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Men of the Guipuzcoan Company 1979 - 395


The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth

century 1979 - 372 pages

The Basque man

1979 - 336 pages

Jesus Muñoz Tébar, 1847-1909

1959 - 63 pages

Biography of Jesús Muñoz Tébar, 1847-1909 1973

- 61 pages

1993 - 518 pages

Complete works of Vicente de Amézaga Aresti 1979

General Juan Uslar 1966

- 3 pages

Jesus Munoz Tebar: 1847-1909 ; biography 1959

- 63 pages

Men of the Guipuzacoana Company 1963 -

397 pages

Nicolas Federman, Conqueror of Venezuela, 1506?-1542 1959 - 64


Vicente Antonio de Icuza:

1966 - 265 pages

Origins of the boundary conflict between Venezuela and Guyana...


General Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Basque Country: Volume 4;Volume 4

1974 -
The Virgin of Begoña 473 Iruarrizaga 474 Iruarrízaga 474 PIERRE DUHOUR (1890-1968) 475 VICENTE DE
ECHEZARRAGA ARTIÑANO ... Mateo Mujika ¡aunaren eliz-itzaldia 482 Sermon of Mr. Mateo Mujica 482 VICENTE
DE AMEZAGA ARESTI (1901-1969) . ...
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The History of Science in Latin America - Page 329

For more information on the activities of the government of Don Martín de Lardizábal, see Vicente DE
AMEZAGA ARESTI, 1963, pp. 38-43. The establishment of the Guipuzcoana Company in the properties
that made up the Province of Venezuela, ...

National Magazine: Numbers 40-42

Uruguay. Ministry of Public Instruction and Social Welfare, Uruguay. Culture Ministry,
Uruguay. Ministry of Public Instruction - 1941 - STATE
INSTITUTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President, Mr. Vicente F. Costa; Vice president,
Mr. Roberto H. Barrcira; Vice President 29, ... Sub-Managers: Esc. Gerardo M. Romero, Ing.
Armando Aresti Hervé, Ing. Agr. Cipriano A. Laserre. ...

Culture and Humanism in Spanish Colonial America (Volume 2) - Page 92

Clementino Pastor Miguelanez -

Frequent readings of Venezuelan Creoles in the eighteenth century "Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, in his
work Hombres de la Compañía Guipucoana and Manuel Pérez Vila, in his study on Libraries
colonies of Venezuela have given ...

The Jesuits in Venezuela: Volume 5 - Page 753

José del Rey Fajardo - 2006 -
In addition, the Dutch had already installed their colonies in Dutch Guyana and the territories of
Middle Orinoco were seen continuously 3950 Can be seen: Vicente de AMEZAGA ARESTI. Men
of the Guipuzcoana Company. ...

Forge and crucible: the Central University, Venezuela and the exiles ... - Page 66
Juan José Martín Frechilla - 2006 - 558 pages -
88-90. The plot of surnames -Aguerrevere, Michelena, Echenique, Vera- linked to engineering and
geology in Venezuela dates back to the time of the Guipuzcoan Company. Vicente de Amezaga Aresti.
The Basque element in the 18th century...

Basques in the diaspora: emigration from La Guaira to Puerto Rico, ... - Page 26

Birgit Sonesson - 2008 - 161 pages -

Vicente Amezaga points out that there were Basques in Venezuela before... Morales Padrón, 1955, 218-219. .
Ib., 26. Amézaga Aresti, 1966, 11-19. . Hernández González, 1996, chapter 10. . Moralez Padron,
1955, 137-141. ïlliïíllïl oooqpx ...

Bibliographic guide to Latin American studies: Volume 2

Benson Latin American Collection - 1988 -

Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de, 1901- Caracas 1963. , xxvi, 395 p. LC Card 65-66527 LAC F2322 .A63
Men of talent, their triumphs and their sorrows /. Moreno Acero, Jorge Eduardo. Bogota, Colombia 1986. ,
131 p. ; ISBN 958-601-102-? LC Card...

Documents for the history of the public life of the liberator: Volume 1;Volume 1
Machine Translated by Google

José Félix Blanco, Ramón Azpurúa, José Félix Blanco - 1979 -

Although there is no documentary evidence that they traveled to Venezuela, it should be noted that the
diligent researcher of the Basques in the XV II I Venezuelan century, Dr. Vicente de Amézaga Aresti,
refers to a José Antonio de Azpurua, ...

Bibliography of studies on Carlos III and his time - Page 181

Francisco Aguilar Piñal, Higher Council for Scientific Research (Spain) - 1988 - 428 pages - 3689.
AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de. Vicente-Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. Caracas, Ed. Arte,
1966. xvI —|- 265 pages. 23cm. 3690. MASSISIMO, M.' Angels. Pirates and filibusters.
Barcelona, Ed. Telster, 1967. 220 pages. ...

Basques in the Philippines - Page 149

Marciano R. De Borja - 2005 - 183 pages -

Quoted in Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, The Basque man (Buenos Aires: Editorial Vasca Ekin SRL,
1987), 78. 3. Robert P. Clark, The Basques: The Franco Years and Beyond (Reno: University of Nevada
Press, 1979), 20. 4. ...

Vincent Antonio de Icuza:

Vicente de Amézaga Aresti - 1966 - 265 pages -


Philology Bulletin...: Volume 6, Number 43 -Volume 8, Number 57

Institute of Higher Studies (Montevideo, Uruguay). Philology and Experimental Phonetics Section,
Montevideo. Institute of Higher Studies. Philology and Experimental Phonetics Section - 1950 - Dr.
Vicente de Amézaga Aresti; Hebrew, by Prof. Rabbi G. Rosemann. The General Conferences and those of
the Chair of Uruguayan Culture are announced at the opening of the courses. ? ADDRESSES: Board
of Directors: July 18, 1195. ...

Between desire and hope: the Jesuits in colonial Caracas

José del Rey Fajardo - 2004 - 859 pages -

523 Vicente de AMEZAGA ARESTI. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company. Caracas (1963) 31-32.
MEPP [María Elena PARRA PARDI]. "Garcia de La Torre. Sebastian". In: Dictionary of History of
Venezuela. Caracas. Polar Foundation. II. 453. ...

Selected Writings - Page 215

Pedro Grases, Arturo Uslar Pietri - 1989 - 510 pages -

There is no doubt, as can be seen, that there has been a very close relationship between the
Riesgos and Montero and the Compañía Guipuzcoana de Caracas. The investigations of Mr. Vicente de
Amézaga y Aresti, give a new and surprising bias... to the
Machine Translated by Google

Identities, relationships and contexts - Page 67

Joan Bestard-Camps - 2002 - 153 pages - Amezaga

Aresti, Vicente de (1967) The Basque man, Editorial Vasca Ekin, Library of Culture
Basque, Buenos Aires. Aranzadi, Juan (1981) Basque millenarianism. Golden age, ethnicity and nativism,
Taurus, Madrid. ...

National Culture Magazine: Numbers 179-182; Numbers 179-182

Venezuela. Ministry of Education, National Institute of Culture and Fine Arts, National Council of
Culture (Venezuela) - 1967 -
AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de: Vicente Antonio de Icuza, Commander of Corsairs. Caracas,
Italgráfica, 1966, 266 p. The m. As an excellent connoisseur of the activities of the Basques in the
half Venezuelan, traces the author with notable ...

Who is who in the history of the country of the Basques - Page 41

Iñaki Egaña - 2005 - 507 pages -

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente (XX century, Master) Director of the Ikastolas during the civil war of 1936.
Then he went into exile. «I was born and I have lived all my life by the sea, there, in my Basque land, and
I have many marine friends. ...

Magazine of the Bolivarian Society of Venezuela: Volume 28

Bolivarian Society of Venezuela - 1968 - AMEZAGA

ARESTI, Vicente de: The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. -Caracas,
Vargas Typography, 1966. 374 p., facsimiles. As the author indicates in the Introduction, from the
early times of the Colony can be noted the ...

Venezuelan colonial history topics

Mario Briceño Perozo - 1981 - 574 pages - Doctor

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, in his work Men of the Guipuzcoan Company (Ediciones
of the Central Bank. Artography Workshops. Caracas, 1963), entitles the first chapter with the name of
Pedro José de Olavarriaga, the Forerunner,...

Soundings in Atlantic history: latent structures and intellectual ... - Page 523

Bernard Bailyn, Patricia L. Denault - 2009 - 622 pages - AGI, Caracas

932, annex to a letter by Juan de Goizueta and Vicente Rodríguez de Rivas, directors of
the Compama Guipuzcoana, to Julian de Arriaga, Madrid, 30 July 1771; Vicente de Amezaga Aresti,
Vicente Antonio de Icuza, Commander of...

