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Handling the Drunken/Intoxicated Guest Standard Procedure:

Because handling drunken and intoxicated guests is very difficult, there is a certain attribute
you have to possess:

• Do your best to deal with each situation without putting yourself at risk.
• Act politely.
• Always stay calm.
• Don’t argue with the intoxicated guest.
• Don’t embarrass the guest, especially in front of other people.
• Deal with the situation in a calm, friendly way.
• Speak to the person directly, and firmly explain that what they are doing is
• Listen and empathize with your guest.
• Acknowledge your guest's anger or frustration, but also remind them that you are
responsible for their safety and don’t want to see them get hurt.
• Invite the problem guest to an area away from other guests, where you can talk.
• Talk softly and lead him away from the public area.
• Point out that if they were sober they would agree that what they are doing is a bad
• If the drunk guest is behaving rudely then the last option should be to call the security
officer but try and handle the situation very calmly.
• The duty manager or the immediate supervisor should take the drunken guest away
from the reception/front desk area.
• Make the guest realize that this is not the right way to talk and then acting very calmly
and talking very politely with him the supervisor can escort him to his room
• The manager can also indulge the guest in some other thoughts and just keep the guest
calm and as soon as possible send him back to his room.
• If the guest has come to a restaurant or bar and if you decide to ask this person to
leave, remember that you are still responsible for their safety (call a cab, get someone to
drive them home, or if the situation gets out of control – call the security officer or

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