global security and
promote democracy in Europe
which was regarded a more
dictatorial continent.
Economically, Austria was a
member of different European
trade unions which America
wanted to exploit for exportation
without trade barriers. Socially,
the United States wanted to
promote defend their values and
peace between them and the
European nations.
Politically, America wanted to
Korea contain communism in Korea.
Economically, they wanted to
prevent the domino effect which
would affect Japan, one of
American’s main trade partners
at the time. Socially,


Hawaiian Islands

Part 2

Copyright © 2015, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2004 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
American Imperialism 3
HST/165 Version 2

Answer each of the following prompts with a response of at least 200 to 300 words:

Prompt 1Trace the path of American imperialism during the period from about 1870 to 1914 through political, military, and economic events. Why
was the United States interested in expansion in these areas? Why was America building a global empire?
The term American imperialism refers to the United States' economic, military, and cultural influence on other countries. The concept of
the American Empire was popularized during the presidency of James K. Polk and became a reality in the latter half of the 1800s.
During this time, American companies sought new overseas markets to sell their goods as a result of industrialization. Furthermore, the growing
impact of social Darwinism led to the assumption that the United States was essentially responsible for transferring concepts like industry,
democracy, and Christianity to "savage" societies that were less developed. The United States became imperialistic as a result of a combination of
these attitudes and other causes. American imperialism is based on the country's uniqueness in the mission to promote democracy and liberty.
Whatever its beginnings, American imperialism reached the pinnacle of its power.
The United States was interested in expansion in the areas for various economic, political and social reasons. Some of the political
reasons include promoting global security, promoting capitalism and democracy and expanding their territories like in the case of Hawaii.
Economically, the American Empire wanted to promote trade and industrialization with other countries. Socially, the United States wanted to
spread Christianity to non-Christian nations and promoting peace in countries with ongoing wars like Cuba.
America was building a global empire because it wanted to become a global super power economically and politically.

Prompt 2 What were the benefits of America’s imperialistic actions for the people in these countries or areas? What were the disadvantages?
How would you describe their experiences in terms of being conquered, assimilated, or marginalized?
American Imperialism came with various benefits and disadvantages to the people living in those countries. For instance, the people of
Philippines and Cuba were protected from attacks by the Spanish people who wanted to colonize these countries. In other countries like Japan
and Korea, the actions by USA improved development of infrastructure and through industrialization, many people were employed. Their actions
also strengthened peace and security in nations of the world.
One of the main disadvantages of their actions is that many people lost their lands and properties. For instance, in Cuba and Philippines,
many of their citizens lost their lives and property during the Spanish-American war. Another disadvantage was that some people lost their sources
of income when America exploited their raw materials, for example, sugar and various minerals in Cuba. Lastly, in their quest to forcefully spread
Christianity, most people had to join religions that they did not want to.
In terms of being conquered, I would describe their experiences through loss of land, property and independence. Hawaii which was an
independent kingdom before Imperialism, therefore, when the United States conquered the Island, it meant that they did not have their own
freedom anymore and most of them lost their land and properties.

 What were the moral implications of American imperialism? How did Imperialists justify their actions? How did the Anti-Imperialists justify
their position? Consider the role of race, economics, science, and religion.

Copyright © 2015, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2004 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
American Imperialism 4
HST/165 Version 2

 What significance did the Spanish-American War have in the development of the United States as an empire and world power?

 Do you think the United States is currently an imperialist country? Why or why not?

Cite and reference all information sources according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.

Copyright © 2015, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2004 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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