Historical Bulletin: Numbers 25-27; Numbers 25-27

John Boulton Foundation, John Boulton Foundation - 1971 - ... in the

midst of the greatest poverty. (AGI. Santo Domingo. Leg. 913, Caracas. Legs. 478, 767 and 768.
Also see: Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Hombrea de la Compañía Guipuzcoana, V. IX, pp. 294-
350). 3. AGI. Caracas, Leg. 425, Doc. No. 2. ...
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Bandits at sea: a pirates reader - Page 54

CR Pennell - 2001 - 351 pages - Peers,

Colonial Blockade; Vicente De Amezaga Aresti, Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of
corsairs (Caracas: National Commission of the Cuatricentennial of Caracas, 1966); fernando serrano
Sleeves, "Smuggling on the coasts and corruption ...

The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West, 1400-1800 - Page 366

Paolo Bernardini, Norman Fiering - 2004 - 567 pages - Citizens

of Curaçao to the West India Company, Chamber of Amsterdam, 1761 or 1762, ARA NWIC
603, fols. 1446-47; Willem Kock, boatswain, to the WIC, Curacao, 13 July 1753, ARA NWIC 1161 fol.
6; Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Vicente Antonio...

Catalog of the Malagón section of the Public Library of the ...

Julia Méndez Aparicio, Ana María Toribio, José Echevarría - 1998 - 1008 pages - Without

The Jewish Community of Coro, 1824-1900: a history

Isidoro Aizenberg, Isidoro Aizenberg - 1983 - 244 pages - XU, N.

47 (July-Aug. 1931) p. 198. 5. Joseph Luis de Cisneros, EXACT DESCRIPTION OF THE
PROVINCE OF VENEZUELA (Caracas, 1950), p. 81. 6. Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, VICENTE

Teaching and example of a Basque of the eighteenth century.

Mario Briceño Perozo, Mario Briceño Perozo - 1965 - 236 pages - Vicente
de Amezaga Aresti, in his work Men of the Guipuzcoan Company (Ediciones del Banco
Central, Talleres Artegrafía, Caracas, 1963) entitles the first chapter with the name of Pedro José de
Olavarriaga, the Forerunner, ...

The blood of nations: national identities and political violence

Antonio Robles Egea, Antonio Robles Egea - 2003 - 303 pages - This is
confirmed, for example, in the writings of Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, an important figure in the
PNV. Poet and writer who founded the American Institute of Basque Studies in 1943, this lawyer
exiled had held the position of ...

Letterature d'America: Numbers 95-99;Numbers 95-99

2003 -
Therefore, for Amézaga, the character of smugglers of the canaries is the origin of the rebellion, ...
forced to practice the 27 Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company
(Caracas: Central Bank of Venezuela, 1963). ...
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Eusko-bibliography: 1976-1980

Jon Bilbao, Jon Bilbao - 1985 - 1285 pages - Without

Montalban: Number 13

Andres Bello Catholic University. Faculty of Humanities and Education - 1983 - We owe
Vicente de Amezaga Aresti a documented biography based on copious documentation
on the existing Guipuzcoana in AGN: Vicente Antonio de Icuza Commander of Privateers (Edics.
of the Cuatricentenario of Caracas,...

discreet guild

Pedro Grases - 1967 - 143 pages -

Juan Vicente González. Caracas, 1962. XXXV, 310 p. Selection, prologue and notes to this anthology
published as No. 2 of ... by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti. Caracas, 1963. Prologue to the work, including
as No. IX in the "Historical Collection-...

Documents for the history of education in Venezuela (period ...

Ildefonso Leal, Ildefonso Leal - 1968 - 420 pages -

Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, in his work Hombres de la Compañía Guipuzcoana, and Manuel Pérez Vila, in
his study on the Colonial Libraries of Venezuela, have made known a good part of the
books that the Creoles read in the ...

The Gulf of Venezuela: a historical synthesis

Pablo Ojer - 1983 - 624 pages -

We owe Vicente de Amezaga Aresti a documented biography based on copious documentation
on the existing Guipuzcoana in AGN: Vicente Antonio de Icuza Commander of Privateers (Edics.
of the Cuatricentenario of Caracas,...

Mainland: Volume 4;Volume 4

- The report is taken from Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Vicente Antonio de Icuza, Commander of
Corsairs, Ed. Cuatricentenarias, Caracas, 1966, XVI - 265 p, pp. 48- 51. 15. In AGI, Indifferent
General, leg. ...

The colonial elite of early Caracas: formation and crisis, 1567-1767 - Page 289

Robert J. Ferry - 1989 - 342 pages - Full View

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company (Caracas, 1963), 24-31. 2.Magnus
Morner, "Economic Factors and Stratification in Colonial Spanish America with Special Regard to
Elites," Hispanic American Historical Review ...

Handbook of Latin American Studies, Vol. 56: Humanities - Page 323

Dolores Moyano Martin, Fr. Sue Mundell - 1999 - 951 pages -

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The works of Vicente de Amezaga Aresti are also highlighted. [LRG] 2252 Hutten, Philipp von. Das Gold der Neuen Welt:
die Papiere des Welser- Konquistadors und Generalkapitans von Venezuela, Philipp von Hutten 1534-1541. ...

American History Magazine: Number 60

Silvio Arturo Zavala, Pan American Institute of Geography and History - 1965 - Edberto Oscar
Acevedo, The Municipality of Salta del Tucumán in the Vhrreynato of the Río de la Plata (Víctor Tau Anzoátegui), 221;
Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, The Basque element in the Venezuelan 17th century (Agustín Millares Carlo), 222; ...

Cultural and bibliographic bulletin: Volume 11, Part 1

1968 -
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Konyvtára - Budapest Central Bank of Venezuela - Caracas Vicente de Amézaga Aresti
Manuel R. Egaña Allan-Randolph Brewer-Carías Tomás Enrique Carrillo Batalla...
Central Bank of Costa Rica - San José ...

Bulletin of the National Academy of History: Volume 82, Number 326

National Academy of History (Venezuela). - 1999 - Maracay 1982.

Economic Society of Friends of the Country. Memory and Study. 1829-1839, two volumes.
Central Bank of Venezuela, Caracas 1958. 3. AUXILIARY BIBLIOGRAPHY AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente. Men of the
Guipuzcoana Company, Caracas 1963. ...

The statistics in the history of Venezuela

Manuel Alfredo Rodríguez - 1974 - 342 pages - The

Venezuelan Mario Briceño Perozo has reconstructed his life and achievements and the Basque Vicente de Amézaga
Aresti dedicates another biographical study to him. It is about one of the most daring and enterprising spirits that
set foot on American lands. ...

Latin American Economics Magazine: Numbers 28-31

1969 -
MEN OF THE GUIPUZCOAN COMPANY, by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti.
CEO-HISTORICAL GAZETTE OF VENEZUELA (1498-1810), by Man o-Aurelio Vila.
Celli ...

Report - Central Bank of Venezuela

Central Bank of Venezuela - 1967 - Vicente

de Amézaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Caracas, 1963. Marco Aurelio Vila, Geo-historical Nomenclator
of Venezuela (1498-1810). Caracas, 1964. Proceedings of the Society of Physical and Natural Sciences of Caracas...

National magazine: literature-art-science: Volume 58

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Uruguay. Ministry of Public Instruction and Social Welfare, Uruguay. Ministerio de Cultura - 1953 - And very soon,
when we are about seventeen miles from the eternal city, our eyes are pleased with a village remarkable for the
beauty of (*) VICENTE DE AMEZAGA ARESTI is one of the "genuine representatives" of culture hispanic that...

Los Comuneros de Mérida: commemorative edition of the bicentennial...: Volume 152

1981 -
Around 1785 he returned to Spain and died in Madrid on July 31 of that same year, in the midst of the greatest
poverty. (AGI. Santo Domingo. Leg. 913. Caracas. Legs. 478, 767, 768. Also see: Vicente de Amézaga Aresti,
Men of the Company...

History of translation: fifteen notes

Julio-César Santoyo - 1999 - 261 pages - ... in

1952 and 1954, Vicente de Amézaga Aresti his Basque versions of Hamlet and the Ballad of Reading Prison;
and that today one of the most prolific literary translators may be, and may not be, Jaime Zulaika Goicoechea,...

16th century books

Agustín Millares Carló - 1978 - 187 pages - ...

1821-1971 (Caracas, 1970), pp. 14-15. The inventory is preserved in the General Archive of the Nation (Caracas),
Real Hacienda, vol. 424, fols. 98t>-99r. It was also published by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Hombres de la
Compañía Guipuzcoana. ...

The community members of Venezuela; a popular pre-independence rebellion

Carlos Emilio Muñoz Oraá - 1971 - 197 pages - Around

1785 he returned to Spain and died in Madrid on July 31 of that same year, in the midst of the greatest poverty.
(AGI. Santo Domingo. Leg. 913. Caracas. Legs. 478, 767, 768. Also see: Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Men of
the Company...

The community members of Venezuela; a popular pre-independence rebellion

Carlos Emilio Muñoz Oraá - 1971 - 197 pages - Around

1785 he returned to Spain and died in Madrid on July 31 of that same year, in the midst of the greatest poverty.
(AGI. Santo Domingo. Leg. 913. Caracas. Legs. 478, 767, 768. Also see: Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Men of
the Company...

