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Catholic, Muslims can work together to build better world, pope says


Collegio Filippino 50 years of forming priests sub umbra Petri


The Cross
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI and the Order of the Knights of Columbus

Groups ask help for thousands displaced by typhoon Pedring

THE Resist Apeco! Defend Aurora Movement appealed for help for the fisherfolks and farmers affected by typhoon Pedring (International Code: Nestat). Aurora province is one of the provinces which were lashed by typhoon Pedring. In a Facebook message, Resist Apeco! Defend Aurora conveners said that individuals and groups can help by sending canned goods, rice, medicines, mattresses or beddings, and other
Pedring / A6

September 26 - October 9 , 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Php 20.00

Solons make stand vs RH Bill

NINE young legislators have declared their opposition to House Bill 4244 or the Reproductive Health (RH) bill in a statement released Monday through several broadsheets. The six congressmen and three congresswomen who made the declaration were Dakila Carlo Cua (Quirino, lone district), Allan Velasco (Marinduque, lone district), Rachel Marguerite del Mar (Cebu, 1st district), Fatima Aliah Dimaporo (Lanao del Norte, 2nd district), Lucy Torres-Gomez (Leyte, 4th district), Karlo Alexei Nograles (Davao City, 1st district), Gabriel Quisumbing (Cebu, 6th district), and Irwin Tieng and Mariano Michael Velarde, Jr., both of Buhay Partylist. According to the solons, P3 billion the proposed annual budget for the RH billis a huge amount of taxpayers money and will be more useful in addressing the poors lack of access to education, employment opportunities and better health care, which are the real causes of poverty, said the statement. The proposed P3 billion appropriation for the RH bill, if put towards education, can help secure the future of young Filipinos. That amount can build 4,644 new classroomsor it can subsidize the college education of 300,000 scholars a chance for
Solons / A7

Senator Vicente Sotto III greetsTandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines as Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma, CBCP vice president looks on, 20 September 2011. Sotto met with the CBCP Permanent Council and updated them on the status of the reproductive health bill in the legislature and asked for more prayers on his and other lawmakers anti-RH crusade.

CBCP to use prayer to defeat RH bill

By Roy Lagarde

NOW that the real negative orientation of the reproductive health (RH) bill is getting clearer, the Catholic hierarchy has called for more prayers to prevent the passage of the measure.
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said that prayer

is still the best weapon to reject a proposal which the Church believes could open the door to artificial contraception and even abortion. Let us remain united in prayer and action for human life and the family, said Bishop Nereo Odchimar, CBCP president. Odchimar urged all the dioceses to particularly pray the Holy Rosary for the whole month of October so that pro-life lawmakers continue to be guided and strengthened in the RH bill debate. The bishop of Tandag diocese in

Surigao Del Sur said heaven must be stormed with prayers in hope for some divine intervention so that the minds of the legislators will be enlightened. That the other legislators, the undecided especially, realize more the social and more evils of the RH bill, and object its passage, said Odchimar in his letter to all CBCP members. Nothing beats prayer Odchimars appeal was made a week after the meeting of the CBCP Permanent Council with Senator Vicente Sotto III, a strong critic of the RH bill.

Bishop: Church people, workers conventiona breakthrough

JARO Auxiliary Bishop Gerardo Alminaza said the convention that brought together church people and workers across the country was a concrete experience of becoming as a Church with common noble aspiration of living out the teachings of Christianity by pursuing social justice. Alminaza said that after a long time, the Church has made a step to overcome its fear of the unknown or the fear of supporting the workers because of the prevailing notion that workers are communists. The bishop also remarked that the national gathering was a breakthrough in many ways. Through the conference, the Church people listened to the plight of our laboring brothers and sisters. It became a venue for all to deeply understand exploitation and injustice. Now, I am confident that the Church is ready to take action in this dangerous ministry and pursue what is just and humane for the workers, Alminaza added. Alminaza was the convenor of the four-day National Conference of Church People and Workers that ended yesterday in Cebu City. At the conclusion of the fourday convention, participants

No more PCSO fundsChurch

FOR the head of Manilas Roman Catholic Church, the inclusion of Caritas Manila from among those stricken off the state-run lotterys list of regular beneficiaries was no big deal. Despite its own limited resources, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales said the Church would still continue its social action programs without the help of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). After all, he said, the bishops have already agreed that they would no longer seek or accept assistance from the PCSO currently chaired by Margie Juico. At the end of the meeting of the CBCP last July, at that time the talks on the Pajero (bishops) were at highest, the bishops were no longer interested and discouraged receiving funds from
Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

On Sept. 20, Sotto updated the CBCP officials on the status of the RH bill in the legislature and asked for more prayers in their crusade. Nothing beats prayer, he said. The senator also said that in both chambers, the prolife and anti-RH bill legislators are giving a strong fight, for which they are accused of doing delaying tactics. But as we gather from news releases, these so-called delaying tactics are actually interventions that question, and thus expose, the defects of the RH bill, including the funding and entities that

Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

push for its passage, said Odchimar. A number of undecided legislators in both chambers are now beginning to see the real negative orientation of the bill, he added. The CBCP also requested that the Prayer for the Defense of Human Life continue to be said in all Sunday Masses until November 20, the Solemnity of Christ the King. Why the haste on RH bill? The CBCPs call to prayer was also issued after presidential spokesperson
RH / A6

Photo courtesy of CWS secretariat

Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales

the PCSO. Citing alleged fund misuse, the PCSO has stopped providing more than P116 million in monthly or quarterly financial assistance to 112 charitable institutions, some of which are churchbased. Juico claimed that these beneficiaries had been using the funds for administrative expenses instead of spending the aid from PCSO for the intended projects and programs. Cardinal Rosales said the recent PCSO ruling may be subjected to several interpretations but stressed that he can understand why some institutions use a certain portion of the funds for administrative expenses. "You may have a vehicle but without funds for

Bishop Gerardo Alminaza

Convention / A7

Corruption / A7

Contraceptive / A7

lustration by Bladimer Usi

signed a covenant statement wherein they voiced out their concerns and urged both government and businesses to create just labor policies. The statement addressed four major issues that workers themselves brought into discussions during the workshopscontractualization, unjust wages, right to organize and forced migration. Alminaza said that the signing of the covenant which recognizes the need of the church people and workers to address the four major issues is a concrete manifestation of the Churchs renewed commitment to workers struggle. The covenant statement also mandated to transform the CWS to a permanent organization.

Churchs high ratings attributed to fight vs corruption

CATHOLIC bishops have attributed the Churchs high public trust rating in their attempts to uphold morals and faith particularly in the sociopolitical arena. Specifically, Jesuit Archbishop Antonio Ledesma of Cagayan de Oro said, Church is one of the most trusted institutions in the country because of its involvement on social issues for the common good. He said the Church will not abandon such mission because it also has an obligation to protect the people against government abuses and corruption aside from teaching moral guidelines to the society. That publics high trust rating for the Church is welcome news but at the same time it carries responsibility for us to maintain that credibility, Ledesma told Church-run Radyo Veritas. It is our responsibility to be the guardians of the morals of the nation. The fight against corruption is part of our campaign with other faith-based groups to have good governance, he said. Result of the first Philippine Trust Index conducted by public relations firm EON

Contraceptive use keeps husbands from respecting wifes equilibriumNFP trainor

CONTRACEPTIVE sex tends to lead to the woman being treated by the man as a mere source of selfish pleasure, with little or no regard for her feelings, according to a natural family planning (NFP) teacher. [But] Those practicing NFP are more sensitive to each others equilibrium, because there is constant communication and understanding on fertility. Those who use contraceptives tend to treat the marriage act as a simple sex thing that they have to get over with (on the part of the woman) and as an urge that needs to be satisfied on demand (on the part of the man), explained NFP trainor Willy Jose, who also serves as Family and Life Ministry Vicariate Coordinator for the St. Joseph Vicariate under the Cubao Diocese. And this is precisely the ordeal that Janice, a 39-year-old mother of 3, experienced till she decided to do away with contraceptives. Theres nothing nice about


WASHINGTON D.C., Sept. 27, 2011Respect Life Month is a time for prayer, reflection and action to advance the right to life and to resist efforts to silence moral truth and violate religious liberty, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of GalvestonHouston has said. We will voice our opposition to the injustice and cruelty of abortion on behalf of those victims whose voices have been silenced, he said. At the same time, we will remind the living victims of abortionthe mothers and fathers who grieve the loss of an irreplaceable child that Gods mercy is greater than any human sin. Catholics must not shrink from the obligation to assert the values and principles we

Catholics obligated to defend right to life, emphasizes cardinal

hold essential to the common good, beginning with the right to life of every human being and the right of every woman and man to express and live by his or her religious beliefs and well-formed conscience, the cardinal said in a Sept. 26 letter marking Respect Life Month. The Respect Life Program began in 1972 and is observed in the 195 Catholic dioceses in the U.S. It begins on Respect Life Sunday, the first Sunday in October. Cardinal DiNardo, chair of the U.S. bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities, reflected on the months theme I came so that all might have life and have it to the full, Jesus words from John 10. Jesus refers both to our hope of eternal life, to be restored through his death and resurrection, and to our life in this world, he added. The cardinal contrasted unselfish love with the view of life as a zero sum game of advancing ones own interests. The latter can lead to callous unconcern for anyone who is especially weak, defenseless, and in need of our help. The weak include the unborn child, an aging parent seen as a burden on the medical system, the excess embryo in the fertility clinic, the disabled, and the severely cognitively impaired. Each of these persons is at risk of being dismissed as a life unworthy of life, the cardinal warned. Jesus promise of abundant life is especially poignant when American culture and, sometimes, government, promote values inimical to the happiness and true good of individuals and society. We face increasing attempts to expunge God and religious discourse from public life. This promotes the dangerous proposition that human beings enjoy no special status by virtue of their God-given humanity, he said. The cardinal also criticized a selfish and demeaning view of human sexuality promoted by advertising and entertainment media. This view has no place for openness to new life, he said. Hence contraceptives are promoted even to young teens as though they were essential to womens well-being, and abortion defended as the necessary back-up plan when contraceptives fail. And fail they do. Both distorted sexuality and disdain for religion are seen in the Department of Health and Human Services decision to mandate insurance coverage for surgical sterilization and contraceptive drugs and devices, including the abortifacient drug Ella, he charged. The regulation offers an exemption that is so extremely narrow that it protects almost no one. It also treats pregnancy as a disease, and not the normal, healthy state by which each of us came into the world. The regulation does not show

FREIBURG, Germany, Sept. 27, 2011Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi has dismissed reports published by an Italian newspaper that Pope Benedict XVI plans to resign from the papacy in 2012. Fr. Lombardi recalled that the Pope displayed great energy during his trip to Germany, which included a demanding schedule over four days. His remarks came in response to a story by Italian journalist Antonio Socci of Libero, who claimed that the Pope is considering resignation next April, when he will turn 85. Fr. Lombardi told reporters in Freiburg, Germany that Benedict XVI is in good health, as we are seeing during this trip to Germany. He is in good condition and holding up well during a visit to his country as intense as this one. From the point of view

of the pontiffs health, it has been a success. The Vatican spokesman added, the only thing we know about possible resignations is what the Pope said in his book Light of the World. In the book published in 2010, Benedict XVI said a Pope has the right, and according to the circumstances, the duty to resign if he feels he lacks the physical, psychological and spiritual strength to carry out his office. According to the Efe news agency, Fr. Lombardi added, (y)ou would need to ask the newspaper where the story came from, but the strength and stamina that (the Pope) is displaying on this trip to Germany seems to me to speak more than eloquently of his ability to continue and to take on new commitments. (CNA/EWTN News)

respect for womens health or freedom, or respect for the conscience of those who do not want to provide such services. All these misguided efforts to foster false values among our youth, to silence the voice of moral truth in the public domain, and to deprive believers of their constitutionallyprotected right to live according to their religious convictions, must be resisted by education, public advocacy, and above all by prayer, Cardinal DiNardo concluded. He called for prayer and reflection on how each Catholic might renew his or her commitment and witness to respecting, promoting and teaching the transcendent nature of the human person. (CNA)

Vatican Briefing
Pope to parents: Keep striving to be a model for your children

Cardinal deplores education proposal

HONG KONG, Sept. 27, 2011Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun has criticized the Hong Kong governments plan to introduce Moral and National Education as a compulsory school subject, calling the proposal boiling frogs in lukewarm water. Do they want us to support the Communist Party unconditionally or appreciate the history of its rule without reservation? he questioned. Love of our country is not identical to love of the party, Cardinal Zen noted, warning of extreme danger if the next generation are brought up adhering to an extreme or wrong kind of nationalism. The retired bishop of Hong Kong was speaking to around 300 participants at a seminar on Sunday held for the annual Catholic Education Day. He questioned the intention to replace the existing Moral and Civic Education module in all primary schools by September 2012. The diocese has submitted its objection to the proposal, which it says overstresses national identity and may reduce class time for religious education. The Salesian prelate also said the introduction of the new module and a mandatory school-management regulation are related. The Catholic diocese and several Protestant denominations say the controversial regulation will reduce their autonomy in education. The diocese, the largest schoolsponsoring body in Hong Kong, has demanded a judicial review of the implementation of the regulation, which took effect Cardinal Zen (left) and Francis Chan Nai-kwok at the meeting. on July 1. The Court of Final Appeal will hear the case in early China. Joshua Wong, a 14-year-old student at October. Francis Chan Nai-kwok of the dioceses the forum, cited the blog of Hao Tiechuan, Catholic Education Office said Hong Kong a liaison official of the Central Peoples people have their own ways of showing Government in the Special Administrative concern to the motherland. No one would Region, on his view of national education: say Hong Kong people are unpatriotic, un- If it is not to educate students to listen to less they define it narrowly, said mainland- the central government, can it be called national education? born Chan. This shows explicitly it is a brainwashHe stressed education in Hong Kong should not go the same way as in mainland ing curriculum, said Wong. (UCAN)

Benedict XVI is encouraging parents not to give up in their efforts to be a reference point for their children. The Pope said this in a message to the 22nd Marian Day of the Family, held Sept. 17 in the shrine of Torreciudad, in the Spanish province of Huesca. Opus Dei cares for the shrine. The Holy Father said that children need to discover the face of true love in constancy and the sense of duty. He also exhorted families to be a sign of hope in present-day society. (Zenit)
Pontiff sends birthday greetings to 104-year-old nun

Vatican rebuffs reports of planned papal resignation

World News
MADRID, Spain, Sept. 27, 2011The Spanish capital city of Madrid came away with over $200 million in profits after World Youth Day 2011 held this past August, officials said. The WYD Madrid press office reported Sept. 26 that the Confederation of Businessmen of Madrid calculated that the capital took in some $216 million during the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. The Community of Madrid estimated that WYD produced an increase of $199 million in the regions Gross Interior Product. The contribution made by WYD was also recognized by the Madrid Consistory, which awarded the event with the Tourism Prize of the City of Madrid for promoting the city internationally. It also classified WYD as a National Patrimony. Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela of Madrid, who received the prize, said, The hospitality of Madrid was crucial to the success of World Youth Day. The kindness and friendliness with which the pilgrims were welcomed shows the human reflection of the city, which is what surprised WYD attendees the

CBCP Monitor
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Madrid profits over $200 million from WYD

most, he said. After WYD, Madrid experienced an historic increase of 42 percent in the number of foreign visitors compared to August of 2010, according to government statistics. The Commerce Confederation of Madrid said this has helped boost the citys image as one of great hospitality and capacity to host large events. Attendees of WYD said their experience in the Spanish capital was very positive. A poll carried out by GAD3 revealed that the level of satisfaction towards the city was very high. Around 80 percent of those surveyed said gave high marks to the streets and monuments of Madrid. Over 75 percent said they would recommend to their friends a trip to Spain and 47 percent said the event improved their image of the country. WYD Madrid 2011 also stood out for its impact in the media. More than 12 million followed the specials broadcast on the Spanish television networks. Some 5,000 journalists were given credentials for covering the event. (CNA)

Spanish Cistercian Sister Teresita turned 104 last Friday. Among those congratulating her was Benedict XVI. The Pope met the nun personally last Aug. 20, when he was in Madrid for World Youth Day. That meeting was only the second time the nun had ever left her cloister, the first having been during the tragic circumstances of the Spanish Civil War. Sister Teresita has spent 85 years in the cloister, more than anyone else known to history. (Zenit)
Pope launches debate on right, wrong

Benedict XVI addressed the lower house of the German Parliament Sept. 22, using the forum to encourage politicians to seek justice over success, and to launch an urgent debate about right and wrong. Speaking to the Bundestag on the first day of his four-day state visit to his native Germany, the Holy Father told the politicians in attendance that seeking justice shouldnt take a back seat to success. Naturally a politician will seek success, he explained, without which he would have no opportunity for effective political action at all. Yet success is subordinated to the criterion of justice, to the will to do what is right, and to the understanding of what is right. (Zenit)
Hitler was a pagan idol, says Pope

WikiLeaks exposes Cardinal Laws work in VaticanVietnam relations

The WikiLeaks release of secret and confidential State Department cables has revealed that American Cardinal Bernard Law is actively working in Vatican-Vietnam relations. His personal involvement helped confirm the December 2009 meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet. It took a visit to Vietnam last week by American Cardinal Bernard Law to finalize arrangements to allow the visit to go forward, according to a person close to the cardinal, reports a secret December 4, 2009 cable from the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See. The cable, signed by U.S. Ambassador Miguel Diaz, says that Cardinal Law told the embassys deputy mission chief that he discussed bilateral relations and the presidents visit directly with the Vietnamese. (CNA)

MUMBAI, India, Sept. 26, 2011The first historical museum of the Archdiocese of Mumbai is a celebration of our history and an instrument of evangelization for the young generation, according to Card. Oswald Gracias, archbishop of the diocese. Inaugurated yesterday and set in the St. Pius seminary in Goregaon, the museum contains a collection of arte-

facts the oldest dating back to the 16th century - belonging to the spiritual tradition of India. The museum also celebrates the 125th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Mumbai, which occured on 1st September 1886 under the papal bull Humanae Salutis by Pope Leo XIII. The museumexplains, Cardinal Gracias to AsiaNewsshows our historical,

artistic, cultural and religious patrimony, the authentic roots of our faith. According to the archbishop, the museum will be a real instrument of evangelization, especially for younger people. Each of these works of art has a profound message for all of us, they reveal how artists of the time saw and lived their faith. A timeline was painted

Benedict XVI referred to Adolf Hitler as a pagan idol Sept. 22 as he addressed a small group of Jewish representatives in Berlin. The Pope referred to his visitpart of his four-day tour of Germanyas bringing him to a central place of remembrance, the appalling remembrance that it was from here that the Shoah, the annihilation of our Jewish fellow citizens in Europe, was planned and organized. The Pontiff spoke of the Nazi reign of terror as being based on a racist myth, part of which was the rejection of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Jesus Christ and of all who believe in him. The supposedly almighty Adolf Hitler was a pagan idol, who wanted to take the place of the biblical God, the Creator and Father of all men, he said. (Zenit)

Archdiocese of Mumbai launches first historical museum

on the wall of the museum, showing the stages of Christianity in the region from 6 AD onwards. Many of the scenes represented are imbued with elements of the rich Indian spiritual tradition, which are part Cardinal Gracias explainsof our family culture, our ethos. In this sense, the museum celebrates religious freedom and witnesses the search for God in India. What we wantthe Archbishop concludes - is to show our brothers and sisters of other religions and help them understand that Christianity is no stranger. Indian Christianity has existed for thousands of years. We must continue that journey of faith which for thousands of years was lived with joy, freedom, peace and harmony. (AsiaNews)

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011

News Features
peace in Assisi, Italy, Oct. 27 to reiterate the important role religion can play in modern society. Through this gathering, we wish to express, with simplicity, that we believers have a special contribution to make toward building a better world, while acknowledging that if our actions are to be effective, we need to grow in dialogue and mutual esteem, he said. Mouhanad Khorchide, a Lebanese-born professor of Islam at the University of Munster, spoke on behalf of the Muslim leaders and encouraged greater exchanges between Catholic and Muslim theologians so they can help their followers recognize values they hold in common. While Christians would describe Gods primary attribute as love and Muslims would use the term mercy, both recognize they have a religious obligation to reflect those attributes in the way they live and treat others, he said. God, therefore, reveals himself in love and mercy experienced and lived here and now in this world, he said. Love and mercy are the criteria by which Christians and Muslims discern whether or not something is good and godly, Khorchide said. (CNS)


Catholics, Muslims can work together Pope tells new bishops lay to build better world, pope says

movements are gift to Church

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, Sept. 15, 2011Pope Benedict XVI told a gathering of new bishops Sept. 15 that they should encourage lay movements within the Church and seek the holiness of the laity. Bishops have the task of watching and working to ensure that the baptized increase in grace, in accordance with the charisms the Holy Spirit causes to arise in their hearts and communities, the Pope told over 100 new bishops gathered at the papal residence at Castel Gandolfo. He added that such charisms which the Spirit arouses amongst the laity are for the edification of the Church and that bishops should accept them gratefully, for the sanctification of the Church and the vitality of the apostolate. Recent decades have seen the rise of numerous new movements and apostolic initiatives throughout the Church. Many of these have been founded by lay people and are not directly affiliated with a particular diocese. The Pope made his comments at a gathering organized by the Congregation for Bishops. For the last 10 years the congregation has invited new bishops to make a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Peter in order to reflect on the main responsibilities of their episcopal ministry. The fundamental gift you are called to cherish in the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care is that of divine sonship, said the Pope, urging the bishops to work for the personal holiness of lay people. Through your ministry of sanctification, you educate the faithful to participate with increasing intensity in the priestly, prophetic and royal office of Christ, helping them to build the Church, actively and responsibly, according to the gifts they have received from God. The Pope said bishops have to strike a balance between their legitimate role of governance and not stifling the freedom enjoyed by lay people. Bishops should do this by judging the genuineness of charisms and their proper use, not extinguishing the Spirit but testing and retaining what is good. At the same time, the Pope said lay Catholics have to be respectful of the bishops authority as it must always be clear that no charism can dispense from deferring and submitting to the pastors of the Church. The Pope concluded by reminding the bishops that, first and foremost, they have to become saints themselves so that the sanctity of their lives will be an example and support to your priests. Together they will form the choral communion of the Church that can bear witness to Jesus Christ, that the world may believe, he said. (CNA/ EWTN News)

BERLIN, Sept. 23, 2011Believers in God have a contribution to make toward building a better world marked by respect for each human being, Pope Benedict XVI told representatives of Germanys Muslim communities. As believers, setting out from our respect convictions, we can offer an important witness in many key areas of life in society, including the protection of the family based on marriage, respect for life in every phase of its natural course or the promotion of greater social justice, the pope said. He met Sept. 23 with 15 Mus-

lim representatives men and women in a small meeting room at the apostolic nunciature in Berlin. Officials of the German bishops conference said they tried to invite people who could represent the variety present among the almost 4.5 million Muslims living in Germany. About 70 percent of the countrys Muslims are of Turkish origin; the others come from Arabic countries, the Balkans and Iran. Pope Benedict said the importance many Muslims give the role of religion in their lives is thought-provoking in a country that tends to marginalize

religion or, at most, to assign it a place among the individuals personal choices. While real differences exist between Muslims and Christians, he said, mutual respect exists and grows where believers meet one another and work together to promote and protect the dignity of each human being and other basic ethical values. It is inconceivable, in fact, that a society could survive in the long term without consensus on fundamental ethical values, the pope said. Pope Benedict told the Muslim leaders that he convoked a large interreligious meeting for

Pope meets with sex abuse victims in Germany

ERFURT, Germany, Sept. 23, 2011Pope Benedict XVI met with five victims of clerical sexual abuse in Germany, expressing his deep regret and the churchs commitment to preventing such crimes in the future. The Vatican said the 84-year-old pope was moved and deeply shaken by the suffering of the victims. He met with the group, two women and three men, in the seminary in Erfurt Sept. 23, the second day of a four-day visit to his homeland. The victims, from various parts of Germany, had suffered sexual abuse by priests and other church personnel, the Vatican said. They were accompanied by Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier, who has helped draw up new measures to deal with abusive priests. The Holy Father expressed his deep compassion and regret over all that was done to them and their families, said a statement from Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman. He assured the people present that those in positions of responsibility in the church are seriously concerned to deal with all crimes of abuse and are committed to the promotion of effective measures for the protection of children and young people, the statement said. Father Lombardi described the climate of the 30-minute encounter as serene and communicative. He said the pope is close to the victims, and he expresses the hope that the merciful God, creator and redeemer of all mankind, may heal the wounds of the victims and grant them inner peace. The church in Germany has been shaken over the past two years by revelations about clerical sex abuse and how the cases were handled by church officials. On the plane carrying him to Germany, the pope told reporters he understood the feelings of those who have left the church because of the abuse cases, but he appealed to Catholics to work against such crimes from the inside. The German pope has met previously with sex abuse victims during his visits to the United States, Malta, Australia and Great Britain. (CNS)

CBCP exec calls for further study of Juvenile Justice Law

MANILA, Sept. 19, 2011An official of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines has called for further study on the proposal by some lawmakers to reduce the age of exemption for criminal liability of juvenile offenders from 15 to 9 years old. Fr. Conegundo Garganta, executive secretary of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth stressed that lawmakers must rethink its policies in terms of defining the right age of minor offenders who can be held liable or responsible for an offense the minor will commit. The lawmakers clamor for the age reduction of juvenile offenders was spawned by the proliferation of crimes in the metropolis perpetrated by batang hamog or minor reprobates. Garganta emphasized that lawmakers must study first the details of the Juvenile Justice Law, the behavior of the minor offenders and the different aspects that affect the issue. He said that there is also a need for different agencies of government to rethink its guidelines and policies and that both government and society must come and work together to find a long term solution to the problem. Garganta also expressed concern that there is a lack of facilities in the country for juvenile delinquents. The government should first study the factors that trigger the behavior of these minor offenders, Garganta said. He said workable programs for the rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents should be in place to properly address the problem. Study root causes Leans Peace Flores, spokesperson of Akap-Bata Partylist said that instead of suspending the law, the Senators as well as the entire national government must think further on how they can address root causes why children are being involved in these kinds of criminal acts and syndicates. Flores wanted authorities to work on finding the leaders of syndicates who are using minors for their criminal acts and made them accountable instead. He emphasized that poverty is the main issue why these minors end up working with the syndicates. The children in conflict with the law are being [victimized] twice by syndicate groups and of the extreme poverty brought by negligence of the government against them and their families, explained Flores. On the other hand, AkapBata said that it is too early to amend the law for it still has provisions that must be implemented. We agree that there must be an assessment on how the law has been implemented, to address some concerns over budget for the rehabilitation facilities and professionals, the actual implementation of the law, and what the real function of Juvenile Justice Welfare Committee is, said the Child Rights advocate. Senators debate In a press release posted on the Senate website, Sen. Chiz Escudero said that exemption from criminal liability of children aged 15 years old and below has resulted in syndicates using 15 and 14 year old minors for criminal activities since they cannot be put to jail or held liable for any crimes. Escudero is among lawmakers who are eager to reduce the age of liability for minor offenders to 9 years old. Meanwhile, Sen. Francis Kiko Pangilinan, the principal author of Republic Act 9344 or the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, expressed opposition to proposals in the Senate to reduce the age of criminal liability from 15 to 9 years old. We oppose the proposal to amend the law and bring the age of criminal liability back to nine years old. With all due respect to its proponent, reverting to the age of nine is a huge leap backwards in the campaign to uphold and defend the rights of children. In addition, the proposal ignores our countrys commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, said Pangilinan in a press release posted in the senate website. (Jandel Posion)

