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Chapter 6


(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 1

Question of the Day
• How do we know a system becomes

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 2



(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 3

To learn:

How to determine the stability of a LTI system

using Routh-Hurwitz criterion

How to determine system parameters to yeild


(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 4

Introduction (section 6.1)
• Control Design Requirements:
- Transient Response 
- Stability (in this chapter)
- Steady-state Errors (next chapter)

• Transient response and Steady-state Error are

meaningless for an unstable system.
• This chapter investigates stability for linear time-
invariant (LTI) systems.
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 5
• What is stability?
• System total response:
c(t )  c forced (t )  cnatural (t )
• If t   results in cnatural (t )   then the LTI system is
• If t   results in cnatural (t )  0 then the LTI system is
• If t   results incnatural (t ) remaining constant or
oscillating, then the LTI system is marginally stable.
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 6
• If the input is unbounded, forced response could be
unbounded as well. (Hard to determine the stability)

• Bounded-Input Bounded-Output (BIBO) Stability:

- A system is stable if every bounded input yields a

bounded output. (stable systems)

- A system is unstable if every bounded input yields a

unbounded output. (marginally stable and unstable
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 7
How to determine if a system is stable?

 Stable systems have closed-loop transfer functions with poles

only in the left half-plane.

 Unstable systems have closed-loop transfer functions with at

least one pole in the right half-plane and/or poles of
multiplicity greater than 1 on the imaginary axis.

 Marginally stable systems have closed-loop transfer functions

with only imaginary axis poles of multiplicity of 1 and poles
in the left half-plane.
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 8
Example: A stable system
T ( s) 
s ( s  1)( s  2)  3

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Example: An unstable system
T ( s) 
s ( s  1)( s  2)  7

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Examples of unstable or marginally stable systems:

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Examples of unstable or marginally stable systems:

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How to determine if a system is stable by looking at the
denominator of the closed-loop transfer function?

- If all signs of the coefficients of the denominator are not the

same, then the system is unstable. 4 3
s  s  2s  s  1

- If powers of s are missing, the system is either unstable, or at

best marginally stable. 4 3
s  s  s 1
- Nothing can be said if all signs of the coefficients of the
denominator are the same and not missing. (i.e. just by
looking) 4 3
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
s  s  2s  s  1
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion (section 6.2)
• Finding the poles by solving for the roots of the denominator is
not always easy.

• Routh-Hurwitz gives an easier way to find the number of poles in

left and right half-planes and on imaginary axis.

• The exact coordinates of the poles are not determined by this

• Q: If calculators can find the poles location, the why Routh-
- A: The method is beneficial in design rather than analysis.

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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

Routh-Hurwitz Steps:
1- Generate a data table (Routh Table)
2- Interpret the Routh table (determine the stability)

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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
• Step 1: Generating a basic Routh table
• Consider the following transfer function:

1- Begin by labeling the rows with powers of s, then first
put every other coefficients in the first row in order
starting form the highest one, then put the rest of
coefficients in second row in order.
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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

2- Other entries are negative determinant of entries of two

previous rows, divided by the entry in the first column of the
above row.
The first column of the determinant is the first column of
two previous rows, the second column is the column of the
previous rows, above and to the right.
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
• Example: Make Routh table for this system:

• Solution: 1- find the equivalent closed-loop system:

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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
2- Find the entries of the table:
 Note: any row in the table can be multiplied by a
positive constant without changing the values of
below row.

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
•Step 2: Interpreting the basic Routh table

Routh-Hurwitz criterion:
The number of roots of the polynomial that are
in the right half-plane is equal to the number of
sign changes in the first column.

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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion


-There are two poles in the right half-plane, thus

the system is unstable.
Question: How many poles are in left half-plane?
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
How many roots of the following polynomial are in the
right-half plane, in the left-half plane, and on the j
axis? P ( s )  s 5  3s 4  5s 3  4s 2  s  3

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Special Cases (section 6.3)
• Two special cases might happen in the table:

1- The Routh table sometimes will have a zero

only in the first column of a row

2- The Routh table sometimes will have an entire

row that consists of zeroes.

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Special Cases
1- If the first element in a row is zero, the zero
should be replaced by an epsilon (ϵ). The epsilon
is allowed to approach to zero from either the
positive or the negative side.
 Example: Determine the stability of the following system:

T (s)  5
s  2s  3s  6s  5s  3
4 3 2
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Special Cases

Routh Table:

Two poles
Determining the in right
sign of epsilon: half-plane
(c) 2017 Farrokh Sharifi 26
Special Cases
• A polynomial with reciprocal roots of the original polynomial has
its roots distributed in left or right half-plane as the original

• Using this polynomial (with reciprocal roots) might avoid the

zero in first column.

• This method is computationally easier.

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 27

Special Cases
• Auxiliary polynomial with reciprocal roots:
Original Polynomial:
s n  an1s n1  ...  a1s  a0  0
n n 1
Replacing s by 1/d :  1  1 1
   an 1    ...  a1   a0  0
d  d  d

  
 
(1 n )
  

  1  an 1    ...  a1    a0   
d   d  d   d  
   1  an 1d  ...  a1d n 1  a0 d n   0
d  (c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 28
Special Cases
• As it could be seen, the Auxiliary polynomial is a
polynomial with the coefficients written in inverse
• Recalling the previous example:
T (s)  5
s  2s 4  3s 3  6s 2  5s  3

D ( s )  3s 5  5s 4  6 s 3  3s 2  2 s  1

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Special Cases
2- Entire row is zero: There is an even polynomial that is a
factor of the original polynomial.
- In this case an auxiliary polynomial should be used.

