6281 MTH BIM BOG UK Web 2nd Edition August 2018

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A practical guide

to BIM in construction
and infrastructure projects
Peter Bo Olsen, Louise Kærgaard Khammar,
Ole Mikkelsen Breiner and Ditte Wedell Pape
MT Højgaard’s experience using BIM shows us that we achieve the best
results when BIM is integrated in the context in which the project is a part
of. Therefore, we find it natural to see the BIM cooperation on building and
infrastructure projects as a coherent whole, where there is not only focus
on the construction and infrastructure processes but also recognized most
possible future use scenarios.
This book is intended as a guide to an effective cooperation on a project’s
BIM. It provides a holistic description of the cooperation, focusing on both
building and infrastructure projects.
The book gives input to the early setting of a framework for the effective
digital cooperation between all parties in and around a project, which
is necessary in order to think in the context of building and infrastructure
projects to the model.
The book can also be used as a book of reference on the practical
use of BIM in building and infrastructure projects and in technical BIM
environments around BIM coordinators and students.
The way to a more productive
construction industry

To increase productivity in the construction industry requires

greater cooperation and better use of technological tools.

Cooperation will begin at a very early stage, and a good place to

start is with a virtual building project with linkage to the project
schedule and economics of both performance and operational
phases. To implement the project virtually before the first sod,
results in large and obvious benefits for both clients, suppliers,
architects, consultants and contractors.

A well-executed virtual model can already in the concept

phase visualise options for the client, and it can greatly affect
the aesthetics, exploiting opportunities, flexibility, future energy
consumption and not least the overall economy.

When we as contractors link planning and economics at the

detailed models, we ensure a streamlined building process.
We lift productivity in all parts of the chain – also for our clients.

The prerequisites to realise this future is BIM ’Building Information

Modeling’ and VDC ’Virtual Design and Construction’. MT Højgaard
has taken this technology in to use, but we only reach the full
benefit when all the industry players work together. Therefore,
we hope that both current and future players in the industry will
benefit from this book, where we share some of our experiences
with BIM in practice.



Preface 6

1. BIM as a productivity-­enhancing effort 11

BIM objectives and strategy for effective projects 13
Action plan for BIM in practice, using standard processes 13
Necessary resources and competencies 14

2. The contractor and the effective production with BIM 17

Better focus on the client 19
Better overview, management and quality 19
Valuable information for operation and maintenance 20
Overall framework for the BIM cooperation 20
Course of the project 21

3. BIM for individual parties 29

BIM for the client 32
BIM for subcontractors and suppliers 36
BIM for the designers 40
BIM for the BIM coordinator 44

4. Appendices: Practical examples 49

1: Building Component Catalogue and
Model Progression Specification 50
2: BIM Coordination – Guide 53
3: Effective digital collaboration – based on white papers 63
4: Data for effective execution of infrastructure projects 69
5: DesignQA 73
6: Overview of relevant organisations, standards
and selected references 75

Index 80



The digital development sets a new agenda for the construction industry,
changing efficiency and productivity requirements and opportunities.
Therefore, there is a need to change the way in which we collaborate
across the industry.

Cooperation and standard methods are the key words if the construction industry is to achieve
the objective of a higher productivity, and the catalysts are Building Information Modeling (BIM)
and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). BIM and VDC provide a better basis for a construc-
tive cooperation between the project participants and opportunities to find effective potential
solutions already in the initial concept phase. These tools can also be used to strengthen
the communication on the project and contribute with, for instance, visualisation, technical
precision, procurement and deliverables (right quantities at the right place at the right time),
organisation and coordination of the many processes involved as well as regular monitoring
to ensure that the project implementation follows the plans − technically and financially.
BIM and VDC help the contractor become a gathering point in the construction process because
the contractor is the natural point of contact to all parties from customer through supplier
to end user. It enables the contractor to gather data from the relevant discipline models
as the pivotal point of design, production and operation. Experience shows that it promotes
productivity and clear communication on the project, see Appendix 4: Data for effective
execution of infrastructure projects.

From unambiguous classification to effective cooperation

To ensure more unambiguous and clear communication between the project participants,
it is an advantage to use a widely known classification system. In Denmark, there are several
classification systems which can be used in project planning and execution phases (e.g. SfB).
In the 1950s, Sweden took the initiative to an unambiguous classification of building
components in the form of the SfB system (SfB = Samarbetskomitén för Byggnadsfrågar (the
cooperation committee for construction)). In the early 1970s, the system was acknowledged
internationally by the Commission Internationale du Batiment (CIB) in Rotterdam and is today
used in practice on the majority of all projects using BIM in Denmark. One of the reasons is
that the SfB system is a real classification system that contributes to a more unambiguous and
effective communication between the project participants, whilst at the same time being easy
to incorporate into the digital cooperation on the handling of the construction data on the
project, see Appendix 6: Overview of relevant organisations, standards and selected references.
In 2006, the Danish Building Classification System (Dansk Bygge Klassifikation (DBK)) was
launched, replacing SfB as a new common system to classify information on the construction
process and the built environment. DBK was the first real coherent classification system for
construction in Denmark based on international standards.
In the period from 2012 to 2014, cuneco – centre for productivity in construction – developed
CCS, which was to replace DBK. CCS is a national system to classify and identify building com-
ponents and spaces and to describe the relations between building components and spaces.
In June 2015, MT Højgaard published the white paper entitled ”Addressing classification
in the Danish AEC Industry” to contribute to the industry with data-driven insight into the
current use of classification. MT Højgaard analysed more than 3.1 million BIM objects from 196
discipline-specific BIM models to examine the use of classification in the Danish construction
industry. The analysis provides results unveiling the use of specific Danish classification systems,


whilst at the same time identifying that the Danish ICT Regulations in the Danish construction
industry have a significant influence on the use of classification. MT Højgaard concludes that
in Denmark, SfB is the most widely used classification system and was used in 48% of the BIM
models, whereas 37% did not use any classification at all, see Appendix 3: Effective digital
collaboration – based on white papers.
BIM7aa is a modernization of SfB. The method structure and coherence between building
objects, offer lists, descriptions and amount of extraction as well as defining interfaces between
advisor subjects. inter alia, classifications, properties and other relevant parameters. The white
paper “Addressing classification in the Danish AEC industry”, June 2015 concludes that BIM7AA
has the highest percentage of objects classified based on a single relatively small project
comprised of 3035 objects compared with an overall average of 39.612 objects per project.
Read more about BIM7aa at http://bim7aa.dk/index_UK.html.
Early involvement of the contractor allows an early collection of data on the relevant building
components and helps enrich the project’s BIM with more information. Using the enriched BIM,
the contractor can visualise and simulate the process and the built environment, based on
the solutions selected, thus providing the client with a good basis for decision-making in terms
of total cost of ownership and subsequent operation and maintenance.

