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Reading Comprehension.

Wednesday 15 March and Monday 20 March

School Journal 4, Nov ‘14 - Nga Pakanga o Aotearoa - The NZ Wars
WALT identify the main ideas in a text

1. What are the 5 things listed on page 11, that Maori had the right to
do on their land?
2. Why did most British settlers come to NZ?
3. On page 12, what is the metaphor used to describe that
Ngapuhi were getting poorer? Why did Ngapuhi suffer
economically? Full sentences please.
4. Was Governor Grey racist? What evidence is there in the text?
5. Before 1850 were there more Maori or Pakeha in NZ? What about
after 1860? Use a W start sentence to answer this question.
6. Who won the Taranaki Wars?
7. On page 16, what are the 3 things the text says a pa consists of?
8. Why would Maori abandon a pa during night time?
9. What is the name of a British fort? It begins with R
10. What is the name of the one of these in central Tauranga? Have
you been there?

A. The early NZ Wars (until 1862) were inconclusive? Write a
paragraph (70-120 words) agreeing or disagreeing with this
statement. Use a power sentence to begin, and a VSS to end the

Summarise; done in Google Docs

Find the meanings of these words in the dictionary. Write the word and
their definition. Then use the word in a sentence.

Draw a Maori pa. Choose your own perspective. Use appropriate
colourings and use Google image search to find something achievable.

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