- Example: Number of RHP poles for the following

closed-loop transfer function?
T ( s)  5
s  7 s 4  6s 3  42s 2  8s  56
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Special Cases
- Step 1: Forming the table: T ( s)  5
s  7 s 4  6s 3  42s 2  8s  56


- Step 2: Return to the row immediately above the row of

zeros and form an auxiliary polynomial:
P( s)  s 4  6s 2  8
- Step 3: Differentiate the polynomial with respect to s:
dP( s)
 4s 3  12s  0
ds 31
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Special Cases
- Step 4: Replace the obtained coefficients with
elements of the row of zeros:
dP( s)
 4s 3  12s  0


- Step 5: The rest of the table is formed following the

standard form.

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Special Cases

All entries in the first column are positive, therefore

there are no RHP poles.

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Special Cases
- Facing a row of zeros means that the original polynomial has a
factor of a purely either odd or even polynomial.

- The roots of an even polynomial may

• Symmetric and real (A)
• Symmetric and imaginary (B)
• Quadrantal and symmetric
about the origin (C)

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Special Cases

- An even polynomial can

be stable only if it has
poles on imaginary axis
(Case B).

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Special Cases
• Example: For the following transfer function, how
many poles are in RHP, LHP, and on imaginary axis?
T (s)  8 7
s  s  12s 6  22s 5  39s 4  59s 3  48s 2  38s  20
Two poles in RHP,
- Step 1: Two poles in LHP
Even polynomial 1


(c) 2017 Farrokh Sharifi 36

Special Cases
- Step 2: P ( s )  s 4  3s 2  2

dP( s)
- Step 3:  4s  6s  0

- Step 4&5:  No change is sign, all four poles
are located on imaginary axis.
Even polynomial 2


(c) 2017 Farrokh Sharifi 37

Special Cases
Example summery:
1- Number of poles in RHP before the even polynomial
(causing the row of zeros), is equal to the number of sign
changes in the first column.
2-Number of poles in RHP (also in LHP) for the even
polynomial is equal to the number of sign changes. The rest of
poles are on imaginary axis.

(c) 2017 Farrokh Sharifi 38

Additional Examples (section 6.4)
• Example: Find the number of poles in LHP,RHP, and
on the imaginary axis for the following system:

• Solution:
T (s) 
200 10
s 4  6s 3  11s 2  6s  200

Two poles in RHP

Two poles in LHP
(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Additional Examples
• Example: Find the number of poles in LHP, RHP, and
on the imaginary axis for the following system:

• Solution:
T ( s) 
2s 5  3s 4  2s 3  3s 2  2s  1

Two poles in RHP

Three poles in LHP
Additional Examples
• The other solution:
D( s )  s 5  2 s 4  3s 3  2 s 2  3s  2

• As was expected, there are two poles in RHP and

three poles in LHP.
(c) 2017 Farrokh Sharifi 41
Additional Examples
• Example: Find the number of poles in LHP,RHP, and
on the imaginary axis for the following system:

• Solution:
T ( s)  8
s  3s 7  10s 6  24s 5  48s 4  96s 3  128s 2  192s  128

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 42

Additional Examples

P ( s )  s 6  8s 4  32 s 2  64 dP( s)
 6s 5  32s 3  64s

8 3

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 43

Additional Examples
- 2 sign change in the following first column s 6  s 0 :
Two poles in RHP, Two poles in LHP, Two poles
on the imaginary axis.
- No sign change before the even polynomial s8  s 6 :
Two poles in LHP.

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 44

Additional Examples
How many closed loop poles of the system shown below
lie in the LHP,RHP, and on the imaginary axis?

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Additional Examples

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Other Usages (section 6.4 cont.)
• Routh-Hurwitz method can be used for stability design
of a system.

• Example: Find the gain of K for the following system

that will cause the system to be stable:
- Assumption: K  0

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Other Usages
• Solution: T ( s)  3
s  18s 2  77 s  K

• All elements of first column of the table should be

1386  K K  1386
- Case 1: 0
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Other Usages
- Case 2: K  1386
No sign change
2 on imaginary axis
No sign change

unit multiplicity


dP( s )
P ( s )  18s  1386
 36s

- No sign change occurs, the system is marginally

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi
Other Usages
• Routh-Hurwitz could also be used in limited
applications to factor polynomials containing even
• Example: Factor the polynomial:
s  3s  30s  30s  200
4 3 2

• Solution:

(c) 2017 Farrokh Sharifi 50

Other Usages
- Form the even polynomial:
P ( s )  s 2  10

- Divide the polynomial by the even polynomial:

s 4  3s 3  30s 2  30s  200  ( s 2  10)( s 2  3s  20)

 ( s  j 3.1623)( s  j3.1623)( s  1.5  j 4.213)( s  1.5  j 4.213)

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Other Usages

For the following unity feedback system:

G( s) 
( s  10)( s 2  4s  5)
a. Find the range of K for stability
b. Find the frequency of oscillation when the system is
marginally stable.

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Other Usages

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 In order to determine the stability of a system, Routh-Hurwitz
could be used.

 First form the Routh table using the polynomial coefficients.

 Complete the table, using the determinants.

 The number of RHP poles is equal to the number of sign

changes in the first column of the table.

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Special Cases:

 In case of a zero in the first column, replace the zero with an

epsilon, or use the polynomial with reciprocal roots.
 In case of a zero row, form and use the auxiliary polynomial.

Other Usages:

 Routh-Hurwitz method can be used for stability design of a

 Routh-Hurwitz could also be used in limited applications to
factor polynomials containing even factors.

(c) 2019 Farrokh Sharifi 55

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