Bulletin of the American Institute of Basque Studies: Numbers 76-83

American Institute of Basque Studies - 1969 -

VICENTE DE AMEZAGA ARESTI (1901-1969) This Basque humanist died in Caracas on February 4, who was
born on July 4, 1901 in Algorta, Getxo. A studious man, he knew how to alienate work and preparation for a Law
degree, ...

Proceedings of the Society of Physical and Natural Sciences of Caracas, ...

Machine Translated by Google

Society of Physical and Natural Sciences of Caracas, Blas Bruni Celli - 1968 -
Translation by Leopoldo Landaeta. Foreword by Alfonso Espinosa. Bibliographic study, by Pedro
Grases. Caracas, 1962. IX. Vicente de Amezaga Aresti. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company.
Foreword, by Pedro Grases. Caracas, 1963. ...

Topics in the history of education in Venezuela: from the end of the ...

Jesús Andrés-Lasheras, Nacarid Rodríguez T., Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Foundation - 1997 - 229
- ... General" to Writings of the Liberator, Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan
Company, and Ramón de Basterra, Los Navios de the Enlightenment Francisco Depons: Journey to the
Eastern Part of Tierra Firme, TI p. 85. ...

History of territorial property in the valleys of Aragua, ...

Carlos Julio Tavera-Marcano - 1995 - 488 pages -

Quoted by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti: Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Caracas, Central Bank of
Venezuela, 1963. p 221. 67. Ibidem, pp. 221-222. 68. Ibid. pp 222-223 69. Pedro José de
Olavarriaga: Ob. cit., p. 257-258. 70. ...

The founding adventure of the islanders: Panaquire and Juan Francisco...

Lucas G. Castillo Lara - 1983 - 672 pages -

Although an absolute value cannot be given to these data, as Amezaga Aresti states in his defense of
the Guipuzcoana,... Vlcente de Amezaga y Aresti. Vicente Antonio de Icuza Commander of Corsairs.
Caracas, 1966, p. ...

Americanist Bulletin: Numbers 37-38; Numbers 37-38

University of Barcelona. Department of American History, University of Barcelona.

Department of History of America - 1987 - The
Report without date or signature but clearly of the aforementioned Commander, is copied in Vicente
Amézaga Aresti, Vicente Antonio de leuza, Commander of Corsairs, Caracas, Edic. Cuatricentenarias, 1966,
pp. 48-51. 21. See supra Note 5, ...

Latin America: Volume 3; Volume 13

Demetrio Ramos Pérez, National Academy of History (Venezuela) - Vicente

Amezaga Aresti: Vicente Antonio de lcuza, Commander of Corsairs. Caracas, 1966, p. 16-17). Parallel to
the maintenance of its trade with the Province of Caracas and later with Maracaibo and Andalusia, ...

The Hispanic American historical review: Volume 45;Volume 45

James Alexander Robertson, James Alexander Robertson - 1965 -

By Vicente de Amezaga Aresti. Prologue by Pedro Grases. Caracas, 1963. Central Bank of Venezuela.
Venezuelan Historical-Economic Collection, Vol. IX. tables. Appendices. notes. Index. Pp. xxvi, 395.
Paper. Students of the colonial...
Machine Translated by Google

fundamental history of Venezuela

José Luis Salcedo-Bastardo - 1982 - 649 pages - AMÉZAGA

ARESTI, Vicente DE: The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century. Ecc. Typ. vargas
SA CCs. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company. BCV. 1963. Diplomatic Annals of Venezuela. 4 MT
External relationships. ccs. 1951-61. ...

Revista de Indias: Numbers 107-114

Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo Institute - 1967 -

AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de: The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas, editions
of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas, 1966, 372 pp., in 4th, paperback. Within the important set of
publications that to commemorate the ...

Yearbook: Volume 3

Central University of Venezuela. Institute of Anthropology and History - 1966 - 477 Amezaga
Aresti, Vicente de. Vincent Anthony of Icusa. Corsair Commander. (JA of Weapons
Chitty) 481 National Academy of History Library (Sources for the Colonial History of
Venezuela). (Angelina Lemmo) 483 Bruni...

Cultural News: Numbers 72-107

1967 -
Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. — The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century. [Caracas, Typ. Vargas,
1966]. 372 p. (Editions of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas). — Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander
of Corsairs. ...

The Jewish community of Venezuela: chronological synthesis, 1610-1990, ...

Jacob Carciente - 1991 - 247 pages - Amézaga

Aresti, Vicente de. Vicente Antonio de Icuza. Corsair Commander. Caracas. Editions
of the Cuatricentenario of Caracas. 1966. — Amselem, A. Haggadah of Pesah. Caracas. 1972-5732. —
Anonymous. The hand of God. ...

Guide for the study of the history of Venezuela

RJ Lovera De-Sola - 1982 - 217 pages - Paris:

Center de recherches, Institut d'studes hispaniques de l'Université de Paris, 1969. 116 p. Is a
Collection of sources for the study of the colonial era in Latin America. Amezaga Aresti, Vicente
of the ...

Guide to the Hispanic American historical review, 1956-1975 - Page 101

Stanley Robert Ross, Wilber A. Chaffee, Beecher C. Ellison - 1980 - 432 pages - Amezaga Aresti,
Vicente de, Hombres de la Compama Guipuzcoana, reviewed by Charles D.
Machine Translated by Google

Ameringer, 45:4 (1965), 624-625. Amit, Adolfo, ed., Anibal R. Abadie-Santos. jurist and
humanist, 1893- 1960, noticed by David Stern, ...

Basque Country and America

María Estibaliz Ruiz de Azúa y Martínez de Ezquerecocha - 1992 - 388 pages - Vicente Amézaga
Aresti, former Minister of Education in the Basque Government, developed his teaching work and
researcher in American lands, the same as Jesús de Galíndez. Juan de Larrea from Bilbao (who
had gathered in Cuzco in the years...

Bibliographic guide to business and economics: Volume 1;Volume 1

New York Public Library. Research Libraries, New York Public Library. Research Libraries - 1982 -

Curaçao and the coast of Caracas: an introduction to the study of ...

Ramón Aizpurua, Real Compañía Guipuzcoana de Caracas - 1993 - 417 pages - On April 17, 1763,
reason was accepted in the Command. Notaries, 1706, T. II, Registry
Principal of Caracas, in Vicente Antonio de Icuza, Commander of Corsairs, of Vicente de Amézaga and
Aresti, Appendix g, pp. 241-248. ...

Amerikanuak: Basques in the New World - Page 459

William A. Douglass, Jon Bilbao - 2005 - 519 pages - Amezaga

Aresti, Vicente de 1966 The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas. Amorrotu.
Pedro Man'a, 1970 "Centenary of Dr. Tomas de Otaegui (1870-1932)." Institute Newsletter
American of Basque Studies. Buenos Aires. ...

Maritime Defense in the General Captaincy of Venezuela: (1783-1813).

Jairo A. Bracho Palma - 2005 - 540 pages - ... Vicente

Amezaga Aresti came to count 3,260 surnames of this origin living in Venezuela270.
But despite this, according to the reports of the Pasajes de San Juan Seamen's Guild, the
migratory trend of sailors...

New magazine of Hispanic philology: Volume 1

College of Mexico, College of Mexico. Center for Linguistic and Literary Studies - 1947 - AMÉZAGA ARESTI,
VICENTE DE — The Basque language. —BF, 1943, iv, 91-107. HISTORY OF
LANGUAGE • Spain 31. SALINAS, PEDRO — Appreciation and defense of language. — [Rio Piedras, PR]
Editorial Board of the University of Puerto Rico, 1944, 83 pp. ...

History of the printing press in Venezuela until the end of the First...

Pedro Grases - 1967 - 247 pages -

The investigations, already mentioned, by Don Vicente de Amézaga y Aresti, give a new and
surprising bias to the matter, since it has been documented that Don Bartolomé Riesgo and
Machine Translated by Google

Montero lived in Caracas,...

The printing press in Venezuela: studies and monographs

Pedro Grases - 1981 -

Year 1748, 134 p. We have written down the word Benezuela up to 12 times. 17. I owe these data to Don
Vicente de Amézaga y Aresti, who has published a study on Riesgo y Montero in El Farol, no.
216, Caracas, January-February-March 1966. ...

Bibliographic Bulletin: Volume 2, Numbers 3-6

University of Chile. Institute of Economics. Library - 1965 - HISTORY

AMEZAGA ARESTI, VICENTE DE. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company. Caracas,
Central bank of Venezuela. 1963. 395 p. (Venezuelan Historical-Economic Collection, vol. EU
330.9(87) A514 1963. ARAMAYO, FELIX AVELINO. ...

Bulletin of the General Archive of the Nation: Numbers 196-207

Venezuela. General Archive of the Nation - 1962 -

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company. Caracas, Central Bank of
Venezuela, 1963. Andrade, Juan de D. Around Boconó. spi Angulo Ariza, Felix S., 1891. —
Speech given by Dr. FS Angulo Ariza on ...