Vatican official: Phl govt should ratify Maritime Labor Convention

MANILA, Sept. 21, 2011The Philippine government should approve the Maritime Labor Convention of 2006 to provide seafarers with employment security, a Vatican official said. Archbishop Antonio Maria Veglio, president of Vaticans Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, in a statement said the Aquino government should understand the importance of approving the 2006 Maritime Labor Convention to ensure Filipino seafarers with fair employment practices. The MLC 2006 is a consolidation of international laws that provide seafarers fair terms of employment and assure them of a safe, secure and decent living and working conditions on board a ship. Considering that roughly 20 percent of the worlds seafarers are Filipinos, a law that would assure them protection and just treatment is crucial, the Vatican archbishop added. Archbishop Veglio made the statement in time for the celebration of National Seafarers Day on Sept. 25. The Vatican official said it is important for government and welfare agencies to work together in ensuring the protection of seafarers. He also urged Filipino seafarers to work in union with maritime welfare agencies to boost its lobby at the government for the ratification of the two ILO conventions. Aside from MLC 2006, the Seafarers Identity Document (SID) Convention 1958 (ILO 108) C185 is also awaiting ratification from the government. Being a non-signatory to the convention, has created many problems for Filipino seafarers in recent months especially in Brazil, where Filipino seafarers were not allowed to get onshore unless they have a visa. Archbishop Veglio also called on the Apostleship of the Sea to bolster its services especially for seafarers who have been victimized by piracy attacks. It is of fundamental importance in this field that the AOS reinforces its national network and works in unity with other international organizations to propose itself as a welfare service provider to offer specific professional assistance to the victims of pi-

racy and their families before, during and after the ordeal, he said. As of 16 Sept. 2011, the International Maritime Bureau has reported a total of 335 piracy attacks worldwide, with hijacking pegged at 35. The Pontifical Council president also emphasized effective cooperation among local bishops, the AOS bishop promoter, the national director and all chaplains and volunteers of AOS Philippines in managing resources and generating local funds to support different activities for the welfare of seafarers. On Sept. 25, the country will

pay tribute to more than 300,000 Filipino seafarers and their families in a nationwide celebration of the 16th National Seafarers Day. Themed Marinong Pilipino: Lakas ng Pagkakaisa (Philippine Seafarers: Strength in Unity), the celebration will be highlighted with a Eucharistic celebration at the Metropolitan Cathedral to be presided by Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales at 11:30 am. Other activities also on Sept. 25 include an Ecumenical Memorial at Sea at 7 am and a grand parade at 9 am with 2,500 participants expected to attend. (CBCPNews)

Meddling by population control agency in RH bill bared

MANILA, Sept. 21, 2011An international agency notorious for promoting coercive population control worldwide had given funding to a pro-RH lobbyist to speed up the passage of the controversial bill, a lawmaker bared Tuesday. The United Nations Fund for Population (UNFPA) gave money to the lobby group Reproductive Health Advocacy Network (RHAN) to help in nurturing legislators as well as to expedite the passage of the reproductive health (RH) bill, Senate Majority Leader Vicente Tito Sotto III said as he continued his interpellation of the sponsors of Senate Bill No. 2865, or An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health and Population and Development. Documents showed that Junice Melgar, president of the non-government group Likhaan, has solicited money for RHAN, an umbrella organization of pro-RH lobbyists. It appears that UNFPA has participated in this bill through RHAN and Likhaan. Why am I am concerned? [A US government] investigation [had] found that UNFPA was complicit in the coercive implementation of Chinas one-child policy, Sotto said. The US government cut funding for UNFPA in 2001 because of the agencys support for coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization, Sotto added. Lawmakers have blasted the RH bill for its population-control aims, as evidenced by its full title and the fact that it had been crafted by the population committee in the House of Representatives. While overtly against abortion, which is a crime in the Philippines, the RH bill requires the government to ensure treatment for all women needing care for post-abortion complications. Critics have warned against the entry of abortion drugs and devices through the bill, which seeks to classify family planning products and supplies as essential medicines. The term reproductive health is internationally accepted as including access to abortion, as attested to by US State Secretary Hillary Clinton before the US Congress in 2009. The World Health Organizations model listing of essential medicines, meanwhile, includes RU-486 or mifepristone and misoprostol abortion drugs banned in the Philippines. Likhaans website features a book which openly promotes safe abortion. The book recommends both mifepristone and misoprostol: Mifepristone (RU-486). Mayroon nito sa ilang bansa at ginagamit na pampalaglag ng mga babae na hanggang 9 na linggong buntis. Tableta ito na iniinom sa mga klinika o ospital. Pagkalipas ng 2 araw, may binibigay na ikalawang gamot, ang misoprostol, na iniinom o nilalagay sa loob ng puwerta. Sotto also showed a video of Melgar stating in an interview about women seeking abortions: Eventually we give them information about safe abortion. We also warn them against unsafe pregnancy. Asked whether she knew of safe service providers, Melgar said: Yes, I think most women NGOs have contacts, referring to underground services. Sotto said RH advocates may have been sleeping with the abortionists, sleeping with the enemy. (Dominic Francisco)

Photo courtesy of Jovie Cabasag



CBCP Monitor
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Gambling money worsens the poor

IN July this year, the Senate inquiry on the cars granted by Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) to a couple of bishops has shown that the supposedly well-crafted PR work of PCSO to demolish the church (that is staunchly against the legislation of the Reproductive Health Bill) was not too well-crafted after allit backfired. Cans of worms were opened and the public saw how this gambling institution has misused hefty funds for purposes other than those allowed by its Charterincluding intelligence work, advertizing and, allegedly, electioneering. But it did not stop there. A few days ago, the PCSO leadership started a new tirade. This time, it threatened to delist the erstwhile favorite charity beneficiariesthe religious organizations. Names of church institutions were exposed together with the amount of money they have been receiving from gambling. And this is where a more serious issue looms. Since 1996, the Bishops have already issued four pastoral statements strongly discouraging the use of gambling money for charitable work for the poor. In its latest statement on gambling issued in 2005, the bishops says: For it is most unfortunate that in our situation of poverty today public funds gained from legal gambling are often the only resource for the poor to be assisted adequately. Even if this were so, the CBCP does not encourage this manner of helping the poor. It could easily be construed as approving and promoting the culture of gambling and thereby scandalize the faithful. Understandably enough, some church people would rationalize receiving money even from the devil himself if only to help the poor. But on closer scrutiny, in the Philippine context nobody helps poor people by giving them a short term relief that gambling money provides. Rather, the poor becomes even poorer, because a short-term provision cannot redeem a long-term devastation to the psyche of the poor that has wallowed deep into the culture of gambling. When one becomes such, he loses his capability for industry, his right sense of values and finally his dignity. The bishops 2005 statements says it better: However, applying the general moral principle to the specific Philippine situation, the CBCP has deemed it necessary to state on several occasions that the form of gambling that is organized, widespread, and systemic, whether legal or illegal, is not desirable. It is creating a culture of gambling that is seriously eroding the moral values of our people. In its illegal form, especially jueteng, gambling has bred a clandestine network of corruption that feeds itself on the hundreds of millions of pesos lost to gambling especially by the poor. Time now for a few church people to part with PCSO and the pseudo-charity that gambling money provides.

Bp. Leonardo Y. Medroso, JCD, DD

THE process of globalization, that has in some quarters gradually secularized and demythologized the worldview of our people, has not spared the parish priests from its effects. Suddenly thrust into the world that is fast shrinking due to high technology and the concomitant process of globalization, the parish priest is bewildered and bothered by some realities that are happening unexpectedly in his parish. They are events that change the social behavior of some parishioners as they touch deeply the priests life as the appointed parish priest of the locality, challenging even his leadership and authority. What is the place of the parish priest in a society that has become so complex, mobile, and sophisticated? Is the content of his message saleable? Do the sacraments still attract our people, still believers as necessary means of salvation that could liberate them from the meaninglessness of life? Is the priest

The life of the parish priest in the modern world

doing in the parish, make out my role in the activity and the religious services that I have to extend. But, no, they just came in, asked for the sacrament of reconciliation for the youth, and expected me to do their bidding. But what hurt me more is the response of one of them: But we thought we do not need your permission, Father. Our group is transparochial Knowing the priest I just could not summarily dismiss him with a pat on the back and the clich: Dont worry, Father. I will call the attention of the organizers and discuss with them this matter. No, he is a very sensitive priest, a dedicated pastor, a deeply religious person with a fierce love for the parishioners. And so I surmise that his complaint was indeed serious. To bypass the pastor in doing an out-reach activity in the parish is, to say the least, not proper, no matter how laudable the aposTidbits/ A6

Organized Rampant Gambling

TRUE human development requires the development of authentic human values. This truth has something to say to the current debate about lotto and casinos and the investigation, apparently and sadly waning, of gambling lords. In our Filipino context, we as Pastors cannot but strongly reprobate the circumstances and even the motives by which rampant, illegal organized gambling, such as jueteng, is operated, maintained and protected. Such gambling in whatever form is immoral, given our particular socio-economic, cultural and religious situation. Its very illegality breeds corruption among officials, police, and military officers. The manner and frequency of illegal gambling systematically fleece the poor of hard earned money, so necessary for their families, feeding as it does, on the penchant of the Filipino for risk-taking, often irrational, on the basis of swerte or of bahala na, and resulting in the loss of money for the greatest majority of gamblers. Without doubt rampant illegal gambling is but one manifestation of organized criminality, operated by syndicates, ending up in the corruption of many and the loss of incredible amounts of personal and public money. Many attempts are being made to legalize all forms of gambling, even as lotto and casinos are legal. But again for us as pastors, given the fatal lure of gambling to the Filipino psyche, the legalization of organized gambling in order to raise funds, even for development, is a form of de-moralizationthe gradual erosion of moral values necessary to a development-oriented work ethic, such as diligence and industry, accountability and transparency. The poor and the needy are victimized the most. They are often the most prone to gambling addiction, as the deadly attraction of easy and quick riches beckons them to disaster. Therefore, the legalization and proliferation of gambling establishments are nothing more than an abject surrender to a morally debilitating vice. For reasons like the above we strongly oppose organized rampant gambling, be it legal or illegal. Our development as a people is not merely economic. It has to be more. It must be moral and spiritual as well. We, therefore, strongly urge that the investigations now going on against gambling lords be pursued relentlessly until these are brought to justice and the complicity of government officials, police, and military officers be brought out into the open and punished. DevelopmentThe Fruit of Justice and Peace, 1996

still needed by society? Or, has he become a mere commodity, one who is there as a figurehead? In short, is he still relevant in the globalized world? Some years ago a parish priest came barging into my office with the heavy steps of a man with a problem. Deeply hurt he blurted out with a tale of woe. I am but a mere commodity in the parish, Bishop, he complained. Imagine, a group just came to my rectory in the late afternoon, asked me to hear the confession of the youth who are having a youth camp in the parish. I got mad for a while for in the first place they never had that elementary courtesy to discuss with me as parish priest regarding the youth camp. I feel like taken for granted, a non-entity, an old hag. They could have approach me beforehand, tell me about their plan of putting up youth camp, discuss matters with me. In that way, I would know what they are

The Rachels Support Group: 21 years of healing and reconciliation

LAST week, I attended the anniversary of the Rachels Support Group at Our lady of Sorrows Parish Church, Pasay. The commitment and sincerity of the members always fill me with awe and gratitude at the overflowing mercy of our Lord, not only when He touched the hearts of these women to return to Him after years of living with the guilt and depression following abortion/s poor decisions that they had made in life due to wrong advices, fear, uncertainty or ignorance, but until now that they have become active pro-life workers. I have taken the liberty of publishing the reflection of their founder, Cory, who has continued to lead the group through these past 21 years. It was on September 8, 1990, the birthday of Mama Mary, when we started helping in the healing and reconciliation of women hurt by abortion, contraception, ligation, abuse and exploitation without realizing that this was part of the message in Evangelium Vitae (# 99) of Blessed John Paul II. And so every year, we hold a Memorial Mass to remind us that our babies, though lacking in birthday, did live in our wombs even for a while before they were taken up to where God, the real Father is... with Him in eternity. Wherever we are, we have agreed to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on September 8 for all parents and families hurt by the antilife forces. These words from Evangelium Vitae (#99) always gives me consolation. I would like to say a special word to women who have had an abor-

Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS

Love Life
tion. The church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and His peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You will come to understand that nothing is definitively lost and you will also be able to ask forgiveness from your child, who is now living in the Lord. With the friendly and expert help and advice of other people, and as a result of your own painful experience, you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyones right to life. Through your commitment to life, whether by accepting the birth of other children or by welcoming and caring for those in need of someone to be close to them, you will become promoters of a new way of looking at human life. I would like to give this message to all the Anti-RH advocates that it is time to create a grassroots resistance movement even before the Bill is passed There is a need to address the healing and reconciliation of victims. Definitely with or without the law people are getting hurt physically, spiritually and
Love Life / A5

Fr. Roy Cimagala

Candidly Speaking
WE have to be ready for the poverty challenge. The world is entering a new, dangerous phase, if news items are to be to be considered. Scary possible scenarios are painted, pointing to a global economic meltdown, since the leading world economies are facing a tough future. Again, I would not like to tackle the technical aspects of the economic crisis, since though an economist by profession, I feel that, now as priest, thats not anymore my area of competence. Besides, I have not been monitoring the economic world events that closely. What I prefer to do is to highlight the spiritual and moral implications of this crisis that we all need to be more familiar about. After all, at the end of the day, its in this level where things get their final verdict. We have to be clear about poverty being not all that bad. There is something good in it, otherwise our Lord would not make it one of the beatitudes: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The poverty challenge

would bring this issue to a more comprehensive context. We have to overcome the bias against the moral and spiritual considerations that seem to grip many of our leaders in this area. Economic thinking simply based on math, social assessments that only capture the externals of human behaviour just are not enough. We cannot then deny that at the root of this global crisis is a virus that has gone viral for quite a time already, left to fester since it offers many sweet palliatives and other intoxicating decoys. Its a sickness of the soul that has sold itself to the things of the world. As consequences, we have become complacent with our duties and responsibilities that always go with our dignity as persons, children of God, citizens of a nation, etc. Work ethic has deteriorated, since work is largely seen as just a means to earn money, develop ones potentials, acquire power and
Candidly Speaking / A5

Pedro C. Quitorio

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The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Communications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.; ISSN 1908-2940

Still, we can not and should not brush aside the ugly face of inhuman poverty that prevails in many parts of the world today. Lets hope and pray that our bright minds and political leaders are able to find the practical solutions, at least in the short term if not in the long term, to this deadly threat of a world economic collapse. I am optimistic that while this delicate stage in our world history can be a tipping point, solutions one way or another will always emerge. Perhaps, a new leading economy in the world will appear. For sure, realignments will take place, and yes, these will involve some painful adjustments. Thing is we should not approach this world predicament solely from the purely human point of vieweconomic, social or political. Thats needed, and in fact, to the hilt. But remaining in that level does not capture the entire weight of the situation. We need to go beyond. We have to input the moral and spiritual aspects, the contribution of our faith that

lustration by Bladimer Usi

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Sins against life
Abortions. Summary executions. Massacres. Murders. Assassinations. All these and more atrocities against human life have become standard realities in Philippine society. They are no longer news. They have become some kind of a daily bread that repeatedly and nonchalantly occupy some space or time among local tri-media outlets. Someone commits suicide, so what? Somebody hacked dead by a friend or an enemy, big deal! A gunman kills this or that man, really? It is not enough that there are terrorism and separatist movements in the country. It is neither enough that there is poverty plus misery practically all over the land. It has become a matter of concern that some 8 million Filipinos spread in some 200 countries in the world as OFWs are violated, mistreated and looked upon as lesser human beings. The said disturbing truth is that when nothing less than human lives have become cheap, everything else does not matter that muchif at all. There must be something wrongsomething very wrongwith the way all those multi-billion intelligence funds are spent, the way all those local and national law and order agencies work, the manner the justice system functions in the country.

Fr. Carmelo O. Diola

Oscar V. Cruz, DD

Views and Points

IT is hard to know and to be convinced that human life is the summit of all precious realities here and now, as well as the peak of all invaluable gifts hereafter and beyond. Without human life: What are diamonds worth, what are jewelries for? What for is socio-economic progress and development? What is the benefit of peace and order? Take away human life, and what for is integrity and honesty? In the cemetery, would it really make any difference at all if ones tomb is miserable or grandiose, if it is made a dumping place or the site of a lavish and expensive museum? It is but to the living that all such things matter, viz., that gold and silver are valuable, that power and wealth mean much, that money has its value and use. Without life, all of them are stripped of significance and worth. This brings to fore the hideous nature and gross implications of any and all Sins Against Lifesomething that has acquired significance and that continues to acquire relevance in this once Land of the Morningthe then Lupang Hinirang! Yes, there appears to be much preoccupation about human rights. In the same way, some talks are also heard about human dignity. But then, what are human rights for and what is human dignity all about without human life?!

Spaces of Hope Leadership by example

WHEN I was about 12 years old, I learned to do push-ups by watching a teenager do them. The lad was the son of a good friend of my father, who, at that time, had recently retired from the PC (Philippine Constabulary). The skill came into good use when I enrolled in the ROTC during my college years. It was, as some people would put it, a good investment that surfaces when it is needed. A similar investment surfaced recently during a lull in the runs of Takbo Maharlika. This was a vivid memory of my huffing and puffing beside my mother, Elena, then a teacher at Xavier University in CDO, who was doing simple calisthenics and limbering exercises. Boy, did it feel good to lie on the mat with mother showing the way! The memories remain. One learns many things through imitation. Leadership by example is still the most effective and enduring kind of leadership. *** It is 3:30 am and my mind is now half-awake. My body, though, still wants to linger in bed. I ask the morning muses for reprieve, if only for a few more minutes. My ears soon perk up to the gentle shuffle of the feet of my roommate who has been up since 3:00 am. He has already turned on a thermos with a built-in water heater and has started to drink glasses of lukewarm water. I soon sit on my bed and my companion turns to me with the words: Benedicamus Domino (Let us bless the Lord). To which I respond: Deo gratias (thanks be to God). For the next few minutes, I alternate between silent, intercessory prayers and drinking my five glasses of lukewarm water. It is good to start the day detoxifying self with water and intoxicating self with prayer. It has been nearly two months now ever since Takbo Maharlika kicked off in Laoag City last August 8. Our daily routine for the 5 am runs include a morning prayer with the breviary around 4:15 am with our six-man team. It is a demanding routine. In fact, my blood pressure had gone up during the first run due to the stress of being unaccustomed to waking up at such an unholy hour. Only by the grace of God have I persisted and my BP gone down. And what was once unholy hour has become holy. But human instrumentalities cannot be set aside. The image of a roommate, Kuya Samson Tucay, already awake 30 minutes prior to my time, is an inspiring one. It is leadership by example. *** It is an afternoon run on Saturday, 10 September from San Pablo to Tumauini, Isabela. Overcast clouds hang ominously as a group of about 150, mostly students and policemen, gather for the run. Two of TMs lead runners are resting their feet upon doctors orders. The group is just ending their one-kilometer walk and commencing the five-kilometer run, when the heavens burst open! For the first time, strong rains fall on TM runners. While some scampers for shelter and others flagged down vehicles, a group continues the run. Soon a figure emerges: a tall, lanky person in his mid-50s, with Chinese-mestizo features mans the traffic, unmindful of the rain. He is wearing the police dress code for athletics: blue short pants and lighter blue shirt with PNP printed on it. The man darts in and out, from policemen to the students, to and from his vehicle, and in and out of the rain. Supt. Jimmy Rivera is the Director of the Isabela Provincial Police Office (PPO). He is a 17-year veteran of Mindanao and has served with the UN Peace Keepers in Kosovo. Jimmy is concerned about the runners and their safety. He does not mind taking up the cudgels expected of a basic police recruit. This is leadership by example. At the end of the 12 kilometer (8 run; 4 walk) journey, those who keep at it arrive safely. We serve coffee and suman to them. We are rediscovering the joys of sacrifice and service. *** One of those who completed the run is our liaison with the Isabela PPO. His name is Chief Inspector (Major) Nelson Vallejo. Nelsons idealism is being rekindled by Takbo Maharlika. He decides to quit smoking. He also decides to run the whole distance from one end of Isabela to the other. This is no easy thing to do. Like many police officers and other professionals, physical fitness tends to be identified with an entry requirement into the professions. Once granted entrance into a group, the regimen wanes. Nelsons decision to quit smoking is a very good one. The latest WHO report shows that 10 Filipinos die every hour due to smoking-related diseases and that the government spends at least P500 billion a year for health costs of diseases caused by smoking, first-hand and second-hand smoking. Without fanfare, Nelson pushed on, running twice a day. When we reach the end-point at Condo, Isabela, he had logged around 150 kilometers. Personal change is a choice and this choice can touch other lives. *** While many Filipinos have succumbed to various forms of self-destructive behavior, deep within each Filipino is the latent capacity to be a Maharlika (noble). One is reminded of the story told of the great sculptor, Michelangelo Buonarotti. When asked how he is able to create such great masterpieces of art, he said that the form he is tasked to create is already in the block of marble. All he does is remove what should not be there. Takbo Maharlika calls on Filipinos to come together to change ourselves and the Philippines one step at a time. By coming together in the context of a run, and the constellation of activities that lead to it, we rediscover our capacity for greater sacrifice and service, and the joy that comes along with them. Personal encounters with people who lead by example help to whittle away and smoothens the rough edges of the personalities of those who get to know them. Along the way, I am having the pleasure of meeting others who lead by example, like a town mayor who refuses a bodyguard and lives a simple lifestyle, and choosing not to make a loan for the construction of a functional municipal hall. Then there was this second-year high school lass who finished a 12km run in tandem with the policemen, not succumbing to the volatile running style of her contemporaries. Or a 63-year old man who remains youthful by having a daily fitness and Biblereading regimen. And yesthere is a religious leader who ran alongside the TM team for five kilometers showing that fitness makes the Holy Spirit more comfortable in the temple of our bodies. Leadership by example is the only real way to lead. It is contagious.

Laikos Congress and 17th Biennial Convention

THE National Laity Week is celebrated all over the country from September 25 to October 1 with the theme Standing Firm on the Faith: listening, journeying and evangelizing with the Youth. All Archdioceses and Dioceses have their respective activities during the Laity Week. The Sangguniang Laiko ng Kalookan headed by Mrs. Monina Lucas, in cooperation with the Diocesan Youth Ministry headed by Bro. Alvin Lorenzo, invited the Philippine National Red Cross to conduct Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Workshop on October 01 at 1:00 pm at San Roque Cathedral in Caloocan City. The Holy Mass followed, presided by Rev. Elpidio Erlano, Jr., Parochial Vicar of San Roque Cathedral with Rev. Fr. Benedict Cervantes and Rev. Fr. Abet Caballero, Diocesan PriestAssistant Coordinator for Youth and San Bartolome Vicariate Priest Coordinator for Youth, respectively. *** Another forthcoming activity of Laiko is the 2-in-1 Affair which will be held on October 21 to 23. Laiko will observe the 60th anniversary of Catholic action in the Philippines on October 21 by holding Laity Congress at Pope Pius Center, U.N. Avenue, Manila, with the theme Laiko at 60, Standing Firm in the Faith, Sharing the Richness of the Mother Church. The second activity is the 17th Biennial Convention which will be held on October 22 to 23 at Bayview Park Hotel, Roxas Boulevard corner U.N. Avenue, Manila (in front of the U.S. Embassy), with the theme Standing Firm in the Faith, Sharing the Richness of the Mother Church for Social Transformation. Registration fee for the Convention is P1,000 while that of Congress is P500, which

Atty. Aurora A. Santiago

Duc in Altum
the legislators realize that there is no need for RH Bill and that the budget they proposed to buy contraceptives and condoms be used instead to supply barangay health centers with medicines; that they should give priority to the construction of hospitals especially in the rural areas, increase the salary of health workers, increase the education fund of state colleges and universities. There are more important and urgent projects which need to be funded rather than buy contraceptives which are abortifacients and cancerous. *** Congratulations to fellow alumna Ms. Shamcey Supsup for bringing honor to the country. Although this beauty and brain lady ranked as 3rd runner up in the recently concluded Ms. Universe Contest, to the Filipinos, she deserves to be the Ms. Universe. *** We condole with the family of our parish priest Rev. Fr. Jerome Cruz of San Ildefonso de Navotas Parish whose mother Angelina J. Cruz of Baldwin Park, Los Angeles, California died of lingering illness. Funeral Mass is held daily, until the burial, at 8:00 p.m. at the Parish Church, located at Estrella corner M. Naval Sts., Navotas City. In the U.S., viewing is scheduled on September 29 and 30 at Pierce Brothers Mortuary in West Covina, California. Internment is on October 01. It is so sad that Fr. Jerome and his brother Paeng will celebrate their birthday on September 30 and October 01, respectively. We also condole with the family of Mrs. Priscila Precy Bolhayon of Kiangan, Ifugao. Precy used to work at the Los Angeles City Hall.

covers lunch and snacks, Convention and Congress kits and materials. It is the tradition for Laiko to subsidize the Convention fee to enable the members of the Arch/Diocesan Councils of the Laity and member organizations and communities all over the country to become delegates in the Convention and participate in the workshops and election of the members of the Laiko Board of Trustees. Convention delegates are also entitled to free Souvenir Program and convention leatherette bag, CD of keynote speech, workshop discussions, and the like. The Convention keynote speaker is Mr. Jesus P. Estanislao, former Secretary of Finance during President Corazon Aquinos term and presently heads two private institutes committed to governance reforms. The Congress keynote speaker is Rev. Msgr. Gerardo O. Santos, Executive Secretary of CBCP-ECCCE. This representation, Laiko Executive Vice President, is the Convention Chairperson while Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go, Laiko Vice President for Luzon, is the Congress Chairperson. Laiko invites all the member organizations and Arch/Diocesan Councils of the Laity to participate in this 2-in-1 affair. For other details and information about accommodation, please contact the Laiko office, c/o Joseph Jesalva or Kate Buenconsejo at email address or by fax at (02) 527-3124. The Laiko office telephone number is (02) 527-5388 or Mobile number 0928-520-3797. *** We enjoin everyone to continue praying the Oratio Imperata so that the RH Bill will be rejected by both Houses of Congress. May

Atty. Jo Imbong

Pro Bono
IN Studio A, the evening promises to be a tempest. Four cameras are on cue. The make-up girl folds her palette and dusts off the shine on five noses. Lights on! A snap of the finger and the cameras roll. The tinderbox issue for the episode is: should the Philippines legalize same-sex unions? The channel, after all, is of a nascent network bent on cornering a hefty cut of the A to D public on prime time and secure for itself a growing niche in television. The shows hosts are young and preppy. One is a genderdriven impudent character. The lady beside him is a total dissenter against all tradition. The third is a surprise. He is a cool and amiable gentleman with his heart in the right place. His cohosts call him Bishop. And the guests? Two lawyers are introduced. One is expectedly a total infidel, defying the jealous mistress that is
Lovelife / A4