Efficient cooperation with BIM

This book gives a framework to an effective cooperation on a project’s BIM. The book provides
a framework for effective digital cooperation between all parties in and around a project at
an early stage. For the past ten years, the Danish Government has made general requirements
to a framework for ”Digital Construction”. The requirements are defined and regulated in the
Danish Regulations 118 and 119 which specify requirements regarding the use of information
and communications technology in public and social construction contracts above certain
thresholds. This helps establish the colla­borative framework between the project participants
and contributes to a better built environment for the client, see Appendix 2: BIM Coordination
− Guide.
The book can also be used as a reference work on the practical use of BIM during building
and infrastructure projects and in technical BIM environments around BIM coordinators and
The book contains references to various industry organisations and national and international
BIM standards such as buildingSMART, see Appendix 6: Overview of relevant organisations,
standards and selected references, and in the book, there are also references to tools,
templates and standards issued by these organisations.
Our VDC journey in MT Højgaard has paved the way for a wider project focus, allowing us
to look at projects from new angles and to take a more holistic approach. In this book, we
therefore see projects as a whole consisting of both construction and infrastructure. In this way,
we can also approach the projects based on their context and use knowledge and experience
gained on other projects to give the customer a far better basis for making decisions already
at the early design phase and throughout the life cycle of the building or infrastructure asset.
The book is written by Louise Kærgaard Khammar, Ole Mikkelsen Breiner, Peter Bo Olsen and
Ditte Wedell Pape who have many years of experience of working with BIM in both building
and infrastructure projects, all of whom currently also work with Urban VDC in the early phases
of a project.


Reading instructions
This book is an update and 2. edition of the book: “A practical guide to BIM in construction
and infrastructure projects” from 2015. The book contains even more knowledge and practical
experience and recent analysis of the value of BIM in the cooperation between client and
contractor using BIM tools. The book is organised in four parts:
1. BIM as a productivity-enhancing effort
2. The contractor and the effective production with BIM
3. BIM for the individual parties
4. Practical examples as part of the book’s appendices
In the first part, we introduce a number of benefits of using BIM and explain how you can make
optimal use of BIM on the individual project. The second part of the book gives insight into how
the contractor uses BIM on projects and how this facilitates effective production. Finally, in its
third part, the book describes the benefits of BIM to the individual project participants as we
see them.
The individual project participants have different perspectives on the use of BIM because they
have different focus areas. To the client, the advantage of using BIM is for instance that BIM can
support the construction process, whereas to the facilities manager, the advantage is that BIM
among other things can support the subsequent operation and maintenance. And to the consul­
tant, the benefits are yet again different from those of the contractor and the BIM coordinator.
The third part of the book will therefore repeat elements of the other parts of the book, but
from the perspective of the individual project participant.
The book’s appendices contribute with descriptions of good practice that will enable good
project execution.
•• Appendix 1: Building Component Catalogue and Model Progression Specification
describes how MT Højgaard’s Building Component Catalogue can be used to support digital
cooperation on building and infrastructure projects
•• Appendix 2: BIM Coordination – Guide describes how the BIM coordination and the use of
the right tools are prerequisites for a good data flow and effective cooperation on the project
•• Appendix 3: Effective digital collaboration – based on white papers gives a short intro­
duction to some of MT Højgaard’s white papers that are intended to clarify how to increase
productivity using BIM as an integral part of the production and digital collaboration
•• Appendix 4: Data for effective execution of infrastructure projects describes the coopera-
tion on the project’s BIM model and details how early involvement of the contractor will
generate data that, with BIM, can be reused throughout the project
•• Appendix 5: DesignQA describes in general terms how systematic inspections and quality
assessments of the designers’ deliverables promote efficient building and infrastructure
•• Appendix 6: Overview of relevant organisations, standards and selected references
describes briefly a number of relevant standards and best practice specifications in relation
to the use of BIM on building and infrastructure projects.


BIM as
a productivity-­
1. BIM as a productivity-­­
enhancing effort
BIM provides a better overview and a better basis for decisions
to all project participants and strengthens the construction process,
resulting in better control, quality and communications.
BIM contributes with intelligent geometry for building and infrastructure projects which both
displays the spatial position of the individual building component in 3D and the correlation
between all building components in the project. The individual building component is given
a concrete expression with exact dimensions and properties (e.g. concrete and steel). In this
way, the project’s BIM model meets the desire for physical spatiality in the form of a virtual
model of buildings and infrastructure assets. BIM can be used for simulation, analysis and
execution purposes in connection with procurement, planning and production, and to generate
data for the subsequent operation.
BIM establishes the framework for a more effective cooperation on the project and helps
deliver a higher quality in the design of buildings and infrastructure assets and the subsequent
execution and operation:
•• Open, shared framework for the digital cooperation applied by all project participants
•• Correct geometry in the underlying basis for the design and work (BIM and drawings)
•• Punctual delivery of the agreed basis for the design and work (3D BIM and drawings)
We have identified various benefits of using BIM through several years of practice. Figure 1.1
below illustrates these benefits where each single element supports parts of a stronger construc-
tion process.

Better basis
for decisions

Better total cost Overview

of ownership of changes

The benefits
of BIM
Better Shorter
operation and construction
maintenance time

Carrying out Zero errors

the anticipated and omissions
Figure 1.1
Benefits of using BIM


BIM objectives and strategy for effective projects
For cooperation on the project’s BIM to add most value to the project participants, it is
necessary to define the objective for the use of BIM on the project. This will ensure a common
effort and alignment of expectations about common objectives that support the client’s goals
as well as achievement of the objectives of the individual project participants.
Figure 1.1 shows some of the benefits of using BIM which must also form part of the
client’s objectives in order to translate requests and needs into first-class projects with
a focus on quality and total cost of ownership. An effective cooperation on the project’s BIM
is a pre­requisite for effective achievement of the client’s objectives.
Therefore, we recommend that the client first develops a strategy for the use of BIM on the
project and formulates how the overall objective and intermediate objectives can be achieved
and what competencies should be brought to bear on the project. To begin with, it requires
an identification of the objectives, e.g.:
•• Effective operation based on early clarification of subsequent operation and maintenance
aspects, involving the operating organisation
•• Effective construction process with a focus on reducing rework and idle time, involving
the workers

Action plan for BIM in practice, using standard processes

In order to achieve objectives and strategies for the use of BIM on the project, it is necessary
to work according to well defined processes. Consequently, you should work out a strategy
for the use of BIM on the project, describing the standard processes required for optimisation,
and for the reuse of the information about the project available in the project’s BIM. Examples
of standard processes:
•• Clash detection contributes to an accurate working and production basis for all project
participants through a systematic combination of the designers’ designs and coordination
of necessary changes, see Appendix 5: DesignQA
•• Quantity take-offs contribute to a more effective process for the call for bids, both for
the client and the bidders based on exact quantities extracted from the BIM models
•• Digital handover of ’as-built model’ can for instance be used for operation and mainte­­nance,
and if there is a need for conversion or renovation later


Necessary resources and competencies
The standard processes selected also imply requirements for resources and competencies, e.g.:
•• BIM execution plan as a framework for the cooperation
•• Design quality
•• BIM coordination and ICT management
It is important to establish common agreements on roles and responsibilities because it creates
the right framework for optimisation of the cooperation on the project, see Appendix 4: Data for
effective execution of infrastructure projects.
The design is to be converted into concrete procurement, building components and work
processes, and all participants are therefore required:
•• To deliver the right information at the right time to the right person
•• To jointly plan the individual’s contribution, using methods from lean construction
and location-based construction management
•• To know the mutual expectations through clear requirements
It is also recommended that the client exchanges lessons learnt with other clients to gain
insight into how others handle unambiguity, punctuality and learning opportunities.
The use of BIM adds value to the project from the initial concept phase through visua­
lisation and clarification with BIM, the clients’ requirements for ICT and BIM are being
used as the platform for our joint analysis and simulations. Here the consequences of choices
made regarding design of the building or the civil work asset and the subsequent execution
can be clarified and tested. By doing so, we can for instance optimise the choice of solutions
to improve quality or to hand over the project earlier.