Exact description of the province of Venezuela

Joseph Luis de Cisneros, Pedro Grases - 1981 - 184 pages - Year

1748. 134 p. We have noted up to 12 times the word Benezuela. ]6a. I owe these data to Don
Vicente de Amézaga y Aresti, who has published a study on Riesgo y Montero in El Farol, 216,
Caracas, January-February-Tnarezn, 1966. ...

Modern Hispanic Magazine: Bulletin of the Institute of Spain: Volume 32

Hispanic Institute in the United States, University of Buenos Aires. Institute of Philology, Columbia
University. Hispanic Institute - 1966 -
Amézaga Aresti, Vicente — Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Prologue by Pedro Grases. —
Caracas, Central Bank of Venezuela, 1963, xxvi-395 pp. (Venezuelan Historical-Economic Col.). ||
—Charles D. Ameringer—HAHR, 1965, XLV, ...

Books and Libraries in Colonial Venezuela, 1633-1767

Ildefonso Leal, Ildefonso Leal - 1979 - 148 pages - Caracas-

Madrid, 1967 (Tribute from the John Boulton Foundation to the City of Caracas in its
Cuatricentenano) . Febres Cordero, Julio: Three centuries of printing and Venezuelan culture, 1600-1800,
Caracas, 1959. Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de: ...

History of material culture in equinoctial America: Trade

Victor Manuel Patino - 1993 -

Machine Translated by Google

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de: 1963 Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Foreword by Pedro Grases, BCV, Venezuelan
Historical-Economic Collection, vol. IX, Caracas, Talleres Artegrafía SA, xxvi + 395 pages. ...

Cultivated plants and domestic animals in Equinoctial America: ...

Victor Manuel Patiño - 1967 - 5 p.

addition, drawings by Blancb AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de: 1963 Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Foreword by
Pedro Grases. CENTRAL BANK OF VENEZUELA. Venezuelan historical-economic collection. Vol IX.
Caracas. ...

Spain and Latin America: Supplement: Volume 9

Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Bibliotheek, Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht. Institute of Hispanic, Portuguese and Ibero-
American Studies - 1949 - 65 AGS 3520;
syst. cat. 729 III. Hispanic American themes. to. General works. 1. Colonial period.
Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company. Foreword by Pedro Grases.
Caracas, 1963. 8th. Spaans-Port. Inst. [V. VII". ...

The Lantern: Numbers 232-242

Standard Oil Company of Venezuela, Creole Petroleum Corporation - 1970 - (7)

Amézaga Aresti, Vicente. "Men of the Guipuzcoan Company". Central bank of Venezuela.
Caracas. 1963. p. 20. Oviedo y Baños, in his "History of the Conquest and Population of the Province of Venezuela",
speaking of the land...

The Basques, the Franco years and beyond - Page vii

Robert P. Clark - 1979 - 434 pages - THIS

BOOK IS DEDICATED TO TWO BASQUES: Dr. Vicente de Amezaga y Aresti, who lived and died in exile for his
dream of an autonomous Basque country; and his grandson, Bingen Amezaga Zubillaga, who may one day see
the dream become reality. ...

Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela: an annotated guide to reference ...

Gayle Hudgens Watson - 1971 - 279 pages - Recent

publications including biographical material of foreigners in Venezuela are Vicente de Amézaga Aresti's books on the
Basques in Venezuela and the Real Compañía Guipuzcoana and Mar is a Vannini de Gerulewicz's two works on
French ...

Studia Rosenthaliana: Volume 31

Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana - 1997 -

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Vicente Antonio de Icuza. Commander of corsairs (Caracas 1966) p. 49-50. 38
Interrogation of Pieter Taeijste. Curacao, 6 February 1766. ARA NWIC 605 fols. 210-211.
Testimonies of Joseph Gatardo and Ignacio ...

Venezuela: the search for order, the dream of progress

Machine Translated by Google

John V. Lombardi - 1982 - 348 pages - In

addition see also Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century
(1966), and Pedro Manuel Arcaya, Population of European origin of Coro in the colonial era (1972).
Ricardo Archila, Origins of statistics...

Spanish historical index: historical bibliography of Spain and ...: Volume 11

Center for International Historical Studies (Barcelona, Spain), University of Barcelona. Center
International Historical Studies - 1974 - Without

New approaches to Latin American history

Richard Graham, Peter H. Smith - 1974 - 275 pages - 1

(February 1929): 1-30; idem, The Caracas Company, 1728-1787: A Study in the History of Spanish
Monopolistic Trade (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1934); Vicente de Amezaga Aresti,
Men of the Guipuzcoana Company (Caracas: ...

Puerto Rico's commerce, 1765-1865: from regional to worldwide ...: Volume 85

Birgit Sonesson - 2000 - 338 pages - Vicente

de Amezaga Aresti, The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century (Caracas, 1966), 49, 67,
154, 176. Spain, AMAE, PI, PU, Leg. 2966, File 117. 15. AGPR, GE, Box 218. AMP. Leg. 29, Exp. 3;
Leg. 54, Exp. 5. Cifre, Vascos, 203. 16. ...

Stechert-Hafner book news: Volumes 21-23

- ... W.F., 57 Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de, 18 Amin, Samir, 94 Amman, R Amouroux,, 31 Amorth, Antonio, 34
Henri. ... HA , 43 Barnes, Christopher, 138 Barnes, Roper W. 138 Barnoya Galvez,
Francisco, 19 Barr, Pat 78 Barretto, Vicente. ...

Berichte der diplomatischen Vertreter des Wiener Hofes aus Spanien ...

Austria. Legation (Spain)., Hans Juretschke, Hans-Otto Kleinmann - 1973 - Ausgabe

Caracas 1962); Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company, Caracas
1963. 48) Weisung vom 29. Juli 1767, Stk. 5panien Korrespondenz 1767, Fasz. 123, Kopie unites
Konzept, f. 357 - d. ...

The Basque collection: a preliminary checklist

University of Idaho. Library - 1971 - 100 pages - [Brgctr ,

1962] 20 p- AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de 440 The Basque man. Buenos Aires, l967. 344
p. (Basque Culture Library) ARAÍÍA, Jose Domingo de 441 Present and future of the Basque people;
man, race, nationality, universality. ...

Origins of the boundary conflict between Venezuela and Guyana...

Machine Translated by Google

George Edward Carl, Vicente de Amézaga Aresti - 1966 - Without

Berichte der diplomatischen Vertreter des Wiener Hofes aus Spanien ...

Austria. Legation (Spain), Hans Juretschke, Hans-Otto Kleinmann - 1970 - 1956

Admiral, JosS: Military Dictionary, Madrid 1869 Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de: Hombres de la
Compania Guipuzcoana, Caracas 1963 A nes , Gonzalo: The Old Regime: The Bourbons.
(History of Spain Alfaguara IV) , Madrid 1975 A ...

Cinq siècles d'imprimerie genevoise: actes du Colloque...: Volume 2

Jean-Daniel Candaux, Bernard Lescaze, Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genève - 1981 - 717
pages -
... 40 Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company, ...

Der Aufbau der Kolonialreiche - Page 291

Matthias Meyn, Thomas Beck - 1987 - 623 pages - Bogota

1964-Mexico 1968 - Vicente de Amezaga Aresti: The Basque element in the eighteenth century
Venezuelan. Caracas 1966 - Philip D. Curtin: The Atlantic Slave Trade. To Census. Madison-Milwaukee London
1969- JI Israel: The Portuguese in ...

Der Aufbau der Kolonialreiche - Page 291

Matthias Meyn, Thomas Beck - 1987 - 623 pages - Bogota

1964-Mexico 1968 - Vicente de Amezaga Aresti: The Basque element in the eighteenth century
Venezuelan. Caracas 1966 - Philip D. Curtin: The Atlantic Slave Trade. To Census. Madison-Milwaukee London
1969- JI Israel: The Portuguese in ...

Le livre genevois sous l'Ancien Régime - Page 71

Georges Bonnant - 1999 - 362 pages - D'une

manière générale, the Conseil de Castille a légiféré in 1742, 1752 et 1754 pour défendre
Vicente de AMEZAGA ARESTI, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company, Caracas, 1963. p. 270.
Manuel FEREZ VILA, «Colonial Libraries of Venezuela»...

Magazine of the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute: Volumes 272-274

Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute - 1967 -

American, Jorge: A Lição dos Fatos. Revolt of July 5, 1924. São Paulo. Academic Library
Saraiva & Cia. 1924. (Offer from Dr. Wanderley Pinho) Amezaga-Aresti, Vicente: The Basque Element in
the XVIII century. ...

The royal trading companies with America: the governing bodies - Page 399

Raquel Rico Linage - 1983 - 409 pages -

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente: Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Caracas, 1963. — Export of
cocoa during the Guipuzcoan Company. "El Farol", XXIV, no. 204. Caracas, 1963. Anderson, MS:
Machine Translated by Google

The Europe of the 18th century. Mexico, 1968. ...

Historic cities of the Americas: an illustrated encyclopedia: Volume 1 - Page 979

David Marley - 2005 - 1010 pages -

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Caracas: Central Bank of
Venezuela, 1963. ———The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas: Works Committee
Cuatricentennial Publications, 1966. Amodio, Emanuele. ...