On cam
law.) The male lawyer interjects that the world out there is changingin Perry v Schwarzenneger, Californias Proposition 8 has been defeated and same-sex unions are accorded rights. The same in Wisconsin with McConkey v Van Hollen. To that, the Constitutiontoting attorney counters with Baker v Nelson. There, the Minnesota Supreme Court was not persuaded by the assertion of Mr. Baker and his would-be male spouse that the right to marry without regard to the sex of the parties is a fundamental right of all persons. Justice Peterson, speaking for the Court, citing Skinner v California wrote, the institution of marriage as a union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family, is as old as the book of Genesis. He did add that in commonsense and in a constitutional sense, there is a clear distinction between a marital restriction based merely upon race and one based upon the fundamental difference in sex. The verdicta Minnesota law denying same-sex couples a marriage license does not not violate the Equal Protection Clause. It must be a good verdict because the Bishop host exclaims, Amen! Putting aside the irreverent banter that spikes the debate, the TV crew in front has something profound to chew on. So does the home audience. To my recollection, this is the first-ever joust on television of this very sensitive issue. One thought alone forecloses the pros arguments: in a lake where all of us are navigators, there is always a shoreline. We cannot row endlessly to nowhere. Nowhere is not there. (The segment ran on September 6 at 10:00 P.M. ABC5. I hope they posted it on YouTube.)
Candidly Speaking / A4

the Law to justify his taking a male partner, sealing it with a Statement of Commitment reputedly making him complete at last. The other, also expectedly, is a jurisprudence-citing, Constitution-toting blazer-andheels lady attorney wielding common sense. The cameras continue whirring. The next thirty minutes sizzle with a crescendo of pros and cons. Not legalizing is alleged to be an injustice and discrimination against equals. Equals? the lady attorney asks. Between two persons applying for a Drivers License, would you give it also to the other who is blind? Besides, marriage and matrimony call for male and female. The Law uses heterosexual language at least four times in four Articles. And that language of the law follows the Manufacturers manual for humanity which humanity can defy (human freedom), but only to its peril (there is a moral

morally. People are aborting our children actively and passively by uncaring and judgmental attitudes and words. I believe that the battlefield is best fought in our hearts and our minds. Unless efforts to offer healing and reconciliation is simultaneously acted upon together with the anti-RH fight, we will end up hurting each other. Come to think of it, why would a person advocate an anti-life position feverishly if he/she is not justifying an anti-life belief. And could it be that he/she has not been healed or reached the reconciliation stage of a past action/ behavior? I thank God for the trainings

I got from the Good Shepherd Sisters and Pro-life founder Sr. Pilar, who believed that a person is of more value than a world. I thank God for the courage that Blessed Teresa of Calcutta instilled in our hearts, that Abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace in the world. If a mother can kill her own unborn child what will keep us from killing each other? Gratitude is the memory of the heart. I also thank former Mayor Lito Atienza and his wife Beng for setting up the Home for the Angels Child Caring Agency for abandoned or almost aborted babies. This has made us possible

to involve actively in prolife work. We, Rachels, who volunteer there have been able to devote the remaining years of our life in response to Evangelium Vitae in doing the greatest work on earth... saving lives and saving souls for the glory of God. We believe that AS LONG AS BABIES ARE BEING BORN, GOD HAS NOT GIVEN UP ON HUMANITY. To God be the glory! Cory and the other Rachel members are available for counseling and healing of post-aborted women. Contact Home for the Angels at 562-8089 or Pro-life office at 733-7027, 0919-233-7783.

fame, etc. Forgotten are works inherent quality to develop us as thinking and loving persons, united to God and to others, and meticulously mindful of the demands of the common good, the requirements of solidarity and subsidiarity that are always needed in any life shared with others. Work has become a tool of self-assertion that creates its own divisive attitudes, language, and ultimately its own culture and lifestyle. In this system, work is detached from the designs of God and made to play the games of men, where things like greed, envy, deception, self-interest can
Candidly Speaking / A6


Local News

CBCP Monitor
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Bishop presses Aquino to pass FOI bill

NOW that the Philippines has joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP), it is high time for the Aquino administration to support the passage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill. Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo said President Aquino is not deserving to be with the OGP, which seeks promote transparency and fight corruption, sans action on the FOI bill. I dont know how serious he is in being open because the passage of the FOI bill is not in his priorities, said Pabillo who chairs the National Secretariat for Social Action of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. The prelate reiterated that the best proof of the Aquino governments commitment to promote transparency in governance is its action on the FOI bill. How can you say the government is open if Aquino himself does not endorse the passage of FOI, he said. On Friday, Aquino returned to the country from a five-day trip to the US, wherein one of his main agenda was to attend the formal launching of the OGP. The OGP is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. In the said event, Aquino was able to seat side by side with OGP chair United States President Barack Obama, and other members of the steering committee. The Aquino administration had been cold on the FOI bills passage, which would provide substantive, procedural and institutional guarantee to the peoples constitutional right to information. Malacaang had said there is still a need to conduct more consultations with various sectors on the Freedom of Information bill. (CBCPNews)
Bishop Broderick Pabillo

APPARENTLY losing patience over criticisms that the reproductive health (RH) bill is redundant and could provide an opening for abortion, two pro-RH lawmakers raised their voices, with one making yet another appeal to pity. Pro-RH Sen. Pia Cayetano went into a monologue about how a poor woman could provide food to six children, and at times interrupted her interpellator, Senate Majority Leader Vicente Tito Sotto III, without waiting for her turn to speak. Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago had to quiet her colleagues in the chamber and then blew her top in explaining why the RH bill was not redundant, only to say later: Please do not take this outburst against me, I am acting under medication. Despite these, Sotto calmly

Pro-RH senators flare up over Sottos interpellation

pointed out that existing laws already guarantee access to information on contraceptives and even allow the government to distribute them for free. Ang may kasalanan `yung hinihingan, hindi `yung humihingi, he said, pointing to the failure by the Executive branch to implement laws promoting family planning already in place. Sotto said the Philippine AIDS Control and Prevention Act or Republic Act (RA) 8504 is more comprehensive than the RH bill, or Senate Bill No. 2865, as regards preventing HIV/AIDS. Let me reiterate that I do not see anything wrong with this feature. But I dont think this is necessary, he said. Santiago, in her outburst, said Sections 7 and 9 of SB 2865, on Access to Family Planning and Family Planning Supplies as Essential Medicines, respectively, were the unique points of the bill, challenging opponents to specify which existing laws contain these provisions. Sotto countered: Access to different family planning methods has the most related laws. Its very difficult to understand and comprehend why [this bill is being pushed]. Eh meron na. Existing laws still to be implemented Sotto said access to different family planning methods, information, sex education, and other RH proposals are allowed by laws such as the Magna Carta of Women, the Child and Youth Welfare Act, the Cheaper Medicines Act, National Health Insurance Act, and others. Sotto also cited programs such as the Botika ng Barangay and the Conditional Cash Transfer scheme, as well as issuances of the Department of Health. For instance, Section 17 of the Magna Carta of Women, or RA 9710, states that access to the following services shall be ensured: Maternal care to include pre- and post-natal services to address pregnancy and infant health and nutrition; promotion of breastfeeding, responsible, ethical, legal, safe, and effective methods of family planning; family and State collaboration in youth sexuality education and health services without prejudice to the primary right and duty of parents to educate their children; Prevention and management of reproductive tract infections, including sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, and AIDS; prevention and management of reproductive tract cancers like breast and cervical cancers, and other gynecological conditions and disorders; prevention of abortion and management of pregnancyrelated complications. Guidelines for the conditional cash transfer program state that b) Parents / guardians must attend family planning sessions/mothers class, Parent Effectiveness Service and others. Section 23 of the Cheaper Medicines Law or RA 9502 includes Drugs and medicines indicated for prevention of pregnancy, e.g., oral contraceptives on the list of Drugs and Medicines that are Subject to Price Regulation. Some other laws have redun-

dant provisions, Sotto acknowledged, but This is the only bill that is dividing the country now. Despite this, the bill is being given enough time by the Senate, he noted. Cayetano claimed that despite Sottos comprehensive review of existing laws guaranteeing access to information and contraceptives, still women were being discriminated against. She noted that women had been underrepresented in legislation, and this was the reason why laws on women had taken long to pass, citing Sottos reference to the AntiWife Beating Law which the latter said took three years of debates. Sotto reminded Cayetano that the Philippines already had two female presidents. (Dominic Francisco)

Priest designs youth website while down with pneumonia

A MONTH-LONG bout with pneumonia and allergies did not stop Cubao Youth Director Fr. Jojo Monis from designing the official Cubao Ministry for Youth website, which was formally launched September 24. Fr. Monis shared that coming out with the website seemed like the perfect thing to do while recuperating from an illness in Christ the King parish in Green Meadows, Quezon City. Go where the young are During the launch of www.mycubao.
Tidbits/ A4

org at the Chancery of the Diocese of Cubao last Saturday, Fr. Monis explained the urgency of bringing the Cubao youth ministry online. In our generation, we encounter the youth not in the church, not in the school, but in the internet...on Facebook, Twitter, he said. Buying a domain for the website and designing it in three days, Fr. Monis made sure the site was linked to Facebook, Twitter and even Flickr. Even without doing much research, Fr. Monis said that easily, young people spend an

average of 2-3 hours per day on social networking sites like FB. Online evangelization The priest from Cotabato said that even while sick, he remembered Pope Benedict XVIs exhortation to priests on World Communications Day last 2010. Kayong mga pari [You, priests], you should blog! Fr. Monis recalled. According to Fr. Monis, coming out with the website is also a response to the Diocesan Pastoral Agenda that states, By 2011, the diocese of Cubao will be

a local Church that utilizes media (e.g. internet, TV, radio, print) for evangelization. At present, Fr. Monis is setting up an online formation track for wouldbe youth catechists who still need training. He explained that there are a lot of young professionals who want to be catechists but who have been unable to finish the 7-week training required to get official accreditation. Soon, materials will be available on the website so that people can take the training online.
Candidly Speaking / A5

Hopes for the website Though the website has not yet been widely promoted, several youth express high hopes that the site would get a lot of adherents and would open communication between the youth and the diocesan ministry. The launching of www.mycubao. org was held right after a World Youth Day Testimonial Dinner where delegates from Cubao shared about their WYD experience in Spain. (Nirvaana Delacruz)

tolate may be. It is first of all an affront to his authority as the duly appointed pastor of the parish. As pastor it is his bounden responsibility to know what is happening in the parish, ensure that the faithful under his care participate abundantly in the means of salvation, that is, the word of God, the Sacraments, prayers, charitable work. He has to promote preaching and catechesis, liturgical life and public worship, associations of the faithful, and the variegated forms of the apostolate and social actions. It is within this purview that Canon 519 declares: The parish priest is the proper pastor of the parish entrusted to him. He exercises the pastoral care of the community entrusted to him under the authority of the diocesan Bishop, whose ministry of Christ he is called share, so that for this community he may carry out the offices of teaching, sanctifying, and ruling with the cooperation of other priests or deacons and with the assistance of lay members of Christs faithful, in accordance with the law. It is part of his responsibility, therefore, to be vigilant and sensitive to any activity in the
RH / A1

vicinity, including the out-reach program for the youth, seeing to it that it ultimately promotes the building up of the Christian faith in the community. Otherwise the parish will be splintered, a parallel church created. And so the hurt of the pastor at bar is not just based on a flimsy snobbish act of the charismatic group. Its reason is deeper. But the greater pain that the pastor suffers in his not being consulted is his being considered, consciously or unconsciously, as a useless servant leader. By not consulting him, the charismatic group seems to declare that they do not need him, that he is a religious leader who does not possess the power to inspire and form the faith of the members, a spiritual director who cannot guide parishioners along the right path, a pastor who cannot feed his flock with his homilies and catecheses, who cannot sanctify with the sacraments, cannot own the collective dreams and visions of his parishioners, define their goals and objectives, organize them and make them into a community of members who care for one another. Needless to say every priest has charism;

that any ordained minister is charismatic. To take a priest as a mere product of an institution that ordains him through the rite of ordination is a myopic view of what a priest really is. Priesthood is an office, a spiritual office that cannot be occupied by anybody who is not spiritual, that is, a person who is genuinely called to this office. To be a priest is to be called by God. The man who is called by God has to contend with this spiritual call, undergoes the long process of transformation that the Holy Spirit has stirred up in him. To receive, therefore, the order of the priesthood is to respond to that call of God, the stirring of the Holy Spirit in the deep recesses of his soul. Any priest is a creation of the Holy Spirit; he is charismatic. It is along this line that Pope Benedict XVI once observed: It is important that the spiritual office, the priesthood, itself be understood and lived charismatically. The priest himself should be a pneumatic, a homo spiritualis, a man awakened and driven by the Holy Spirit (Theological Locus of Ecclesial Movements, Joseph Ratzinger, 1999, Crossroad).

easily dominate. Thus, we see people spending more than they are earning, people working only for their own vested interests with hardly any consideration for the others, people expecting more privileges, and if still working, they are working for themselves, not for God, not for the others. Forms of excesses are increasing. Our current world economic crisis is basically caused by a wrong work ethic, one that has not understood the true value of poverty that would always make us feel in need of God and others, in need of virtues, like moderation, sobriety, justice. In fact, in this system, poverty is exclusively understood as having no money or no job, or living in bad conditions, etc. Its a poverty blind to its original substance. Its a poverty that is always pictured as an enemy and never as a friend. Lets recall what St. Paul said: I know...both to abound, and to suffer need. I can do all things in him who strengthens me. (Phil,4,12-13)
Pedring / A1

Edwin Lacierda suggested that Congress wrap up debates on the RH bill and put the measure to a vote. Fr. Melvin Castro, executive secretary of the CBCPs Commission on Family and Life, questioned the timing of Lacierdas statement which was made just before President Benigno Aquino IIIs trip to the United States. Is there a commitment to

the US or to the Filipino people? Why are they so aggressive to pass this bill? he said. He said more discussions are necessary for the lawmakers and the public to know more about the controversial birth control measure. Why are they (Aquino administration) such in a hurry? Castro said. He said before enacting the measure, lawmakers should ask

themselves in whose interest and for what goal they are seeking its passage. He however said, there is room for discussions, but he does not support the way the Aquino administration wants to deal with it as hurriedly as if the country is missing something very special. The Church leader also cautioned lawmakers against haste in dealing with the bill because it may

not give them the desired results. Castro also noted that Lacierda made the call to fast-track the vote at a time when the objectionable provisions of the RH bill are slowly coming to light. Its just sad that at a time when the real facts about child mortality, maternal deaths and the defective provisions of the RH bill are exposed, Malacaang wants to fast-track the voting, Castro said.

useful goods. On the other hand, the Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya) also appealed for help for the thousands of fisherfolks and settlers along the shores of the Manila Bay, the Laguna Lake and along the coasts of Cavite. In a Facebook post on Pamalakaya public information officer Gerry Albert Corpuz said that around 200 families in the village of San Rafael in Noveleta, Cavite are forced to vacate their homes on the onslaught of the typhoon Pedring. Corpuz said that they are in dire need of dry clothes, food, and safe water to drink. The partylist Anakpawis had revived its Balsa at Tulong

Anakpawis to help the victims of typhoon Pedring in different parts of Luzon. Pamalakaya, Anakpawis Partylist and the local fisherfolks organizations in Laguna and the Manila bay had launched the Manila Bay by Day, Laguna Bay by Night, a day-and-night relief campaign for the victims of Pedring. Manila Bay by Day, Laguna Bay by Night secretariat can be reached via Pamalakayas phone number (+63 2) 4343836 and through email address pamalakaya1987@yahoo. com, while the Resist Apeco! Save Aurora can be reached through (Noel Sales Barcelona/CBCPNews)

Read daily church news at

its gas will render it unserviceable," he added. Caritas Manila executive director Fr. Anton Pascual also disclosed Manila Archdiocese had already decided last July not to ask or receive aid from the PCSO anymore. Caritas Manila has decided in our last July board of directors meeting headed by Cardinal Rosales as chairman and Ramon Del Rosario Jr., as vice chairman to stop acquiring funds from the

PCSO, Pascual said. He also refuted the PCSO claim saying that not a single centavo has gone to the agencys salaries, electric bills and other administrative expenses. He admitted that during the Arroyo administration, Caritas Manila received P58 million in a span of six or seven years. "But these are all properly accounted and audited with full transparency," Pascual said. He said PCSO's guidelines

have been very clear that no portion of their funds be used for operating expenses. "We have papers to prove because every recipient was made to acknowledge what he or she received and in almost all instances, with accompanying pictures," he said. Pascual personally took exception of Juicos generalized statement about abuses in the way PCSO funds have been handled by various organiza-

tions. Whats bad about her, with all due respect, it seems that she generalized all the organizations, he said. Among the other delisted Church-based beneficiaries include Caritas Cubao (P900,000); Caritas Novaliches (P900,000); Caritas Caloocan (P500,000); Caritas Pasig (P1.2 million); Caritas Paraaque (P500,000); Religious of the Virgin Mary (P400,000); and

the Foundation of Our Lady of Peace Mission (P12.6 million). Novaliches Bishop Antonio Tobias said they have not received any amount from the PCSO except that we endorsed indigent patients to them. Tobias said they received medicine for their clinic through Caritas Manila but this was stopped already. (Melo M. Acua)

Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Diocesan News
PAGADIAN CityWelcoming the delegates to a farmer conference to his diocese, Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos called on farmer delegates to consider the alternatives of organic farming as a way out from chemically-dependent farming methods. Pueblos said that in the beginning they were branded as subversives for not going along with chemically-induced farming techniques, highly dependent on fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Today, we are partners with the governments Department of Agriculture on sustainable agriculture and we now have more adherents, Pueblos said during the welcome Mass he presided over with priests from China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and social action center directors, Sept. 22. He said that while they have not converted all the farmers in the entire diocese to shift into organic farming, they have already increased the number of those who shifted to sustainable agriculture. The prelate said he appreciates the presence of Korean farmers as he acknowledged the technology they borrowed from the Koreans in their hog-raising venture. He called the groups attention to acknowledge the presence of Felix Nabuangga, a farmer who shifted to sustainable agriculture and was able to send all his children through college, thanks to sustainable agriculture. Pueblos said they have also introduced vermiculture to underscore the importance of going into organic farming and save on farm inputs. Asian Goldmine? The prelate also expressed concern on the destruction that mining has brought in the neighboring provinces of Surigao del

Norte and Surigao del Sur. Three mountains have already been flattened by miners and later on shipped to Japan, he said. He added the soil from which gold and iron ores have been derived have been enough to create some small islands near the processing plants. Our president went to the United States after visiting China and being proud of getting so much money, I dont know whether its loan or what, and investors would soon follow, the prelate emphasized. With the recent capture of what is believed to be the worlds largest crocodile in his ecclesial province, Pueblos said crocodiles have come out due to the destruction of their habitat. Pueblos called on seminar participants to plant trees for them to be remembered by future generations and to commemorate their visit. (Melo Acua)

Go organic, bishop tells farmers delegates

Participants to the Asian Farmers conference have practical trainings on rice production technologies during their threeday field exposure stay in Butuan, Agusan del Sur, Sept. 21.

Bicol bishops urge ban of commercial fishing in Ragay Gulf

NAGA City Bishops from the Bicol region called for an immediate ban of commercial fishing in Ragay Gulf and Burias Pass. Led by 75-year old Caceres Archbishop Leonardo Legazpi, OP, the prelates urged President Benigno Aquino III to immediately enforce the law banning all commercial fishers in municipal waters. In a letter sent to the Office of the President on Sept. 16, the prelates expressed concern about the massive illegal operations of commercial fishers in the said areas that deprive local fishers of livelihood. We are witnesses of wanton greed of commercial fishers hauling marine resources to unsustainable quantities resulting to the deprivation of the small and marginalized municipal fishers, the bishops said. The bishops asked the chief executive to compel and enable marine and coastal resource authorities to go after and prosecute commercial fishers who violate the law covering municipal waters and small fishers who practice illegal fishing. They reminded President Aquino that the countrys existing law which prohibits commercial fishing within 15 kilometers of municipal waters is utterly disregarded. With their Danish seine (pangulong), ring net (hulbot-gabot) and purse seine, these big illegal fishers ensure the depletion of fish stocks and biologically and economically vital marine resources in the area if nothing, short of massive action as well, is not immediately in place, they added. The areas within Ragay Gulf and Burias Pass are less than 30 kilometers from the shorelines of opposite municipalities, the bishops explained. They said there are overlaps between municipal waters indicating that the entire marine expanse in the Ragay Gulf and Burias Pass are municipal waters and therefore commercial fishers are not allowed to prowl within these areas. The bishops identify themselves with the small fishers whose main source of livelihood is being thoroughly and literally robbed from them in broad daylight and in the dead of the night. They lamented that they have yet to see effective and consistent action from the rightful authorities despite the depletion of marine resources. It seems that the pleas for our small fishers only fall on deaf ears and even more disturbed to know that some unscrupulous local officials involved in the thievery within the municipal waters, they further said. The bishops also asked Aquino to order the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to expedite the formal demarcation and agreement on municipal waters

Photo courtesy of CBCP-Nassa

as provided by the Fishery Code of the Philippines (RA 8550) and order the Department of Interior and Local Government to expedite the completion and ensure the implementation of laws by closely coordinating with the DENR and the local implementing organizations towards harmonized municipal fishery ordinances. Aside from Archbishop Legazpi, other bishops in the region include Legazpi Bishop Joel Baylon, Libmanan Bishop Jose Rojas, Jr., Daet Bishop Gilbert Garcera, Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes, Virac Bishop Manolo De Los Santos, Legazpi Retired Bishops Jose Sorra and Lucilo Quiambao and newlyinstalled Masbate Bishop Jose Bantolo. (Melo M. Acua)

Tagaytay anti-RH bill prayer rally unites 2,000

TAGAYTAY City Over 2,000 people took part in the recent anti-RH bill prayer rally in Tagaytay, organized by the Tagaytay Religious Association (TRA) to express opposition to the Reproductive Health (RH) bill. Rally participants were mostly priests, seminarians, nuns, employees and their children. Dubbed Lakad-Dalangin para sa Pagpapahalaga ng Buhay, the event was an expression of fervent faith in the importance of voicing out pro-life sentiments and in the indispensability of divine assistance in the fight for a culture of life. It was prayerfulnot too many placards and not sounding like a March or rally, praying the rosary [the whole time] led by their leaders using megaphones. Police and tanods helped hold the traffic while the procession passed the crossings, related Sr. Pilar Verzosa, RGS, Pro-life
Solons / A1

Philippines founder, one of the thousands who participated in the event. Imus Bishop Chito Tagle, who officiated the Eucharistic celebration at the Lourdes Church after the procession, dwelt on the meaning and value of life in his homily. The prelate drew out the story of Cain and Abel as a prime example of the murder of ones brother and of the desire to get rid of the other due to jealousy, pride or power which are ingrained in the human soul. After citing other manifestations of this tendency throughout history, Tagle touched on the RH bill and how all have been warned of so much change in the Filipino character which its acceptance would bring. He mentioned that many have encouraged him to hold on to the Filipinos natural love for family and children. According to

Cubao diocese holds 1st diocesan fellowship program

CUBAO, Quezon CityThe Diocese of Cubao held a fellowship program designed for young people on Sept. 24, 2011 at the Obispado Building at 7 pm. Dubbed as Thank God its Saturday (TGIS), the activity is a follow-up program of JAM (Jesus and Me) formation of Cubaos Ministry for Youth Affairs. TGIS is about leadership, team building and spiritual formation of the youth designed for the parishes youth ministry. (Jandel Posion)
Priest tags RH bill as form of dictatorship

Verzosa, right before the Mass, Tim Laws of the Alliance for the Family Inc. (ALFI) talked to the event participants about life in a contraceptive society and the effects on the Philippines of an RH law should the bill be passed. He presented data mostly from the US experience and also from other countries, pertaining to elements that go with a contraceptive society: breakdown of marriage, co-habitation, the

high rate of childless couples not wanting any children at all, increase in the number of families with children in crimes, school dropouts, sex and drugs, a rapidly aging population, and poverty among single mothers. The TRA is composed of more than 70 seminaries, religious houses, retreat centers, schools and monasteries located in Tagaytay and its environs. (CBCP for Life)

TARLAC City On the 39th anniversary of the proclamation of martial law, a Church official has accused the Aquino administration of pushing for a new form of dictatorship through the reproductive health (RH) bill. It is tyranny, said Fr. Melvin Castro of the CBCPs Commission on Family and Life, in the sense that it would impose practices that are contrary to morals of the society. It imposes on the people especially the youth to embrace contraceptive mentality, Castro said Sept. 21. (CBCPNews)
Priest hits governments flawed economic policy

underprivileged student achievers to earn their diploma. With precious few teachers fighting the good fight in our public schools, P3 billion can fund the salaries of 13,000 additional teachers to boost up their ranks, the statement continued. The legislators also said that the amount would be better off used for providing job opportunities to the poor, whose financial stability will be bolstered by gainful employment. Part of this will be the provision of better skills training, the development of
Contraceptive / A1

farm-to-market roads, and programs such as micro-lending funds to empower small businesses. The statement also zeroed in on the need to prioritize health services for the poor, including provision of PhilHealth coverage, building and maintenance of birthing facilities, and carrying out family nutrition programs. In short, this proposed P3 billion allocation for the RH bill, if better utilized, can be a catalyst for real solutions that will give Filipinos the means to rise above poverty.

