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Good afternoon class, today im going to talk about my english Project:


Dolphin behaviour, so let’s start:

Dolphins are known for being one of the most intelligent animals in the marine kingdom. Their
brain is highly DIVéLOPD and they have behavior patterns similar to humans: they recognize
their social group partners, socialize, play and communicate in some way with each other.

Science and love for these marine animals has led biologists, animal care specialists and
scientists to understand that it is possible to engage in non-verbal communication between
dolphins and humans.


How do dolphins communicate?

Just like us humans, when we talk with our buddys, they do something like that, dolphins also
communicate through sounds and gestures, it’s really awesome to see them. They emit a kind
of sounds, from clicks and hisses. The dolphin emits something called a "signature whistle" and
it is a form of identification unique to each dolphin; we could say that it is like a way of
communicating his name.

At the gestural level, they have complex systems of body movements. From circular swims,
head movements, they can even nod with it or wave their fins, to choreographies between
large groups that are believed to be a way of communication and socialization between them.


Can dolphins communicate with humans?

Although we clearly couldn’t communicate in the same way that we do with our buddys,
animal care specialists who live closely or hang out with dolphins have developed different
methods of positive communication. In this way, the dolphins quickly learn to read their
keeper's signals and the keeper also learns to interact with each dolphin. Because, just like us,
each one has a unique way of being and it is very important to know and understand the
behaviors of each dolphin in a personal and unique way.

The fascinating thing is that dolphins can be the door to learn to bond and communicate with
other species and live together more harmoniously.

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