The town of San Felipe and colonial cacao economies - Page 176

Eugenio Piñero - 1994 - 189 pages - Full view

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente (de). The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas: Editions of
Cuatrocentenario de Caracas, 1966. Anes, Gonzalo. The old regime: the Bourbons. Madrid: Alliance
Editorial, SA, 1979. ...

Historical process of Venezuela: Colonial superstructure. fight of ...

Arturo Cardozo - 1986 - 553 pages - ... of

the Government of Venezuela, 1767-68. Caracas, Editions of the Presidency of the Republic,
1954. Alvarez Freites, Mercedes. Themes for the history of colonial trade Caracas, Tip. Vargas,
1966. Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. ...

Latin America: a guide to the historical literature

1971 -
... 3 American University, Washington, DC Foreign Areas Studies Division, 447, 5225, 5530 Amerlan,
Albert, 6207 Amezaga, Mariano, 5443 Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de, 29 1 7 Amico, Carlos d\ 5964,
5965 Amora, Antonio Soares, 787 Amsterdam. ...

Fear of Revolution: The Fight for Freedom in Venezuela...

Miquel Izard - 1979 - 205 pages -

Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de, 52 n, 71 n, 103 n, 104 n, 105 n, 125 n, 192. Arambarri, Francisco Xavier,
154 n, 158 n, 192. Arana, Martín, 72. Arbide, Antonio de, 70, 125 n. Arcaya, Pedro M., 129 no. clay
Farias, Eduardo, 51, 51 n,

American History Magazine: Number 60

Silvio Arturo Zavala, Pan American Institute of Geography and History - 1965 - Est. prel.
by G. Figuera, 278-279; The Basque element in the 18th century..., by Vicente de Amézaga
Aresti, 222-223; Documentary sources, national period, 282-283; "Gran Colombia. Intendance
of ...", 281; History of Geography and ...

Philology Bulletin: Volume 5, Numbers 31-42

Montevideo (Uruguay) Institute of higher studies. Experimental Philology and Phonetics Section -
1946 -
Machine Translated by Google

Dr. Vicente de Amézaga Aresti; Hebrew, (1st and 2nd year), by Prof. Rabbi G. The Lectures
generals and those of the chair of Uruguayan culture, cyan to the opening of the courses. ADDRESSES:
Board of Directors: July 18, 1195. ...

American History Magazine: Volumes 55-57

Silvio Arturo Zavala, Pan American Institute of Geography and History - 1973 - XXVII,
545 pp-, us. No. 69, 1970, p. 140-142. (Reviewed: Guy de Hollanda). Amezaga Aresti, Vicente
of. The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas, tip. Vargas, 1966. 372pp. (Editions of the
Cuatricentenario de Caracas).

Philology Bulletin: Volume 5, Numbers 31-42

Montevideo (Uruguay) Institute of higher studies. Experimental Philology and Phonetics Section -
1946 -
Dr. Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, once he had finished compiling the Basque patronymics to
that we have referred to, will investigate, together with Dr. Bañales, the etymology and meaning of
those same last names...

History of Maracay: Volume 1

Oldman Botello - 1987 -

Chronicle of Caracas. D DAVILA, Vicente. Parcels. Caracas: General Archive of the Nation. (5
Vol.) : Military Sheets: Caracas: General Archive of the Nation (3 Vol). OF AMEZAGA ARESTI,
Vicente Hombres of the Guipuzcoana Company. ...

The Royal Trading Companies with America: The Governing Bodies

Raquel Rico Linage - 1983 - 409 pages -

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente: Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Caracas, 1963. — Export of
cocoa during the Guipuzcoan Company. "El Farol", XXIV, no. 204. Caracas, 1963. Anderson, MS:
The Europe of the 18th century. Mexico, 1968. ...

The Gulf of Venezuela: a historical synthesis

Pablo Ojer - 1983 - 624 pages - ...

429, 539 Africa: 483 Aguado, Pedro de: 50, 51, 209, 484 Agüero, José Carlos: 536 Aguiar, Vicente
from: 172, 540, ... 290, 296, 323, 471, 483, 484, 485, 522, 523 Amezaga Aresti, Vicente: 538 Ampies,
John from: 58, 60, 68, 69, 210, 212, .

Marine. militias and army in the Colony

Santiago Gerardo Suárez - 1971 - 117 pages -

AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente of Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Artegrafía Workshops,
Caracas, 1963. Vicente Antonio de Icuza. Commander of Corsairs. Italgráfica, CA Caracas, 1966.
ARCE, Francisco Report on the State of the ...

Mainland: Numbers 23-28

Machine Translated by Google

1988 -
(20) The report, without date or signature, but clearly from the aforementioned commander, is copied from Vicente
Amézaga Aresti. Vicente Antonio de Icnza, commander of corsairs, Edic. Cuatricentenarias, Caracas, 1966, pp. 48-51. ...

General Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Basque Country: A-Amuzti

1970 -
He was a general of the armies of Germany, and received from Emperor Leopold I the title of Baron of Amézaga
and eagles of the house of Hungary for his arms. CE AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente.
"Amezaga'tar Bingen." ...

Philology Bulletin: Numbers 31-42

Institute of Higher Studies (Montevideo, Uruguay). Philology and Experimental Phonetics Section - 1946 - Dr. Vicente
Amézaga Aresti, once he has completed the compilation of the Basque patronymics to which we have referred, will
investigate, together with Dr. Bañales, the etymology and meaning of those same surnames. ..

Montalban: Number 32

Andres Bello Catholic University. Faculty of Humanities and Education - 1999 - Central Bank of
Venezuela, Venezuelan Historical-Economic Collection, Vol. VIII, Caracas (1962), XLIII. 10 Vicente de AMEZAGA
ARESTI: Vicente Antonio de Icuza Commander of Corsairs Ediciones del Cuatricentenario de Caracas, ...

Latin America: Volume 1

Gustavo Beyhaut, Hélène Beyhaut, Richard Konetzke - 1985 - Vicente

de Amezaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Caracas 1963. 579 Marco Aurelio Vila, The «Royal
Company of Commerce of Barcelona» in Venezuela (1752-1816), in RHC, no. 2 (1960), p. 69-82, and no. 3 (1960),
p. 59-99. ...

Philology Bulletin / Institute of Higher Studies ...: Volume 5

1946 -
Dr. Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, once the compilation of the Basque patronymics to which we have referred is finished,
will investigate, together with Dr. Bañales, the etymology and meaning of those same surnames, ...

Philology Bulletin / Institute of Higher Studies ...: Volume 5

1946 -
Dr. Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, once the compilation of the Basque patronymics to which we have referred is finished,
will investigate, together with Dr. Bañales, the etymology and meaning of those same surnames, ...

Caribbean acquisitions: materials acquired by the University of ...

Machine Translated by Google

University of Florida. Libraries. Technical Processes Dept - 1957 - 1521

... Alvarez Sánchez, Virgilio, 1123 Amado Ñervo; biographical traits, poetry, critical judgments,
l4l6 Ambrogi, Arturo, (1878-1936), 720, 1397 Amer, Carlos, 996 American Chamber of Commerce of
Cuba, 439 Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de, ...

The founding adventure of the islanders: Panaquire and Juan Francisco...

Lucas G. Castillo Lara - 1983 - 672 pages -

Although an absolute value cannot be given to these data, as stated by Amezaga Aresti in his
defense of the Guipuzcoana, ... Arcila Farías. Op.cit. p. 305. 32. Vlcente de Amezaga y Aresti. vincent
Antonio de Icuza Commander...

discreet guild

Pedro Grases - 1967 - 143 pages - XXV-

XXXIV. It was published as No. 7 of the "Colección Clásicos Venezolanos de la Academia
Venezuelan of the Language". Men of the Guipuzcoan Company, by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti,
Caracas, 1963. Prologue to the work, included as No. IX ...

Philology Bulletin...: Volume 4, Numbers 22-30

Montevideo (Uruguay) Institute of higher studies. Experimental Philology and Phonetics Section -
1943 -
VICENTE DE AMÉZAGA ARESTI Words pronounced by Dr. Adolfo Berro García. Ladies,
Gentlemen: I have the deep satisfaction of offering the prestigious platform of our University, in
name of the Philology Section of the Institute of ...

Lords of the Caribbean: indigenous people, conquerors and pirates at sea ...

Luis Britto García - 2001 - 315 pages -

AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente Luis: Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. Caracas:
Editions of the Tercentennial of Caracas, 1967. ARÁUZ MONEANTE, Celestino Andrés: The
Dutch smuggling in the Caribbean during the first half...

