Orgins Essay

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Name: Haleigh McClain

Course: CWV 101
Date: August 12, 2023
Be sure you answer Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and the Reference section of this assignment
before submitting.
Part One: Christian Beliefs
Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the
Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite
all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference
section at the end of this document.
1. Summarize Christian beliefs about the origins of the universe:
The Christian beliefs have four acts: creation, the fall, redemption and restoration. What I
read and understood, the Christian beliefs are of the Bible. The belief of God, he is the
creator of all living things. The way he helps you is through prayer. He knows what you
are going to say before you even say it. Someone that has the faith of a tiny mustard seed
can make it to heaven.

2. Summarize Genesis 1-2:

Genesis 1-2 is when God created the world. He created the world in 7 days, which is why
there are 6 major workdays, and the seventh day is on Sunday which is a day of rest. He
also separated the day and the night, along with him adding land and the sea. Day 3, he
also created vegetation which is what helped the people that he will make on day 6. Day 4,
he created the moon, which acts like a light, and created seasons. He also created the
beautiful stars. Day 5 he created sea animals and which he created two of them, male and
female, to reproduce to make more. Day 6, he created all land animals. He also created
man on that day. Day 7 was the day that he created for the day rest and for the man to take
care of the Earth. In Genesis chapter 2 he had created the first human in detail, Adam. He
was created from dust. Adam was placed into the garden and for him to do the work that
was assigned by God. His assignment was to keep up the garden work and to name the
animals that God created. God also told Adam that he was not to eat from the Tree of
knowledge of good and evil or he will die. God realizes that man is not good being alone.
He creates Eve, which is now Adams wife from his ribs. God did not create Eve from the
dust because he wanted them to know that the man would now leave his mother and father.
(English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Gensis.1:31-2:25)

3. Summarize general revelation and special revelation:

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The general revelation is the way he lets his people see himself through what we call
natural evidence. I think that it is when people have a moment that they have prayed about,
and it may not come out the way you planned but more, so the way God had planned. With
the special revelation I think it is God showing himself through other things like the word
and something happening in your life and all you can think about was, “that was a God

4. Summarize the three major Creationism approaches to Genesis 1-2:

There is Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Evolutionary Creationism.
Young Earth Creationism is that the universe was created in six days because on the
seventh day he rested. Old Earth Creationism is where the Earth is older as in billions of
years older. Evolutionary Creationism is where God created it over a period of time.

Part Two: Current Understanding

Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the
Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite
all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference
section at the end of this document.
1. My current beliefs about the origin of the universe:
I believe that God created the world and yet it is very confusing and hard to understand. I
know that he is always with me. The prayers that I pray are answered they may not be
what I want, but I know they are from God. I know that he has a plan for me, and I try my
best to be the good person he wants me to be. Following the word is so important and yet
also so hard at times. I love going to church, but sometimes I just want to be lazy! Sundays
are such a struggle in my little family because I know what comes on Monday, a workday.
Knowing that I must get up, make lunches, get everyone ready including myself, and out
the door to work then to work with special needs children all day, I want a day of rest
myself. I know I sound so shellfish.

2. My current beliefs about evolution:

I feel like as a Christian we are not supposed to believe in evolution. There are many
people in the world that say we came from monkeys and in my beliefs, I do not think we
did. We came from God.

3. My current beliefs about the age of the earth:

I believe that the Earth was created in 6 days by God. What he did for the people was
something imaginable and that was creating the world!

4. My current beliefs about if the Bible and science can be reconciled:

Do I think they will be? No, I do not think they will be. If you ever get to see a baby being
born from the womb, there is no way you can tell me it is science. It is truly a God thing.

Part Three: Impact of Current Understanding

Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the
Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite
all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference
section at the end of this document.
1. Therefore, this is what I believe about the nature of God:
Me being a Christian, I fully believe in that God was the creator of the world and he is our
savior. I do have struggles about how someone could kill someone or steal something from
a store, and it be the same level in a sin. I most defiantly believe in the power of prayer
too. I’ve had a hard life in my childhood and even cancer and there is no way that I could
have ever made it without him.

2. Therefore, this is what I believe about the nature of Humanity:

I feel like God created human to have all of the natural things that we have. We all have
sin and that is something that all humanity will forever do. He also created humanity for us
to live through the works of him. He wants us, being humans and sharing the word. He
wants us to be able to worship and

3. Therefore, this is what I believe about the care for the Earth:
When I think about this, I think about God creating the first man, which is Adam. He
created him to work in the Garden. He also created Eve, from the ribs of Adam. He created
them both to work for him in the Garden of Eden. They were to take care of all the trees
and fruit.


Diffey, D. (2020). Wisdom in

the beginning. In Grand Canyon
University (Ed.), The beginning
of wisdom: An introduction to
Christian thought and life (3rd
Diffey, D., & Holland, R. (Eds.). (2022). The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to
Christian thought and life (5th ed.). Grand Canyon University.

English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Gensis.1:31-2:25

NIV Study Bible (John MacArthur.). (2013). Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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