Each Filipino should be seen not as a mouth to feed, but as a person with a mind to be educated and hands that can be trained to work, the lawmakers declared. This Filipino that we feed and educate today will be one more thinking mind to solve problems of future generations, and one more pair of arms to lift up our nation, they further stated. Population is not the cause of poverty. Therefore, the RH bill is not the solution we need. (CBCP for Life)
Convention / A1

IMUS, CaviteA priest called on the government to put in place a sound economic policy that gives priority in strengthening domestic economy. Fr. Jose Dizon, lead convenor of Solidarity Philippines said a strong domestic industry is what the country needs to plug exodus of Filipino workers seeking jobs abroad. Our young people are growing up without parental guidance. Thats why moral values are going down. In the last two decades, our young people have grown up without a solid family, without their parents [around them], he said. (CBCPNews)
Prelate backs review of oil deregulation law

taking pills. Dry periods, dry skin despite moisturizers, headaches that occurred every time I took the pills, frizzy hairyou name it. [It made me] look older than my actual age. Perhaps, the new types of pills today are altered because of those side effects and to make them more marketable, given the increasing demand for superficial beauty, said Janice, who was on oral contraceptives during her 20s. Also, having sex while I was on the Pill hurt so much because of the lack of [natural] lubrication, she added. The mother said she started taking oral contraceptives after her second child came along and was fully aware of their components and side effects owing to research she had done on her own. Yet she stayed on the Pill because my husband didnt see the reason why I shouldnt. He wanted to have sex anytime he felt like it. That is the problemthe husband is not respecting the wifes equilibrium. The use of contraceptives tends to objectify

the woman, making her a source of one-way selfish satisfaction, said Jose. In many cases this leads to abuse, and many liberals think they liberate the woman by giving her contraceptives, not realizing that women on contraceptives get abused more, he explained After being on contraceptive pills for five months, Janice switched to another birth control method. To satisfy my husbands need we turned to condoms. Lovemaking became so mechanical. I call it simply sex no love, therefore making me a sex machine and not someone that is loved and cared for. I started hating the night and going to bed, she recalled. The marriage went on for years, with contraceptive use being a regular part of the spouses relationship and expectedly with the same unwelcoming attitude on the part of the husband toward the possibility of a child be-

ing conceived. He visibly grew more self-focused as long as prophylactics remained a part of their sexual relations. That is the natural tendency of couples who treat sex purely on a physiological level, rather than a gift in the marital union, said Jose. Usually its the men who start out nonchalant about learning of fertility awareness, Jose observed, passing on the responsibility to their wives. But since marriage and all that it involvesdecision-making, parenthood, day-to-day dutiesis a partnership, it is very important that both of them attend NFP seminars, he urged. Janice eventually decided to free herself from the burden of contraceptive use after giving birth to her third child. I got off the contraceptives because of all the side effects, physical, emotional I also believe that what birth control pills can do, we can do ourselves self-control, she said. (CBCP for Life)

The overwhelming support of hundreds of Church people to forming a real organization signals a start of a long-term pledge of the Church to support the workers cause, Alminaza said. Almost 400 delegates of the Conference approved the Covenant Statement which also mandates the convenors to develop programs and services of CWS as an organization. Alminaza said the conference has given him the opportunity to reflect profoundly on his role as a shepherd to his flock. This conference provided me with precious moment to know, listen, and understand my flock more. I did not give or do much but my mere presence already meant a lot to those who attended the conference, he said. I wish that other bishops and other churches pray together and live out the call and the mission, Alminaza added. (CBCPNews)

CALOOCAN CityBishop Deogracias Iiguez has lauded the governments move to review the Oil Deregulation Law so that provisions that are disadvantageous to consumers can be corrected. He said safety nets should be put in place to protect ordinary people from the effects of oil price hikes or repeal it if it just adds burden on the people. I think, the review of the Oil Deregulation Law is just right at this time, he said Sept. 19 as operators and drivers staged a transport strike. (CBCPNews)
Anti-mining forum to hold awareness drive

SORSOGON City An interfaith organization of bishops will undertake a major awareness drive in mining affected areas particularly in Bicol region. Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes said plans and measures will be taken up when members of the Ecumenical Bishops Forum (EBF) meet in Sorsogon City on October 4 to 6. Foucs, he said, would be made to highlight the serious negative impact of mining which threatens the environment, health and social life of the people. (CBCPNews)
Corruption / A1

Inc showed that the Church and the media are the most trusted institutions in the Philippines. According to the survey 51 percent of the respondents had great trust in the Church, followed by the media with 22 percent. The government got the lowest trust rating at seven percent only. EON said 500 people aged 25-60 years old, who had completed college education, were

interviewed for the survey to determine the level of public trust in private, government and nongovernmental organizations. Balanga Bishop Ruperto Santos, meanwhile, stressed that the survey is an affirmation that many people believe in what the Church teaches in matters of morality. That is the role of the Church helping all regardless of position and social status, Santos said. (CBCPNews)

Students vow to campaign against RH Bill
SOME 200 students from St. Scholastica College in Silang, Cavite vowed to help in the campaign against the Reproductive Health (RH) bill after participating in a three-hour symposium recently at the St. Scholastica College Westgrove gymnasium. Students said they do not agree with the RH bill, because it is morally incorrect. It also threatens the innocence of children and may give them the freedom to do things which we [believe] only married people should do, said Mia Fortugaleza, a 15-year-old 3rd year high school student. [The bill] threatens life, even though [the life] is still not fully developed, said Angelica Flores, 14. The students asserted that they will craft their own position papers which they hope will be considered by legislators, adding that they are willing to bring the documents to both the Senate and the House of Representatives themselves. The symposium kicked off with an opening prayer led by Ria Samson, followed by opening remarks by Carmen Yao, both students. The activity was facilitated by faculty member John Lemuel Santos. The speakers were surprised to learn that most of the students knew the RH bill and extended their appreciation to Sr. Angeline Arceo. OSB, Campus Ministry Officer. (CBCP for Life)

People, Facts & Places

CBCP Monitor

September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Pinoy joins online global campaign on climate change

to find solutions to help solve the problem of climate change. In the Philippines, presenters led by Galicha have delivered more than 300 presentations in the span of three years and have reached a combined audience of 50,000 to 60,000 people. The Philippine presenters are the only authorized people in the country who can officially present the updated slideshow of Gore on climate change. The other presenters, aside from Galicha are Atty. Persida RuedaAcosta, Chief, Public Attorneys Office (PAO); Miguel R. Magalang, Executive Director of Marinduque Council for Environmental Concerns (MACEC); and Gilbert Roland M. Sape, International Campaigner of Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific (PAN-AP) who were trained in Melbourne, Australia in July 2009. Another presenter, Bro. Jaazeal D. Jakosalem, OAR Administrator of University of Negros Occidental Recoletos (UNO-R) was trained in Beijing, China in June 2010. Five more presenters were trained in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2011. These were Dr. Maria C. Balatbat, Senior Lecturer at the School of Accounting, University of New South Wales, Australia; Fr. Amado Emmanuel A. Bolilia, OAR, Vice President for Religious Affairs at University of San Jose Recoletos (USJR); Philline Marie Paye-Donggay, Communications/PR of Greenergy; Napoleon E. Paris, Regional Coordinator of Tuklas Katutubo (Discover Indigenous Peoples); Shiela Castillo-Tiangco, Co-Founder, Movement of Imaginals for Sustainable Societies through Initiatives, Organization and Network (MISSION); and Noel N. Verdote, Director of PhilEnergy, Ayala Property Development Corporation (APMC). (CBCPNews)

Filipino climate justice advocate Rodne Galicha (middle) in a panel discussion on climate crisis with FearLess Revolution founder Alex Bogusky, Climate Reality Project CEO Maggie Fox, founder Graham Hill and American Meteorological Societys Policy Program Associate Director Dr. Paul Higgins.

A FILIPINO environmentalist took part in a global campaign via internet on the reality of climate crisis and how the change is impacting the earth and lives of people. Rodne Galicha, Executive Director of Sibuyan Island Sentinels League for Environment, joined former U.S. vice-president Al Gore and 22 others in delivering multi-media presentations to show the connection between the changing climate and the extreme weather that is felt around the world. Galicha gave a presentation on the impact of climate change on the Solomon Islands to an online audience of about 2.6 million people. At the beginning of his presentation, Galicha paid tribute to the indigenous peoples, saying he recognized the

LAUNCHED. Quiapo Parish Center for Peace and Dialogue and Ministry for Interreligious Dialogue (IRD), September 20, 2011. The center for dialogue and peace was established to spread the spirituality of dialogue among Christians and Muslims in the area. Quiapo district has the biggest number of Muslim communities in Metro Manila. Parish priest Msgr. Clemente Ignacio lauded the opening of the center as it has been the dream of the parish to engage in the ministry of interreligious dialogue. The creation of the center was made possible through the help of Silsilah Dialogue Movement. Silsilah has been promoting dialogue and peace in Mindanao and in the world for more than 20 years. With the opening of the Quiapo Center and the parish ministry, it is hoped that interfaith dialogue and cooperation will flourish between and among Muslims and Christians in the community. Among those who witnessed the event were Dr. Alfonso Tagliaferri, First Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission of the Italian Embassy; Fr. Carlos Reyes, executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Interreligious Dialogue of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines; Marites Guingona of Peacemakers Circle; and Dr. Lilian Sison of Religions for Peace, of the University of Santo Thomas Graduate School. Other guests included sisters from the Oblates of Notre Dame and the Little Sisters of Jesus, Carmelite Fathers from the Institute of Spirituality for Asia, Silsilah friends in Metro Manila, the parish staff and representatives from institutions and communities in the Quiapo area. Msgr. Ignacio, Fr. Sebastiano Dambra, PIME and Dr. Tagliaferri did the symbolic cutting of the ribbon. Norbert Solina, from the Silsilah Dialogue Movement main office in Zamboanga City, will coordinate the activities of the Quiapo Center. TO BE ORDAINED. Six new priests who will serve in the Archdiocese of Manilas parishes are to be ordained by Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales. The Manila archbishop will oversee the ceremonies at the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, also known as the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros on October 1. The new clergy includes Reverends Neofil Uy Aguillon, Roy Rexelle Malty Decena, Gerardo Isidro Reyes, Edric Sanico Bedural, Herbert John Basco Camacho and Kristoffer Huerta Habal. Aguillon is from Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary while Decena and Reyes are graduates of the Holy Apostles Senior Seminary. Bedural, Camacho and Habal, meanwhile, took their theologies at the San Carlos Seminary. They would soon join the around 450 diocesan and religious priests in the countrys second largest archdiocese next to Cebu. The ordination will also take place amid a shortage of priests in the country to serve around 70 million Catholics particularly in the Manila archdiocese. APPOINTED. Fr. Lauro de Guia has been appointed as provincial of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) Philippine province by the OMI Superior General with the consent of his Council on September 2011. Fr. De Guia will assume his office as the new provincial on October 11, 2011. Born on September 27, 1956, Fr. De Guia entered the OMI novitiate in Tamontaka, Dos, Maguindanao on May 20, 1986. He was ordained to the priesthood on 25 April 1992 at the Our Lady of Grace Parish Church, in Caloocan City. Since ordination, he has been assigned as parish priest, superior of his community and as formator of postulants and novices. INSTALLED. Fr. Gil Dulay, SVD, as new Mission Rector of Balbalan in Kalinga, August 15, 2011. The installation coincided with the celebration of the communitys patronal fiesta. Tabuk Bishop Prudencio Andaya, Jr., led the installation rites, witnessed by SVD provincial superior, Fr, Jerome Adriatico, some confreres and people of Salegseg, Balbalan.

Civil society groups renew call for Sierra Madres preservation

A NETWORK of environmentalists and civil society groups renewed its call for the protection of the biodiversity of Sierra Madre Mountain Range. The call was made during the official launch of the networks Save Sierra Madre Day celebrations on September 9. Fr. Pete Montallana, chair of the Save Sierra Madre Network (SSMN), in an earlier statement, expressed alarm on the fast disappearing biodiversity of the mountain ranges due to rampant logging and other human activities harmful to the preservation of the mountain rainforests. SSMN represents Dumagat tribes and other indigenous peoples, local communities, environmentalists, faith-based organizations, and other forest protection advocates. What is disturbing is that Sierra Madres biodiversity-rich rainforest, which enables the mountain range to shield much of Luzon from raging Pacific storms, is fast diminishing due to rampant logging, quarrying and other developmental aggressions, such as dam, landfill and garbage dump projects, Montallana has previously stated. The priest, who was a recipient of Fr. Neri Satur Awards for Environmental Heroism, stressed the importance of weeding out corruption within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), citing the unholy alliance between corrupt DENR officials and illegal loggers. President Benigno Aquino III has declared September 26 as Save Sierra Madre Day through Proclamation No. 233 signed on August 10,

indigenous peoples of the world who have been inspiring us all, who have been maintaining the balance of this planet. During the presentation, Galicha showed the solar panels in a research facility in Laguna, the e-jeepney and the effects of typhoon Ondoy in the country. If we are unable to act, with this phenomenon, we are committing suicide, for the next generation. Homo sapiens now become the most critically endangered species of all time, he said at the conclusion of his presentation. Called 24 Hours of Reality, the global campaign was broadcast live over the internet on September 14 and 15 by Ustream, and can be viewed at http://

Galicha is one of the 11 Filipinos trained personally by Al Gore to conduct presentations on climate change, and currently serves as The Climate Reality Project District Manager in the Philippines. The 24 Hours of Reality campaign featured scientists, celebrities, business leaders and concerned citizens together with Al Gore. Presenters showed the impact of climate change, characterized by extreme weather eventsincluding floods, droughts and typhoonson many places across the globe, from Tonga to Cape Verde and Mexico City to Alaska. The campaign was hosted by Gores The Climate Reality Project in partnership with various organizations throughout the world that are working

Photo courtesy of Rodne Galicha


Caritas Manila to hold 1st Grand Expo

CARITAS Manila, the social action arm of the Archdiocese of Manila, is holding its 1st Grand Expo at the Glorietta Activity Center in Makati City from Sept. 24 to 29. Fr. Anton Pascual, Caritas Manila executive director, said the event is part of the agencys 58th anniversary with the theme Caritas Manila Charity@Work. Featured in the grand expo are booth exhibitions, grand sale of Segunda Mana items and Caritas Margins or those quality products made by urban poor families. Segunda Mana means secondhand but the store is selling mostly unused items like shoes, bags, clothes and books donated by some of the countrys biggest malls. Also featured in the grand expo is Caritas Celebrity Bazaar where customers can buy various items donated by famous celebrities and personalities in the country. Pascual said proceeds will be used for various Caritas Manila programs like its scholarship program, housing advocacy, disaster management, prison ministry, and livelihood and skills training. The grand expo will be formally opened with a Mass to be led by Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales. Healing Masses are also scheduled to be held at the Glorietta Activity Center on Sept.25 by Fr. Joey Faller and Fr. Fernando Suarez the following day, both at 6pm. On Sept. 27, Fr. Gerry Orbos is also set to hold a healing Mass at 5pm and deliver his reflection on Caritas Manilas 58th anniversary theme. Fr. Pascual, meanwhile, is scheduled to deliver a talk on stewardship on Sept. 28 to be followed with a liturgical celebration. The grand expo will officially end on Sept. 29 with a Mass to be presided by retired Bishop Teodoro Bacani of Novaliches. On October 10, Cardinal Rosales will lead the commissioning of Caritas Manilas thousands of volunteers at the Cuneta Astrodome. (CBCPNews)

2011. The September 26 celebration of Save Sierra Madre Day coincided with the anniversary of Typhoon Ondoy that claimed numerous lives and destroyed properties due to heavy flooding. Last February 1, the president also issued a logging moratorium in natural and residual forests through Executive Order No. 23. Rich in biodiversity, the Sierra Madre is the largest remaining tract of rainforest in the country with about 1.4 million hectares, 400,000 of which are primary or old-growth forests. The forests contain more than 3,500 plant species, more than half of which are endemic or unique to the Philippines, and at least a hundred of which are endangered. It is also home to about 70 threatened animal species which include the Philippine eagle, golden-crowned flying fox, and pygmy forest frog. (CBCPNews)

Deaf childrens parents learn sign language

Photo courtesy of Episcopal Commission on Health Care

SOME 23 parents of deaf children graduated from a Sign Language Class organized by the Catholic Deaf Care in partnership with Learning and Employment of the Deaf and Blind last September 9, 2011 at Barrio Obrero Elementary School, R. Papa, Manila. Aside from the parents of the deaf, the class of 25 had other two young professionals who wanted to serve the deaf through interpreting for them. They were taught by Rosemarie

Panlasigue, a sign language teacher of Catholic Deaf Care. According to the parents, the class was very helpful since it made them understand and helped them develop a good relationship with their children with hearing impairment. Some parents could already understand a few signs having learned from their children, but realized their meagre knowledge was not enough for them to be able to guide their

children well in the coming years. The class became an awakening for them to exert more effort to better understand the situation of their children and prepare their future, said the parents. After studying six hour per week from June 28, 2011 to September 9, 2011, or a total of 60 hours the parents are now more confident to face the future with their hearing impaired children. (Ronalyn Regino)

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Pastoral Concerns


50 years of forming priests sub umbra Petri

Collegio Filippino

Collegio Filippino Timeline

By Fr. Gregory Ramon D. Gaston, STD
the Mother of God to signal the opening of Jubilee Year 2011. A good number of Filipinos attended the Mass concelebrated by residentpriests who were not at that time serving in the parishes or in Filipino communities around Rome. The Collegios rector, vice-rector, spiritual director, and religious and lay support personnel accompanied its 18 Filipino resident-priests in a special audience with the Pope at the Clementine Hall of the Vatican last February 19. During the Holy Week, Bishop Emeritus Benjamin Almoneda of Daet celebrated the Easter Vigil Mass, where he recounted his experiences for being part of the first batch of resident-priests back in 1961 and being the rector of the Collegio during its 25th anniversary in 1981. and Beatification: Impact on the Philippine Church and Society. The Collegio received various gifts during the year. Last February 2, the four Tabernacles at the Crypt, the Main Chapel, the Oratory at the first floor, and the Sisters Chapel at the third floor got a simple wooden box for their respective keys. The identical boxes were handcrafted in the Philippines. The Collegio also received a blue sash with red stripes from Mati Bishop Patricio Alo last May 5. The sash belongs to the first batch of resident-priests of the Collegio. The Philippine Embassy to the Holy See donated a bust of Jose Rizal to the Collegio last June 11. The bust had been placed on Piazzale Manila in Rome on March 18, 1998 by the then Philippine Ambassador to the Holy See, Ambassador Henrietta De Villa. It has been replaced with a full-size statue of Rizal, sculpted by Tomas F. Concepcion and commissioned by the present Philippine Ambassador to the Holy See, Ambassador Mercedes Tuason. The bust gives an added Philippine flavor to the Collegio grounds, and is easily visible from within the building. Also last June, an address plate was installed near the gate of the Collegio, making it more easily identifiable from both sides of Via Aurelia, and from a farther distance. The plate features the Collegio house number 490 with an enlarged font, as well as the
January 26, 1959 In their January 26-31, 1959 meeting in Manila, the Philippine Bishops approve a resolution proposed by the first Filipino Cardinal, His Eminence Rufino Cardinal Santos, to establish the PCF in Rome. The PCF would provide the facilities and environment suited principally to Filipino priests who have been carefully chosen and formally sent by their bishops for the pursuit of higher studies in the Pontifical Universities in Rome, for their continuous priestly formation sub umbra Petri (in close union with the Holy Father) and for their subsequent ministry in the Homeland. The Bishops write Pastoral Letters enjoining the faithful to pray and raise funds for this project. His Holiness Pope John XXIII personally blesses the PCF Cornerstone. This takes place at his summer residence, Castelgandolfo, in the presence of Cardinal Santos and the Philippine Ambassador to the Holy See, Jose Ma. Delgado, and others. Laying of the cornerstone in the presence of around 70 dignitaries, including Cardinals, Ambassadors, Religious Superiors, Rectors of other Collegios and Universities, etc. At that time there were only 12 other national or continental Collegios in Rome. In Europe, Collegios generally refer to residences that may also be houses of formation, rather than to institutions that impart classes. Hence, the PCF students commute everyday to the different Pontifical Universities in Rome. Pope John XXIII inaugurates the PCF, under the patronage of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. The heavy downpour leads him to exclaim, multae acquae non potuerunt extinguere caritatem (Many waters cannot quench love, a quote from the Song of Solomon 8:7). Fr. Augustinus Spisnki, Minister General of the Order of Franciscan Minors, authorizes the blessing and erection of the PCFs Stations of the Cross, an event which takes place on October 25, 1961, under the supervision of Fr. Joseph Agndez, OFM. Pope John XXIII appoints His Eminence, Giuseppe Cardinal Pizzardo, as Cardinal Protector of the PCF. He is Prefect of the Congregation of Seminaries and Universities, and Cardinal-Bishop of Albano.

THE Pontificio Collegio Filippino is celebrating its birthday on October 7, the day Pope John XXIII inaugurated the institution fifty years ago. But the celebration actually started a year earlier, with a number of activities held involving current Filipino resident-priests, alumni, religious, lay, and even Pope Benedict XVI himself.
Observing the Collegios jubilee year started when it opened its school year on Oct. 7, 2010 as a Marian Year. Later that month, resident-priests had their retreat in connection with the recentlyconcluded Year for Priests while Religious of the Virgin Mary sisters held their first overseas mission conference at the Collegio. Filipino bishops from Luzon resided at the Colegio from November 22 to December 4 during their Ad Limina Apostolorum visitthat is, at the thresholds of the Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul. Another group of prelates from the Visayas, Bicol, Palawan

August 8, 1959

August 9, 1959

October 7, 1961

October 15, 1961

March 14, 1962

July 1962

8 , President Diosdado Macapagal visits the PCF with his family, including his daughter and future president, Ma. Gloria Macapagal, for the Sunday Mass and breakfast with a brief program. Pope John XXIII opens the Second Vatican Council. The Philippine Bishops reside at the PCF during the months of their sessions at St. Peters Basilica. The Council end on December 8, 1965, under Pope Paul VI. The PCF is the Bishops Home in Rome, where they stay during their Ad Limina Visits, Synods, Pilgrimages, meetings and other trips. 1975: The unused back part of the PCF lot is sold, to help alleviate the PCFs financial difficulties. After a few more years of continued financial problems, His Eminence Jaime L. Card. Sin, Archbishop of Manila, volunteers to help keep the PCF financially sustainable.

October 11, 1962

Photo courtesy of PCF

January 1, 1975

Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, the Collegios administrators and18 Filipino resident-priests in a special audience with the Pope at the Clementine Hall of the Vatican last February 19.

and the Military Ordinariate stayed at the Collegio from February 7 to 19, and those from Mindanao and Batangas stayed from February 22 to March 5 for the same purpose. Earlier in December, during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Association of Filipino Priests, Religious, Seminarians and Members of Societies of Apostolic Life (AFPRS) held a well-attended fundraising concert titled Alay Kay Ina, to highlight the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the lives of Filipinos abroad and in their families. On the eve of Christmas, the Collegio residents celebrated vigil Mass and Noche Buena with Filipino migrants while on New Years day, a Mass was held in honor of Mary

The Collegio family also attended the beatification of Pope John Paul II at the St. Peters Basilica last May 1 and celebrated its annual Collegio Day on that same day with the presence of bishops, priests, religious, and members of the different Filipino communities in Rome. The Collegio also launched on May 1 its Media Office. Fr. Garret Ulanimo, Fr. Greg Uanan and this writer acted as official correspondents of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) during the Beatification of Pope John Paul II, providing news for the different Church and secular media outfits in the Philippines. The following day, a Press Conference was held at the Collegio on Pope John Paul IIs Life

institutions name and coat of arms. A Filipino-American family donated a piano to the Collegio also on that month. Just last September 8, the Collegio received a triptych painted by Jes Santos, depicting a typical scene after the procession of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. As she makes her way back to the Antipolo Cathedral, the next part of the festivities commences: the fiesta goers prepare all sorts of native dishes and begin their traditional games. This triptych and the eight other paintings it complements were all elaborated by the same artist and donated by the Salonga family. The Collegios Crypt or basement chapel reopened last September 16 with the praying

M a y 2 4 , Pope Paul VI elevates the Archbishop of Manila to the 1976 Cardinalate, His Eminence Jaime L. Cardinal Sin. He is the third Cardinal in Philippine history. January 1, 1982 October 5, 1984 1982-1991: The PCF Rector is simultaneously the Chaplain of the growing number of Filipinos in Rome, and the PCF becomes their Pastoral Center. The PCF hosts participants to the Worldwide Retreat for Priests held from October 5-9, 1984.

M a y 2 5 , Pope John Paul II elevates the Archbishop of Cebu 1985 to the Cardinalate, His Eminence Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, along with 27 others. He is the fourth Filipino Cardinal in history. Guests attending this occasion fill the PCF. January 1, 1986 PCF celebrates its 25th year with the following highlights: * October 12, 1985: Solemn Opening of School Year 1985-1986, with His Eminence, Jaime L. Cardinal Sin * April 29-May 2, 1986: Symposium on the Philippine Church, at the Pontifical Urbaniana University * May 3, 986: Mass at the Pope Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican, with His Eminence, Jaime L. Card. Sin Pope John Paul II canonizes Lorenzo Ruiz, the first Filipino saint. The PCF welcomes Pilgrims attending the ceremony. The PCF hosts Philippine bishops, priests and lay pilgrims during the days when Pope John Paul II canonizes the first Filipino saint, Lorenzo Ruiz. Her Excellency President Corazon C. Aquino visits the PCF. Pope John Paul II elevates the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy (of the Vatican) to the Cardinalate, His Eminence Jose T. Cardinal Sanchez. He becomes the fifth Filipino Cardinal. The Sentro Pilipino Chaplaincy, with a full time Chaplain, Fr. Remo Bati, SDB, is inaugurated by His Eminence Jose T. Cardinal Sanchez. Located at the Basilica of Santa Pudenziana along Via Urbana in Rome, this dedicated center allows for a more effective care for the ever growing number of Filipino communities in Rome. Meanwhile, the PCF priests collaborate closely with the pastoral centers in Italy, as they go through their studies in Rome. Timeline / B4

Collegio / B4

Remembering Collegio
By Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, JCD
HONESTLY, as far as I am concerned, the mere mention of Pontificio Collegio Filippino immediately evokes a lot of fond memories as well as a good amount of hard lessons learnedboth in the matter of schooling as well as the reality of Rome Eternal City. But before I go on with this recall, it might be good to first say something about the Collegioa distinct and pet project of the good Rufino Cardinal Santos when he was then Archbishop of Manila. No less than the whole Bishops Conference of the Philippines ardently agreed with and supported the admittedly singular option and pursuant venture. The Pontifical Philippine College was just that initially when it was built. In other words, it was originally intended as a boarding house for determined number of Seminarians sent to Rome by their Bishopsas scholarsfor priestly studies in any of the good number of Pontifical Universities thereat. Thereafter, slowly but surely, the College began gradually accepting already ordained Filipino Priests for their advanced studies in Rome leading to proper ecclesiastical degrees. And for some time now, no more Seminarians were sent thereto. And there I found myself as a Priest sent by Cardinal Santos himself as a scholar of the Archdiocese of Manila. So there I waslonely and broke. The College was anything but a place of fun and laughter. It was built, designed and furnished for one and only one ultimate finality: Studies. The City of Rome on the other hand was huge and exotic, with so many things to see and to buy. And there I was with an allowance of 20 US$ a monththus having much less than 1 US$ to spend for every day. Even then, a cup of capuchino already cost some 25 US cents. (This is to say nothing about the cost of pizza). Every class day, I needed two bus rides to go to schoolplus two more rides to go back to the Collegio. Each ride cost 10 US cents. I needed no calculator to know
Remember / B4

October 18, 1987

June 18, 1988 June 28, 1991

October 6, 1991

Photo courtesy of PCF



CBCP Monitor
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

The More Serious Crimes in Church Law (Part II)

By Fr. Jaime Blanco Achacoso, J.C.D.
About a year ago, the Bishop of our diocese called a special meeting of the clergy in order to read to us what seemed to be new guidelines from the Holy See for the handling of cases of sexual improprieties of priests. At that time, the scandal of the abuse of minors in Irelandnot to mention similar scandals that continue to surface in the United Stateswas still very much in the media. As happens with such indications, without the benefit of the text for closer study and reference, I left the gathering a bit confused regarding the different provisions, albeit quite clear about the gravity of the matter. Can you please tackle this question in a more structured way, understandable to a non-canon lawyer like me? IN Part I of this article, we quoted extensively from a Historical Introduction, prepared by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith on the occasion of the publication of the new guidelines published in May 2010, for the handling of allegations of the so-called delicta graviora (more serious crimes) typified in the Penal Law of the Churchi. Let us now tackle the substantive (dispositive) part of the Norms on Delicta Graviora, approved by the Holy Father on 21 May 2010. As previously mentioned, this document tackled far more important matters than the crimes related to sexual misconduct by clerics. I shall directly reproduce the texts of the document from the Holy See (in italics), limiting myself to making brief commentaries and clarifications where necessary for a greater understanding of the norms by non canon lawyers. 1. Special Competence of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Art.1 1. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, according to art.52 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus, judges delicts against the faith, as well as the more grave delicts committed againstmoralsandinthecelebration of the sacraments and, whenever necessary, proceeds to declare or impose canonical sanctions according to the norm of both common and proper law, with due regard for the competence of the Apostolic Penitentiary and in keeping with Agendi ratio in doctrinarum examine. 2. With regard to the delicts mentioned above in 1, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, by mandate of the Roman Pontiff, may judge Cardinals, clear departure from the previous discipline of including under the crime even cases where the solicitation is directed to sinning with a person other than the confessor himself.] 5 the direct and indirect violation of the sacramental seal, mentioned in c.1388,1 of the Code of Canon Law; [Direct violation of the sacramental seal refers to the express revelation of the sin and the identity of the sinner; indirect violation of the sacramental seal refers to the revelation of facts which can lead to the identification of the sinner and the sin revealed in confession.] 2. With due regard for 1, n.5, also reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is the more grave delict which consists in the recording, by whatever technical means, or in the malicious diffusion through communications media, of what is said in sacramental confession, whether true or false, by the confessor or the penitent. Anyone who commits such a delict is to punished according to the gravity of the crime, not excluding, if he be a cleric, dismissal or deposition. c. The Attempted Ordination of Women. Art.5. The more grave delict of the attempted sacred ordination of a woman is also reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: 1 With due regard for c.1378 of the Code of Canon Law, both the one who attempts to confer sacred ordination on a woman, and she who attempts to receive sacred ordination, incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See. 2 If the one attempting to confer sacred ordination, or the woman who attempts to receive sacred ordination, is a member of the Christian faithful subject to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, with due regard for c.1443 of that Code, he or she is to be punished by majorexcommunicationreservedto the Apostolic See. 3 If the guilty party is a cleric he may be punished by dismissal or deposition. So far, we have not even touched on the flaming issue of sexual abuse of minorsinitially referred to in the document under study as more grave delicts against moralsand that is because the document we are considering actually tackles that question last of all. I think this matter deserves a separate treatment in the concluding part of this article. (To be concluded.)
i Ref.

