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Name: Geanne O.

Pingkian August 12,

Group 5

1.What is Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education all about?

The foundation of special and inclusive education is all about
the study of children's typical and atypical development, as well as the learning characteristics of 
students  special educational needs (gifted and talented learners, learners who have trouble seein
g, hearing, communicating, walking/moving, remembering and focusing, learners who have trou
ble with self-care), as well as those who are in challenging situations.
2.What is the main objective of special and inclusive education?
The main goal of inclusive education is to accommodate each student's unique
requirements while educating students with disabilities in a regular classroom. Children with
special needs can attend regular classes with ordinary pupils and obtain a free, suitable education
thanks to inclusive education.
A child with a disability may require instruction that is specifically tailored to their requirements.
This is known as special education. This refers to education that is created to meet a child's
unique needs in order to maximize learning potential.
3. What are the two types of inclusive education?
The two types of inclusive education are Regular inclusion or partial inclusion and Full
4. Why is special education important?
Children with learning difficulties benefit greatly from special education because it
allows them to receive a high-quality education that is tailored to their particular requirements.
Every student can achieve their full potential and obtain a high level of independence through
special education.
5.What is the difference between inclusive education and special education?
Special education is a separate educational system that provides for the requirements of
children with disabilities outside of the mainstream school, which is the primary distinction
between special education integrated education and inclusive education. Inclusive education
occur within a setting where students with disabilities learn alongside peers without disabilities.

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