Document 17

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If you could spend a day with anyone, whom would you choose?

If you wanted to reward yourself, what would you do to celebrate?

What is one thing about your life that you would not change?
What are you not spending enough time doing?
What is one of your strengths?
If you are feeling unmotivated, who helps you get yourself going?
What subject in school turned out to be your favorite?
If you could magically do one thing, what would you do?
What always makes you feel good about yourself?
If you won a five-minute shopping spree at any store, where would you
If you won a million dollars, what would you change about your life?
How might people improve their self-esteem?
What group would you like to be a part of?
What is a goal you have and how will you achieve it?
What honor have you received in the past that you are proud about?
If you learned you only had six months to live, how would you spend your
Make up a question. And ask to the class.
What are some religions of the world?

What is the main religion in your country?

What countries do you think have religious freedom?

What are some religions of the world?

Can you tell us about your religion?

Would you rather be short or tall?

Would you rather go to California or New York?

Would you rather live in Europe or Asia?
Would you rather have one long finger or 10 short fingers?

Would you rather have dog's ears or hawks' eyes?

Would you rather sing everything you say, or dance every time you move?

Should people be allowed to adopt children of a different race and/or culture?

How would you feel if you found out you were adopted?
What would you do?

Do you it is preferable to adopt or to use artificial reproduction technology?

When did you first go on holiday without your parents?

When did you first drive a car?

When did you first have a car accident?

When did you first go on a date?

When did you first have a part-time job?

When did you first give a speech?

When did you first eat raw fish?

When did you first travel to another country?

When did you first ride a bicycle?

When did you first shoot a gun?

Do you dream regularly?

Do you like dreaming?

Do you remember your dreams?

What is a daydream?
Do you daydream in class?

Can you daydream while your walking?

What is your worst nightmare?

Could you go back to sleep?

What is the difference between our daydreams and our dreams at night?

Are some kinds of thoughts and dreams similar?

What"s the difference between our everyday life and dreaming while we are sleeping?

Can our dreams come true?

Do you agree with the idea that "Life is like a dream"?

 Do you think cars should be banned from city centers?

 Do you think people should recycle newspapers? Why or why not?
 Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature?
 How has the world changed since you were a child? (technology, values,
environment, health)
 How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?
 If humans are really intelligent and not simply manipulated by their genes like any
other animal, why can't they do anything about overpopulation?
 What are some things that can be recycled?
 What are some things that your community is doing to help the?
 What are some things which you recycle?
 What are some types of pollution?
 What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?
 What can you do to help prevent pollution?
 What can you do to make this world a better place?
 What do you think of people who smoke cigarettes indoors?
 Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or protecting the
 Think of a situation in your area involving this issue.
 Which side would you choose?
 Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the
government? Explain.
 What is the most important issue facing the environment today?
 Do you know about any anti-pollution programs in your community?
 What about programs in your native country?
 Do you usually drink bottled water? Why or Why not?
 If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would
you choose? Why?
Are companies more or less environmentally responsible now than they were in the
past? Why do you think that is?

Do you think recycling is an important community service?

Do you recycle?

Who should pay for the costs associated with renewable energy?

Should we make the development of renewable energy sources an economic priority?

What are some ways energy is wasted?

What types of energy are popular in your native country?

What is the main problem with renewable energy sources?

What can large cities do to improve their air quality?

How can we protect the environment and at the same time improve people's standard of

Do you think overpopulation is an important environmental issue? Why or why not?

Should gas for motorists be more expensive?

Do think global warming is real?

Do you think this is an effect of pollution?

Are you worried about global warming?

What happens when we remove forests?

What can we do to protect forests?

Why should we recycle?

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