The contractor
and the effective
with BIM
2. The contractor and
the effective production with BIM
The contractor may ensure a more effective production on building and
infrastructure projects through systematic use of BIM. When BIM is used to
review the design documentation, the project’s buildability and to perform
clash detection, it contributes to a higher quality in design and thus a
better basis for choice of solutions and execution.
By using BIM to visualise the construction process and to structure and share information
andknowledge the contractor achieves an overview of the project even before the first sod,
see Appendix 4: Data for effective execution of infrastructure projects. The subsequent use
of the model to plan and manage the process will significantly reduce risks in the time
schedule. This helps create a better process along with better health and safety for all
project participants.
An effective production partly requires an effective design, an effective construction process
and an effective cooperation:

Effective Effective Effective

design construction process cooperation
Better coordination Better coordination Better coordination
Quality Assurance (QA) Punctual analysis Better cooperation
of design Less rework Better health and safety
Buildability analysis Better quality Better communication
Better choice of solution
and production plans

Through design and contracting with QA using better BIM data, the basis for making
decisions will improve. The project participants liaise on the use of BIM and perform
their own clash detections. This ensures among other things that discipline models are coordi-
nated and that clashes are avoided already in the design phase and not at the construction site.
It optimises the planning process and results in a more effective construction process, and the
designers deliver quality-­controlled consistent and buildable project documents to the workers
who will then have the optimal basis for their planning and execution process, see Appendix 3:
Effective digital collaboration – based on white papers.
Production becomes more effective when the project’s BIM contributes to a faster
clarification process. The client will be offered a visualisation of the construction site
and thereby greater insight into the project and the construction process as well as a guarantee
that the contractor takes into account an optimised construction process and health and safety
at work. The client will have high-quality buildings and infrastructure assets, among other
things because good BIM-based project documents results in less rework. Together with a
systematic QA management on the project, this ensures a high-quality solution on handover.
The BIM cooperation on the project creates value for all project participants when
the contractual deliverables and services are delivered on time and as agreed.
Consequently, it is the responsibility of all project participants to protect and comply with
the framework set for the BIM cooperation.


The BIM execution plan and the BIM coordination are central aspects of the implementation
of an effective production. The BIM execution plan sets the framework for the BIM cooperation
on the project. BIM coordination is to ensure that the use of BIM and ICT are coordinated
between the project participants.
The parties to the BIM cooperation agree on various deliverables, e.g. the design time schedule,
as part of the framework for the mutual cooperation.
The BIM coordinator also assists the project and design management in the use of BIM and
ensures that all parties design in accordance with the BIM execution plan so that it can be used
as the basis for the future BIM cooperation, see Appendix 3: Effective digital collaboration –
based on white papers.
Also, digital review creates greater insight into the project through the use of BIM tools such
as Autodesk Design Review, Navisworks, Solibri Model Viewer or Tekla BIMsight. Clash detection
contri­butes to an accurate working and production basis for all project participants through
a systematic combination of the designers’ designs and coordination of necessary changes.
It is further important for all participants to make a systematic inspection and quality assess-
ment of the designers’ deliverables. This provides a better basis for subsequent quantity take-
offs and verification based on the project’s BIM which contains quantities and types of building
components, depending on the level of development of the design, see Appendix 1: Building
Component Catalogue and Model Progression Specification. Quantity take-offs from the project’s
BIM can be created using BIM tools such as Solibri and SimpleBIM.
Finally, the project’s BIM can be used to give a good overview of the construction site with
a site model combining information on existing conditions (terrain, public installations).
The site layout can also form the basis of a “health and safety plan” and consequently improve
health and safety.

Better focus on the client

The contractor’s goal should always be to give the client the best possible buildings and
infrastructure assets for the money. BIM can be used to deliver a well thought-out building or
infrastructure project because it helps reduce certain risks and create a better process for all
parties as well as great benefits in the subsequent operation and maintenance. At the same
time, the use of BIM ensures that all parties continuously have an overview of the progress
at the construction site. BIM establishes a good basis for decisions throughout the process
and creates value for operation and maintenance.

Better overview, management and quality

The planning phase includes everything from the client’s choice of solution to the
sequence of the construction of buildings and infrastructure assets. The client sees
that project changes are being handled more swiftly and prices set at a realistic level relative
to the changes because the contractor and the designers can use BIM to visualise, simulate
and analyse the changes requested. The benefit to the client is high-quality buildings or
infrastructure assets delivered early because the contractor is able to optimise execution
time by using location-based, model-based and tested methods and standard solutions.


All changes in the course of the project are visible straight away in the project’s BIM model,
and the construction process can therefore continue faster with the changes implemented.
This gives flexibility and a good platform for a systematic QA of the design and basis for work.
Moreover, BIM makes it possible to create simulations that give the client a better basis for
making decisions on matters such as light and soil balance and machinery and transport
logistics. In other words, the project’s BIM contains all the guidance and information on the
construction work from how to maintain joints to how to repair asphalt that the client and later
the facilities manager may need. This simplifies both the day-to-day operation and maintenance
of large infrastructure assets.

Valuable information for operation and maintenance

The project’s BIM gathers all information on the building and infrastructure asset, thus estab-
lishing a good basis for the subsequent operation and maintenance. In this way, the client
and the facilities manager can use the knowledge and information that have been gathered
in the course of the project. It is therefore essential that the client is involved in the process
and makes demands and requests as to what the BIM is to be used for once the building or
infrastructure asset has been put into operation. In this way, the project’s BIM will ultimately
contain all the necessary information.
BIM delivers cost savings in the operation phase. Already at the start of the project, the client
should find internal or external BIM competencies to guarantee the use of BIM throughout
the construction process and in the subsequent operation and maintenance.

Overall framework for the BIM cooperation

Internal and external experience shows that time and money can be saved by using the project’s
BIM, among other things because it provides the contractor with a better and clearer basis
for his work. Most value is gained from BIM when BIM is incorporated from the very beginning
and is used by all parties throughout the project from initial concept to handover. Therefore,
it is necessary to work out a strategy for the use of BIM on the project and assign a BIM coordi-
nator who makes sure that BIM is used throughout the project on the basis of the plan made
for the BIM cooperation.

