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The mercantile system stands for the interests of

LONG QUIZ 1 merchants and producers.
6. In mercantile system, the government spends for
I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the word/s armies and navies to secure its interest and
that best describe each statement. sovereignty.
1. It refers to revenues and expenditures of 7. The problems of social reform and the issues of
political bodies. Public Fiscal Administration are inseparably
2. It refers to government decisions on taxation, related.
expenditures, profit and income generation, 8. In public finance, the government adjust its
borrowings for the achievement of government income to its expenses.
objectives. 9. When it comes to expenditure, both public and
3. The _____ provides the variety of works and private finance depends on the economic and
services to his lord. social policies.
4. This system provides landowners with a system 10. Economic growth implies that there is an
of land management to produce goods necessary increase in the volume of goods and services. F
to support themselves and the people who 11. Natural Monopolies: High Excludability;
worked the land. Common Resources: High Rivalry.
5. It is a trade practice wherein nations maintain a 12. Economic development is the increase in total
favorable balance in trade by increasing exports physical production.
and decreasing imports. 13. The requirement to keep watch on revenues and
6. It is considered as peoples’ burdens. expenditures through the skilled accountants and
7. A system in which along with land revenue, a auditors becomes a must.
standing army would be created for service.  14. Economic development: Less developed;
8. Rights and obligations of people are defined by Economic growth: More Developed.
_____. 15. Cameralist are in favor of taxes to support
9. Monetary Resources. military activities.
10. They are considered as an administrative and 16. Adam Smith is against balanced budget.
political unit. 17. According to David Ricardo, unemployment is
11. In this system, wealth of nations derived solely blamed upon the tendency to limit spending too
from the value of land agriculture or land much.
development. 18. In a free enterprise, the economy is a private
12. They identified the three functions of the market economy.
government. 19. Natural Monopolies: Low Rivalry; Common
13. It pertains to income, expenses, and financial Resources: High Excludability.
management of individuals or private 20. In Public Finance, the resource allocation is
corporations. determined on the basis of the prices prevailing
14. It primarily focused on generating revenues and in the market.
handling expenditures of political agencies.
15. It gives the government rights to acquire III. ENUMERATION. List down or enumerate
income. what are being asked on each of the
16. It depends largely upon the general political following item.
organization. 1-5. Public finance may be considered a science
17. He established the Civil Commission. when it adopts the following features.
18. The Philippine public sector operates in a 6-8. Early forms of Public Revenue.
_____. 9-11. Three factors of production according to
19. Used to impact the performance of the Adam Smith.
economy. 12-13. Philippine Republic’s two principal sources
20. The vehicle by which allocation policy of revenue.
decisions are established. 14-15. Two characteristics of Public Goods.
16-19. Four income classifications according to
II. TRUE or FALSE. Identify whether the Gross National Income (GNI) per capita.
following statements is True or False. Write 20. Title of Lesson 1 in Module 3.
Public if the statement is True, otherwise
write Finance.
1. The more the funds are squandered, the greater
are the burdens upon the citizens. Bonus. 5pts.
2. Private Finance refers to the collective wants. NSGABYARA
3. Both the grantor and the grantee are free men Clue: village societies.
and social peers.
4. The Spanish rule in the Philippines for three
hundred years is highly characterized with
feudal practices. 😊

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