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high school student named Lily monroe goes missing from high school after an anonymous user
on youtube uploaded pictures of her having a seizure and passing out during a party. A year
later, her old bestfriend, Laura Evans goes on a skype call and are later joined by their
classmates Adam ,Alex , Erica, Serena, Ken . Soon they are also joined by an unknown user
named "sophie723"

The group tries to get rid of the user but are unable to succeed. Laura then searches up the user
revealing that "sophie723"belongs to Lily monroe. The group of friends are however unsure
whether it is her because she had gone missing and had never appeared again. they suspect
that a classmate, Maxwell Kendrix, is pranking them. They invite Maxwell to the call, but as soon
he joins. Serena's instagram account is posted with embarassing photos of Maxwell during a
party. Serena denies that she posted the pictures and deletes them. Maxwell, getting upset,
leaves the chat. The group then receives text messages of Lily and Maxwell before Lily's
dissapearance, which includes Maxwell and Lily arguing. Maxwell reappears in the call and is
silent while sitting next to a bottle of bleach before falling down to the floor before the screen
blacked out. Lily then sends messages to each person in the group revealing their most intimate
secrets. Erica’s one which is visible to the call, turns out to be photos that she stole $500 from
Alex Adam then succeeds to remove Lily from the call using a program and attempts to call the
police. Turns out that the person on the phone was Lily and re-enters the chat, showing a a
back view of the camera of the other side of Adam’s room, He approaches his and his skype is
cut off before it shows him getting tied up and locked into his closet door.

Lily then forces the 4 friends to play never have I ever, during the game, it is revealed that
Serena made a rumor about erica that she stole and crashed Serena’s mother’s car bullied
other classmates. Erica stole answer sheets rom the teacher’s office to pass her tests and
repoted Alex to the police for underage drinking. And Ken went behind Serena’s back and
talked bad things about her. Tensions tend to arise between them and eventually Alex and
Serena receive messages sent to their printers which they refuse to show to Erica and Ken. Ken
threatens Serena that he will leave the call if she does not show her the message and Serena
warns Ken that something will happen to him if he leaves. In a moment of panic, Serena shows
her paper which states, ‘if you reveal this note, Ken gets attacked” Ken gets attacked from
behind and is cut off from the call.

Lily asks Serena if she was the one who had posted her video online. Serena denies and says
that she wasn’t present in the party that night. Serena convinces Erica to stop playing. Lily cuts
off the lights in Serena’s house and disconnects her video from the call. Lily cuts the lights in
Serena's and alex's houses, wanting them to confess who uploaded the video. Serena tells her
that alex was the one who posted it; Mitch grabs a knife and stabs himself in the eye. Serena
tearfully regrets how their friendship ended, but Lily scoffs at the comment and starts another
countdown. Laura then uploads an extended version of the party video to serena’s Instagram
which reveals serena operating the camera for the original video and laughing, which quickly
gains attention, with multiple people sending hateful comments towards Serena. Lily says that
she wishes she could forgive Serena before leaving the chat. As Serena hears her bedroom door
creak, Lily , now in the form of her spirit, slams Serena’s llaptop shut before attacking her as the
screen cuts to black.

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