Plan for the BIM cooperation on the project

On all building and infrastructure projects, a plan should be made for the use of BIM and
thus an action plan to be used as a control tool throughout the project. The plan for the
BIM cooperation provides an overall overview of the BIM effort to be made on the project.
This overview is an important tool for both the BIM coordinator and the project management.

TrimBuild® and BIM

Lean Construction emerged as a concept in the 1990s inspired by Japanese lean thinking in
the Toyota Production System. In Denmark, the first steps towards lean construction were taken
at the end of the 1990s and followed up by MT Højgaard among others − primarily as a con-
struction management tool, but several consultants and architects have shown an interest
in and used the lean construction principles in their design work.
In the past 15 years, several Danish contractors have made efforts to “reduce waste” in the
process from design to project handover. Inspired by lean construction, various fundamental
rules and tools optimising and streamlining the construction process have been developed.


MT Højgaard calls its version of lean construction TrimBuild. The objective of TrimBuild is to
create the most effective construction process. A building or infrastructure project is a large
logistics job, and with TrimBuild, “waste” is reduced in the variable and complicated processes.

Process management in TrimBuild strengthened by BIM

A coordinated working basis in the form of BIM, comprising the design of the building or
infrastructure asset, creates the most effective design and execution process in the given
circumstances. The process is strengthened by the procedures and rules of TrimBuild, and
BIM provides the framework for the digital cooperation on the project. And that changes
the way in which all parties involved in all phases of a project work together.

Roles and responsibilities

Implementation of BIM requires that all parties allocate BIM resources (e.g. a BIM coordinator)
and that the project participants focus on using BIM on the project.
The overall project management makes the general decisions on the project based on the
client’s requests, assisted by a BIM resource who coordinates the use of BIM on the project.
Under the overall project management, there is a project management for the various project
participants such as architects, consultants and subcontractors. These project managers should
be assisted by their own BIM resources to develop a common understanding of the project and
the use of BIM.

Course of the project

Already at the early stages of the project, the BIM may be used to give the client and the other
parties a good insight into the overall urban expression of buildings or infrastructure assets and
may, if coupled with information on the individual components of the buildings or infrastructure
assets, be used to simulate and analyse an operating environment.
On all projects, the possibilities of using BIM are evaluated based on a number of factors,
including an assessment and control of the quality of the design documentation. A BIM coordi-
nator is attached to the project and works out a strategy for the use of BIM on the project
together with the project management, so as to support an effective process and reuse of
The contractor may also use the project’s BIM to visualise and simulate the project to the client,
the tenant and the investor. In that way, the alignment of expectations pivots on the entire
building or infrastructure asset and not on drawings and extracts of illustrations.

Design quality
Design quality is achieved through a standard process where the tender documents and
the sub­sequent project documents (BIM models, drawings, specifications, etc.) for bidding
and execution are reviewed and assessed on the basis of general requirements to the quality
of the design information, including e.g. rules for good building information modeling practices
and requirements to project design, see Appendix 1: Building Component Catalogue and Model
Progression Specification.
The quality of the design documentation must be able to support the execution of buildings
and infrastructure assets and contribute to productivity in that context.


In order to best execute, plan and manage the economy of a building or infrastructure project,
there are tvelve simple rules for good BIM practice, that must be used as minimum requirements
in relation to the BIM in building and infrastructure projects:
1. The model contains objects
2. Identical coordinate system, gridlines and reference points in all models
3. Objects must be used for their purpose
4. No overlap of objects
5. No duplication of objects for the same purpose
6. Object naming must be consistent
7. Drawings are retrieved from the model
8. Models have properties
9. The model is distributed to production
10. Objects are connected to the correct floor
11. The model has room-objects with informations
12. Objects have a classificationcode

Clash detection is an effective tool in the planning and coordination between disciplines.
It provides an overview and documentation of the quality in the project’s BIM and saves time
for troubleshooting at the construction site. Clash detection must be agreed and performed
between the different parties and across disciplines, and the process must be planned and
managed throughout the project. It is vital that time is set aside for clash detection – both
in the course of the design phase and on handover of the design.

Figure 2.1
Quality assuranced design is important to an effective production


The project framework set for the digital cooperation must always appear from the BIM execution
plan, e.g. how frequently clash detection are to be performed and who is to perform them and
the deadline for correction of clashes. A quality assuranced design is important to an effective
production, as shown in Figure 2.1.
At a project start-up meeting, the process should be agreed upon so that everybody knows it
and knows their roles. The individual disciplines are responsible for the resolution of internal
clashes within the discipline before the clash detection. After the clash detection, the discipline
models are gathered, and the results are communicated to the persons responsible for the BIM
model and other parties.
Clash detection can be performed, using, for instance, BIM tools such as Navisworks or Solibri.

The project framework for the digital cooperation, the BIM execution plan
On all projects, a BIM execution plan should be developed, describing the information and
documents to be exchanged digitally on the project and the persons responsible.
The project contracts between project participants are to specify digital content to be provided
by the designers on a construction project and the technical and practical matters in the
digital cooperation between the project participants. The allocation of responsibilities and
related deliverables can either be described directly in the BIM execution plan, or by the use of
existing parts of the project contracts such as the performance specification with the designers.
This may be specified to all parties, using specifications in a form that contributes to effective
cooperation, see Appendix 4: Data for effective execution of infrastructure projects.
The individual enterprise may benefit from preparing the contract template on the basis
of its own standard practices for effective use of BIM in a project implementation process.
On the individual project, it will then be possible to establish a common framework for
the digital cooperation and BIM through the coordination of the needs and requirements of
the individual parties in relation to the digital cooperation based on the respective templates.
One of the ways to do this is to require the BIM coordinator to always prepare and maintain
a BIM execution plan that reflects the BIM objectives for the project.

BIM coordination
In all construction projects, the contractor holds a central coordinating role. The contact
and the exchange of information between designers and subcontractors are facilitated by
the contractor’s project management processes, and it is therefore a natural point at which
to accumulate information. The contractor is the link between the planned model and reality,
between contact to sub­contractors and suppliers.
The contractor can therefore ensure coordination of the use of BIM between all parties through-
out the process. It provides for a better process for all parties, and the client will end up with
a better product.
According to national BIM cooperation frameworks, see Appendix 6: Overview of relevant
organisations, standards and selected references, the client must appoint an ICT management
team to the project, and the digital cooperation and BIM management teams are in charge
of overall BIM coordination between the participants. The framework for the use of BIM on
the project is set out in the BIM execution plan, and coordination may take place through the
project BIM coordinators, see also Appendix 2: BIM Coordination – Guide.