16th century books

Agustín Millares Carló - 1978 - 187 pages - It was

also published by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. foreword to
Pedro Grases (Caracas, 1968), pp. 268-264 (Central Bank of Venezuela, Venezuelan Economic Historical
Collection, vol. IX). ...

the venezuelan book

National Institute of Culture and Fine Arts, María Josefina Tejera - 1969 - 145 pages - I. 732—
AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de El elemento vasco en el siglo XVIII Venezuela. /Caracas,
National Commission for the Cuatricentennial of the Caracas Foundation, 1966/ 372 p. 23cm. Distri. free
733. — Men of the Guipuzcoan Company...
Machine Translated by Google

Euskaro Center of Montevideo, or, the dialectic of being

Alberto Marcelo Irigoyen Artetxe - 2003 - 233 pages - Collaborated

with the Euiko Deya newspaper in Buenos Aires (Argentina); and joined the Department of
Basque Studies that, in charge of Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, was created at the University of Montevideo.
109 Basque Country. n.9 913, 11/1/1945.

Cultural and bibliographic bulletin: Volume 11, Numbers 1-6

Luis-Angel Arango Library - 1968 - Magyar

Tudományos Akadémia Konyvtára - Budapest Central Bank of Venezuela - Caracas Vicente
by Amézaga Aresti Manuel R. Egafia Allan-Randolph Brewer-Carías Tomás Enrique Carrillo Batalla . Central Bank of . .
Costa Rica - San José

Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress on the History of Medicine:

Juan L. Carrillo, Guillermo Olagüe de Ros - 1994 - 1239 pages - Among the
copious subsequent literature generated, it is worth mentioning the works of Vicente Amézaga Aresti.
Amézaga moved to Venezuela with the Spanish exile that followed the end of the civil war in 1939 and his
Basque origin led him to ...

Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress on the History of Medicine:

Juan L. Carrillo, Guillermo Olagüe de Ros - 1994 - 1239 pages - Among the
copious subsequent literature generated, it is worth mentioning the works of Vicente Amézaga
Aresti. Amézaga moved to Venezuela with the Spanish exile that followed the end of the civil war in
1939 and his Basque origin led him to ...

Documents for the history of the colonial Church in Venezuela: Volume 75

Genesis and development of the Bolivarian ideology from the ...

José Rodríguez Iturbe - 1973 - 490 pages -

See: United States America (Latin: 6, 8, 9, 23, 247 America in the Spanish letters of the Century of
Gold, by V. De Pedro: 29 Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de: 51 Amiens: 90 The love of peace, edition of the
Presidency of the Republic of...

A bibliography of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Hilton library

Ronald Hilton - 1980 - 675 pages - Without

Caribbean acquisitions

University of Florida. Libraries. Catalog Dept - 1965 - Without

Venezuelan Colonial History Topics: Volume 2

Machine Translated by Google

Mario Briceno Perozo - 1981 -

Doctor Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, in his work Hombres de la Compañía Guipuzcoana (Ediciones
of the Central Bank. Artography Workshops. Caracas, 1963), entitles the first chapter with the name of
Pedro José de Olavarriaga, ei Precursor,

Mainland: Volume 7

1989 -
(20) The report, without date or signature, but clearly from the aforementioned commander, is copied in Vicente
Amezaga Aresti. Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs, Edic. Cuatricentenarias, Caracas,
1966, p. 48-51. ...

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. — The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century. [Caracas, Typ. Vargas,
1966]. 372pp. + 1 sheet. (Editions of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas). Although focused on the study of
Mr. Amézaga in the eighteenth century, ...

Historical Bulletin: Numbers 22-27

John Boulton Foundation - 1970 - ... in

the midst of the greatest poverty. (AGI. Santo Domingo. Leg. 913, Caracas. Legs. 478, 767 and 768.
Also see: Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Hombrea de la Compañía Guipuzcoana, V. IX, pp. 294-
350). 3. AGI. Caracas, Leg. 425, Doc. No.

Essays and Reflections: Volume 2

Pedro Grases - 1989 - (in:

Complete works of Vicente de Amézaga y Aresti, vol. III). Register and identify, with the
adequate documentation, 3,260 names of Basque surnames, studied in the archives
of Venezuela, from 1730 onwards to ...

fundamental history of Venezuela

José Luis Salcedo-Bastardo - 1982 - 649 pages - AmÉZAGA

ARESTI, VICENTE DE: The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Ecc. Typ. vargas
SA CCs. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company. BCV. 1963. Diplomatic Annals of Venezuela. 4 MT
External relationships. ccs. 1951-61. ...

Indian Magazine: Volume 27

Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo Institute - 1967 -

AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de: The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century. Caracas, editions
of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas, 1966, 372 pp., in 4th, paperback. Within the important set of
publications that to commemorate the ...

The founding adventure of the islanders: Panaquire and Juan Francisco...

Lucas G. Castillo Lara - 1983 - 672 pages -

Machine Translated by Google

Although an absolute value cannot be given to these data, as stated by Amezaga Aresti in his
defense of the Guipuzcoana, ... Vlcente de Amezaga and Aresti. Vicente Antonio de leuza Commander of
corsairs. Caracas, 1966, p. ...

Los Comuneros de Mérida: commemorative edition of the bicentennial...: Volume 152

- ... Ambrosio de: 190 Alonso Ortiz, José: 527 Alfonso XIII: 13 Altuve, Marcos de: 44, 472, 476
Alvarado, Carlos: 48, 289, 446 Alvarez, Garzón Benito: 502 Alvarez de Catrellón, Pedro: 361 Amaya,
Matías: 409 Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de: 499 ...

Cinq Siecles D'Imprimerie Genevoise - Page 28

... Vicente de Amezaga Aresti ...

Cinq Siecles D'Imprimerie Genevoise - Page 28

... Vicente de Amezaga Aresti ...

American History Magazine: Numbers 61-62

Silvio Arturo Zavala, Pan American Institute of Geography and History - 1966 - Amézaga
Aresti, V. de — Vicente Antonio de Icuza commander of corsairs. — [Caracas, Italgráíica,
CA, 1966]. 265pp. (Editions of the Quadrcentennial of Caracas). Summary. First part: 1.
Background.— 2. Fights against Dutch and ...

Venezuelan Journal of Political Science: Volume 4, Numbers 7-8

CEPSAL (Organization) - 1991 - 40

Idem 41 "Letter from Captain Salvador Pérez de Guzmán to Diego de Matos", in: Vicente Amezaga
Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company, (Caracas, 1963), p. 11. 42 ANH, Documents of the
Archive of the Indies, "Letter from Cabrera", VI p. 150. ...

Great Encyclopedia of Spain and America: The Basques and America / ...: Volume 13

Ignacio Arana Pérez - 1990 - 403 pages -

One of them was Professor Vicente de Amézaga Aresti (1901-1969), a linguist, lawyer,
writer, poet, polyglot and polygrapher, born in Algorta, Vizcaya. In his country he was a municipal judge,
General Director of Education

Library of the National Academy of History: Sources for the ...: Volume 76

National Academy of History (Venezuela), Pedro José de Olavarriaga Urquieta, Mario Briceño
Perozo - 1965 - 416 pages -
NOTES — CHAPTER VIII (1) Doctor Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, in his work Men of the
Compañía Guipuzcoana (Editions of the Central Bank, Talleres Artegrafía, Caracas, 1963) entitles the
Machine Translated by Google

first chapter with the name of Pedro José

Report of the Directorate of Relations with Communities...

Alexander Ugalde Zubiri - 2007 - 334 pages - The

Basque exile in America by Mirentxu Amezaga de Clark. The author presents the biography of her father
Vicente Amezaga Aresti (1901-1969), lawyer who, after holding positions in the first Basque Government
(General Director of Primary Education) ...

Demons of the sea: pirates and corsairs in Venezuela, 1528-1727

Luis Britto García - 1998 - 590 pages -

AMEZAGA ARESTI, VICENTE LUIS: Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs; Editions
of the Cuatricentenario of Caracas. Caracas, 1987. ARAUZ MONFANTE, CELESTINO ANDRES: The
Dutch smuggling in the Caribbean during the first half...

General Library Bulletin: Volume 5, Number 9 -Volume 7, Number 12

- Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de. — Commander of corsairs. [Caracas], eds. of the Cuatricentenario, [1966].
XVI, 266 p. The m. 23.5cm. (National Commission of the Cuatricentennial. Committee of Cultural Works).
It also contains several appendices with ...

History of Maracay: Volume 1

Oldman Botello - 1987 -

Municipal Council of the Federal District. Chronicle of Caracas. D DAVILA, Vicente. Parcels.
Caracas: General Archive of the Nation. (5 Vol.) : Military Sheets: Caracas: General Archive of the
Nation (3 Vol). DE AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente! ...

Vincent Antonio de Icuza:

Vicente de Amézaga Aresti - 1966 - 265 pages -

Vicente de Amezaga, The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas, 1966. Aquiles Nazoa,
The Humorists of... Vicente de Amezaga, Vicente Antonio de lema. Caracas, 1966. (In press).
Carlos Raúl Villanueva, Caracas in three...