Delicta Graviora

Patriarchs, Legates of the Apostolic See, Bishops as well as other physical persons mentioned in c.1405,3 of the Code of Canon Law, and in c.1061 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. 3. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith judges the reserved delicts mentioned in 1 according to the following norms. At the outset, therefore, the document makes a distinction between (1) delicts against the faith and (2) more grave delicts against morals and in the celebration of the sacraments, and treats the two groups of delicts differently. Art.2 1. The delicts against the faith referred to in Art.1 are heresy, apostasy and schism according to the norm of cc.751 and 1364 of the Code of Canon Law, and cc.1436 and 1437 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. 2. In the abovementioned cases referred to in 1, it pertains to the Ordinary or Hierarch to remit, by norm of law, if it be the case, the latae sententiae excommunication and likewise to undertake a judicial trial in the first instance or issue an extrajudicial decree, with due

regard for the right of appeal or of recourse to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is clear, therefore, that the delicts against the faithheresy, apostasy and schismare not reseved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. 2. More Grave Delicts (Delicta graviora) against the Sacraments. As previously seen in the historical introduction (Part I of this article), the antecedent of the present discipline was primarily concerned with the abuses against the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Penance. The present documents lumps such more grave delicts into three groups. a. Delicts against the Holy Eucharist: Art.3 1. The more grave delicts against the sanctity of the most Holy Sacrifice and Sacrament of the Eucharist reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for judgment are: 1 the taking or retaining for a sacrilegious purpose or the throwing away of the consecrated species, as mentioned in c.1367 of

the Code of Canon Law; 2 attempting the liturgical action of the Eucharistic Sacrifice spoken of in c.1378,2, n.1, of the Code of Canon Law; 3 the simulation of the same, spoken of in c.1379 of the Code of Canon Law; [These two provisions refer to the action of celebrating Holy Mass by a person who is not a validly ordained priest.] 4 the concelebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice prohibited in c.908 of the Code of Canon Law (...) with ministers of ecclesial communities which do not have apostolic succession and do not acknowledge the sacramental dignity of priestly ordination. [This obviously refers to an illicit so-called communicatio in sacris.] 2. Also reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is the delict which consists in the consecration for a sacrilegious purpose of one matter without the other or even of both, either within or outside of the eucharistic celebration. One who has perpetrated this delict is to be punished according to the gravity of the crime, not excluding dismissal or

deposition. b. Delicts against the Sacrament of Penance: Art.4 1. The more grave delicts against the sanctity of the Sacrament of Penance reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are: 1 the absolution of an accomplice in a sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue, mentioned in c.1378,1 of the Code of Canon Law; 2 attempted sacramental absolution or the prohibited hearing of confession, mentioned in can. 1378 2, 2 of the Code of Canon Law; [This refers to the action of giving absolution by a priest who is impeded from licitly doing so by reason of a canonical sanction.] 3 simulated sacramental absolution, mentioned in c.1379 of the Code of Canon Law; [This refers to the action of giving absolution by somebody who is not even an ordained priest.] 4 the solicitation to a sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue in the act, on the occasion, or under the pretext of confession, as mentioned in c.1387 of the Code of Canon Law, if it is directed to sinning with the confessor himself; [This is a

Right-handed gestures
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university, answers the following queries:) Q: A genuflection is made by bending the right knee (General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], No. 274), and a sign of cross is made by the right hand. Are these rules absolute? Could a lefthanded person make a sign of cross by the left hand or genuflect with the left knee?P.T., New Orleans, Louisiana A: As a southpaw myself, I fully sympathize with our readers predicament. Thankfully, the stigma attached to left-handedness in former times seems to have all but disappeared. It certainly does not seem to have damaged the prospects of three of the last four U.S. presidents. From a liturgical standpoint, the indications in the GIRM are merely descriptive of what the vast majority of people will do naturally and indicative of established custom. Since it is usually no great difficulty for left-handed people to perform these tasks, it is better and more decorous that they conform to the general rule of right. Even in civil society the vast majority of lefthanded people will proffer the right hand for a friendly handshake. It quickly becomes so natural and spontaneous to use the right hand for genuflecting and blessing that one would have to make a conscious effort to act otherwise. Personally, I have rarely found being left-handed an obstacle to carrying out the normal liturgical gestures and movements, except possibly when scooping incense from the boat to the thurible. And yet, there is no deep theological reason for preferring one hand or another. It is a question of practicality and longstanding custom, similar to the different ways of making the sign of the cross, moving the hand from right to left among most Eastern Catholics while the Latin rite traditionally prefers a left-to-right movement. It is true that there are many biblical passages that speak of the power of Gods right hand, and of Our Lord sitting at the right hand of the Father. The literary figures contained in these texts are significant in many theological contexts and are certainly related to the liturgys general preference for the use of the right hand. But I think it would be forcing the issue to use them to exclude other possibilities, or convert the use of the right hand into an absolute rule. These texts simply reflect the use of universal symbols of power grounded on the fact that 90 percent of people are right-handed. If circumstances warrant it, then an alternative mode can be adopted. For example, when Blessed John Paul II broke his arm he felt no qualms in using his left hand to impart the apostolic blessing. Likewise, a person who is unsteady on his legs could genuflect according to whichever member gave greater balance.

Where the tabernacle should be

Q: How should we understand No. 1183 of the Catechism? It says: The tabernacle is to be situated in churches in a most worthy place with the greatest honor. The dignity, placing and security of the Eucharistic tabernacle should foster adoration before the Lord really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. It seems that not everyone agrees on that point. Many new churches have the tabernacle on the side.S.G., Antigonish, Nova Scotia A: This theme is also covered in Nos. 314-317 of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal in a section entitled: The Place for the Reservation of the Most Holy Eucharist: In accordance with the structure of each church and legitimate local customs, the Most Blessed Sacrament should be reserved in a tabernacle in a part of the church that is truly noble, prominent, readily visible, beautifully decorated, and suitable for prayer. The one tabernacle should be immovable, be made of solid and inviolable material that is not transparent, and be locked in such a way that the danger of profanation is prevented to the greatest extent possible. Moreover, it is appropriate that, before it is put into liturgical use, it be blessed according to the rite described in the Roman Ritual. [315:] It is more in keeping with the meaning of the sign that the tabernacle in which the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved not be on an altar on which Mass is celebrated. Consequently, it is preferable that the tabernacle be located, according to the judgment of the Diocesan Bishop: visible to the Christian faithful. If the Blessed Sacrament is kept in a eucharistic chapel, the tabernacle, or at least the location of the chapel itself, should be visible from the main body of the church. Neither the tabernacle nor the chapel should be hidden away in a corner; even less should it be separated from the main body altogether. From a pastoral viewpoint, it appears preferable to maintain the presence of the tabernacle within the sanctuary except where the church is frequented by tourists or has a great number of other celebrations such as weddings and funerals. A l t h o u g h liturgical norms indicate that no particular attention be rendered to the tabernacle during the celebration of a Mass, except at the beginning and end, the clearly visible presence of the tabernacle can contribute to an overall climate of prayer, especially in fostering a respectful before the celebration begins and after it ends. The local bishop is the competent authority for deciding which option to adopt in each case, as he is best able to weigh the various factors such as the architecture of each building, functionality, and above all the good of souls.

a. Either in the sanctuary, apart from the altar of celebration, in a form and place more appropriate, not excluding on an old altar no longer used for celebration (cf. above, no. 303); b. Or even in some chapel suitable for the faithfuls private adoration and prayer and which is organically connected to the church and readily

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011

The Eucharist and all that is uniquely human

Bearing their nations flags, Agorans from 25 different countries unite under one flag, that of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Photo courtesy of ECY

FOUR youth ministers from the Philippines, together with another delegate from Pakistan, have been chosen to represent Asia in an international gathering of Mediterranean youth leaders in Loreto, Italy. Stephen Borja and Nirvaana Ella Delacruz of the National Secretariat of Youth Apostolate, Warren Rex Bautista of the Archdiocese of Davao, and Glynis Dangel of Lanao del Norte joined the international gathering of Mediterranean youth leaders at the Centro Giovanni Paolo II from September 2 to 12. The gathering was the 10th Edition of the Agora dei Giovani del Mediterraneo (Agora of Young People of the Mediterranean), which this year, was based largely on the Catholic Bishops Conference of Italys 25th National Eucharistic Congress. The Agora participants, mostly coming from Mediterranean countries like Cyprus, Romania, Germany and Palestine, joined some of the sessions of the National Eucharistic Congress, which culminated with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist by Pope Benedict XVI in Ancona, Italy. During his homily, the Holy Father exhorted everyone to live out the mystery of the Eucharist in daily life.

4 Pinoy youth ministers join intl gathering of youth leaders

Year of the Youth


Listening to several lectures on the Eucharist and how it gives form to all that is uniquely human, several of the 55 Agora participants also shared about the reality of the Eucharist and the challenges to faith in their respective cultural and political settings. Discussions and activities emphasized the reality of Jesus presence in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Lords initiative, Prof. Marco Vergottini of the Facolta Teologica dellItalia Settentrionale, one of the resource speakers of the Agora, said. But [Jesus] calls for our participation, he added, noting that it is up to people to respond to the invitation and embrace Him in the Eucharist. Fr. Claudio Monge, member of the Council of European Bishops Conference, further discussed that the Eucharist is a celebration of the mystery of Gods love, which is done in memory of Jesus. Memorial is not just mere remembering; it is re-presenting, he added. Monge further explained that the Eucharistic celebration is the representation (and not just representation) of Christs great love that eventually climaxed in an offering of self, and that the logical consequence of constant

Agora / B7

ECY reports 25 percent completion of 1M trees project

CBCP extends nomination for Youth Ministry Awards

THE Episcopal Commission on Youth of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines has extended the deadline for nominations of candidates for Youth Ministers Award from Sept. 15 to Sept. 28. We set the end of nominations to Sept. 28 for pastoral consideration. We opened possibility for some more nominees a day before the core team decides the process of ranking, ECY executive secretary Fr. Conegundo Garganta explained. Garganta made it clear that the consideration comes after the ECY office has received only 36 nominees during the set deadline. He emphasized that the panelists cannot decide the ranking of the 25 youth ministers who will receive the award with only the number of the nominees they have right now. The 25 youth ministers who will be ranked symbolize the 25 years of service of the CBCP-ECY. The awarding will be the highlight of the Grand Festival celebration of National Youth Day at the Quirino Grandstand on Nov. 18. There will be 10 panelists are from outside of ECY and from the core team of the Year of the Youth. Anyone may nominate an individual or a group, according to NSYA.Filledoutnominationforms may be submitted through post mail to the Episcopal Commission on Youth, 3/F CBCP Bldg., 470 Gen. Luna St., 1002 Intramuros, Manila, or e-mailed to ecynsya@ According to Fr. Favie Faldas, head of the ECY Steering Committee, the John Paul II National Youth Ministry Awards was created not only to recognize outstanding youth ministers in the Philippines but also to inspire the young and uplift the values and morale in the youth ministry. More importantly, we want to generate Gospel models for youth ministers and for the youth in general from these awardees, he said, adding that awardees will be looked up for their commitment to the Catholic faith and outstanding leadership in the field of youth ministry. (Jandel Posion)

THE tree planting activity that was launched for the celebration of the CBCP Year of the Youth has so far reached a 25 percent completion to date, according to the Episcopal Commission on Youth of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Fr. Conegundo Garganta, executive secretary of the CBCP Commission on Youth, said that the commission is eyeing a 100 percent achievement of the 1 million trees project at the end of this year. The Commission, however, has at present received report of only 25 percent completion of the project. Even with only three months left before the culmination of the YOTY celebration, Garganta said they are not worried because there are still other arch/dioceses, organizations and schools that have not yet reported their contribution on the said project. The Youth Commissions calculation of the 25 percent completion of the project was based on the documentation submitted to the NSYA. When asked about their strategy on how to get a clear report, Garganta said that YouthPinoy, the official media arm of the Filipino Catholic Youth facilitates the monitoring counter over the web and the inventory of trees counted by the ECYNSYA.

Garganta expressed confidence they will meet the 1 million trees benchmark at the end of December 2011, adding that they will monitor closely the other dioceses and will ask these to report their pledge of trees planted. So far, only 13 dioceses, 3 archdioceses, an

apostolic vicariate and a prelature, 2 parishes, 2 youth organizations and the National Youth Commission have fulfilled the pledge and reported to the youth commission. To date, the commission has counted a total of 253,640 trees planted in the whole country. (Youth Pinoy)

Youths pro-family, pro-life convictions boosted by WYD experience

A SUMMERS week in Spain could have been a tourists adventure, but for the Filipino pilgrims who trooped to Madrid for the World Youth Day (WYD) last month, the experience bolstered their faith and, for some, their pro-life and pro-family convictions in particular. For Christine Violago, one of the delegates from the World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific (WYAAP) and Trish Castro, a language teacher, the learnings from their WYD experience remain fresh, weeks after coming home from the event. A friend of mine once shared to me that events like WYD are Investments to our Soul. Somehow I agree with this. WYD was a perfect opportunity for me to strengthen my core values and reaffirm my beliefs, said Violago. Violago remarked that she knew the trip would be an enriching one but that she hadnt expected it to change her outlook in life. I am now challenged to always stay positive in whatever difficulty or state I am in because no matter what, I know I am never alone in the journey. I was reminded that there will always be someone across regions and continents fighting a more difficult battle than me, she explained. I believe that God will always provide, no matter what circumstance. It is true. He is and will always be the way, the truth and the life! she said. The week-long pilgrimage, which included group activities with international delegates, trips to churches and cathedrals, daily mass and prayers, and several encounters with Pope Benedict XVI, impressed on the 24-year-old some points that she has taken home with her. As I let myself embrace all the adventures that happened in that week, it made me realize that it is okay to pray. It is okay to say you love your life and family. It is okay to speak the truth, she stated. Given the changing environment we live in, there are so many threats to life and family. We need to constantly

Youth tell of personal experiences with the national pilgrim cross

THE National Youth Cross that has been in pilgrimage across the country has left a mark in the lives of the young people who have been in contact with it. Fr. Ricky Belino, diocesan youth director of Baguio diocese said that the young people from their diocese and region had experienced a unique encounter with the youth cross as can be attested by their personal testimonies. He said the initial excitement they felt while waiting for the arrival of the cross in the diocese was instantly supplanted by the desire to touch the cross upon seeing it. Belino also said that the youth realized many things in their life during the pilgrims cross visit. The coming of the national youth cross has brought to them a lot of realizations. During the overnight vigil with the cross, our confession extended until 2:00 oclock in the morning. For the youth to realize that there is a God who loves them in spite and despite of who they are is already a big miracle, Belino said. He also added that some youth
Cross / B7


Youth from the Diocese of Baguio preparing for the veneration of the National Pilgrim Cross at Don Bosco Parish.

Antipolo diocese names outstanding youth leaders

THE Ministry for Youth Affairs of the Diocese of Antipolo feted outstanding youth leaders in an awarding ceremony on Sept. 24 at the Siena College Auditorium in Taytay, Rizal. The event dubbed as, GAWAD KaDA, Isang Gabi ng PagkilalaA Diocesan Youth Leaders Award (DYLA) has been organized in line with the celebration of the CBCP Year of the Youth and the 25th Anniversary of the Episcopal Commission on Youth. Named 10 Outstanding Youth Leaders of the diocese who received the first Gawad KaDa awards are Redentor B. Atanacio, Mary Melody A. Llantero, Rubeliza M. Dagli-Jadoc, Realene G. Guadalupe, Ma. Concepcion J. Cruz, Maria Karina V. Mendoza, Maria Althea B. Alfonso, Anila L. Crisostomo, Freddie H. Berabrino, and Rev. Fr. Reynante U. Tolentino According to Dani Villanueva, diocesan youth coordinator, the awards aspire to recognize former and current youth ministers who have shown exemplary performance and dedication in the service of the youth in the local setting. Villanueva added that it also seeks to encourage the youth in the community to excel and to lead the way towards genuine service to God and community. MYA Antipolo also gave special citation to the previous MYA Coordinators and Spiritual Directors who have contributed to the establishment and realization of the ideals of the ministry. Cited were the following youth coordinators: Rev. Fr. Reynante U. Tolentino (1991-1993), Alex Tagumpay M. Castillo (1993-1996), Jocelyn S. Reyes-Nerona (19961997), Marilet DG. De Guzman (1998-1999), Anita L. Crisostomo (2000-2001), Melvin B. Manlunas (2002-2003), Freddie H. Bernardino (2004-2005), and Ali Mayeen M. Tirazona (2006-2008). The MYA Spiritual Directors are: Msgr. Arnel F. Lagarejos, Fr. Felipe L. Pedrja, Fr. Bienevenido M. Guevara, Fr. Gervacio C. Evarola, Fr. Lawrence C. Paz, Fr. Noel P. Tria and Fr. Conegundo Garganta. Twootherawardeesweregivenposthumous awards: Madeline M. Melegrito and Alfredo M. Lising, Jr. (Youth Pinoy)

WYD / B7

Jandel Posion / CBCP Media


A saint to the world of work
Sr. Aurora Yolanda Bugal, SSJ
THE 23rd of October is a day of rejoicing, for economic players and contributors who are not readily counted in, due to lack of financial capital and mobility. For on this day, the Church will canonize a simple and ordinary woman worker who consecrated herself totally to God giving witness to Jesus, the Worker in Nazareth. Her name means doer of good, Bonifacia. In Manila, there will be a thanksgiving mass at the Manila Cathedral on November 5, 2011 at 10 in the morning to celebrate this momentous event. A life for God Bonifacia Rodriguez de Castro was born in Salamanca, Spain, on June 6, 1837. Her father, Juan Manuel Bonifacio Rodriguez, was a tailor, and her mother, Maria Natalia de Castro was a housewife. She was barely 15 years old when her father died in 1853 and started to work as a cord maker. Towards 1866-1867, with her mother, Maria de Castro, she established in Salamanca the first taller of her own. Her taller became a place of encounter with other young ladies who were searching like her. Attracted by the testimony of her life, these young ladies frequented her house and together they decided to form the Association of the Immaculate and St. Joseph. Along the way, Bonifacia encountered a Jesuit priest, Francisco Butiny, who arrived in Salamanca in 1870. He was a man of science, a researcher by nature while at the same time discerning, intuitive and filled with apostolic zeal. She chose him as her spiritual director. In one of her confessions, Bonifacia told Fr. Butiny about her desire to consecrate herself to the Lord by entering the Dominicans of Sta. Maria de Dueas. On hearing this, he told her: I am very pleased with your determination, but I believe you would give more glory to God in another place. Let us found a new Congregation, the Siervas de San Jose.

CBCP Monitor
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Jaro Cathedral Parish newsletter marks 20 years of continuous service

By Ma. Rosario R. Tejada
ALMOST 20 years ago when Fr. Daniel del Rosario ended his stint as Parochial Vicar and Editor of Candle Light at Jaro Cathedral, he wrote in part in his final Heartbeats, the newsletters editorial column: With a complete set-up of a very functional office, with all the modern computers and gadgets, with a very efficient and dedicated staff, with the increasing support of the parish priest and the community and with the unseen hand of God guiding every effortwe look forward to the third year, the fourth, the fifth, and how many more, God knows! Really only God knows how long Candle Light would continue. And indeed, with the guiding hand of God, and the prayerful support of Mother Mary, to whom the weekly paper is dedicated, Candle Light celebrated its 20th anniversary on September 8, 2011. Birth of Candle Light The First Parish General Assembly on April 28 and May 5, 1991 recommended and approved among other things an information and formation bulletin for the parishioners so that they will know what is going on in the parish. Dissemination of information was mainly through lengthy announcements during Sunday Masses. This had the problem of reaching out to the non-churchgoers. Thus, the publication of a parish weekly paper was approved. Msgr. Jose M. Gamboa, then parish priest, came out with the name for the paper while talking about it after lunch one day with his parochial vicars. Msgr. Gamboa spontaneously called out Candle Light just as naturally as what the parish really is, a community consecrated to Our Lady of Candles. Thus was born the parish newsletter, Candle Light. Immediately after the Parish General Assembly, Fr. Daniel del Rosario, the Parochial Vicar, and Candle Lights first editor, called together some parishioners who were experts and experienced in journalism to a meeting to help conceptualize the newsletter. Eventually, they all ended up as the original staff members. Candle Light came out for the first time on September 8, 1991, as a birthday present to the Blessed Mother Mary. Now, 20 years later, Candle Light continues to come out every Sunday without fail. Even the devastation caused by typhoon Frank could not stop the paper from coming out every week. The newsletter counts 11 editors to date: Fr. Daniel del Rosario, Fr. Alejandro Esperancilla, Fr. Emmanuel Tuberada, Fr. Ryan Fernando Teves, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Amadeo Escaan, HP, Fr. John N. Tadifa, Fr. Joel Eslabra, Miss Katie OLeary, Mrs. Pureza Lacuesta, Fr. Philip Vincent Sinco and now, Fr. Marvin Tabion, with the staff coming and going. Some of the staff members have already returned to the Lord. May they rest in peace! Objectives of the Paper Two objectives were articulated for the paper: first, it is to be a main vehicle of the Parish for informationdissemination like news about parish activities, announcements, reports, and many more. Secondly, it will become a tool for evangelization, an avenue where it can vigorously spread the Word of God and contribute to the renewal of the parishioners. By now, readers of Candle Light must be familiar with the Parish Vision that is printed on the masthead of the paper which states: We. The children of God in the Parish of Jaro, in seeking to promote His Kingdom, envision a Christ-centered, participatory, enlightened Filipino Church, that is evangelizing, missionary and committed toward total human development by witnessing and working for justice, unity, and social transformation. Struggles and difficulties The last 20 years were not all a bed of roses for the paper. There was no functional office during the first two years. The weekly staff meetings were held at just any place available in the parish convent. Finally on its third year a permanent office was blessed and Candle Light found a home. However, with the coming and going of the editors and the reshuffling of parish priests, Candle Light had to transfer office too as often as it was needed. The editors-in-chief came and went according to their tour of duty in the Cathedral as Parochial Vicars. Besides their pastoral duties they had to spend sleepless nights writing their articles. Once, Fr. Emmanuel Tuberada had to call from the Trappist Monastery in Guimaras where he was attending the annual retreat for priests to work on the editorial. That afternoon, while in the midst of finalizing the layout, there was suddenly a power outage, and Fr. Emman decided to transport the computer and the printer to Tagbak, at the outskirts of Iloilo, so that the final draft would be ready the following day. Naturally, the newsletter staff had to go with the computer. To date, as everybody is busy, beating the deadline remains a weekly concern, from the editor-inchief to each assigned staff writer. The struggles end up victorious and with Mother Marys guiding hand and the Light of Jesus, her Son, Candle Light is always ready for distribution to the parishioners every Saturday afternoon or, at the latest, on Sunday morning. Blessings received and readers generosity The first blessing Candle Light received and is always receiving is the guidance of Almighty God. He keeps on touching hearts to generously support the publication. From the beginning, many kindhearted parishioners donated seed money to start the paper. Since the newsletter is not a commercial paper, it is not for sale. Up to the present, Candle Light has to depend on donations from
Jaro / B5

Bonifacia de Castro Rodriguez

lived it in the face of opposition, rejection and calumnies to the point of being ostracized from the first community of sisters she formed and her birthplace, Salamanca. Humbly and with full trust in God, Bonifacia moved to Zamora where she was authorized to make a new foundation. She bore in her heart, mind and hands the charism, the taller. Jesus, her source of inspiration and strength, sustained her and her project for the working youth who she loved and had given her life. Zamora was the place where the Taller was reborn for the world of work. On July 1, 1901, the Congregation of the Siervas de San Jose received the Cavite) are alternative places of work for the promotion and evangelization of women. Talleres de Nazaret products range from liturgical vestments, clothes, apparel and other accessories to food. These provided regular employment to working women coupled with formation to develop their self-worth, awaken in them their social responsibility and become agents of change in their own sphere. These are under the management and administration of the MOTHER BONIFACIA RODRIGUEZ FOUNDATION, INC. a non-stock, nonprofit organization duly registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with the Philippine laws. Skills Training Centers (Talleres

Pontifical Approbation through Pope Leo XIII excluding the community in Zamora. Carrying the pain of rejection and yet believing that the union of Zamora and Salamanca will happen after her death, Bonifacia died on August 8, 1905. The Congregation spread to different countries and is found in Italy, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Congo, and the AsiaPacific. From Spain, a group of sisters came

Leap of faith She felt strong and courageous and decided to found, together with Fr. Butiny, the Siervas de San Jose. It was a leap of faith because she knew she was not alone. The Congregation of the Siervas de San Jose was born in Salamanca in 1874, offering to the world the love for work through the following charismatic elements of living ones own sanctification by means of prayer and work, preventing the unemployed poor from the danger of going astray and fomenting Christian industry. Faithful to God and to the gift Bonifacia received from the Spirit for the Church at the service of poor young women and workers, with audacity, she

to the Philippines in 1932, upon the invitation of Bishop James Mc Closkey, then Bishop of Jaro. The first SSJ community was established in San Jose de Buenavista, Antique. From there, the SSJ moved beyond the frontiers of their first foundation to other parts of the country and of Asia-Pacific. Various apostolic works At present, the congregation has 11 different communities in the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam under the Holy Family Province engaged in various apostolic presences. Talleres de Nazaret, mainly found in the Philippines, (Quezon City, Mandaluyong, Cebu, Silay and Rosario,
Timeline / B1

de Nazaret, Korobosea, Papua New Guinea, Talitha Koum Skills Training Center, Alotau Milne Bay Province, PNG and Mother Bonifacia Center, Silay, Philippines) provide cooking, sewing and tailoring skills integrated with formation. Those who are trained become trainers themselves, put up their own income-generating activities or become employed and help augment the familys income. Convivence Apostolate aims to protect young ladies/girls at risk and promotes their physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development. Holy Family Home, located along General Luna Street, within the university belt of Iloilo City, caters to poor but deserving students coming from the remote barrios of the city. Tahanang Paghubog Mo. Bonifacia (TPMBI) at Rosario, Cavite, shelters and enables young girls at risk, in a familial atmosphere, to reclaim their dignity and empower them to confront lifes realities and become liberators themselves of others. SSJ Educative Centers (Holy Family School of QC, Inc. and St. Theresitas Academy of Silay City) form students to become agents of change upholding the dignity of the worker and of work, through basic education imbued with the Nazareth Spirit. In Papua New Guinea, there are SSJ who are assigned in the Alotau-Sideia Diocesan Youth Ministry and in Family Life Apostolate in Milne Bay Province and at St. Peter Literacy School in Laloki, National Capital District. These ministries, with the integration of the Nazareth Spirituality, foster human growth and dignity, empowerment and transformation among the children, youth and families; to make a positive influence in their cultures and difference in their own communities or villages. The relevance of the SSJ Charism, even today and tomorrow, impels the sisters to make known the faithful disciple of Jesus in Nazareth- Bonifacia, a saint to the world of work! Thus, the SSJ welcomes the youth, offering them a lifestyle that would motivate and attract them to follow Jesus in Nazareth. Mabuhay, Bonifacia!