Digital project review and buildability assessment
With a BIM viewer, it is easy to show and explain to the client or the subcontractors what
is being constructed. The project participants may also use the BIM viewer for review and

Site model in the tender phase provides overview and promotes health and safety
A site model provides an overview of the site layout and the ongoing adjustment throughout
the project. The site model may be used to visualise project progress to the client and illustrate
the erection sequence as well as any health and safety issues to the workers.
The site model must be used already from project start, and the project manager should there-
fore make sure that it is created already in the tender phase and that it is updated throughout
the life­cycle of the project. By adding properties to the different construction site objects,
the model will be a source of much information which may be of relevance, e.g. in relation
to health and safety.
The contractor may show the planned site layout in a film and illustrate to the client which
measures will be taken to prevent critical situations and how site logistics will be handled,
including how existing traffic in the area, if any, will be taken into account, see Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2
Site model with digital construction site objects


Reuse of data in machines from 3D-model
3D machine control may be used for control and quantification purposes in the design phase
and to streamline production and the quality of the work performed. In the execution process,
data from the project BIM may be used in the machine control of the machines to eliminate
time-consuming manual measurements. However, it does make various requirements with
regard to the BIM being placed in the correct coordinate system and redundant data being
removed, see Appendix 4: Data for effective execution of infrastructure projects.
The project’s BIM must then be reviewed, quality assured and converted into a point file and
a terrain model. Using a drilling robot the contractor can ensure a faster and more precise
installation and better working positions for the craftsman.
From the 3D-model the contractor can extract information on attachment points for eg
cable trays, pipes, ventilation etc. that must be attached to the concrete deck. The basis for
the drilling robot is made by converting the information from the 3D-model to coordinates,
see figure 2.3.

Digital measurements
3D laser scans may be used to measure the geometry of construction and infrastructure
projects, thereby providing an exact snapshot of the project.

Figure 2.3
Drilling robot that drills holes in the concrete deck based on informations from the 3D-model


A 3D laser scan may be chosen as a tool to determine the right price and identify any potential
problems and costs that may arise at a later stage of the project, such as missing drawings,
building components of varying dimensions or generally to record changes in the drawing
When running a clash detection between existing data (3D laser scans) and the BIM, the user
will have an excellent tool for the subsequent communication with the designers and the client.

4D – Production planning with 3D

The designs provide the production basis for the workers, but for execution purposes it is
necessary to break down the designs into a buildable sequence. By breaking down the BIM into
locations, e.g. rooms and floors, the locations can be coupled with the time schedule and thus
visualise the different sequences of the construction phase. This 4D production planning feature
enhances project efficiency and reduces execution time by up to several weeks, thus providing
greater security that the project can be handed over to the client early or on time.
4D production planning provides the workers with increased focus on who are working within
a given area, and it provides a better framework for effective production without interruption
or idle time. 4D production planning also promotes health and safety at the site because it gives
all parties a better overview of what to do when as well as information about which areas and
rooms may or may not be worked on at a given time.

Today, contractors work increasingly from tried and tested processes to secure efficient
execution. The tried and tested processes become standard processes and are thus an element
in attaining higher project productivity.
These standard processes are described so as to allow them to be communicated to the con-
tractor’s collaborators on the project. It must be clearly described how the process is progress-
ing and who hold which roles and responsibilities. One way of describing them is information
delivery manuals (IDMs), see Appendix 6: Overview of relevant organisations, standards and
selected references, which describe the process and are intended to ensure that deliverables
are clear and explicit to the parties to the digital project cooperation.
When the individuals need for information is specified in further detail, the parties will be able
to jointly identify the information and tools etc. required to carry out the task, see Appendix 4:
Data for effective execution of infrastructure projects.
One way of identifying the need for information and deliverables on a project and ensure a more
efficient design process for both design managers and external collaborators is ’Lean Design’.
Through integrated project cooperation, the individual participants’ need for information in
the design phase is identified. The goal is to secure targeted information deliveries so that
the recipient has the necessary information to perform his share of the work. On that basis,
a design plan is developed which reflects the course of the design phase in connection with
the production and execution phases.


Identification of information deliverables supports a more effective process and thus the goal
of using digital tools and BIM, see Appendix 1: Building Component Catalogue and Model
Progression Specification.
Effective cooperation is thus conditioned on all parties having agreed on a common goal
for using BIM in the project. If no such common goal has been agreed, there is a risk that
the parties will each work in their own direction and that it will be difficult to coordinate.
It is therefore crucial for the parties to be in agreement as to when a party for example will
deliver a specific discipline model in an agreed format. Any exchange of discipline models
must include both IFC and original format containing the agreed information for the next
party as shown in Figure 2.4 below.

Prior to handover, the contractor will among other things handle errors and omissions
systematically to ensure that the client takes over high-quality buildings and infrastruc-
ture projects as well as documentation for QA. By handing over quality-assured BIM models,
the contractor ensures that the models are consistent and in conformity with the buildings
and infrastructure projects constructed, and contain the agreed information so that the model
can be implemented into the client’s operation and maintenance, see Appendix 1: Building
Component Catalogue and Model Progression Specification
The client will enjoy high-quality buildings and infrastructure projects, among other things
because good BIM-based project documents used in production result in less rework.
A concurrent systematic project QA process makes for high quality in the handover and for
documentation which may also be used at e.g. the 1 and 5-year inspections.
Operation is off to a better start with a good BIM and data basis. If the need for
operation and maintenance is identified early on, it can be used towards simulating
the effects of the client’s choice of designs and materials, both early in the project and in the
subsequent operation phase. The client will be given a BIM for operation and maintenance of
the building and construction with information about structures, choice of materials and tech-
nical installations. In the future, the client will also be able to elect a BIM model for operation
and maintenance which contains the desired digital information, structured so that it can be
transferred directly to the facilities manager’s operation and main­tenance systems, e.g. using
the COBie standard, see Appendix 6: Overview of relevant organisations, standards and selected

→ → Output

Figure 2.4
The basis of good digital cooperation: Input, method, roles and responsibilities as well as output


BIM for
The BIM Coordinator at the construction site


3. BIM for individual parties

Several years of working with BIM and BIM cooperation have shown that it is
important for the individual parties to have an understanding of each other.
The previous pages have described the BIM cooperation from a contractor’s

Today, several parties have official contract templates concerning the digital cooperation in
the course of the project and handover after the end of the project which are often available on
their websites. MT Højgaard has developed a Building Component Catalogue, which is intended
to promote a good and clear dialogue about and understanding of the BIM requirements,
expecta­tions and deliveries on projects. The Building Component Catalogue is described in
Appendix 1: Building Component Catalogue and Model Progression Specification.
The following pages describe the BIM cooperation with a focus on the individual project
participants: first BIM for the client, then BIM for the subcontractors and suppliers followed
by BIM for the designers and, lastly, the BIM coordination of the project.