The Jewish community of Coro, 1824-1900: a history

Isidoro Aizenberg - 1995 - 254 pages - XII,

N. 47 (July-Aug. 1931) p. 198. 5. Joseph Luis de Cisneros, EXACT DESCRIPTION OF THE
PROVINCE OF VENEZUELA (Caracas, 1950), p. 81. 6. Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, VICENTE

Historical Bulletin: Volumes 4-5

John Boulton Foundation - 1966 -

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti was born in Algorta, Vizcaya, Basque Country, in 1901. He studied
Machine Translated by Google

Law and graduated as a Lawyer at the University of Valladolid (Spain). He was a teacher of
Montevideo from 1948 to 1955. ...

Topics in Venezuelan Colonial History: Volume 1

Mario Briceño Perozo - 1981 - 574 pages - ... Felipe:

467 Amaya, Lucas: 288 Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de: 464, Anca 481, José Vicente de: 166,
185, 206, 207, 246, ... Diego Felipe: 288 Arcaya, Pedro Manuel: 453 Arce, Juan Vicente de: 65 File
General of the Indies: 120, 126, 342, ...

Bulletin of the General Archive of the Nation: Volume 55, Number 208 -Volume 56, Number 211

Venezuela. General Archive of the Nation - 1965 - Amezaga

Aresti, Vicente de Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. / Caracas/ Editions
of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas /1966/ Torch. The Orient newspaper. The Tiger. Year XII. Nos. 2529-
30. February 2-3, 1966. Torch.

American History Magazine: Number 60

Silvio Arturo Zavala, Pan American Institute of Geography and History - 1965 - Amézaga, Aresti,
Vicente de. The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century. Caracas, tip. Vargas,
1966. 372pp. (Editions of the Cua Tercentenario de Caracas). See ante'^ormentc p. 22529. Labougle,
R. of. — "The sentence of the king in the...

Yearbook: Volume 3

Central University of Venezuela. Institute of Anthropology and History - 1966 - Amezaga Aresti,
Vicente de, Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. Caracas. italgraphic,
CA, ed. of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas, 1966, 265 p. Several works have started Don Vicente de
Threaten, on land

Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela: an annotated guide to reference ...

Gayle Hudgens Watson - 1971 - 279 pages - Amézaga

Aresti, Vicente de. The Basque element in the Venezuelan 17th century. (Editions of the
Cuatricentenario de Caracas) ... Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company.
(Venezuelan Economic Historical Collection, 9). ...


Bulletin of the General Archive of the Nation: Volume 55, Number 208 -Volume 56, Number 211

Venezuela. General Archive of the Nation - 1965 - Amezaga

Aresti, Vicente de Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. / Caracas/ Editions
of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas /1966/ Torch. The Orient newspaper. The Tiger. Year XII. Nos. 2529-
30. February 2-3, 1966. Torch. ...

Library of the National Academy of History: ...: Volume 163

Machine Translated by Google

National Academy of History (Venezuela) - Without

American History Magazine: Number 60

Silvio Arturo Zavala, Pan American Institute of Geography and History - 1965 -
Amézaga, Aresti, Vicente de. The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century. Caracas, tip. Vargas,
1966. 372pp. (Editions of the Cua Tercentenario de Caracas). See ante'^ormentc p. 22529. Labougle,
R. of. — "The sentence of the king in the...

Yearbook: Volume 3

Central University of Venezuela. Institute of Anthropology and History - 1966 - Amezaga

Aresti, Vicente de, Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. Caracas.
Italgráfica, CA, Ed. of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas, 1966, 265 p. Several works have started don
Vicente de Amezaga, on Venezuelan soil,...

Biographical Index of Spain, Portugal and Latin America: Index ...

Victor Herrero Mediavilla - 2000 - 3586 pages - Without

Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela: an annotated guide to reference ...

Gayle Hudgens Watson - 1971 - 279 pages -

Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de. The Basque element in the Venezuelan 17th century. (Editions of the
Cuatricentenario de Caracas) ... Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company.
(Venezuelan Economic Historical Collection, 9). ...

Demons of the sea: pirates and corsairs in Venezuela, 1528-1727

Luis Britto García - 1998 - 590 pages -

AMEZAGA ARESTI, VICENTE LUIS: Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs;
Editions of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas, Caracas, 1987. ARAUZ MONEANTE, CELESTINO
ANDRÉS: Dutch smuggling in the Caribbean during the first half...

Essays and reflections; 3

Pedro Grases - 1989 - 447 pages - (in:

Complete works of Vicente de Amézaga y Aresti, vol. III). Register and identify, with the
adequate documentation, 3,260 names of Basque surnames, studied in the archives
of Venezuela, from 1730 onwards to

Yaracuy State

Central University of Venezuela, Abdón Ramírez - 1966 - 286 pages -

Machine Translated by Google

(In Men of the Guipuzcoan Company, Caracas, 1963), by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti. Parra Perez. Dr Caracciolo.
History of the First Republic of Venezuela. First edition. Caracas, 1939.
Second edition. Caracas, 1959. .

History of territorial property in the valleys of Aragua, ...

Carlos Julio Tavera-Marcano - 1995 - 488 pages - Vicente de

Amézaga Aresti: Ob. cit., p. 367. 107. Oldman Botello: History of Maracay. Villa de Cura, Editorial Miranda, 1987. T. 1, p.
85. 108. File of the Subordinate Office of Registration of the Marine District of the State of Aragua. ...

The Hispanic American historical review: Volume 45

James Alexander Robertson - 1965 - By

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti. Prologue by Pedro Grases. Caracas, 1963. Central Bank of Venezuela.
Venezuelan Historical-Economic Collection, Vol. IX. tables. Appendices. notes. Index. Pp. xxvi, 395.
Paper. Students of the colonial...


Isabel Clemente - 1988 - 219 pages - 14; Luis

Ospina Vásquez, Industry and protection in Colombia, 1810-1930 (Medellín: ESF, 1955), p. 38; Vicente de Amézaga Aresti,
Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs (Caracas: Ediciones del Cuarto Centenario de Caracas, ...

Memory of the Fourth Venezuelan Congress of History of the 27 of ...: Volume 2

National Academy of History (Venezuela) - 1983 - Amézaga

Aresti, Vicente de The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. /Caracas/: Editions of the Cuatricentenario
de Caracas /1966/ 372 p. Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de Hombres of the Guipuzcoan Company. Prologue: Pedro
Grases. ...

The Basque brotherhood society "Euskal Erria'" of Montevideo, ...

Xabier Irujo Ametzaga, Alberto Marcelo Irigoyen Artetxe - 2007 - 372 pages - AMEZAGA
ARESTI, Vicente, The Basque man, Ekin, Buenos Aires, 1967. — Nostalgia I, JA Ascunce, Donostia, 1993. —

Vincent Antonio de Icuza:

Vicente de Amézaga Aresti - 1966 - 265 pages - Vicente

de Amezaga, The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century. Caracas, 1966. Aquiles Nazoa, The Humorists
of Caracas. Caracas, 1966. Mercedes Alvarez, Don Simón Rodríguez as he was.
Caracas, 1966. Vicente de Amezaga, Vicente...

the basque man

Vicente de Amézaga Aresti - 1979 - 336 pages - THE MAN

Vicente de Amézaga was born in Algorta (Getxo) in 1901. He graduated as a lawyer from the
Machine Translated by Google

University of Valladolid; began to write in the language so well that in the twenties he already obtained the
Euskal Esnalea award with its...

Venezuelan colonial history topics

Mario Briceño Perozo - 1981 - 574 pages - ...

Felipe: 467 A maya, Lucas: 288 Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de: 464, Anca 481, José Vicente de: 166,
185, 206, 207, 246, ... Diego Felipe: 288 Arcaya, Pedro Manuel: 453 Arce, Juan Vicente de: 65 File
General of the Indies: 120, 126, 342,

The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century

Vicente de Amézaga Aresti - 1966 - 372 pages - Without

The Jesuits in Venezuela: The seed missions of nationality

José del Rey Fajardo - 2006 - 984 pages -

Martín, 46, 107, 742 AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de, 753 AMOLAR, Francisco, 76 AMPIES, Juan
of, 732 ANDINO, Estanislao. 704 ANDRADE S., Francisco, 260 ANDRADE, Antonio de, 12
ANDRES, Jaime, 272 ANDRES. Melquíades, 503 ANGULO IÑGUEZ, Diego, ...

Threads of homeland history

Manuel Rafael Rivero - 1983 - 187 pages -

According to fragmentary information, collected by Vicente de Amezaga Aresti in his very
documented work "Vicente Antonio de Icuza, Commander of Privateers", during the time of
activity of the company, 268 dams were made,

The naval adventure of the Guipuzcoana Company of Caracas

Gerardo Vivas Pineda - 1998 - 418 pages -

AMÉZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de. The Basque element in the Venezuelan XVIU century. editions of
Cuatricenenario de Caracas, Caracas, 1966. — El Farol Magazine, No. 204, Creóle, Caracas, January-
February 1963, year XXIV, p. 17. ...

History of the maritime defense of Venezuela 1781-1804

Eulides Ortega Rincones - 2003 - 376 pages -

AMEZAGA ARESTI, Vicente de: The Basque element in the Venezuelan eighteenth century, Caracas, EC,
1966. : Vicente Antonio de Icuza Commander of corsairs. Caracas, Cuatricentennial Editions of
Caracas, 1966. ARAUZ MONFANTE, Celestino A.: ...

