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1. What should be done to control the spread of infection in the workplace?

 Proper waste segregation and disposal
 Proper handwashing or use of hand sanitizer/alcohol
 Use of wet tissue
 Use of PPE (facial mask, hair net, gloves for handling soiled linen) whenever necessary.
 Conduct regular disinfection
 Do not perform massage if you have a fever, cold, cough, flu, or other conditions that may
spread the infection to the client.
2. What would you do if you found out that your establishment has no permit to operate?
 Advise owner/ management to secure necessary legal requirements
3. What virtues must a massage therapist observe when dealing with employers?
 Massage Therapists must observe fairness, honesty, and loyalty at all times.
4. What would you do if the client has an athlete’s foot?
 Explain politely to the client why there is a need to avoid massaging the infected area.
 Advise the client to consult a medical specialist.
5. What would you do if the client has chronic psoriasis? Can a client still undergo massage?
 Yes, depending on the severity of the condition and the client’s preference.
6. What action would you take if a client has a respiratory infection or skin disease?
 Suspend the massage session and politely explain to the client the reason for such action
 Advise client to seek medical consultation
7. What manipulation should you apply to a client with insomnia, and why?
 Apply light and slow effleurage, to calm the nervous system and relieve insomnia.
8. What manipulation would you apply if a client complains of muscle pain, and why?
 Apply petrissage, to reduce muscle soreness and stiffness that causes pain and to squeeze
out the metabolic waste.
9. What manipulation would you do if the client has dyspepsia, and why?
 Apply fine vibration to the abdominal area to help eliminate gas
10. What would you do if rashes appear while performing massage?
 Pause and re-assess the client’s skin condition.
11. How would you ask if a female client is pregnant without offending her?
 By asking the client, when was the last menstruation/period
 Politely ask the client if pregnant and explain the reason or implication of massage to
pregnant women (as necessary)
12. What manipulation would you apply if the client is suffering from the numbness of the legs, and
 Apply pounding tapotement to the affected area, it restores circulation and reactivates
13. What kind of massage is recommended for elderly clients?
 Light pressure, no compression and stretching/Geriatric massage.
14. What would you do in the event that your client suddenly experiences muscle cramps?
 Push the sole of the foot upwards to stretch the Achilles tendon.
15. Is it proper to perform massage when you found out that the client is under the influence of
liquor and illegal drugs, and why?
 No, the body is dehydrated
 No, communication or feedback from the client is impaired
 No, unstable blood pressure
 No, unstable behavior
16. What information must you gather from a client who appears to be very tired?
 Occupation
 Lifestyle
 Physical
 Social environments
 Recent activities
 Medical condition
17. What other form of assessment can you simultaneously do while in the process of interviewing
the client?
 Visual assessment
 Sensory assessment
18. What would you do if after measuring the blood pressure you found out that the client is
hypertensive and still insist on having a massage?
 Give the client a glass of water and take the blood pressure after ten minutes
 Seek clearance from the attending physician if the client still insists to have a massage
 Politely explain the effect of continuing the massage with hypertension
 Apply reflex to the ear
19. What subjective information should you look for when assessing your client?
 Chief complaint
20. How would you know if the client’s problem with pain has improved or not after the massage
 Compare pain scale responses before and after the massage.
21. What would you do if while massaging your regular client, you noticed large lumps on the back?
 Inform the client, to proceed with the massage but avoid the affected area and advise the
client to consult a doctor.
22. What would you do if a client with varicose veins requested for a massage?
 Proceed with the massage but avoid the affected area.
23. What are some objective information that must be obtained from the client?
 Visual assessment, health history, vital signs, palpation results, and range of motion.
24. What are the standard instruments used in taking vital signs?
 Aneroid sphygmomanometer (talking digital/analog), stethoscope; analog /digital
wristwatch; digital/analog thermometer.
25. Why is it important to ask the client’s preference about the oil to be applied?
 The client can be allergic to types of oil and massage supplies
26. What would you do if a client with a heart problem or other related conditions presents a
medical clearance and wants to have a massage?
 Perform client assessment and validate the medical clearance.
27. What would you do if a client would like to have a massage but is currently on prescription
 Check for the condition, ask for medical clearance and politely explain the reason of such
28. What would you do if your client confessed that he/she is HIV positive?
 Politely explain to the client to obtain doctor’s approval and follow universal precautions.
29. What are the pertinent personal data or information necessary to ask to your client during
 Name, age contact details, occupation, civil status and chief complaint.
30. How do you explain the result of your findings to your client during consultation.
 By presenting and discussing the comparison from the values obtained against the
normal/standard values from the physical assessment.
31. How do you gather relevant information from the client?
 By interviewing the client or performing the physical assessment.
32. What action must you take if the client is showing signs and symptoms of influenza?
 Do not massage the client.
33. What are some common benefits of a massage session?
 Improved blood circulation
 Improved lymphatic drainage
 Improved range of motion
 Relieved muscle pain/common pain
 Improved sleep pattern
 Lessened stress
34. What should you consider in formulating the massage plan?
 Affected area, appropriate manipulation, massage pressure, massage segment, time
duration, massage sequence.
35. When would you prepare and organize the workplace?
 It should be before and after massage sessions.
36. When would you prepare the massage tool?
 It should be gathering data from the client and orientation of the facilities.
37. Is there a need to follow a massage plan in preparing the workplace, and why?
 Yes, a massage plan includes steps that require tools equipment and material to be used.
