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Fixed income

S Sial
Dept of Mathematics

Spring 2022

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022


1 Fixed-income products
Zero-coupon bond
Coupon-bearing bond
Floating rate bond
Money market account
Forward rate agreement
2 International bond market
3 Interest
4 Measures of yield Fixed income
S Sial (LUMS) MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022
Fixed-income products

Fixed-income products

Fixed-income products

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Zero-coupon bond

Fixed-income products:
Zero-coupon bond

Zero-coupon bond

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Zero-coupon bond

Zero-coupon bond

Zero-coupon bond
A zero-coupon bond pays interest (a coupon)
but is traded at a discount, giving profit at
maturity T when the bond is redeemed for its
full face value.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Zero-coupon bond


A zero-coupon bond pays nothing for 10 years
and then pays $1 at maturity.

How much should we pay for such a bond?

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Coupon-bearing bond

Fixed-income products:
Coupon-bearing bond

Fixed-income products: Coupon-bearing bond

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Coupon-bearing bond

Coupon-bearing bond

Coupon-bearing bond
Pays the principal at maturity, AND it pays
smaller quantities, the coupons, at intervals up
to and including the maturity date T .

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Coupon-bearing bond


Coupon-bearing bond pays $1 in ten years. Also,
every six months it pays 4% or 4 cents. This
would be called an 8% coupon.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Coupon-bearing bond

Example contd

Compare to previous example

The bond in this example is worth more than the
bond in the previous example.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Coupon-bearing bond

Coupon-bearing bonds in terms of

zero-coupon bonds

Think of coupon-bearing bond as a portfolio of

zero-coupon bonds
We can construct a coupon-bearing bond as a
portfolio of zero-coupon bonds.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Coupon-bearing bond

Example contd
Previous coupon-bearing bond as a portfolio of
zero-coupon bonds
Portfolio of zero-coupon bond expiry in 6
months with principle 4 cents, plus another with
expiry in one year with principle 4 cents, ... 4
cents in 10 years, finally zero-coupon bond
giving $1 in ten years.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Coupon-bearing bond

Example contd

Cashflow of actual coupon-bearing and portfolio

Equivalent cash flow to the coupon-bearing bond

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Floating rate bond

Fixed-income products: Floating

rate bond

Fixed-income products: Floating rate bond

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Floating rate bond

Floating rate bond

Floating rate bond

A floating interest rate is the amount that you
get on your bank account. This amount varies
from time to time.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Money market account

Fixed-income products: Money

market account

Fixed-income products: Money market account

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Money market account

Money market account

Money market account

Account accumulates interest compounded at a
rate that varies from time to time. The rate is
usually short-term and unpredictable.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Forward rate agreement

Fixed-income products: Forward

rate agreement

Fixed-income products: Forward rate agreement

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Forward rate agreement

Forward rate agreement

Forward rate agreement

Two parties agree that a prescribed interest rate
will apply to a prescribed principal over some
specified period in the future.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Forward rate agreement


Why do we have these?

A borrower wants to lock in an interest rate. A
lender thinks that rates might go down, so will
be lending at a higher than market rate.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Repos

Fixed-income products:Repos

Fixed-income products:Repos

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Repos


A repo is a repurchase agreement to sell some
security to another party and then buy it back at
a fixed date for a fixed amount.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Repos

Fixed-income products

Repos contd
The price at which the security is bought back is
greater than the selling price and the difference
implies an interest rate called the repo rate.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Repos

Fixed-income products

I need $100 right now. I sell you a security for
$100. The next day I buy it back at $100.01,
effectively repaying a loan of $100 with some

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Repos

Fixed-income products

The principal can amortize or decrease during
the life of the contract. The principal is thus
paid back gradually and interest is paid on the
amount of the principal outstanding.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Fixed-income products Repos

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

International bond market

International bond markets

International bond markets

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

International bond market

International bond markets

Bills: Bonds with maturity less than one year,
zero-coupon bonds

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

International bond market

International bond markets

Notes: Bonds with maturity 2-10 years, coupon
bearing bonds

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

International bond market

International bond markets

Bonds: Maturity more than 10 years

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

International bond market

International bond markets

Gilts: Bonds issued by the UK government are
called gilts.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

International bond market

International bond markets

Some gilts are callable, irredeemable, and

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

International bond market

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022




S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022



Continuously compounded interest

The present value of $1 paid at time T in the
future is e −rT × $1.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022



Discretely compounded interest

The present value is
× $1
(1 + r )T

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022


S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

Current yield
annual coupon income / bond price

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

10-year bond pays 4 cents every six months, and
$1 at maturity. Suppose that the bond currently
costs $8. Then the current yield is 0.08/8 =
0.01 = 1%.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

Yield to maturity/internal rate of return

We have a coupon-bearing bond. Discount all
coupons and the principal to the present by
using some interest rate y .

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

Yield to maturity/internal rate of return

The present value of the bond at time t
−y (T −t)
V = Pe + Ci e −y (T −ti )

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

Yield to maturity/internal rate of return

P = Principal, i = 1, ..., N (no. of coupon
payments), Ci is the coupon paid on date ti .

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

The Macaulay duration is a measure of how
sensitive a bond’s price is to changes in interest

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

Duration contd
1 dV

V dy

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

Measures of yield

1 d 2V
V dy 2

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Measures of yield

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022




S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022



We balanced options and assets to create risk
free portfolio.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022



For a portfolio of bonds

Hedge movements in one bond with movements
in another.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022



Assume that a move of x% in bond A’s yield is
accompanied by a move of x% in B’s yield.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022



P = VA(yA) − ∆VB (yB )

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022



Choose delta to eliminate the leading order risk

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022


S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

Interest rate considered function of time

Implies the bond price is a function of time and
a function of maturity T .

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

Consider a zero coupon bond at pays 1 at time
t = T.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

Example contd
Then V (T ) = 1.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

Example contd
Change in value over time interval dt.
dV = dt

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

Example contd
Arbitrage considerations implies

= r (t)V

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

Example contd
Solving the eqn gives

− tT r (t) dt
V (t; T ) = e

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

Time dependent interest rates

What about for coupon bearing bonds?

dV = + K (t) dt

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Time dependent interest rates

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

Forward Rates

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

Problem with yield to maturity

Not consistent across instruments

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

Forward rates
Interest rates that are assumed to apply over
given periods in the future for all instruments

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

We have a continuous distribution of
zero-coupon bonds with all maturities T

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

Forward rate
The implied forward rate is the curve of a time-
dependent spot interest rate that is consistent
with the market price of instruments

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

If this rate is r (s) at time s then
− tT r (s)ds
Z (t; T ) = e

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

r (T ) = − log Z (t; T )

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

This is the forward rates at time t applying at
time T in the future, denote it by F (t, T )

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

Forward rates

Forward rates

Use Z (t; T ) = e −y (t,T )(T −t) to derive a
relationship between yield and forward rates.

S Sial (LUMS) Fixed income MATH 449 Spring 2021-2022

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