Marine. militias and army in the Colony

- ... conduct themselves in accordance with the laws and customs of war and must strictly observe the instructions
contained in its official authorization", (8) Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Vicente Antonio de Icuza,
Commander of Corsairs, pp. ...
Machine Translated by Google

Maritime Defense in the General Captaincy of Venezuela: (1783-1813).

Jairo A. Bracho Palma - 2005 - 540 pages - The mayor

of Caracas to Don José de Calvez, June 28, 1784 141 Vicente Amezaga Aresti,
Vicente Antonio Icuza, commander of Corsairs. Caracas, Italgráfica, 1963, p. 41 141 AGI. Caracas,
785. List of merits of Andrés...

History of Venezuela: Volume 4

Guillermo Morón - 1971 -

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Prologue Pedro Grases. Caracas,
Central Bank of Venezuela, 1963. Vicente de Amezaga, The Basque element in the eighteenth century
Venezuelan. Caracas, Cuatricentennial Editions...

Breastfeeding Chronicles

Polixene Trabudua de Mandaluniz, Sabino Arana Foundation - 1997 - 332 pages - He was the
director of La Citadelle Vicente Amezaga Aresti, a national from the heights. His entire life in
exile was an example of Christian life. Excellent writer left testimony of his experiences and
historical insights into numerous...

Bulletin of the American Institute of Basque Studies: Numbers 76-83

American Institute of Basque Studies - 1969 - A

Contemporary Basque Humanist By Manuel de Irujo On March 4 Vicente de Amezaga and
Aresti crossed the milestones of the mysterious frontier of eternity, of that beyond to which only
the spirit flies, leaving the body...

Reviews: Volumes 1-2

1966 -
Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de. — The Basque element in the Venezuelan 18th century. [Caracas, Typ. Vargas,
1966]. 372pp. + 1 sheet. (Editions of the Cuatricentenario de Caracas). Although focused on the study of
Mr. Amézaga in the eighteenth century, ...

Essays and reflections; 3

Pedro Grases - 1989 - 447 pages - (in:

Complete works of Vicente de Amézaga y Aresti, vol. III). Register and identify, with the
adequate documentation, 3,260 names of Basque surnames, studied in the archives
of Venezuela, from 1730 onwards to ...

Venezuelan Colonial History Topics: Volume 2

Mario Briceño Perozo - 1981 - ...

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti ...

Magazine of the Bolivarian Society of Venezuela: Volume 28, Numbers 94-97

Machine Translated by Google

Bolivarian Society of Venezuela - 1968 - AMEZAGA

ARESTI, Vicente de: The Basque element in the Venezuelan XVm century. -Caracas,
Vargas Typography, 1966. 374 p., facsimiles. As the author indicates in the Introduction, from the
early times of the Colony can be noted the ...

Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht: Volume 23

Verband der Geschichtslehrer Deutschlands - 1972 - Band der

vom Banco Central de Venezuela herausgegebenen Reihe erschienen ist, mit einer Einleitung
versehen, in der er das Werk von Vicente de Amezaga Aresti würdigt ««. Zu den bekanntesten
Missionaries of the Jesuit Orders in Paraguay ...

Cinq Siecles D'Imprimerie Genevoise - Page 28

... Vicente de Amezaga Aresti ...

Cinq siècles d'imprimerie genevoise: actes du Colloque...: Volume 2

Jean-Daniel Candaux, Bernard Lescaze, Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genève - 1981 - 717
pages - ...
Vicente de Amezaga Aresti ...

Venezuelan Colonial History Topics: Volume 2

Mario Briceño Perozo - 1981 - ...

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti ...

Los Comuneros de Mérida: commemorative edition of the bicentennial...: Volume 1

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------


National Academy of History (Venezuela) - 1981 - 575 pages - BIBLIOGRAPHY

Amézaga, Aresti, Vicente: Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. central bank of
Venezuela. Caracas, 1963. Arcila Fakías, Eduardo: Colonial Economy of Venezuela. Culture Fund
Economic. Mexico, 1946. ...

Venezuelan Geographic Magazine: Volume 29

University of the Andes (Mérida, Venezuela). Institute for Geography and Resource Conservation
Natural - 1988 - ...

Memory: Volume 2

1983 -
Machine Translated by Google

Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de Hombres of the Guipuzcoan Company. Prologue: Pedro Grases. Caracas: Central Bank of
Venezuela, 1963. xxvi, 395 p. (Col. ... Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. ...

Add to My Library?
Los Comuneros de Mérida: commemorative edition of the bicentennial...: Volume 1

National Academy of History (Venezuela) - 1981 - 575 pages - BIBLIOGRAPHY

Amézaga, Aresti, Vicente: Men of the Guipuzcoan Company. Central bank of Venezuela. Caracas, 1963. Arcila Farías,
Eduardo: Colonial Economy of Venezuela. Economic Culture Fund. Mexico, 1946. ...

History of Venezuela: Volume 4

Guillermo Morón - 1971 -

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de: 569. Friend, Pedro: 521. Amores, Francisco de: 551. Ampíes, Juan de: 45, 46, 89, 452, 483,
560, 622. Ampíes, María de: 47. Andrada, Father Alonso de: 435. Andrade, Antonio de: 218. Andrade, Don Francisco
de: ...

Historical Bulletin: Numbers 7-12

John Boulton Foundation - 1965 -

Vicente de Amezaga Aresti was born in Algorta, Vizcaya, Basque Country, in 1901. He studied Law and graduated
as a Lawyer at the University of Valladolid (Spain). He was a professor at the Montevideo University from 1948 to
1955. ...

Historical bulletin: Volume 8, Number 22 -Volume 9, Number 27

John Boulton Foundation - 1970 - ... in

the midst of the greatest poverty. (AGI. Santo Domingo. Leg. 913, Caracas. Legs. 478, 767 and 768.
Also see: Vicente de Amézaga Aresti, Hombrea de la Compañía Guipuzcoana, V. IX, pp. 294-350). 3. AGI. Caracas,
Leg. 425, Doc. No. 2.

Economic aspects of the Bolívar era: Volume 1

Martínez González Martínez G. - 1988 - .M The

list of landowners and farmers that runs inserted in the work by Vicente de Amezaga y Aresti "Men of the Guipuzcoan",
p. ...

Spanish America: Volume 3

Demetrio Ramos Pérez, National Academy of History (Venezuela) - 1988 - 399 pages - Vicente Amezaga Aresti:
Vicente Antonio de lema, Commander of Corsairs. Caracas, 1966, p. 16-17). Parallel to the maintenance of its trade with
the Province of Caracas and later with Maracaibo and Andalusia, ...

The problem of sovereignty: its history in the 21st century

Machine Translated by Google

Claudio Alberto Briceño Monzón - 2007 - 226 pages -

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de: Vicente Antonio de Icuza, commander of corsairs. Ed. of the
Cuatricentenario de Caracas, Caracas, 1966. Briceño Iragorry, Mario: Tapestry of homeland history.
Caracas, 1982. Cayuela Fernández, José and Pozuelo...

International maritime law in the Venezuelan sea: (1700-1783)

Jairo A. Bracho Palma - 2005 - 199 pages - ...

leagues from east to west, by the lieutenant Don Vicente Icuza, 1769, in AGI. Caracas, 784.
Also quoted by Vicente de Amezaga Aresti, Vicente Antonio Icuza, Commander of Corsairs,
Caracas, Italgráfica, 1966, pp. 49-51. ...

Historical bulletin: Volume 7, Number 19 -Volume 8, Number 24

John Boulton Foundation - 1969 -

Vicente de Amézaga Aresti. Edition of the Central Bank of Venezuela, Caracas, 1963. The formation of the
Venezuelan East. I. Creation of the governorates. Pablo Ojer, SJ, Caracas, 1966. The foundation of
Valencia. Brother Nectario Maria. ...

Venezuelan Geographic Magazine: Volume 29

University of the Andes (Mérida, Venezuela). Institute for Geography and Resource Conservation
Natural - 1988 - ...

Yaracuy State

Central University of Venezuela, Abdón Ramírez - 1966 - 286 pages - SOURCE

OF INFORMATION Amézaga Aresti, Vicente de. Men of the Guipuzcoana Company.
Caracas, 1963. Arcila Farías, Eduardo. ... (In Men of the Gu't-puzcoana Company, Caracas,
1963), by Vicente de Amézaga Aresti. ...

fundamental history of Venezuela

José Luis Salcedo-Bastardo - 1970 - 779 pages -

Abreu, José Vicente: 590. 591. Abreu and Lima: 329, 360. Acaprapocón: 90. Acedo de Sucre and Nones:
517. Acosta, Cecilio: 458, 504, 521, 523, ... Amezaga Aresti: 166. Ampies, Juan de: 49, 57, 89, 152.
Andara: 516. Anderson, Richard C: 437. ...

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