BIM for the project participants

•• BIM for the client
•• BIM for suppliers and subcontractors
•• BIM for the designers
•• BIM for the BIM coordinator


BIM for the client
Modern facility management requires a change because, today, the facilities are being main-
tained by means of systems and automatics. It is therefore necessary to have a dialogue with
the client and the facilities manager already in the early stages of the project to clarify the
desired connection between the project’s BIM and the subsequent operation and maintenance.
The project’s BIM is a building and infrastructure design incorporating all rooms and building
components and their geometric contexts. When all relevant data in relation to operation and
maintenance are linked to the specific parts of the project BIM, they become valuable data
for the future operation and maintenance of the facilities, see Appendix 1: Building Component
Catalogue and Model Progression Specification.
BIM enables the client to design its building or work and to explore the project before the first
sod. It provides a good impression of the finished project and a good basis for making the
necessary decisions about choice of solution etc. well before they become urgent. It enables
a faster design process and a better design basis for subsequent production and execution,
see Appendix 3: Effective digital collaboration – based on white papers.
When the client is able to explore its virtual facilities already in the design phase, it will
be easier to make decisions. This will lead to fewer changes in the course of the building
and construction process and thus fewer delays and disagreements about defects and wrong
Already in the design phase, it is therefore necessary to identify the information required in
the subsequent operation and maintenance phase, how to use the information and in which
format as well as the automatisation options available. Consequently, the operation of the
building and the operational consequences must be clarified before project start. In order
to clarify the need for data for operation and maintenance, it is necessary that the right
competencies are involved e.g. project manager and facilities manager.

Effective cooperation
The client will see effective cooperation, an effective building and construction process and
effective project operation because the project builds on solid capabilities, tried and tested
methods and standard solutions, and there is an ongoing accumulation of experience which
provides for efficient use of BIM in the projects. The client will see better cooperation where
all of the parties are able to meet the requirements made and execute the ICT and BIM strategy,
see Appendix 2: BIM Coordination – Guide. The result is an optimised design process and a
more efficient construction process. The client’s ICT and BIM requirements are the very basis
for the parties ability to jointly analyse and simulate the effects of the choices made in terms
of design and execution, see Appendix 5: DesignQA.
Internationally, the COBie standard protocol (Construction-Operations Building Information
Exchange) is seen as the way to go when creating the basis for efficient choices of solutions
based on the total cost of ownership (TCO) and BIM in close cooperation with the client’s
operation and maintenance team, see Appendix 6: Overview of relevant organisations,
standards and selected references.


New psychiatric Department in Vejle
– PPP project with operational responsibility
MT Højgaard erects the New Psychiatric Department in Vejle on 17,400 m2
of PPP cooperation where PKA, Sampension and Pension Denmark’s backers,
DEAS is responsible for the operation and maintenance the next 25 years with
the Region of Southern future user.

The project’s special design and solutions On-Site use of iPad

support transparency in the hospital section The use of iPads in the construction site
combined with a technology package which has caused that the contract managers are
ensures good communication between the quickly able to handle situations with sub-
hospital staff. The building is carried out by contractors, for example, clarifying a special
low-energy class 2015, which ensures low detail solution. The possibility of using Blue-
energy level for the operation in the future. beam offline at the construction site has also
made it possible to work from the current
Through the design and production stages
model at the construction site. Checking
is used BIM to ensure effective exchange of
the element assembly with spacing and lack
information for project partners.
of penetrations are quickly discovered by
comparing the 3D model on site with the
Quantity take of for suppliers
installed elements.
Due to the complexity of the construction
particularly on windows and glazing, the Review of models
need for information has continued to grow – Solibri Model Viewer
gradually, as the project progressed. This is Introduction to Solibri Model Viewer to
solved through the enrichment of informa- contract managers in the construction site
tion attached to the objects in Revit, which has caused increased interest in self-inspect
was subsequently handed in a list to the updates in the BIM models – and not just
supplier that gave the price in the tender the drawings. Therefore the BIM coordinator
phase. All elements were also applied to has collected the discipline models every
a BIM-code both the model and the physical week to a common model and uploaded
element, and it has saved time on the con- to the project web, so everyone can review
struction site. the material and better understand the


New psychiatric Department in Vejle – PPP project


BIM for subcontractors and suppliers
Throughout the building and construction process, the subcontractor will be able to use BIM
as the stepping stone for a much more detailed review of the tender documents. This provides
for a more exact bill of quantities, pricing and planning.
According to a survey conducted by the Danish Construction Association (Dansk Byggeri) and
various others, there is a great productivity potential to be realised through a digitalisation
of the contractors’ tender process. This would require, for example:
•• Delivery of 3D tender quantities and building models in the tender documents
•• Delivery of bills of quantities and other tender documents in editable digital formats allowing
the contractors to process the materials digitally
The survey concludes that through further standardisation and digitalisation of the tender docu-
ments, clients may initiate the contractors to release the unfulfilled potential. The contractors
can help specify how the client and its advisers – as well as tender portals and estimation
systems – can support the digital tender process. The survey is available in Danish at the
website of the Danish Building & Property Agency (Bygningsstyrelsen).
The supplier’s delivery traditionally involves specific building components and related work
and services in the form of assembly and subsequent warranties and, for some deliveries,
an actual design deliverable and thus design of the delivery, see Appendix 1: Building Component
Catalogue and Model Progression Specification. This design can with advantage be incorporated into:
•• The coordination process in relation to the framework for own delivery and joint coordination
of the overall design, see Appendix 2: BIM Coordination – Guide
•• The basis for future operation and maintenance, for example by adding value by providing links
to relevant operation and maintenance information and possible operation and maintenance
services and offers
The supplier’s design may form part of a timely identification of any problems relating
to assembly and thereby the productivity and quality of the incorporation of the
individual delivery or building component. However, some prior conditions must be in place
for the coordination between the supplier’s design and the rest of the design to be successful.
For example, the BIM execution plan must form part of the underlying contract documents of
the project. Whatever approach is opted for with regard to the value of the design of the deliv-
erable and thus BIM to the project, it is important to ensure that roles and responsibilities in
this connection have been defined and are respected by the project designers. This means that
the individual party has a genuine opportunity to ensure that the individual deliverable can
be efficiently incorporated in the other designs.
Before the supplier works with the value of the digital designs, it is important to consider
the value of a correct production basis. If the contractor is able to confirm that the production
basis is 100% okay, the entire project and all of its participants will benefit, see Appendix 3:
Effective digital collaboration – based on white papers.
Trust and a clear framework are central to the supplier’s optimisation of the time
available to develop the detailed designs and shop drawings, as well as the subsequent
production, see Appendix 4: Data for effective execution of infrastructure projects.
From the contractor’s assessment of the design documentation, the supplier may take different
approaches to the project, for example by upskilling staff to work with BIM or concluding
an external agreement with a professional party responsible for the design of the supplier’s
delivery, as well as coordination in relation to the external parties, see Appendix 5: DesignQA.


56 new railway bridges for Banedanmark
MT Højgaard is to replace and renovate 56 railway bridges between Ringsted
and Rødby for Banedanmark. The project includes predominantly bridges
leading railway along roads and streams, but also 16 bridges leading roads
over the railway. A total of 26 bridges will be rebuilded, while the rest should
be extended or renovated. The bridges must be finished in mid-2020.

