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Determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F)!

1. According to the endosymbiont theory, mitochondria is a result of symbiosis from a

ancient eukaryotic bacteria with an aerobic bacteria

2. Enzyme that inhibit complex II of electron transport chain will not inhibit the Krebs cycle

3. If rough ER secrete receptor proteins, the receptor side will be facing outside the vesicle

4. Ribosomes that stuck on the rough ER comes from the ER itself


In Indonesia, there are many types of rock mountains. One of the most common mountain type is
karst. Karst is a topography formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and
gypsum. It is characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes and caves. As mentioned
before, karst consists mainly of limestone. Limestone itself is a type of sedimentary rock, composed mainly
of minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate.

In a karst hill, mainly formed by limestone outcrop, there lived a young boy named Ben. He usually
walks along these karsts or rides his bike alongside of it. One day, the hill eroded and a lot of limestone
rocks fell and flied towards him. Fortunately, he avoided it and was uninjured. He was not scared. Rather,
his curiosity was piqued by it. Being a chemistry enthusiast, he picked one of the stone and brought it
home. At home, he tried to dissolve the limestone in 5L of water and found that from 2.5 grams of the
stone, only 1% of it was soluble. After having calculated its Ksp, he wants to create some calcium
carbonate from this reaction:

CaCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → CaCO3(s) + NaCl(aq)

CaCl2 = 4 mmol, 100mL; Na2CO3 = 4 mmol, 400mL

From the data given above, find:

a. The Ksp of Calcium Carbonate

b. Find n CaCO3(aq)
c. Whether or not the reaction produces a CaCO3 sediment.
d. If there is some, calculate the mass of the sediment. (If there isn’t any, you are not obligated to
do this part)
(Ar Ca=40, C=12, O=16)

A-2,5 kg kitten is able to survive from tsunami after climbing to a 3m x 0,5 m wooden board with
a mass of 8 kg. But, this kitten and the wooden board are also dragged into the sea. If the position of
the kitten from land was 12 m and the kitten walked over the board 2,5 m towards the land and stops.

Find the last position of this kitten from the land!

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