Collegio / B1

of the Holy Rosary and Vespers held there, after a two-week repainting. The Crypt was originally constructed with 8 side-chapels for individual Masses, though today only the central altar, installed in the 1970s, is used for the daily Masses. Just before September ends, Chez les Saints, creator of high quality liturgical vestments, donated 50 chasubles and stoles, and a banner depicting the Collegios coat of arms, for its 50th year celebration. These vestments will form part of the Collegios Golden Anniversary memorabilia. On October 4, the Collegio will start
Remember / B1

receiving homecoming alumni and oldtimers. The alumni are set to meet Pope Benedict XVI in a private audience the next day and will have a recollection, dinner and fellowship. The Collegios alumni are set to visit on October 6 the Scavi Ostia Antica, where St. Monica died, and concelebrate an afternoon Mass with the Association of Filipino Priests, Religious and Seminarians, and with Rectors of National and International Collegios, and other guests. On the Collegios 50th birthday on October 7, the alumni will be having an

academic Conference with Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski on The Role of Pontifical Colleges in the Pursuit of Academic Excellence. Later that day, there will be an afternoon Mass of Residents and Alumni, testimonial dinner for all alumni. Before the alumni leaves to return to their respective diocese, they will spend a whole day of excursion to Amalfi-Sorrento on October 8 and celebrate a Mass with the Filipino community in Rome the next day. The Collegios jubilee year will officially end with a midnight Mass to be celebrated on the eve of New Years day. without finishing their studies. Sad but true. No. This is in no way meant to pass judgment of any kind on them. Yes. This is merely saying that there are liabilities that can be turned into opportunities and vice versa. This I came to know and realize: Learning is first the decision of the heartwith the mind but as its consequent beneficiary.

July 1999

5 , From July 5-25, 1999, the PCF hosts the English-speaking participants of the International Course for Seminary Educators organized by the Congregation for Catholic Education, through the Association of Rectors of the Ecclesiastical Colleges in Rome. 6 , His Eminence, Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, celebrates Holy Mass for the PCFs 40th anniversary Celebration. Pope John Paul II receives the PCF priests, religious and lay personnel at the Vaticans Sala Clementina. This special Audience is granted on the occasion of the PCFs 40th anniversary. Pope Benedict XVI elevates the Archbishop of Manila to the Cardinalate, His Eminence, Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales, who becomes the sixth Cardinal from the Philippines. He and his guests reside at the PCF. Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is in Italy to attend the canonization of the Foundress of the Religious of the Assumption, and took this occasion to meet the PCF community and the OFWs in Rome. It is her third visit to the PCF: the first when she was 15 years old accompanying her father who was the Philippine President then, and second in October 2000, as Vice-President of the country. The PCF holds six conferences on the priesthood from February until June as part of its activities for the Year for Priests. The speakers are Archbishop Socrates Villegas (Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan), Msgr. Ruperto Santos (PCF Rector), Bishop Broderick Pabillo (Auxiliary Bishop of Manila), His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales (Archbishop of Manila), Msgr. Wilfredo Andrey (PCF Spiritual Director) and Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle (Bishop of Imus). Members of the Association of Filipino Priests, Religious and Seminarians in Rome attend the conferences.

May 2001

June 2, 2001

March 24, 2006

what was left! But lo and behold, living in the Collegio only meant for studies and having but practically empty pocketsI did not realize then that these were precisely the composite blessing I then had at a hindsight. The logic is rather plain and simple: To really see Rome as some kind of tourist and spend was not an option. To stay at the Collegio to study one subject matter

after another, to write these and those papers, and to put together a full-blown thesis these were the only regular and continuous, logical and advantageous agenda to attend to. And the end-results were goodvery good, in fact. These I recallwith gladness: I finished all the further studies I was told to undergo and I finished then all in time. These I recall with sadness:

There was a good number of Priests sent also to Rome for studies. But eventually they left without finishing their courses. Standard causes: Either studying was not their inclination and the Collegio did not become their home. Or touring Rome and other exquisite places in Italywhich was anything but cheapbecame their major agenda. Result: They stayed too long in Rome and ultimately left,

June 3, 2007

February 11, 2010

Photos courtesy of Siervas de San Jose

Photos courtesy of Siervas de San Jose

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011



Message for the 16th National Seafarers Day

(Manila, 25th September 2011)
AS President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, it is a great pleasure for me to address you and offer my best wishes for the celebration of the 16th National Seafarers Day, an important event coordinated by the Apostleship of the Sea Manila in cooperation with a great number of governmental and nongovernmental maritime agencies involved in the different aspects of the seafarers welfare. With an average of more than 300,000 seafarers deployed every year, the Philippines is one of the major providers of seafarers to the maritime industry and, for this reason, it is rightly called the manning capital of the world. However, there are several challenges that the government and the welfare agencies are facing in providing better protection and care to this category of workers who, with their remittances, contribute to a great extent to the national economy. In order to overcome these challenges, it is important for you to apply the theme chosen for this celebration: Marinong Pilipino: Lakas ng Pagkakaisa (Philippine Seafarers: Strength in Unity). The Filipino seafarers must work in unity with maritime welfare agencies to achieve strength in lobbying at the government for the ratification of at least these two important ILO Conventions: first the Seafarers Identity Document (SID) Convention, 1958 (ILO 108) - C 185, that has created in recent months numerous problems in Brazil to many Filipino seafarers who were not allowed to get shore. Second, considering that 20 per cent of the 1.5 million worldwide seafarers are Filipino, your government should understand the importance of ratifying the Maritime Labor Convention of 2006, which will provide seafarers with fair terms of employment and guarantee them safe, secure and decent living and working conditions on board ship. I would also like to mention the special problem of piracy and its effects on hundreds and hundreds of Filipino seafarers and their families. Again it is of fundamental importance in this field that the AOS reinforces its national network and works in unity with other international organizations to propose itself as a welfare service provider to offer specific professional assistance to the victims of piracy and their families before, during and after the ordeal. In order to achieve more results in lobbying at governmental level and providing welfare services to seafarers, fishers and their families, it is also necessary that the local Bishops, the AOS Bishop Promoter, the National Director and all the chaplains and volunteers of AOS Philippines strengthen their cooperation and assume a more responsible role in managing resources and generating local funds to support the different activities. Finally, I invoke the intercession of Mary, Star of the Sea, for the people of the sea in the Philippines. May the Lord continue to protect them from any spiritual and material danger so that they can contribute to the development of the country. God bless you all. Sincerely yours, ARCHBISHOP ANTONIO MARIA VEGLIO President, Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care Of Migrants and Itinerant People BISHOP JOSEPH KALATHIPARAMBIL Secretary

National Conference of Church People and Workers on the 30th anniversary of Blessed John Paul IIs Laborem Exercens; September 12-15, 2011, Cebu City

A Covenant Statement
Do not rob or take advantage of anyone. Do not hold back the wages of someone you have hired, not even for one night. (Leviticus 19:13) WE, church people and workers, have gathered in a National Conference to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Laborem Exercens, Blessed John Paul IIs encyclical on the dignity of human labor in Cebu City, the cradle of Christianity in the Philippines, on September 1215, 2011. Invoking the Spirit of the Lord for enlightenment to engage ourselves in crucial dialogue we have recognized and felt the need to address 4 priority concerns of Filipino workerscontractualization, unjust wages, and the violation of the workers right to organize, and the forced migration of Filipino workers. Contractualization Ignoring its inherent immorality, the legalization of contractualization allows capital to violate the workers basic right to security. Regular employees are now terminated summarily and then coerced to re-apply as contractual laborers together with new applicants, in total disregard of their many years of service. Contractualization deprives workers of the benefits of tenure and prevents them from organizing themselves into legitimate labor unions. This maneuver of unrestricted capitalism is tantamount to a modern version of slavery, with contracting agencies simply replacing the slave traders of old. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church tells us that Work is a good belonging to all people and must be made available to all who are capable of engaging in it. Full employment therefore remains a mandatory objective for every economic system oriented towards justice and the common good. (CSDC, 288) Unjust wages It is common practice for workers to sign vouchers certifying that they are paid the minimum legal wage when, in fact, they have received less, under threat of termination. In a palm plantation in Agusan, a laborer is paid PhP90 for harvesting 30 kilos of palm fruits, easily sold for PhP360. Would it be redundant to conclude that death wages translate into dehumanizing poverty? Blessed John XXIIIs encyclical Mater et Magistra reminds us to consider it our duty to reaffirm that the remuneration of work is not something that can be left to the laws of the marketplace; nor should it be a decision left to the will of the more powerful. It must be determined in accordance with justice and equity; which means that workers must be paid a wage which allows them to live a truly human life. (MM, 71) The right to organize The incumbent government continues to implement the same anti-labor policies as the previous administrations. The unwritten incentive for foreign investors: Come to the Philippines where labor is cheap, docile, not unionized. The Mactan Export Processing Zone (MEPZA) might as well be the example. It continues to boast of no unions since its operations started in 1979. In practice they simply terminate workers suspected of organizing themselves. Blessed John Paul IIs encyclical Laborem Exercens is emphatic in asserting that Labor unions grew up from the struggle of the workersworkers in general, but especially industrial workersto protect their just rights vis--vis the entrepreneurs and the owners of the means of production Such organizations are an indispensable element of social life. (LE, 20) Migrant Filipino workers Both past and present administrations have called OFWs as the countrys modern heroes, as indeed they are. However, these praises ring empty considering the governments unwillingness to stanch the staggering outflow of 4,500 Filipinos leaving daily in search of employment abroad, and the deathly inflow of six to ten bodies of OFWs repatriated every day. (cf. Migrante International) Focused on increasing the remittances to prop up a failing economy, the government has put in place exploitative labor policies to avoid facing up to the basic need of generating employment for its citizens. The social cost of forced migration to Philippine society is equally staggering. As the repression of Filipino laborers, both here and abroad, they are ever more left to fend for themselves. The number of organized labor organizations continues to decline. Only 1.7 M of the 19.5 M wage and salaried workers (3 out of every 23) are organized. Only 230,802 out of a total
Jaro / B4

of 1.34 million labor union members are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. They are forced to sustain an economic system that oppresses them. (cf CTUHR 2010 Yearend Report) It is imperative for Church people to help in the empowerment of workers for them to be able to organize themselves. Resolutions The Spirit of the Lord who brings good news to the poor and the consequential social teachings of our Churches impel us, workers and Church people gathered in solidarity, to address and attend to the cries of our brothers and sisters in the work force. We resolve, therefore, that the participants of the 1st CWS National Conference: 1. approve the Conference Covenant Statement including the resolutions herein; 2. constitute the Church People and Workers Solidarity as a permanent organization to serve as an instrument to assist workers in their struggle for dignity and rightful recognition as partners in the pursuit of peace and progress in the country; 3. task the convenors of the 1st National Conference of Workers and Church People, headed by Bishop Gerardo Alminaza, Auxiliary Bishop of Jaro, to serve as the transitional leadership body charged with defining and establishing the needed organizational structures for the new group; 4. mandate the transitional leadership group to formulate and develop program and services that the CWS

could undertake in behalf of workers (cfr. Paper outlining proposed programs and services); 5. declare its appreciation to the Archdiocese of Cebu, particularly for its graciousness in hosting the 1st National Conference of Church People and Workers, the support and invaluable services of its auxiliary groups and that of the various religious communities, organizations that have contributed to the success of the 1st National Conference of Church People and Workers. May Jesus, the Sublime Carpenter, move all people of good will to listen to the cry of the workers, and witness to the imperatives of our Christian faith. Approved in the City of Cebu, and read solemnly in the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral on 15 September 2011, during the Pontifical Mass officiated by the incoming Catholic Bishops Conference in the Philippines President, Archbishop of Cebu Most Rev. Jose S. Palma, D.D.a fitting memorial of the 30th anniversary of Blessed John Paul IIs encyclical Laborem Exercens. SIGNED by: Two hundred fifty eight delegates of church people and workers coming from different parts of the country Delegates: 34 Dioceses (priests, Social Action Directors/lay leaders); 54 religious congregations (priests/sisters); 164 workers. Total: 314 delegates. Non-delegates who participated on 2nd day: 67 religious; 204 workers; 129 students. Total: 400 non-delegates. Our Lady of Candles in Jelicuon, Cabatuan, came out with its own newsletter Ladder which was later renamed Kapwa. The late Msgr. Jose Pepe Buenaflor came out with Ang Katekista for his Katesismo sa Kahanginan Apostolate project in 1998. Then the parish of Sta. Catalina in Leon, Iloilo, came out with Rueda ni Sta Catalina. When Msgr. Jose M. Gamboa transferred to the parish of the Immaculate Conception in Oton, Iloilo, he also published Purisima for the parish. The parish of Miag-ao, Iloilo, also published The Heritage. Baranggay Bakhay has been publishing their Milagrosa for about three years now. The latest to release their parish newsletter is the parish of St. Michael the Archangel in San Miguel, Iloilo, with Msgr. Joemarie Delgado, parish priest, with their newsletter The Archangel. Candle Light was not meant to rest after some years but with Gods help it continues on and on. Candle Light will continue to shine and will continue to glow.

National Conference of Church People and Workers Cebu City, 12-15 September 2011
AS the Representative of the Holy Father in this Country, it is with pleasure that I convey my felicitations to the organizers and participants of the National Conference of Church People and Workers, organized by the Church PeopleWorkers Solidarity which will take place in Cebu City, from 12-15 September 2011. This gathering, convened in time with the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the publication of Blessed John Paul IIs encyclical letter Laborem exercens, is an opportune moment to reflect upon the Churchs mission to be involved actively in social transformation. Since Charity is at the heart of the Churchs social doctrine and action (cf. Caritas in veritate,2), it is my prayer that the proceedings of this conference may truly be inspired by the Gospel of love and be enacted accordingly. May Our Lord Jesus, the Carpenters Son, truly prosper your efforts in promoting the dignity of the human person, especially of those who are in the labor sphere. In the Name of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, I greet and bless all of you. ARCHBISHOP GUISEPPE PINTO Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines 7 September 2011

Message of the Apostolic Nuncio

generous parishioners from the second collection during Sunday Masses as well as donations from generous friends in other parishes and even from abroad. Here are some moving examples: A professional group from Manila solicited donations for the Laser Printer. A child saved money in her piggy bank and later broke it open for Candle Light. Overseas workers sent dollar bills, from as low as $5 to as high as $100. In response to Fr. Ryan Teves appeal for support for Candle Light, a lady one day went to the office and handed an envelope that contained a P500 bill with a note saying, I have to forego buying my medicine for Candle Light. From all these generous souls, and the contributions during the second collection at Mass, Candle Light developed from a four- page weekly in the beginning to an eightpage newsletter. Candle Light goes national and international Although prepared for the

parishioners of Jaro, many parishes come to ask for copies. It has reached other countries as well through the migrant workers of the parish. Their families send them copies to keep them in touch with their parish life and lift them up spiritually. In return, the OFWs send in their contributions. Back in 1994, a domestic helper in Hong Kong sent articles about the life of migrant workers there. An Ilonggo priest, a member of the Philippine Mission Society, assigned in the Solomon Islands contributed an article about his life as a priest in those islands. Model for other parishes With the seeming success of Candle Light as a venue for formation and information dissemination about parish life, she became a model for other parishes to also publish their own newsletters. The first to follow suit was the Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer in Leganes, Iloilo that came out with Wings. The archdiocesan paper Veritas was revived. In 1993, the Parish of


Ref lections
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A (Matt 21:33-43) Oct. 2, 2011

CBCP Monitor
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Unworthy of the call?

By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD

Unworthy of the gift?

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year A (Matt 22:1-14) Oct. 9, 2011
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD
WHEN Joseph Ejercito Estrada ran for President, his critics and opponents scoffed at him, calling him a womanizer, gambler and drinker. But he proved to be a Teflon. The criticism that he was ill-prepared for the office, that his intellect would not grasp the intricate work of the presidency, that his morals would demean the officenothing of course stuck. After all, it was reasoned that the country had had enough of presidents who were well-educated and yet were not able to bring the poor out of the quagmire of poverty. As for having several mistresses, people took it as a private affair that has nothing to do with the office. If he was ill-qualified, he could simply seek the advice of scholars and experts in the field. On the other hand, they perceived him as the candidate who would make good of his promise. Erap para sa mahirap was a slogan that brought almost eternal hope. No wonder he scored high in surveys. And when election time came, he obtained 10.7 million votes against the 4.3 million of his closest rival, Jose de Venecia. After more than 2 years in the office, however, the hope of the people was not transformed into reality. As the impeachment trial revealed, he enriched himself in office through bribery and corruption; almost nothing was done to really uplift the condition of the poor; he did not devote much time and energy to his office; he continued his drinking with the midnight cabinet; and he had little work ethic. Though people overlooked his faults and deficiencies and gifted him with the Presidency, Estrada did not act in a way he was supposed to as chief executive. Found wanting, he was booted out from office. A similar lesson is taught in todays Gospel: The Kingdom of God is a gift. Though we did not deserve it, God offered it to us. But we have to make a response. As recipient of the gift, we need to live a kind of life that the gift demands. Let us first describe the gift. Actually, it is difficult to describe the Kingdom. Since it partakes of the nature of God, it is therefore mysterious. No wonder, the Bible often resorts to images to capture some of its aspects, and an image that is frequently used, as in todays Gospel and in the First Reading, is the image of a banquet. In the First Reading, Isaiah depicts it as a messianic banquet on mount Zion, the figure of the new Jerusalem, in which people no longer suffer hunger and want nor endure suffering and death. On the contrary, they experience a fullness of joy and gladness, peace and reconciliation, for it is none other than the life of God himself. Thus Isaiah: On this mountain the Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines. On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations; he will destroy death forever (Isa 25:6-7). But how are we to experience this life of God? As already notedand this is what the parable stressesthis life in the Kingdom is a gift, sheer gift, from God. People are merely invited to it. As we saw in the commentary last Sunday, God called Israel to it, and to take care of it. That is why he sent his prophets and, ultimately, his Son, to remind her to respond to the invitation. In todays Gospel, the invitation was issued to the leaders of Israel, because they were entrusted with the duty of shepherding Gods people. In the story, it is the invited guests who represented them (Matt 22:3). However, instead of welcoming the invitation, they rejected it and even did violence to the messengers, the prophets, sent. To punish them, the king destroyed the murderers and burned their city. Here, Matthew seems to suggest that if the city of Jerusalem was burned down by Roman soldiers, it was because the leaders of Israel murdered Gods messenger and rejected the offer of the Kingdom of God. With the refusal by the leaders of Israel, those who were outside the respectable Judaism like the tax collectors, the sinners, and the Gentiles, received the invitation instead and accepted it. No doubt, Matthew here is trying to explain why in his Christian community there were tax collectors, sinners and Gentiles. It is also possible that Matthew is making an
Gift / B7

SINCE the birth of the Philippine republic, no President ever had the political will to change the condition of the majority who are poor. No wonder, when former Joseph Ejercito Estrada ran for President, many people, including some businessmen and even intellectuals, opted to support him, despite what his rivals and critics described as his immoral private life. His image in the cinema that portrayed him as champion of the poor and his campaign slogan, Erap para sa mahirap, captivated them. For the majority who are poor, he was the cornerstone of the new building that would be the propoor government. He was then extremely popular. When the 1998 presidential election was through, Estrada got 10.7 million votes, while his closest rival, Jose de Venecia, obtained 4.3 million votes. But on January 20, 2001, after 31 months in office, President Estrada was deposed by the very people who elected him, in a five-day popular uprising now known as People Power II. On the fourth day, the top generals of the armed forces joined the Edsa crowd to announce their withdrawal of support. On the last day, hundreds of demonstrators marched to the

presidential palace to pressure him to resign, even as then Vice-President Arroyo took her oath as President. Shortly after noontime, Estrada hastily left his official residence. What was thought to be the cornerstone was rejected by the builders in the end. This fate of Estrada somehow illustrates what happened to Israel. In accord with his plan that all men might be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4), God chose Israel not out of any merit on her part, but on the contrary despite her sinfulness and weakness, and because of his love for her (Ezek 16:4-8). If people overlooked Estradas deficiencies and made him their President, so God ignored Israels sins and made her his very own people (Isa 1:3), or in the language of the parable in todays Gospel, his vineyard (Matt 21:28; Isa 5:7). He gave her the law to distinguish Israel from other nations. If the Filipino people wanted Estrada to become the champion of the poor, God wanted Israel to become a light of all nations, through whom all peoples will be saved. Thus Isaiah: All nations shall come and say, Come, let us climb the Lords mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob (Isa 2:3a). God wanted her to become the model community in which

Call / B7

Gods generosity vs. Mans ingratitude

Reflections on the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Oct. 2, 2011
greatest Protector the response He deserved. The people of Israel missed their greatest chance ever: the chance to welcome and honor their Lord and Saviora tragedy that drew tears from the merciful eyes of Jesus. (See Lk 19:41.) Todays theme is a reminder and a warning addressed to the whole Church of today. It is a reminder of the immense loving care God has had for her over the centuries, from the beginning up to our days. Such a unique preferential treatment demands an adequate responsea response that has often been wanting. It is, likewise, a warning not to repeat the disappointing performance of Israel and its leaders. It is also a reminder and a warning

By Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB

TODAYS theme is a dramatic contrast between Gods caring love and trust, and mans disappointing performance (First Reading), or even betrayal (Gospel). It applies to Israel, Gods first choice vineyard, and its leaders, the unfaithful tenants. But it applies alsoas a warningto the Church (the new choice vineyard), and to all of us. The Chosen People had been blessed by God in so many ways, so many times, in preference to others, more deserving ones. Yet, as many times they had failed to show gratitude for such preferential treatment. They had failed to give their

addressed to us as a Christian nation, as a community and individuals specially blessed by the Lord. All of us in fact, both as a community of believers, and each of us as individuals have been the object of Gods generous love and trust. We are the Lords vineyard. All of us are stewards to whom God has entrusted a lot and from whom He expects abundant fruits. He has trusted us so much. He has forgiven us so many times . . . . And yet, where are we now? How have we responded to Gods generous and gratuitous love, His trust, His forgiveness? . . . Everything has a limit. Even Gods patience. The two allegories in todays Readings remind us about this truth and invite us to act accordingly.

Challenged to be worthy of Gods invitation

Reflections on the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Oct. 9, 2011
in a banquet tendered by God in honor of His Son. (See todays Gospel passage.) We admire the generous King of the parable: he sends his messengers to solicit the selected guests to comea personalized invitation, repeated twice with gentle insistence . . . . But it seems that the privileged guests could not care less. Their behavior shocks and saddens us. And we feel no pity for them when we learn of the harsh punishment inflicted on them by the King. This allegory symbolizes the response of the Chosen People to Gods invitation to welcome and honor the Messiah . . . .
Invitation / B7

By Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB GOD has a plana plan of happiness for all. He wants to gather into one single family, under His fatherly love, all those He has created in His image. Such a universal gathering in happiness is often symbolized by a banquet. It will be the completion of His Kingdom in which death will be no more and the tears of the present suffering will be wiped away forever. (See Is 25:8 and Rv 21:4.) That final grand celebration is preceded by a period of preparation the period of the Kingdom-in-the-making, the period of the Church. All are invited to be part of it as guests

Fr. Francis Ongkingco


young at heart who want everything in one go and with a unique twang of faith! Thus, the YOUCAT has a lot of lively pictures and even caricatures which more than getting in the way are also catechetical. There are pop-ups along the margins of Bible verses, quotes from saints, masters and renown teachers of spirituality. Also a notable feature of the YOUCAT is its straightforward, honest and tough questions. Perhaps, for the average high school student some points will be quite deep and may require supplementary materials. But in general the points are all very enlightening. Its sure to be a bookto-go that will always come handy for consulting and sharing the truth of ones faith with other people. Here are some examples of YOUCAT points: #82. Isnt it improper to call Mary the Mother of God? No. Anyone who calls Mary the Mother of God thereby professes that her Son is God. #120. What does the Holy Spirit do in my life? The Holy Spirit makes receptive to God; he teaches me to pray and helps me to be there for others. #384. Can a handicapped child be aborted? No. Aborting a handicapped child is always a serious crime, even if it is done with the intention of sparing that person suffering later on. #437. How should we treat animals? Animals are our fellow creatures, which we should care for and in which we should delight, just as God delights in their existence. #490. Is it enough to pray when you feel like praying? No. Someone who prays only when he feels like it does not take God seriously and will leave off praying. Prayer thrives on faithfulness. A more important part, however, comes after YOUCAT. This is the DOCAT. This means putting into practice what we have studied as Benedict XVI suggested. We can freely translate study to mean using the Catechism for prayer and reflection. Thus, it becomes a wonderful sounding board to examine how we believe, worship, how we live our lives in a morally upright way, and how we pray. To DOCAT also means imparting its contents and our own lights to others. One can hold weekly study groups to discuss relevant topics. This can be done in a coffee shop or via the Internet. One may also see how to put some points personally into action through details of personal piety, sacrifice and good works. Of course, nothing beats teaching others by volunteering to give catechism classes. The possibilities are endless when one faith grows and is shared through deeds of love with others. Happy reading, praying and catechizing! YOUCAT now by being DOCAT!