Client demands for BIM Construction site modeling ensures

Banedanmark requires the use of ICT and good and safe construction site logistics
BIM, and it allows us to bring our skills into With a BIM to our construction site, we get
play, so that we together with the other a good view of the square and can design
parties can ensure effective collaboration various scenarios to find the right setup.
on the project. With an early framing of This allows for example, that we find the
both the client and ourselves we can define optimal solution to a renovation of a bridge
strategy and actionplan on how we will where the existing traffic has to pass
use BIM to ensure effective planning and through, while we carry out our construc-
execution of the project. tionworks.
Development of industry standard
Better overview, management
To support a digital exchange of information
and quality
between the parties on the project, we have
The use BIM on the project will give all
been inspired by the applicable industry
parties a better overview of the project
standards for construction. bips’ A104 is
and thus better opportunities to manage
therefore used as a basis for a folder
and ensure high quality of the renovation
structure on our project web, where files
and construction of 56 bridges. Even before
are exchanged between the project partners.
the project started, we have had a strong
The benefits it provides to work from
focus on finding outlets for the right skills
standardized methods are expected to
to ensure good project progress and proper
come to influence on future projects in
coordination – not least in relation to BIM.
MT Højgaard and thus the industry as
a whole.


56 new railway bridges for Banedanmark
BIM for the designers
The designers assure the quality of the project design documentation by meeting client and
contractor requirements and specifications and by observing best practice. It provides for better
planning and better project time and cost management and identified the information to be
delivered by each individual party, see Appendix 2: BIM Coordination – Guide.
The contractor should always assure the quality of the design documentation, thus
securing quality and coordination of the planning and execution basis, see Appendix 5:

Effective cooperation
The designers will gain faster insight into the project by using BIM. This enables them, among
other things, to attach digital object properties and make searches in the model and to obtain
better digital measurements. 3D project engineering supports the cooperation where the
contractor has the necessary information to further develop the project basis. 3D design review
provides a better basis for the designers to check the design documentation and coordination
of the different discipline models.
The designers follow the BIM execution plan developed for the project. The designer liaises
with the client and the contractor on the use of BIM and carries out its own clash detection.
This provides, among other things, for coordination of the different discipline models and
prevention of clashes already in the design phase and not on the construction site. This
makes for a better process for all parties involved and contributes to fulfilling the client’s BIM
specifications. All project documents and relevant information are exchanged by the project
participants via Project Web.
The designer will exchange the project’s design documentation according to the client’s
specifications, which describe when and how to exchange. This is described in the BIM
execution plan, which together with the project schedule and performance description
ensures that all participants are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
The use of BIM and clear agreements as to the required level of development provide for a
seamless process and less project follow-up, see Appendix 1: Building Component Catalogue
and Model Progression Specification. Consistency in documents provides for consistency
in prices and a good basis of comparison for an effective evaluation of the prices quoted
by the contractor because the quantities are correct as per the estimation.
In addition, communication with the contractor will be easier through the project’s BIM,
and it results in better cooperation and less mistakes.


MT Højgaard is constructing
a new headquarter – Multiflex Office
MT Højgaard is constructing its own new headquarters, which is DGNB
silver certifi­cation, among other things because of the optimal use of daylight,
low energy con­sumption, pleasant acoustic conditions, a good indoor climate
and good transport conditions.

The construction process is largely based Digital handover with BIM

on a practical application of BIM and VDC provides more efficient operation
at the request of the developer, and it helps When the key is handed over to
to boost productivity both in execution and MT Højgaard’s operatingorganisation there
subsequent operation. will not only be provided an updated BIM,
but also the associated digital information
Early clarification of issues with BIM to support the following operation and
With BIM, we can solve problems and maintenance, and it offers a number of
challenges very early in the project, so we advantages. The digital delivery provides
do not stand with them on the construction a much better view of the building and its
site. Already in the design phase, we can performance and the basis for an optimized
collect the various disciplinary models for planning of operations and maintenance.
a common model, and it provides a better It becomes much easier to find the necessary
overview and a much better coordination. information and manage operations and
thereby optimize and reduce costs. It should
In a collaboration on the project’s BIM,
ultimately create the most optimal frame-
we can therefore make a better design and
work for MT Højgaard’s employees and thus
develop cheaper solutions more efficiently.
becomes also part of boosting productivity.
For example, a better overview allows for
better planning and logistics associated
with connection of concrete elements,
and similarly simulations in relation to
fire optimized cooperation on regulatory
procedures and solution choice.


MT Højgaard Multiflex Office, Søborg


BIM for the BIM coordinator
The project BIM coordinator is responsible for coordinating BIM use and ensuring that
the BIM processes forming part of the project BIM strategy are executed. The framework
for how to execute the BIM processes is described in the BIM execution plan.
All processes are documented and standardised and form part of the BIM coordinator’s tool
box for the project. There are at least eight basic BIM processes which the BIM coordinator must
use in the project:
•• Management of the BIM execution plan which sets the framework for BIM cooperation
on the project
•• ICT coordination is the role which ensures BIM and ICT coordination between the project
participants, and assists the project management team and the design management team in
relation to BIM. If the Danish ICT Regulations no. 118 or 119 on ICT is applicable to the project,
the client must ensure in accordance with section 3 that “the total ICT use between all
parties involved is coordinated throughout the construction project”, see also Appendix 2:
BIM Coordination – Guide and Appendix 3: Effective digital collaboration – based on white
•• 3D project designs and BIM modelling ensure that the design activities of all parties take
place in accordance with the BIM execution plan and using BIM to the furthest extent possi-
ble, which may therefore form the basis of the BIM cooperation, see Appendix 1: Building
Component Catalogue and Model Progression Specification
•• Digital review creates greater insight into the project using BIM tools such as Autodesk Design
Review, Navisworks, Solibri Model Viewer, Tekla BIMsight
•• Clash detection contributes to providing a correct basis for the work and production for all
project participants by means of a systematic comparison of the design team’s designs and
coordination of necessary changes
•• DesignQA ensures systematic reception checking and quality assessment of the design team’s
deliveries, see Appendix 5: DesignQA
•• Quantity take-offs from the project BIM which include quantities for all building components
and building component types, depending on the design’s level of development (LOD).
Quantity take-offs may be created using BIM tools such as Solibri, see Appendix 1: Building
Component Catalogue and Model Progression Specification
•• Site layout and health and safety – use BIM for site layout to get a good impression of the
layout of the site, but also an opportunity to combine information about existing aspects
(terrain, public installations, adjacent buildings, etc.). The site layout may also form the basis
for the “health and safety plan”, see Appendix 4: Data for effective execution of infrastructure


New Aalborg Universityhospital,
Northern Jutland new super hospital
– BIM on 155.000 m2 shell structure
In Aalborg we are constructing Northern Jutland’s new super hospital
Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital (NAU). MT Højgaard is responsible for
constructing the approximately 155,000 m² shell structure, primarily in situ
cast concrete element columns and ladders and foundation earthworks,
soil, sewage and steel project. It all performed in almost 100% in-house