38. What would you do when during massage your client begins to seizure?
 Do not leave and call for help
39. What would you do if the client requests for other unlawful act/services?
 Politely inform the client that it is not a part of the massage procedure and explain that you
are a professional massage therapist. Report to immediate supervisor and prepare an
incident report.
40. What would you do if the client insists on smoking within the premises?
 Politely inform the client that smoking is prohibited in the area.
41. Why do you need to apply draping during the massage?
 To protect the client’s privacy and to keep body warm
42. What would you do if your regular client comes late and you are already attending to the next
 Talk to the client courteously and give an option to shorten the massage or reschedule the
43. What would you do if the client requests to turn off the lights in the massage area?
 Explain to the client that there is a required illumination then provide an eye pillow
44. What would you do if the client has a full stomach and would like to have a massage right away?
 Advise the client to have at least 30 minutes to one hour to rest before proceeding to
massage session
45. What would you do if the client has a fever?
 Politely refuse and explain to the client that the condition is contraindicated because
massage can aggravate the condition.
46. What is the next procedure after a complete client’s assessment?
 Assist the client in preparing for the massage proper.
47. What action must you take when applying massage to a client who suffer from osteoporosis?
 Inform the client the clearance and instruction from an attending physician is required to
prior massage.
48. What would you do first in the middle of the massage session when client feel sudden pain on
the left chest with shortness of breath?
 Call for help and apply for first aid.
49. What would you do if a client visited your massage clinic with complain soft back pain.
 Conduct a proper assessment to the client an apply appropriate massage manipulation.
50. How do you avoid injury and muscle fatigue while performing massage on your client?
 Observe proper body mechanics and self-care techniques.
51. How do you pick the massage oil dispenser that suddenly falls on the floor while performing the
 Bend at your hips and knees instead of waist to avoid injury.
52. What would you do if your client request for deeper pressure in the middle of your massage
 Straighten up your elbows and use your body weight to increase pressure.
53. What would you do if one of your regular client come back to the clinic and still complains the
same pain?
 Perform the re-assessment and re-evaluation of the client’s condition with the focus on the
affected area or refer to allied health professionals.
54. What would you do next after completing the massage to your client?
 Perform post-massage activities.
55. What would you do when the event that the client shouts at you and express discontentment
on the rendered massage?
 Politely tell the client that you will inform the supervisor to attend to the client’s concern.
56. How do you encourage the client to rehydrate after the massage?
 Explain why rehydration is important and offer water or relaxing teas .
57. What would you do to encourage the client to return on the next scheduled massage?
 Explain properly to the client the importance of follow-up sessions.
58. How do you ensure the client’s comfort all throughout the massage session?
 Get feedback from client from time to time.
59. What would you do if the client insists on getting up immediately after the massage?
 Advise the client that the vital signs need a few minutes to recover after a massage.
60. How long must the client must rest after the massage, and why?
 To have at least five (5) minutes to rest to avoid feeling of dizziness.
61. What is the specific procedure for bathing restrictions after the massage?
 Advise the client to avoid taking a bath at least four hours after the massage session.
62. How do you motivate the client to buy the products you are offering?
 By explaining properly the benefits of using the products.
63. What if your asthmatic client would like to buy and use product which is not appropriate for
client’s condition?
 Explain to the client that the product preferred is not appropriate to use.
64. What should be checked to determine if the product is safe to use?
 Manufacturing date, direction of usage, expiration date, indication and contraindication,
proper storage of the product and FDA/BFAD approval.
65. What would you do to maximize the shelf life of supplies and products?
 Apply the FIFO (First In, First Out) System. Label products with manufacturing and expiration
date then store properly.
66. How do you display retail supplies and products in order to promote sales?
 Retail supplies and products are arranged to create balance and fully stocked impression.
67. How do you monitor the supplies and demand of your products?
 By monitoring and recording the consumption of each particular type of product.
68. What would you do when the products got spoiled before the expiration date?
 Check how the products where stored to know what causes the premature spoilage.
69. How would you ensure that safety stocks level are up to date?
 Conduct a regular inventory procedure.
70. You noticed that the two items of the stocks are missing, what document would you look into
trace the cause of the missing item?
 Refer to inventory records.
71. Why do we observe proper way segregation and disposal in the workplace?
 To prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms to the client, coworkers and the
72. How can you avoid product spillage and wastages?
 By proper handling and use of products.
73. What would you do to the tools and remaining supplies after performing the massage session?
 Clean and sanitize tools and return to proper place, supplies must be returned according to
proper storage.
74. What is the standard procedure to maintain good working condition of massage tools and
 Use of tools and equipment according to manufacturer’s instruction/manual.
75. What would you do if you found out that one the massage beds is broken/unstable?
 Report to the immediate superior for replacement or repair.
76. What would you do before using a chemical product with foul odor.
 Wear appropriate PPE, check product description and observe proper safety precaution in
handling such chemical products.
77. What would you do if you notice a defective material mix up in the process?
 Segregate defective material and report immediately to the superior/ authorized personnel.
78. What would do to avoid conflict in the workplace?
 Practice an open communication with proper authority
 Think before responding in anger
 Clarify the actual situation
 Discourage inter office gossip/rumor
 Do not nurture rumors.
79. Why do you need to follow work instructions?
Answer any of the ff:
 To meet the expectations
 To keep the right track towards company goals and objectives
 To avoid damages or company loss
 To measure progress towards goals accomplishments
 To focus on producing what the company needs
80. Would you continue doing the task if specifications are not available? Why?
Answer Any of the ff:
 No, specifications are necessary to produce the required output.
 No, to avoid damages and company loss
 No, to avoid unwanted results.

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