THE recent and historical World Youth Day in Madrid, the second largest WYD after the WYD 95 in the Philippines, sent waves of faith, love and conversions that continue to rejuvenate the Church. But there is more! It has left a very important spiritual testimony and legacy of a Church that is experiencing yet another springtime: the YOUCAT. YOUCAT is basically a youthful version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. But it isnt an official Catechism for the youth because it doesnt come from the Vatican or any particular Conference of Bishops. Although the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, was a sponsor of the project, the initiative of writing a catechism for the youth came from the laityan editor and a motherand two priests. It is an initiative that has been welcomed by Pope Benedict himself. The YOUCAT, despite lacking official

Church sanctions, is still a catechism through and through with the traditional format of questions-and-answers. It may not be the ideal reference for more scholarly research or presentations, the Catechism and its Compendium are there for such academic purposes, but neither is it a diluted version of the Catechism. Pope Benedict XVI, admitting the unusual features of the book and how it came to be, eagerly endorsed the YOUCAT. In the foreword he writes: Study this Catechism! This is my heartfelt desire. Study this Catechism with passion and perseverance. Study it in the quiet of your room; read it with a friend; form study groups and networks; share with each other on the Internet. You need to be more deeply rooted in the faith than the generation of your parents What gives the YOUCAT a special attraction is its popular format. It is a spiritual multimedia package for the

Noli Yamsuan / RCAM

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Social Concerns


Changing the World One Pencil at a Time

By Ronalyn R. Regino
IF not candies, then what? It was in June 2008 when hobbyists photographers Mon Corpuz, Edwin Karganilla, and Zer Cabanatuan visited a small community called Cambulo in Banaue, Ifugao. Since Ifugao is one of the culturally sensitive communities, tourists are discouraged to give candies and worse, money to children therein. Instead of candies, and with the permission of Banaue Tourism Office, the three photographers ought to bring a bag of pencils to be given to the children as they pass through the village. Humbled by the warm welcome of the kids, the photographers realized the shared value of social responsibility and promised to continue the effort in their own little way. There began The Black Pencil Project. The Black Pencil Project is a collective initiative to provide pencils and other light school materials to public elementary schools in remote communities across the country through resource mobilization. It aims to encourage localized participation and individual commitment of goodwill, in support to government education programs in the countryside. The Black Pencil Project is a hobby-based volunteer organization with core advocacies focused on childrens primary education. It promotes shared social responsibility through volunTourism and advenTourism. Originally, the project was Lapis Para Sa Batang Eskuwela. Right from the start, it was set
WYD / B3

The Black Pencil Project

to address a particular segment of elementary education the early learners. These children, particularly the incoming first graders, are the most excited to go to school despite of the circumstances such as a long travel by foot from home to school. Since pencils are not as expensive as other materials, economically, the founders found the cause favorable to commit for it does not require donations from other people. According to one of the founders, Mon Corpuz, We can buy pencils ourselves, what we intent our friends to do, is to follow what we are doing. Start a cause no matter how small it is. The Black Pencil Projects vision is to change the world one pencil at a time. But aside from providing pencils and material support that reportedly helped to increase the number of enrollees in schools visited, it also contributes psychosocial support to communities, particularly teachers in public schools devoting a lifetime profession teaching in remote areas. The project taps Filipinos with passionate professions and hobbies to take part in the advocacy of being instruments of hope to the early learners by harnessing their passions, interest and preferred activity. Three-pronged programs The Black Pencil Project has three programs: Back-to-School, Immersion and Awareness Programs which runs all year through. Back-to-School is executed during May to July, just in time for the opening of the classes. The idea is to bring the school supplies on or before enrollment period. With this, parents do not have to worry with the school supplies; hence, more children are enrolled. Children are given basic study kit. These materials are cascaded into schools through organized simultaneous treks called Pencil Treks. Immersion program happens from August to April. Invited volunteers and donors are willing to advocate on helping the ones in need, which is why The Black Pencil Project has been supported by a number of people. It started from three people and ended up growing and growing as days pass by. The small advocacy evolved from a personal project to a full blown collective initiative, garnering support from private individuals and various organizations, said Corpuz. anywhere else in the Philippines, the public schools in the remote communities are important in promoting education as universal equalizer. The projects target communities normally comprise from 50 to 250 of school population. Spirit of volunteerism The Black Pencil Project is beneficial not only to the children and their parents alike but also the volunteers joining their treks. These volunteers are exposed to the project areas, immersing them to communities and experience unique travels. They also get to realize their significance to instill change or make change happen. At the minimum, the project is only supported by local government or district levels of public schools. In Banaue, Ifugao, the project has worked with the local tourism office. This way we can also help contribute to the government programs in the countryside by becoming more of a proactive civic organization rather than a visitor to the community, Corpuz said. The Black Pencil Project is not yet recognized by the Department of Social Welfare and Development, yet the project recognizes DSWDrun day care centers with their programs. They have helped in rebuilding a day care school in Talim Islands, which is located at the center of the Laguna de Bay lake under the municipality of Binangonan, Rizal. The compensation of the project is the least thing they think of. Perhaps if we are to think of it, we could not have last even for

invited to join immersion treks and conduct art workshops with the children. Interactive activities and exercises are encouraged during this time in order to build a bond between the volunteer and the community since there is a time limit during treks. Lastly, Awareness program is carried out. As an organization, the project offers unique travel opportunities, selfempowerment, experience countryside back-packing and facilitate expansion of volunteers off-line social network. It is no secret that Filipinos are
Cross / B3

The project provides alternate windows to private companies and organizations to maximize their social responsiveness programs. Mountaineering groups and photography clubs as well as foreign tourists and overseas Filipinos abroad have supported the cause. Due to the size of and limited resources, The Black Pencil Project only goes to remote and indigenous communities as their area of focus. Remote since it is only accessible by foot or has decent seaport such as Babuyan Islands. More than

a year. But luckily, our limited resources are ample enough to mold our programs and be successful, said Corpuz. In a way, this challenges the Project to focus on its key competence as a volunteer organization and effective models to sustain the programs. The Black Pencil Project was named after the type of pencil the founders first brought to Cambulo, Ifugao in 2008. Coincidentally, the black pencil is the prescribed writing instrument for students in Kinder and Grades 1 3 in public schools because of the size and grip. This is how the project grew to what it is today from initial pencils, ideas poured in from friends as if each and everyone is putting school materials inside a bag, and another bring the bag to the mountains to hand it to a child. As said earlier, The Black Pencil Project adheres to the spirit of volunteerism and individual commitment of goodwill, thus the organization does not run a list of membership, sign-ups and membership fees. According to Corpuz, everyone who believes in The Black Pencil Project is welcomed to volunteer. A simple gesture of telling The Black Pencil Project exists is considered as help. Corpuz said, Sama-sama nating abutin ang lahat ng mga bata sa pinakaliblib na pook sa Pilipinas, abutan sila ng lapis, hikayatin at turuan silang gumuhit at sumulat ng magagandang pangarap. For more information on their advocacy, visit their website or email at info@blackpencilproject. org.

remind ourselves of the things that truly matter, values we need to continuously promote and fight for, she said further. For one, we need to protect the family as this is where we first learn the important values such as faith, hope, love and respect which in the future define how one acts and responds to needs of the time. Violago added that the WYD journey made her truly understand how faith can be an expression of our dignity. For whatever background, color or race, all were welcome to celebrate life, faith and love. For Trish Castro, the physical hardships and the good cheer amid all those hardships particularly struck her about the WYD pilgrimage, her first. I didnt expect that I would get so tired and thirsty but forget all about it because at the end of the journey to Cuatro Vientosthe venue for the Vigil with the Popewas an oasis of spiritual content, peace, and overwhelming experience, Castro recalled.
Call / B6

Seeing all the pilgrims kneeling on the rocky and sandy ground of Cuatro Vientos and completely silent for 10-15 minutes in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament made me feel that I was in Jesus timeperhaps, during the Sermon on the Mount or even at Calvary! It wasnt what I expected it to be. The language teacher, who embarked on the journey as part of the Stella Orientis Choir delegation from the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), said she doesnt really remember particularly anything that inspired her in the context of life and family issues, but its what I witnessed that strengthened these convictions in me. Seeing 1.5 to 2 million youths strengthened my conviction that only a prolife-based education will inspire these young pilgrims to be there at the World Youth Day. If this group of youth will continue to become pro-life parents one day, how wonderful the life of the Church would be! The youth is the future of the pro-life Church. We have to take care of them, she said. (CBCP for Life)

participants shared that they now realized their responsibilities as part of the church. Participants experiences Sem. James Agustin Castillo said that the visit of the cross has taught him many lessons. He admitted that he and some fellow seminarians from the seminary didnt really believe about the power of the pilgrim cross. But when it arrived in the diocese, the doubtful seminarians felt in their hearts that Jesus Christ was truly alive. Castillo is a pre-college seminarian from St. Francis Xavier Seminary of the diocese of Baguio. On the other hand, Ekengwu Dominic Emeka, a Nigerian student of Psychology attested that there is something very unique about the cross. During the visit of the cross, I can see that the youth have been empowered more to love the Cross and cherished it as the symbol of salvation. The youth has been after Christ, they are after the Cross, that / Mon Corpuz

they wanted to be part of it and in their daily living, said Emeka. When asked about his personal experience with the cross, Emeka felt the wonder of the cross when he had the sacrament of reconciliation. It seems that Christ was speaking to me. When I had the confession, I was almost crying, Emeka said. Miracle encounter Jetrix Tenebro, regional youth coordinator who accompanied the pilgrim cross in its journey throughout the regions shared some testimonies of manifestation. When the team was having its meeting in Laoag, the members in charge of documentation seldom attended the meeting, but when the youth cross arrived, they suddenly appeared and said they will document. What was unique about it was they were all takers of nursing board exams. It was during the last night of the vigil in the diocese when the board exam results were released, and they found out that they all passed the board. For them, it

is a great gift that they received through the cross, and they were so grateful, Tenebro shared. He added that there was also another manifestation in Tuguegarao archdiocese as he told the story of a youth minister whose bedridden mother was able to get up. For me this is a miracle, he said. This youth ministers mother was bedridden because of cancer. He promised to be with the cross in its journey throughout the region and other dioceses. What happened was after the pilgrimage, the mother was able to get up. This is just one of those instances that you will not expect to happen but happened, he added. Tenebro said the visit of pilgrim youth cross has brought energy and renewed life to the young people in their region. The pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross (NYC) in North Luzon Region started on August 2. It has been in the region for 43 days until Sept. 13. The youth cross is currently on a journey to different NCR dioceses after a stay of one week at the Military Ordinariate. (Jandel Posion)

God dwells, a community where justice, peace and righteousness prevail (Isa 2:4). Israel, therefore, does not belong simply to the political history of humanity; rather, by divine election, she was constituted the center of the history of salvation. But just as Estrada failed the presidency, so Israel failed in the mission God gave her. If the impeachment trial revealed the bribery and corruption of the presidency, so the first reading makes an account of Israels failure: God looked for judgment, but he found bloodshed; he searched for justice, but discovered the cry of the poor (Isa 5:7). In the view of the prophet Isaiah, the land of Israel was full of land grabbers
Agora / B3

(5:8-9), bribery and violation of human rights (5:23). God sent prophets to bring Israel to faithfulness and make her listen to his will (Jer 7:3), even as journalists, academicians, technocrats and businessmen criticized the way the President governed the country, but Israel, like Estrada, did not respond accordingly. On the contrary, Israel killed the prophets that were sent to her (2 Chr 24:21; Luke 13:34). She even rejected and killed Gods only Son. Because the nation did not live up to the covenant, God took away the vineyard from her and gave her to a new people, the Church, even as Estrada was booted out from office and a new President was installed. The new people in the
Gift / B6

parable are none other than the Church. This is what the others who received the vineyard mentioned in the parable (Matt 21:41) meant. Which is why, in the last supper, Jesus spoke of the new covenant (Luke 22:20), to signify that a new partner has been chosen to renew Israel. Of course, just as Gloria Arroyo came to know that she was installed in order not to repeat the failed presidency of Estrada, so the early Christians gradually realized that their call was to be the renewed people of Israel. This is implicit, for instance, in Jesus final words to Peter: In the new age when the Son of Man takes his seat upon a throne befitting his glory, you who have followed me shall likewise take your

places on the twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt 19:28). But in Paul, this is explicit, because the apostle already addresses the community as the renewed Israel: Peace and mercy on all who follow this rule of life and on the Israel of God (Gal 6:16). As a renewed people, the Church is not to repeat the mistakes of Israel; hence, she has to realize that she is given a big responsibility to embody the features of the Kingdom of God in her life and mission. This is the reason why in the parable, the Gospel makes a loose quotation from Isa 5:1-7 to compare the Christian community with the people of Israel. A similar point is stressed in the 2nd Reading: the Church must live what she

has received from God; she must have Christ as the center of her life. Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me (Phil 4:8-9). The Gospel, like the 1st and 2nd Readings, calls for our selfexamination as a new people of God, even as the Arroyo Administration should have closely examined itself whether it remained faithful to the people power that had installed her. As a community that has been called to embody the values of the Kingdom of God, the Church, like every Christian community, is to take seriously her vocation, and the responsibility given her for the salvation of mankind. In this self-examination, she could raise, for a start, the following

questions: Has she progressed in her journey as a people, or is she simply repeating in her life the sins of Israel? If today God visits her, will he find wild grapes in his vineyard? Will he discover in the Christian community land grabbing, bribery, violations of human rights, bloodshed? Instead of peace, will he find violence and war? Instead of justice for the poor, will he unearth exploitation and marginalization? Instead of care and sharing, will he find greed and corruption? These and similar questions could be raised today by the Christian community in her self-examination, as well as by the current administration that replaced the Arroyo experiment.

Invitation / B6

participation in the Eucharist therefore, is to love. Bonds of friendship and faith The Agora also helped youth leaders whose countries are historically in conflict with each other to forge friendships and appreciation of diverse cultures. Such countries include Israel and Palestine, as well as Serbia and Croatia. The Filipino youth leaders participation in the event was made possible through the combined support and recommendations of the CBCPEpiscopal Commission on Youth, the local dioceses and private communities to which they are affiliated. It was the second time the Philippines has joined this annual gathering of Mediterranean youth leaders. (Glynis Dangel)

apologia for the mixed membership in his communityJews and Gentiles, sinners and saints. But an even more important point that Matthew tries to bring across is this. To be invited to the Kingdom of God is just a first step in the process of salvation. A more significant question for those of us who have been invited is whether we make the appropriate response to the invitation. Thus, in the parable, the King went to the banquet hall to see whether the invited guests wore garments that were appropriate to the occasion (Matt 22:11-12). To understand the meaning of the wedding garment, it is best to see its usage in the Bible. In Isaiah, it is connected with justice and salvation: For he has clothed me with the robe of salvation and wrapped me in a mantle of justice (Isa 61:10b). In John, it has reference to good deeds (Rev 19:8-9) and upright life (Rev 3:18). For Paul, it

means equality and unity (Gal 2:22-27). These few biblical references make it clear that by garment is meant a new life, one that matches the new status that God has called the person or community to. For this reason, if sinners are invited, the appropriate response is obviously to change their sinful life and embrace the values of the Kingdom of God. That is the point of the parable of the wedding banquet in the Gospel today (Matt 22:1-14). Out of his goodness, God called us to the Kingdom of God, his pure gift that we do not deserve. And we are to be thankful for it. But it is not enough to receive it. Along with the reception comes the responsibility that the gift demands. Once we are remiss with the responsibility, God could treat us in the way the King in the parable did the man who had no appropriate clotheshe was whisked off from the banquet (Matt 22:13), in much the same

way that Joseph Ejercito Estrada was booted from office because his way of life did not match the demands of the presidency. The parable is thus a parable of judgment. And so, like the parable last Sunday, this one also calls for our self-examination as Christians who were called to a new life. For it happens that for many Christians, it is enough that they have been baptized, that they have been accepted to the Christian community. However, to fulfill their promise to renounce Satan and all his works, to be transformed by the word of the Gospel, to engage in the work of justice and peaceit is not infrequent that Christians forget to do these and similar demands of their faith. It is time therefore that we do not forget the saying, the invited are many, the elect are few (Matt 22:14) to warn us of the divine judgment once we fail to live according to the values of the Kingdom of God.

It symbolizes also the response of all mankind. God is always generous and kind. Men are often ungrateful and arrogant, unmindful of the numberless blessings they have received from the Lord, and of what really matters in life. The parable of todays Gospel forces us to ask and answer some questions: How have we responded, so far, to the Lords invitation to honor His Son? Are we like the invited guests who had other priorities? (See Mt 22:5.) Or are we among those who are physically inside the banquet hall (the Church), but behave in a way that is a real insult to the divine Host and a scandal for our co-guests? (See Mt 22:11.) Membership in the Kingdom is always an undeserved gift. What is expected of us now is that we show our appreciation for it by living up to the dignity that Gods love has bestowed upon us.

Title: Glee 3D concert movie CAST: Chris Colfer, Cory Monteith, Dianna Agron, Lea Michele, Amber Riley, Darren Criss, Heather Morris, Kevin McHale, Mark Salling DIRECTOR: Kevin Tancharoen GENRE: Musical, Performing Arts CINEMATOGRAPHER: Glen MacPherson DISTRIBUTOR: 20th Century Fox LOCATION: USA RUNNING TIME: 84 minutes Technical Assessment: Moral Assessment: Cinema Rating: For viewers age 14 years old and above

WHAT story can you find in a 3D concert movie that is semifiction, and neither a movie nor a concert but tries to be both? Hybrids can be interesting for the new flavor they bring (remember mangapple, a cross between a mango and an apple?) or for the novelty they are (like the zebronkey, the offspring of the union between a donkey and a zebra?)but how enduring are they? More importantly, what are they for? Why create them? Well, in this world where people seem to be looking always for something new and exciting, marketing is the name of the game. A film critique in North America called this concert movie a Gleekumentary precisely because in it actors assume roles of singers who sing other peoples songs, but because there is a real Glee TV series, one wonders if the 3D concert movie is the real life story of the television performers, and if those Gleeks (hard core fans of the TV series) are for real, or are they just more actors or fans willing to appear as gleeks for their 10-seconds moment of glory. It has the look of a documentarysingers and fans being interviewed and portrayed in such a manner that unsuspecting viewers would think theyre delivering testimonials. Here teens are played by grownups alphabetically, Artie (Kevin McHale), Blaine (Darren Criss), Brittany (Heather Morris), Finn (Corey Monteith), Kurt (Chris Colfer), Mercedes (Amber Riley), Rachel (Lea Michele), Santana, (Naya Rivera) and others. There are real teenagers, too: Josey

Pickering who suffers from Aspergers syndrome, the midget high school cheerleader Janae Meraz, and the just-out-of-thecloset gay Trenton Thompson who practically swear they owe their newfound self-worth to the TV series that taught them to embrace their inner-Gleek. Whatever Glee 3D concertmovie is or should be called, whether its fact or fantasy, done with actors playing roles, it underscores the verity that entertainment not only matters it also helps shape the life of fans. Glee 3D concert-movie aims to put across some positive messages of self-acceptance and tolerance. For one Janae, the dwarf who becomes prom princess, says its not only okay to be differentone can be different (in the way that she is) and be popular, too. It sounds like a fairy tale but her smiling countenance adds credibility to her claim. Josey witnesses to her own transformation, a beforeand-after case of social anxiety remedied by bonding with other Glee fans. Former closet queen Trenton is virtually awed by his (her?) own experience of being uncovered and being accepted in spite of it, thanks to the inspiring gay character Kurt. It tells the youth Glee is good for you, it helps you accept yourself even if others reject you, not be afraid to be different, muster your courage and win in this world. Certain song lyrics exhort the young to believe in their individual worth, to stay optimistic and afloat in rough sailing, to never let go of dreams, to look for the good in peoples differences, and trust in the power and beauty of love. These uplifting messages are mixed and matched with song-and-dance routines that sometimes sizzle with fireworks and at other times are so over-miked the numbers make you feel youre in evangelical prayer meetings minus the hallelujahs. What is Glee really trying to influence the viewers to think? Is it afraid it will sound syrupy if it leaves its pure message unadulterated? Or is the sugar meant to aid in the swallowing of the unsavory morsels? It says physical, emotional, social and cultural differences must be respected and in fact celebrated, but why did it not reinforce these positive messages until theyre

driven home? Why the suggestive dancing, the seductive lines? What is being said is belied by what is being sung. The upside values earlier cited are overshadowed by song lyrics that extol premarital sex (Dont Stop Believin and Teenage Dream): Lets go all the way tonight No regrets, just love Im a get your heart racing in my skintight jeans Be your teenage dream tonight Let you put your hands on me in my skintight jeans. In Im a slave 4 U Brittany mimics Britney Spears sexy-dancing, portraying emotional and sexual bondage in skimpy belly-dance costume. Boys and girls hop across the stage and grab their crotches a la Michael Jackson. Girls wear breast-baring tops and lift their micro-mini skirts giving a glimpse of their underwear. And these are supposedly high school characters. The glowing testimonials underscoring the value of a healthy self-image and the stand that those in the social fringes must also be viewed with compassion are upstaged by the repeated endorsement of gay tolerance through Trentons self-disclosure. Featured at the concert climax is Lady Gagas Born This Way, the flagship song of gay America, sung by Kurt wearing a Likes boys t-shirt which Trenton also wears. If your ears are quick they might pick up a line from the audience saying her young daughter is so enamored of gay characters Kurt and Blaine that she wishes them to be her two dads. Which makes one wonder if this is not advocating SSM (same sex marriage). If Glee 3D concert-movie were just made up of the empowering messages, CINEMA might have given it an above-average moral rating, even if its smiles-andsunshine approach smacks of prefabricated fairy tales. But because of the subliminal manner by which it mesmerizes the young by music and movement into embracing a questionable love style, it creeps into the realm of the ambiguous. Smashing prejudice and intolerance by polishing the image of homosexuality is hardly a commendable message to save a Third World country where a sizeable chunk of the population lives below poverty leveland certainly does not hate the gays in their midst. Think about that.
Moral Assessment

CBCP Monitor

September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Technical Assessment

Abhorrent Disturbing Acceptable Wholesome Exemplary

Poor Below average Average Above average Excellent


Ni Bladimer Usi

Buhay Parokya

Look for the images of Saint John the Evangelist, St. Joseph and Chalice. (Illustration by Bladimer Usi)

TITLE: Spy Kids: All the Time in the World CAST: Jessica Alba, Joel McHale, Jeremy Piven, Rowan Blanchard, Mason Cook, Ricky Gervais, Alexa Vega, Daryl Sabara DIRECTOR/WRITER: Robert Rodriguez GENRE: Sci-fi/Fantasy/Action/Adventure RUNNING TIME: 100 Minutes LOCATION: USA Technical Assessment: Moral Assessment: Cinema Rating: For viewers 13 and below with parental guidance

ACE spy Marissa Cortes Wilson (Jessica Alba) is nine months pregnant and tells herself shell hang her spy boots after she gives birth so she can be full time mommy. Theres just this one last baddie Tick Tock (Jeremy Piven) that needs to be captured, otherwise the whole world will suffer from his mischief. But Marissas spy career is a secret, and the last to know is her television star husband Wilbur Wilson (Joel McHale) who, ironically, is known as Spy Hunter because he literally hunts spies. The day after the mad chase Tick Tock that includes a swing at the zip line and roaring through town like a Le Mans racer in a James Bond car, Marissa gives birth to a girl. And Tick Tock is behind bars. A year later, being mom to her own daughter and stepmom to Wilburs kids Rebecca Wilson (Rowan Blanchard) and Cecil Wilson (Mason Cook), may be fulfilling to Marissa, but how can she resist another opportunity to save humanity from evil? Its a call she must heed and so she dons her spywear once more and jumps into her missionthis time with baby in tow. Director Robert Rodriguez must have aimed his shot at kids of Rebeccas and Cecils age, what with all the times he resorts to potty humor: baby passing gas, dog letting out oil urine, a soiled nappy hurled at a villains face, etc. Spy gadgets appear as virtual toys, and a life-threatening chase involving acrobatic mini-jets is made to look like a ride in an amusement park. Children navigating a deadly giant clock mechanism seem to be merely playing hop-scotch when they could have been sliced, maimed, or decapitated. These kids get away with doing things real kids in real life should never attempt. Their guardian angels must have had their hands full keeping the kids blissfully unharmed. And what mother in her right mind would run, skip, jump and kick ass with her baby on a slingunless shes a kangaroo. But of course, this movie is sci-fi/fantasy. But in the heart of this movie is a warning which it seems unable to say often enough: family is most important in life; spend time with your children while you can. Wilson the father keeps telling his kids hes sorry he hasnt got enough time for and with them. His foolish plan is to work like mad for five straight years so he can afterwards just relax and have time for them. Then somebody tells him his kids wont be kids anymore in five years, and the only thing hell have plenty of time for then is regret. Even the villain himself, a character named Time Keeper, appears on television and says he is taking time away from people because people waste it anyway on inconsequential matters. The message is: our loved ones must come first in a persons lifethey deserve our time, presence and attention most of alland this message is repeated so often its impossible to miss, especially since its often coming out of babes mouths. If only for that, we can say Spy Kids: All the Time in the World is worth your money to watch. So you see: the gadgets and the stunts are the gift-wrapping; the gift is the solid message sorely needed in our time-driven world.

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011


A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI and the Order of the Knights of Columbus

The Cross
who brought the candles; District Deputies Ruben Gutierez and Luisito Wong offered flowers; while District Deputies Glicerio Tinawin and Noel Lacanilao, Fr. Willmann Charities President, Alonso Tan and wife Thesse; KCFAPI President, Guillermo Hernandez and wife Tess brought gift items. The chalice and ciborium were offered by KCFAPI Chairman Hilario Davide, Jr. and wife Gigi while Keys Realty and Devt. Corp. President, Henry Reyes offered a bottle of wine. The choir was composed of KCFAPI Chorale and Friends led by Fr. Willmann Charities Executive Director, Roberto Cruz as Choir Master. After the Eucharistic celebration, a wreath laying ceremony was done at

Knights commemorate the 34th Death Anniversary of Fr. Willmann

BROTHER Knights from different councils all over the country gathered to commemorate the 34th Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ
A TV Mass was held on September 14, 2011 at the San Agustin Church in Intramuros, Manila at 9 a.m. with Most Rev. Jesse E. Mercado, D.D., Bishop of Paraaque as Main Celebrant. Concelebrating with him were KC Priestscholars: Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III, Msgr. Joselito Asis, Fr. Jerome Cruz, Fr. Enrico Emmanuel Ayo and Fr. Midyphil Billones; and Augustinian Priests Fr. Peter Casio, OSA; Fr. William Araa, OSA; and Fr. Asis Bajao, OSA. The TV Mass was aired via IBC Channel 13 last September 25, 2011 from 9 to 10 a.m. During the mass, Sis. Mari Rose Sison-Garcia served as commentator while Ruperto Somera proclaimed the first reading; Rene Sarmiento read the responsorial Psalm; Balbino Fauni, the second reading; and Rodrigo Sorongon, the prayers of the faithful. Vicente Ortega led the prayer for the Beatification of Fr. Willmann while Luzon Deputy Arsenio Isidro Yap, Jr., wife Ana Maria Yap and their children led the Prayer for the Family. Offerers during the Mass were Teodoro Arcenas, Jr. and KCFAPI Executive Vice President Ma. Theresa Curia the statue of Fr. Willmann (in front of KCFAPI office) followed by a ground breaking ceremony of the Fr. George J. Willmann SJ Museum, located at the back of the KCFAPI office. A simple brunch (breakfast and lunch) followed after Board member, Emiliano Deliverio with KCFAPI Chairthe ceremony. At 4 p.m., a man, Hon. Hilario G. Davide, Jr. and KCFAPI Pres. short program was held in Guillermo N. Hernandez during the groundbreaking of view of the KCFAPI Annithe Fr. George J. Willmann SJ Museum. versary. Meanwhile, in line with the Various activities were prepared 53rd Anniversary of KCFAPI, by the employees like Memorabilia a weeklong celebration was held at the Exhibit, KC Family provides items main office from September 8 leading that would bring back memories from up to the commemoration of the death past years in KCFAPI, the older-the anniversary of Fr. Willmann. Anniversary / C2

Priest, Aetas laud KC for various projects

AN environmental priest and an Aeta chieftain lauded the Knights of Columbus in the country for their various humanitarian and environmental activities. Cabanatuan Diocese Director for Ecology, Fr. Jacinto Chito Beltran and Aeta Chieftain Carling Baklay praised the contributions of the K of C in various human endeavors, such as promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious social welfare, war relief and welfare, and public relief work. Father Beltran said the Central Luzon Conquerors (CLC) of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) and his office are united in conducting or promoting such charitable works for their local communities. The Aetas were the beneficiaries of the latest activity conducted by the CLC-KCFAPI. Each KC council that participated in the recently held tree planting project in the diocese provided one sack of rice, one box of sardines, and ten packs of coffee to the local Aeta community. Baklay said 75 percent of Aetas are malnourished and they acknowledge the generosity of the K of C for their donations.

Media group backs KC projects

DIFFERENT individuals and organizations lauded the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines (K of C) for their developmental programs and projects, most especially their environmental concerns. The Philippine Science Journalist Association, Incorporated-Mega Manila Chapter (PSciJourn) was one of the groups who supported the developmental mission of the K of C in the recently held Tree Planting Project themed Puno, Alay Ko Sa Kalikasan. According to their President Estrella Gallardo, the presence of the media group PSciJourn was very important since it helps disseminate the information on the ecological or environmental issues in the society. Gallardo added that Science Writing is committed to improve the
Media / C2

Tree Planting Project. CLC-KCFAPI Area Manager Manuel Naldoza and Cabanatuan Diocese Director for Ecology, Fr. Jacinto Chito Beltran with the Aetas of Doa Josefa, Sitio Bacao, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija.

