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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming today. Let me introduce
myself. I`m Evelyn Santana and I´m a journalist from La Nación newspaper. As you
can see on the screen, our topic today is “The Role and influence of Mass Media".
The topic is very important for you because it will help you to deal with the mass media
and the reach of information and get a better performance.

I’ve divided my presentation into three parts. I`ll start off by defining Mass Media.
Then, I`ll move on to analyze the role of Mass Media. Finally, I`ll mention the
consequences and benefits of Mass Media. There will be some time for questions after
my presentation.


with, let me define the concept of Mass Media. It can be written, spoken or broadcast
and it reaches a big audience. It includes television, radio, advertising, movies,
internet, newspapers, and magazines. Analysing the media is very important because it
reflects and creates culture. We are constantly bombarded by messages that promote
products, moods, and attitudes.

Now that we have defined the concept of media, I would like to focus on its role by
explaining three main sociological perspectives. The first one is the Limited-effect
Theory that states that people usually choose what to read or watch based on what they
believe. For example, nowadays it is very common to speak about the concept of post-
Truth. People believe less in objective data and choose the media based on pre-
established emotional reasons.

Now that we have referred to this theory and examples, I would like to talk about the
Cross-Dominant perspective. This theory states that the media reflects the view of a
minority elite, that controls it. Massive media organizations limit competition and are
controlled by businesses. News programs sometimes avoid negative stories about
corporations because they finance large advertising campaigns. For instance, the news
media in Argentina rarely criticize politicians or business people that put money in
their programs.

That brings us to next point that is the Culturalist Theory. Tt claims that people
interact with the media to create their own meanings. The audience can choose what to

watch, how much they want to watch, etc. Different studies carried out by sociologists
state that people interpret messages and images based on their personal experience and

Finally to conclude mi presentation, i would like to talk about consequences and

benefits of mass media.  In the first-place mass media allow the world to be more
interconected. A good example of this is when there was the earthquake in Haiti, thank
you to mass media the citizens were able to raise money very quickly to help the victims
of earthquakes.

On the other hand, mass media can cause that people read or listen a fake news,
therefore they generate some negligence by misinforming. What`s more, the mass
media could be controled it  by some politic group or  company that wants self benefits

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