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Best Synonyms Asked
in CGL 2023 PRE
(Top 17 words out of 82 words)



1) Insidious (Adj) – घातक - causing harm.

Syno - Dangerous, Perfidious, Perilous, Deceptive, Surreptitious
Example - High blood pressure is an insidious condition.

2) Peruse (Verb) - ध्यान से पढ़ना - to read something carefully

Syno - Analyse, Browse, Pore over, Scrutinize, Inspect
Example - He opened a newspaper and began to peruse the personal

3) Spurious ( Adj) - झूठा, मिथ्या - based on false information.

Syno - Bogus, False, Phony, Specious, Fake, Forged
Example - Some of the arguments in favour of shutting the factory are
questionable and others downright spurious.

4) Utilitarian ( Adj) - उपयोगी - designed to be useful or practical rather

than decorative.
Syno - Functional, Sensible, Pragmatic, Realistic, Useful, Serviceable
Example - Like many factories, it's a very ugly but utilitarian building.


5) Tedious (Adj) – थकाऊ - too slow, or dull ; tiresome.

Syno - Boring, Annoying, Humdrum, Tiresome, Banal, Exhausting
Example - The problem is I find most forms of exercises so tedious.

6) Vendetta ( Noun) - प्रमतशोध - a strong desire to harm a person or

group, often because of reasons or feeling of hate.
Syno - Bickering, Grudge, Hostility, Quarrel, Rivalry, Squabble
Example - They accused the special prosecutor of carrying on a
vendetta against the White House.

7) Treacherous ( Adj) – मिश्वासघाती - A person who is treacherous

deceives someone who trusts them, or has no loyalty.
Other meaning - (of ground water, weather conditions, etc.)
presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers.
Syno - Unreliable, Deceptive, Betraying, Catchy, Deceitful, Insidious
Examples - 1. Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and
drivers are warned to use caution.
2. I feel a bit treacherous to my own sex if I ever make general
criticisms of women.


8) Sever ( Verb) - पूर्णतया संबंध मिच्छे द कर लेना - to end a connection

with someone or something.
Other meaning - to break or separate, especially by cutting.
Syno - Detach, Disconnect, Disjoin, Separate, Dissociate
Example - The company has severed its ties with its previous

9) Hapless ( Adj) – अभागा - unlucky and usually unhappy

Syno - Unlucky, woeful, ill - fated, jinxed, miserable, hexed, cursed
Example - Many children are hapless victims of this war.

10) Jargon ( Noun) - मिमशष्ट शब्दािली - special words and phrases that
are used by paticular groups of people, especially in their work.
Syno - Idiom, Lingo, Parlance, Argot, Slang, Patois, Vernacular
Example - military / legal / computer / technical jargon

11) Temerity ( Noun) - साहस - a willingness to do or say something

that shocks or upsets other people.
Syno - Boldness, Daring, Brass, Imprudence, Effrontery, Hardihood
Example - She had the temerity to call me a liar.


12) Transgression ( Noun) – अमतक्रिर् - the act or process of breaking

a law or moral rule, or an example of this.
Syno - Breach, Crime, Error, Fault, Infringement, Misdemeanour
Example - Who is supposed to have committed these transgressions?

13) Enervated ( Adj) - शक्तिहीन हो जाना - to feel weak and without

Syno - Deteriorated, Debilitated, Paralyzed, Unnerved, Enfeebled
Example - Rajat felt too enervated to resist the attack by goons.

14) Exuberance ( Noun) – उल्लास - the quality of being energetic, or

the behaviour of someone who feels this way.
Syno - Ardor, Buoyancy, Fervor, Eagerness, Ebullience, Exhilaration
Example - One thing that stands out is her exuberance and zest for life.

15) Extol ( Verb) - प्रशंसा करना - to praise something very much.

Syno - Applaud, Acclaim, Celebrate, Commend, Glorify, Laud, Eulogise,
Praise, Rave
Example - She is forever extolling the virtues of her children.


16) Predicament ( Noun) - दु दणशा - an unpleasant situation that is

difficult to get out of.
Syno - Quagmire, Quandary, Deadlock, Dilemma, Hardship, Imbroglio
Example - With no money and no job, he found himself in a real

17) Predator ( Noun) - मशकारी - someone who follows people in order

to harm them or commit a crime against them.
Syno - Carnivore, Exploiter, Vampire, Bloodsucker, Harpy
Example - In court, he was accused of being a merciless predator who
had tricked his grandmother out of her savings.


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