Search for the Most KC prepares for 2012 National Convention Outstanding District Deputy, underway
ance coverage of P100,000 or more, or one paid life obtained from KCFAPI not later than December 29, 2011. Minimum qualifying requirements for MODD are as follows: at least two councils in the participating District Deputys Jurisdiction must have inforced Council Mortuary Benefit Plan (CMBP)
Deputy / C2

The Aeta Chieftain also emphasized the importance of education to the youth, calling on the local government for improvement of education and living of the 85 Aeta families in Doa Josefa, Sitio Bacao, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija. Meanwhile, the Aeta community showed their traditions, history, and culture through interpretative dances called lawin; langaw; tutubi; matapang; unggoy; ligawan; mangangaso; and

panggagamot. The Tree Planting Project of CLCKCFAPI last September 10 was the biggest group organized so far by Fr. Chito in the Diocese of Cabanatuan. More than 400 Brother Knights from 32 different councils participated in the event. The Diocese of Cabanatuan has 28 parishes and 18 Catholic schools. (KCFAPI News)

The PSciJourn-Mega Manila with CLC Area Manager Manuel Naldoza, DMI Cabanatuan Regent Purificacion Naldoza, Brother Knights, and staff

THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Inc. (KCFAPI) is now looking for a responsible community leader to be named as Most Outstanding District Deputy (MODD) for the year 2011-2012. MODD is open for all District Deputies appointed during the Columbian Year 20112012 who have inforce insur-

THE Knights of Columbus in the Philippines has began preparing to roll out the red carpet for their 2012 National Convention. The historic Manila Hotel which opened in 1912 has been chosen as next years venue for the Knights of Columbus National Convention to be held on April 27-29, 2012. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed by the Manila Hotel executives and K of C officials last August 25, 2011 at the Manila Hotel, Mabuhay Palace, Private Rooms 3 and 4. The Manila Hotel reserved 40 Grand Deluxe Rooms for the guests including the complimentary use of health club facilities

and swimming pool, among others. Present during the MOA signing were Manila Hotel executives Ms. Jenny Garcia, Corporate Account Manager; Reynald Valenzuela, Corporate Account Manager; Bae Eun Joo, Asst. Director of Sales; Natalie Ramirez, Asst. Vice President of Banquet Sales; Georgina Banaag, Senior Vice president; and Dr. Enrique Yap, Jr., Executive Vice President. K of C officials present during the MOA signing were KCFAPI President Guillermo Hernandez, Luzon Deputy Arsenio Isidro Yap; Visayas Deputy Rodrigo Sorongon; and Mindanao Dep-

uty Balbino Fauni. The Knights of Columbus has been part of Manila Hotels history as some of its major events were conducted in the said venue since 1950s. The Annual National Convention draws Knights and clergy, including bishops and cardinals, from across the country. In last years National Convention held in Cebu City, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Bishop Nereo Odchimar took part in the celebration together with 43 Knights of Columbus priest-scholars and two bishops, who have studied with the aid of the KC Fr. George J. Willmann

Charities, Inc. The Guest of Honor was Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and his wife, Dorian. The attendance to the convention was the second visit of the Supreme Knight to the country. Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III, CBCP communications head and the first Filipino priestscholar, introduced the supreme knight. He said that the priestscholars had received a great gift from the Knights of Columbus and they are resolved to return a gift to the Order. Wherever a priest-scholar serves, a new Knights of Columbus council should be formed, he explained. (KC News)

Hilario G. Davide, Jr.

The Cross
EMULATING the virtues that bespeak of sanctity of a person, like Father George J. Willmann, is what we need today to draw us into a deeper living out of the fullest meaning of our Catholic Faith in the context of increasing secularism. Thus, we believe, is one of the most important objectives in initiating the Cause of the good Father George. As prescribed by the Congregation for Causes of Saints in Rome, a person may be elevated to the honors of the altar if he has lived up to a heroic degree of the supernatural virtues of faith, hope and charity, as well as the cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. We believe that Father Willmann practiced them all to an exceptional degree. In order to establish and widen the fame of Sanctity of Father Willmann, may we call on all Brother Knights, their families and friends to respond to the following appeal: Submission of testimonies on Fr. Willmanns heroic virtues Recitation of Prayer for his Beatification in private and during K of C meetings and affairs; Invocation of his intercession in our prayers;

CBCP Monitor
September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

Chairmans Message
The twelfth of October is observed as a legal holiday in some states in the US and in most of the countries of Latin America in commemoration of the anniversary of the landing on 12 October 1492 of Christopher Columbus in the Bahamas or the discovery of America. On the other hand, the second Monday of October is a legal holiday in the US, also for the same purpose. Rightly and most appropriately, the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines traditionally observes Columbus Day not only because the Order is named after Christopher Columbus, but for the message of exploration and discovery which Columbus nurtured not only to express fidelity to the Christian name given him-Christopher, or Christ-bearer but also to celebrate the fulfilment of his mission the discovery of America. As we then celebrate Columbus Day, let us put into our hearts, minds and souls one truth: we cannot be authentic Knights of Columbus until we truly become Christ-bearers who pursue with tremendous passion and unconditional commitment the cardinal principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism and who unceasingly seek the best of ourselves and in others so that the world would know that in this little corner of the world God as Hope and Love will forever be alive. The KCFAPI is in full solidarity with the KC Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Jurisdictions in the meaningful celebration of the 2011 Columbus Day. VIVAT JESUS!

The Cause for the Beatification of Father George J. Willmann, SJ

Submission of Reports on answered prayers through the intercession of Father Willmann; Visitation of his tomb in the Sacred Heart Novitiate Cemetery, Novaliches, Quezon City. Membership to Fr. George J. Willmann Fellows. This is a challenge for all of us Knights of Columbus members, who dearly love Father George J. Willmann, SJ.

Filipino College Knights urged to join KC Annual College Conference

THE Knights of Columbus in the Philippines is encouraging all College Knights in the country to participate in this years Annual College Conference to be held in New Haven, Connecticut from September 30 to October 2, 2011. An on-line registration is now open for all who wish to attend. Submissions are also currently being accepted for the Outstanding College Council Award. The conference brings college knights together from campuses across the country, and around the world. Participants can expect a program of dynamic and inspiring speakers, networking opportunities, and leadership training. Each school is allowed one student representative and they are encouraged to attend, at their own expense. However, those who will attend at the expense of the Supreme Council are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. These costs will be reimbursed after the conference. The activity also features the annual awards banquet, which recognizes the exemplary service of college councils in each of the Surge with Service categories: Church, Community, Council, Family, Youth and Pro-Life Activities. One council will be named Outstanding College Council, and this award is accompanied by a $500 prize and a profile in Columbia magazine. Interested participants for the 2011 Annual College Conference may coordinate with their respective jurisdictions. (KC News)

Guillermo N. Hernandez

Presidents Message
Among the different milestones celebrated annually during the month of October, two celebrations come to mind as being close to the Knights of Columbus: Columbus Day and the month of the Holy Rosary. First, the Order of the Knights of Columbus worldwide celebrates the anniversary of the arrival in America in the year 1492 of the Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer Christopher Columbus, in whose honor our Order has been named. Later give the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Columbus was responsible for starting the general awareness of Europe about the Western Hemisphere and American continents. For the Knights of Columbus, various councils around the globe celebrate Columbus Day every second Monday of October by organizing and implementing their respective community projects in a myriad of ways. These vary from free medical/dental clinics, sportsfest activities for the youth, inspirational talks on current and relevant issues to the establishment of historical markers/ monuments that clearly state the Orders stand on timely issues such as: abortion, corruption and other social/ moral concerns. Certain councils conduct other activities such as the holding of special Masses, participating in parades led by their Fourth Degree Color Corps or even simply with the scheduling of a membership recruitment blitz. Secondly, October is also known as the month of the Holy Rosary which is a crucial part of our devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary. We all have heard of the traditional Family Rosary Crusade theme: The Family that prays together, stays together. At this age of impersonal practicality, continuous modernization and fast paced competition, it is important for us to turn to our families for renewed vigor and direction. As Catholics, God is the integral part in all of our families. Therefore, it is but fitting for us that for the month of October, we focus on the Holy Rosary. Aside from bringing us through its different mysteries that center on the significant stages of our Lords life and sacrifices, our recitation of the Rosary allows us to humbly call to Our Father, our Mother Mary, our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide us through life. We, as individuals, treasure our own families the family being the most basic unit of our human society, it is from our loved ones that we instinctively draw the strength and inspiration we need in order to face the numerous difficulties and challenges that we encounter in our day-to-day life. This is where the value of ones family lies, particularly when we genuinely feel the love and solidarity that radiates from our spouse, the children and even from our parents. But we must always remember that our family requires a solid foundation that will keep it together as one. Such foundation can only be found in our shared devotion to God, our Lord and Savior. Let us therefore enjoy a deeper appreciation of this month of October. As brother knights, let us share our commemoration of Columbus Day by participating in our Councils chosen project for this month that will coincide with a global expression of brotherly concern by the Knights of Columbus. As Catholics, let us empower our own families as well as ourselves by calling more often to God by praying the Rosary, preferably as a family. Vivat Jesus!

2011 Fr. George J. Willman SJ Cup

Players during the Oath of Sportsmanship led by KCFAPI President, Guillermo N. Hernandez.

To promote camaraderie and healthy living among employees of Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Phils., Inc. and its Subsidiaries, the Human Resources & Corporate Commu-

nications Dept., thru the Sports committee led by its chairman, Mr. Angelito A. Bala, organized a 3 - day Bowling Tournament in honor of FR. GEORGE J. WILLMANN, SJ

Playdates are scheduled on Sept. 19, 28 and October 4, 2011 at Paengs Midtown Bowl, Robinsons Place, Manila. Six teams will compete for prizes and awards; namely Accumulator

Team (Black), Assurance Team (Royal Blue), Retire Plus Team (Red), SPEK Team (Apple Green), Super Saver Team (Violet) and Dollar Heritage Team (Yellow). (Jocelyn Panadero)

Deputy / C1

Fraternal Service Training Batch 9. Fraternal Benefits- National Manager, Bro. Gari M. San Sebastian together with the Batch 9 of Fraternal Counselors who attended the Fraternal Service Training held from September 20-21, 2011 in Intramuros, Manila.

contracts as of March 31, 2012; and there shall be twenty-four new paid lives insured from their district for the period July 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012. For purposes of clarification, New Paid Life as defined by the Fraternal Benefits Group (FBG) includes the following: A benefit certificate issued and paid to Knights of Columbus members and their immediate family members from July 1, 2011 up to March 31, 2012. The face value of the benefit certificate must be P100,000.00 or more. Two or more benefit certificates with a total face value of P100,000.00 on the same life, taken from July 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 will be credited as one life. Lapsed benefit certificates taken from July 1, 2011 to March 12, 2011
Deputy / C3

Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Inc., an established mutual benefits association is currently looking for: HR & Corporate Communications Assistant Marketing Staff BC Holders Relations Office Staff Actuarial Assistant Account Executive If you are dedicated, service-oriented, and have the promising potential to join us in our continuous drive to provide mutual aid, assistance and excellent service to our members. Kindly send your comprehensive resume thru fax number 527-2244 or hand-carry resume with a 2x2 photo and transcript of records to:

Media / C1

quality not only of science news but all developmental issues reaching the public. As Science writers, one of their tasks is to write about ecological conservation in the country. Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI) Cabanatuan Regent, Purificacion Naldoza encouraged the housewives of every Brother Knight to join DMI and conduct various activities that will help support the society. K of C Fort Magsaysay Council No. 10638 Grand Knight and retired AFP Official, Sixto Valenzuela said the Knights activities are generally aimed at developing the country, boost the interest and cooperation of

the youth and strengthen unity among the Filipinos. Meanwhile, other groups who supported the Tree planting project recently held in Doa Josefa, Sitio Bacao, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija were the youth counterpart of K of C, the Columbian Squires; Philippine National Police (PNP); Philippine National Red Cross; Krusada para sa Kalikasan; Young Mens Christian Associations in the Philippines (YMCA), a Christ-centered national movement; YMCA-Asia, their Korean partners; Palayan City Mayor Romeo Capinpin; Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines- National Secretariat for Social Action-Justice and Peace; among others. (KC News)

KC Family . . . Our Concern KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES INC. Gen. Luna cor. Sta. Potenciana Sts., Intramuros, Manila You may also call 527 2223 local 202 for queries and look for Ms. Kristianne.
Anniversary / C1

The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Inc., is an established and progressive mutual benefits association operating for 53 years, has been highly committed to provide mutual aid and assistance to its members and their immediate families. KCFAPI firmly believes that the continued progress and success of the association depends to a great extent on its human capital KCFAPI also believes that through training and a host of other benefits if coupled with hard work, will help employees and the association attain their goals and objectives. In our continuous drive to provide excellent service to our members, we are currently on the look-out for individuals with promising potentials. He must be dedicated, service oriented, and willing to undergo training Our compensation and employee benefits are comparable, if not better than most companies of our same size and nature of business.

better and the participants were entitled to a pick-a-prize in return. Other unique activities were: Bring Me Something 53; 9th Caller; Greet for Treat; and Trivia Express. This is the first time that the Association held a week-long cel-

ebration in honor of its founding anniversary. It was on September 9, 1958 when KCFAPI was duly licensed by the Insurance Commission to operate as an insurance system for the exclusive protection of the members of the Knights of Columbus and their immediate family members.

In 1958, the Sentinel newspaper, in an article titled New Insurance Group Organized for KCs cited that the KCFAPI will operate as a mutual benefit, relief and benevolent society. It was patterned after the insurance system operated by the society in the United States and Canada.

The first claimant was Ms. Marina G. Cura, the daughter and beneficiary of the late Raymundo Cura (member of the San Sebastian Council 3655 of Tarlac). She received an amount of P2,500, three months after the insurance group was organized. (KC News)

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 20
September 26 - October 9, 2011

The Cross


Preserving His Legacy

The Shrine of Blessed John Paul II will keep the late pontiffs vision alive for future generations
By Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson
LAST month, I reflected on how we have all had the privilege to see and hear Blessed John Paul II, either in person or on television. We have known him to be a special friend of the Knights of Columbus. We have been inspired by his many messages to us and by the privilege to support so many of his pastoral initiatives. I think future generations will look back on us with envy that this was so. And I think that if they envy us, they will also ask us what we did to keep his memory, his legacy and his vision alive. Now, because of recent actions at our 129th Supreme Convention, we will be able to say that the Knights of Columbus will be at the forefront of preserving John Paul IIs legacy for generations to come. During this fraternal year we will establish in Washington, D.C., a national center and shrine dedicated to Blessed John Paul II. It will include a permanent museum on the life and pontificate of this great pope with special emphasis on his visits to countries in which the Knights of Columbus are active. And it will give a lasting expression of his desire to foster unity and solidarity among all the people of our hemisphere. With this initiative, we will also establish a new museum to celebrate the 500-year Catholic heritage of North America. This shrine will be a place where English-, Spanish- and French-speaking pilgrims from throughout North America will encounter the mission and legacy of one of historys greatest popes. It will be a place where they will continue to experience his blessing and a place where our children and grandchildren will learn about their great heritage as Catholics. To this end, we will purchase the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, D.C., located just down the street from three other institutions that the Knights of Columbus has long supported: the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, The Catholic University of America and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. I hope the new Shrine of Blessed John Paul II will have a special relationship with each of these institutions and also with the new John Paul II Center presently under construction in Krakow, Poland. True to Blessed John Pauls vision, and using the story of his life as an inspiration, the shrine will be an opportunity to evangelize and spread the Good News of the Gospel. In a recent letter, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state, expressed his support for our initiative, saying, I offer heartfelt good wishes for its successful realization. I am particularly appreciative of the desire of the Knights not only to cultivate devotion to the late pontiff, but also to advance his insightful teaching on the complex and fruitful interplay of faith and culture in the New World. I am deeply gratified that your Order has wished to carry forward that vision as part of your commitment to the new evangelization. Pope John Paul II visited the United States seven different times. He visited Mexico five times, Canada three times and the Philippines twice. Included in his trips was his participation at World Youth Days 18 years ago in Denver and nine years ago in Toronto. His first international trip as pope was to this continent as wellto Mexico City to visit Americas mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Because of his tireless evangelization, an entire generation of Catholics has become known as the John Paul II Generation, and certainly we are honored to continue to spread his powerful message of hope for our country, our continent and our world with the same energy and devotion that is the hallmark of the Knights of Columbus. Vivat Jesus!

Joseph P. Teodoro

For Brother Knights by Brother Knights

An Update
AS of September 16, 2011, the number of nominees has reached 36. The number is expected to reach 100 aspirants. The new nominees include the following:

2011 Search for Fathers for Good-Philippines

Meanwhile, the certificate of nomination is now being prepared for the presentation proper. Annual Awards The number of fraternal counselors vying for the 2011 Fr. George J. Willmann Annual Awards has increased from 50 to 70 names. The list includes 4 lady fraternal counselors who are leading in the contest for FC of the Year. Maria Teresa Dela Mota Emma Nena Gumapac Melissa Lourdes Reyes Jocelyn Ravina Below are other fraternal counselors who are expected to get their seats in the much coveted award: Reynaldo Seguismundo Danilo Tullao Jeffrey Guillermo Luis Ferrer Clodualdo Fernandez Muricio Pangda Venancio Capiral Areas Target Three KCFAPI area managers are expected to attain their 2011 FYCI targets by October 2011, the sales report of August 31, 2011 indicates that they are Manuel Naldoza, Josefino Valencia and Conrado Dator, Jr. 2011 FYCI Target The year-to-date (as of August 31, 2011) posted a less than one percentage point negative variance. This unfavourable data may be erased by the end of the 3rd quarter. This optimism is based on the number of new application for insurance during the first two weeks of September 2011. The fraternal benefits group has submitted a program to assure the attainment of KCFAPIs 127Million First Year Insurance Contribution for 2011. Leading Products In terms of generation of insurance contribution, Super Saver and US Dollar Heritage plans remain to be the 2 top insurance plans. The Special Plan for Elderly Knights (SPEK) holds the No. 1 position in the number of insured lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is nonmedical insurance? A. The underwriting of an individual risk that does not involve a medical examination of the applicant by a doctor or physician is referred to as nonmedical underwriting. The applicant is asked to answer simple underwriting questions instead of undergoing medical tests like ECG, urinalysis, chest x-ray, blood chemistry, treadmill stress tests and the like. If upon submission, the Home Office underwriter identifies an applicant with above average risk profile, the risk can be elevated into a medical case. The prevalence of nonmedical insurance started with the lack of doctors in certain community. The burden of evaluation of life insurance risk rested upon the shoulders of fraternal counselors, appropriately called field underwriters, as they are entrusted to handle risk appraisal with care and prudence. They determine if the applicant is in good health and has a regular source of income. With minimal requirements, nonmedical cases are evaluated based on personal, family history and physical condition and benefit certificates are released without much delay, usually within a day or two. Studies were conducted and have shown that nonmedical cases reflected a somewhat elevated mortality claims ratio compared to medical issued cases. However, after some time, about three to five years after issue, the mortality claims ratio tend to overlap, meaning the underwriting wears off after some years. This is the reason why some plans have higher contribution rates compared to other plans, the cause depending on the type of underwriting imposed on the risk. The trend is to release more benefit certificates under nonmedical than medical underwriting, no distinction between male and female risks. The underwriting savings are expected to offset the higher mortality rates in the early goings of the benefit certificate. As medical technology improves or medical breakthroughs are discovered, the lifespan of an individual increases, thus, resulting in lower expected mortality claims. On certain cases, insurance plans are issued on a guaranteed acceptance basis. Technically, this means simplified underwriting, with three or at most five underwriting questions. These contracts require no physical examination. Most companies limit their nonmedical exposures to age range and plan types, with face value up to half a million pesos, higher coverage for younger applicants and reduced coverage for ages over 50. For natural deaths during the early BC years, only a return of contributions plus interest is payable. Higher than normal mortality experience inflates the cost of these contracts.

Angelito A. Bala

Pedro P. Lubenia

Corporate Governance
The KCFAPI Board of Trustees, Management and Staff are committed to the principles and best practices contained in the Manual on Corporate Governance and acknowledge that the same is our guide in the attainment of our Corporate Mission, Vision and Values. Objectively, the Manual shall incorporate into a structured and highly formalized system and rules of sound corporate governance in the entire Association. Before a brother Knight can become a KCFAPI Trustee, he is first nominated and qualified by the Founder Members Committee composed of the Archbishop of Manila, CBCP President, Father Provincial of the Society of Jesus, Vice Supreme Master, Territorial Deputies and Territorial Secretary or Treasurer. There shall be formal, rigorous and transparent procedures for the selection and appointment of new Trustees to the Board. Appointments to the Board Appointments to the Board

Manual on Corporate Governance

shall be made on merit and against subjective criteria. Careful deliberation and consideration shall be done to ensure that appointees have enough time for the job. And should the needs arise, plans shall be in place for orderly succession to the Board in order to maintain a balance of appropriate skills and experiences within the organization. Composition During the annual Founder Members meeting, new board members are elected including at least two (2) Independent Trustees. There shall be a balance of executives and non-executive Trustees, such that, no individual or small group of individuals can dominate the Boards decision making. In principle, the role of the Chairman and President shall be separate to ensure an appropriate balance of power, increased accountability and greater capacity of the Board for independent decision making. However, where the roles are combined, there shall be a strong independent element on the Board. Check and balance shall be clearly provided for to help ensure that independent outside views, perspectives and judgments are given proper hearing on the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall be a non-executive Trustee. Independent Trustees They are members who have no material interest in the Association and they are elected to ensure that the board includes Trustees who can effectively exercise their best judgment for the exclusive benefit of the Association, judgment that is not clouded by real or perceived conflicts of interest. He shall be one who has not been an officer or employee of KCFAPI, any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or related interests for at least three (3 years) immediately preceding his term or incumbency. Or not related within fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, legitimate or common-law of any Trustee, officer or any of its related subsidiaries. Likewise, he is free from any business or other relationships with KCFAPI which could materially interfere with the exercise of his judgment, i.e., has not engaged and does not engage in any transaction with KCFAPI or any of its related subsidiaries or any of its substantial stakeholders, whether by himself or with other persons or through a firm of which he is a partner, director or a shareholder. Conflict of Interest Where a potential conflict arises, Trustees must adhere to the procedures provided by law and KCFAPIs By-Laws for dealing with such problems. Should the Trustees involvement will have a continuing conflict of interest of a material nature in connection with KCFAPIs business interest or transactions, he should consider resigning or not accepting the nomination. (to be continued)

Advance training course in Baguio (Cordillera Braves). Fraternal Counselors of Cordillera Brave with their Area Manager, Bro. Salvador R. Aspuria, Sr., FBG Vice President Bro. Joseph P. Teodoro and FBG National Manager Bro. Gari M. San Sebastian during the Advance Training Course in Baguio held from September 16-17, 2011.

Deputy / C2

Meeting with Bicol Region Bishops. In photo standing from L-R: FBG National Manager, Bro. Gari M. San Sebastian, Msgr. Joselito Asis, Area Manager for Bicol, Bro. Efren V. Mendoza and Actuarial and Business Devt. Group Vice President, Bro. Angelito A. Bala during their meeting with the Bishops from Bicol Region.

shall be deducted from all credits. Excluded as paid lives credit are Fraternal Accident Death Benefit and Council Mortuary Benefit Plan. Winning District Deputies will receive prizes and awards from KCFAPI. The program aims to encourage active involvement of district deputies and grand

knights to the insurance program of the Order. The intensive campaign for this has contributed in the improvement of the sales production of KCFAPI. For interested parties and inquiries, please call telephone numbers (02) 527-2243 or (02) 527-2223 to 27 and look for Mr. Gari M. San Sebastian. (KCFAPI News)


The Cross

CBCP Monitor

September 26 - October 9, 2011

Vol. 15 No. 20

KC Luzon Jurisdiction plant trees at La Mesa watershed

THE Luzon Jurisdiction of the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines has conducted their fourth year tree planting project anchored with the theme Puno, Alay Ko sa Kalikasan 4 with wreath laying ceremony at the tomb of Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ held at the La Mesa Critical Watershed last September 10, 2011. The event began with a Eucharistic celebration in the morning led by Novaliches Bishop Antonio R. Tobias, DD at the Sacred Heart Novitiate in Novaliches, Quezon City. After the Mass, State Family Director Alejandro V. Alvaira gave a short talk on the life of Fr. Willmann followed by a message from Luzon Deputy Arsenio Isidro G. Yap. A parade was conducted from the chapel to the tomb of Fr. Willmann for the wreath laying ceremony headed by Bishop Tobias and LD Yap with the as-

semblies from Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ; Fr. Maximilian Ma. Kolbe; and Fr. Walter de Vilder. After the ceremony at the Sacred Heart Novitiate, all participants, guests, and visitors proceeded to the La Mesa Dam Watershed for the tree planting project. Executive Committees for the Puno, Alay Ko sa Kalikasan 4 project and wreath laying ceremony were: Luzon Deputy Arsenio Isidro G. Yap; Joven Joaquin, State Secretary; Ramoncito A. Ocampo, State Program Director; Romulo B. Estrella, Sr., State Community Director; and Carlos A. Gubat, State Ecology Chairman. Working committees were: State Church Director Vicente Ortega; State Council Director Elmer Eroles; State Family Director Alejandro Alvaira; State Pro-Life Director Teodulo Sandoval; State Youth Director Eduardo

Lara; Skills Training Program Chairman Rolando Mirande; Free Throw Chairman Roel Anthony De Guzman; Athletic Events Chairman Cesar Galang; Award and Report Forms Chairman Numeriano Torreno; Health Services Chairman Leodigard Montefalcon; Drug Awareness Chairman Ernesto Canonizado; Vocation Chairman Edwin Dawal; LAIKO/NASAIC Representative Jose Lingao; and Light for Christ Program Chairman Rogelio Geronimo, Sr. The event was hosted by the Round Table of District Deputies of Diocese of Novaliches: Raymund Gubat, Chairman; Eugenio Jurilla, Co-Chairman; and Virgilio Manalac, Jr, Squires to Knights Chairman. The tree-planting project was coordinated with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). (KC News)

Countrys youngest bishop is KC Priest-scholar

THE newly-appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia, Most Rev. David William V. Antonio, is currently the youngest Bishop in the country. Bishop Antonio was ordained priest on December 1, 1988. He was a scholar of the Knights of Columbus Fr. George J. Willmann Charities, Inc. until the completion of his Theology studies. He was appointed as Auxiliary Bishop on June 15, 2011 and ordained on August 26, 2011 at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Paul, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. Msgr. Antonio was the vicar-general of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia prior to his appointment as Auxiliary Bishop. He was also the Parish Priest in St. Lucy Parish in Ilocos Sur; a member of the Archdiocesan Financial Council and a trustee of the Nueva Segovia Catholic Schools. He is the chairperson of the Commission on Clergy of the archdiocese and a Professor at the Immaculate Conception School of Theology, in Vigan Ilocos Sur. At 47, he holds the distinction of being the youngest Filipino Roman Catholic Bishop. Bishop Antonio was born on December 29, 1963 in Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur. As an auxiliary bishop, Bishop Antonio will assist Archbishop Salgado in his pastoral work of shepherding the Catholic faithful in the archdiocese of Nueva Segovia. With his new role as auxiliary bishop, comes the challengethat of maintaining the image of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia, known for its pastoral thrusts of evangelization work that covers the whole province of Ilocos Sur where the Nuestra Seora de la Asuncion in Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur is located,

Most Rev. David William V. Antonio, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia.

one of the baroque churches included in the World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. (KC News)

Cardinal Vidal visits KCFAPI. KC and KCFAPI officers in a photo op with his Eminence, Cardinal Vidal (Center) during his visit to the Knights of Columbus Headquarters in Intramuros, Manila last September 19, 2011. In photo are: (L-R Below), Luzon State Secretary Bro. Joven Joaquin, KCFAPI President Guillermo N. Hernandez, Supreme Director Alonso L. Tan, KCFAPI Chaplain Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III, Luzon State Deputy Arsenio Isidro G. Yap, EVP Ma. Theresa G. Curia and KCFAPI Officers.



ERRATUM- KCFAPI would like to congratulate MR. REYNALDO LIBATIQUE, III and MS. CATHERINE ANNE JUNIO for passing the Bar and Nursing Licensure Exams respectively. Please note that their names were inadvertently omitted from the list of the FR. GEORGE J. WILLMANN SJ Award for Academic Excellence in the last issue of The Cross Supplement.

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