At NAU project’s model and drawings are Production meetings VDC

equated, which has generated opportunities in the mobile VDC-lab
associated with production. Since all the construction workers can not
all carry a computer, there is at NAU project
Digital drawing handling improves
designed a mobile VDC-lab which serves
the building process
as the link between VDC and production.
The large drawing amount of drawings on
This is where the construction workers have
a project of NAU’s size, is resolved by switch-
the opportunity to discuss issues in 3D on
ing to a digital subscription management.
a big screen, making planning using the
All team leaders have been given iPad’s
3D construction site model and discuss
where they can access the drawings in
complex issues in a forum where there are
an intuitive way. All drawings are “linked”
digital tools to help. The mobile VDC-lab is
together so that they can click directly to
housed in a lightweight container that can
the detail references on floor plans, and one
be moved around the construction site
is led thereby to the drawings. Also there
cranes so that the lab has a good location
from the iPad access to working documents,
to support production.
weekly schedule and assembly drawings so
that all the project material is in one place. Volume Extract to help
These increases the productivity and avoid in the daily work
errors in the execution. Good 3D models makes it possible to
make reliable amount of extract. This is
Location Based Scheduling
used largely in the daily work, eg in connec-
create a better planning
tion with ordering of concrete and other
To optimize the workflow for the approxi-
materials, but also in wage hour measure-
mately 75 construction workers in the
ments and in verification of quantities.
construction site, the timetable is prepared
as Location Based Scheduling where the
activity is connected with time and place.
This clarifies and illuminates a number
of future challenges and thus improves
a traditional planning and the schedule
and create a better build flow.


New Aalborg Universityhospital


Appendix 1: Building Component Catalogue
and Model Progression Specification
The contractors on the projects today are working digitally, and BIM is the core of project
planning and coordination. One of the most signi­ficant advantages of working with BIM is the
ability to resolve a wide array of aspects at the early stages of the project where the cost of
making changes is much lower, whilst at the same time creating an effective basis for measure-
ments, machine control and quality control. These opportunities can only be achieved if the
project’s BIM contains satis­factory information and if the project participants exchange and
use the information in time. BIM requires more information to be produced at an earlier stage
of the project and players such as the contractor and sub-suppliers − who are traditionally
not involved until a later stage − to be hired earlier to ensure a proper BIM for the production.
The information management in BIM has become an increasingly valuable tool, not only for
the contractor, but for the entire project.
To make information management easier in the project, MT Højgaard has developed the
Building Component Catalogue with Level of Development Specification (LOD) with a specifica-
tion of different level of informations.

Figure 4.1 MT Højgaard’s Building Component Catalogue illustrates the increasing levels of information
and related requirements for geometry and properties


The Building Component Catalogue
MT Højgaard’s Building Component Catalogue describes the contents and uses of BIM at
different stages of the project for the purpose of establishing a common understanding of
the BIM. The Building Component Catalogue enables the designer of a BIM to clearly state
the possible uses and limitations of the BIM, expressed using a generally accepted notation.
This is done by describing the development of the relevant building component in terms of
both geometry and properties.
The intention behind the Building Component Catalogue is:
•• To help project participants in the projects define the content of a BIM delivery
and align expectations to it
•• To help design managers and BIM coordinators in communicate the requirements to
the information to be contained in the BIM at a given time
•• To make a reference to contracts and the BIM execution plan of the projects
The motivation for the Building Component Catalogue lies in the great challenge of the correct
use of BIM, where it is often unclear what information needs to be exchanged between the
parties at a given time. The Building Component Catalogue has taken inspiration from the Level
of Development (LOD) developed by The American Institute of Architects (AIA).
The Building Component Catalogue operates with five levels of development to describe how
a building component develops in terms of geometry (LOD) and properties (LOI). Figure 4.1
describes the development and enrichment of a road model and the possible uses associated
with the specific level of development.
The Building Component Catalogue is available in Danish, English, Norwegian, German and
Icelandic and is continuously updated based on the knowledge and experience on the practical
application of BIM models across disciplines and parties. The latest version is a collaboration
between designers and contractors parties both for use of BIM models throughout the project
and in operation. The Building Component Catalogue has led to a dialogue with students,
architects and builders.
Indicating a level of development is not sufficient in itself as it must be achieved at the correct
point of the project timeline to underpin, for instance, take-offs or cost estimations. By using
the Building Component Catalogue, MT Højgaard has learnt that the level of development for
geometry and properties may differ in some phases of the project. The geometry often increases
from a level of information of 100 and upwards throughout the project, while the level of infor-
mation for properties may depend on the building component and the team work in the project
group. Based on this experience, MT Højgaard has developed a Model Progression Specification
(MPS) making requirements to levels of information for both geometry and properties for a
selection of building components for specific points of the project timeline.


Model Progression Specification (MPS)
The MPS states the discipline responsible for the requirements to achieve the level of informa-
tion for a specific building component, both for geometry and properties, at specific points of
the project timeline. In this way, the MPS underpins the necessary coordination of the exchange
of information between the project parties. The MPS use the notation for levels of information
from the Building Component Catalogue, but is project-specific and supports the needs of
construction professionals on the project, and the levels of information in table 4.1 are therefore
merely suggestions. As shown in table 4.1, it is not unusual to reduce the levels of information
for the geo­metry of the building components towards those of the handover of an as-built
model to optimise software performance.
The LOD requirements for properties depend on the project in question and are therefore stated
in the project-specific MPS. This is the reason why they are represented by zero in table 4.1.
The MPS is a tool used to provide for correct and timely exchange of information to ensure
effective digital collaboration.








Infrastructure Terrain 200 0 300 300 300 0 * *
Infrastructure Levelling/gradings 200 0 300 0 350 0 * *
Infrastructure Excavation 200 0 350 0 0 0 * *
for foundations
Infrastructure Excavation for pipes 200 0 300 0 350 0 * *
Infrastructure Road and railway 300 0 350 0 400 0 * *
Infrastructure Road and railway 200 0 300 0 350 0 * *
Infrastructure Dam 200 0 350 0 400 0 * *
Infrastructure Existing pipework 200 0 300 350 0 0 * *
Infrastructure Drainage 200 0 300 0 350 0 * *

* To be agreed upon with the clien at the project start-up

Table 4.1 The MPS shows the levels of information for both geometry and properties for
different types of building components which must be achieved at a specific point of the project timeline


Appendix 2: BIM Coordination – Guide

Today, most consultancy firms and building contractors work with BIM, and the quality of the
BIM models is now relatively high. Unfortunately there are still some parties in the project who
lag behind in the coordination of BIM, and it may result in clashes between BIM models, loss
of data during conversions, misplacement of the BIM models in coordinate systems and work
being done on the basis of obsolete BIM models.
To get maximum benefit from the BIM models, it is therefore important to focus on the BIM
coordination. Most BIM coordination issues can be solved by setting a good and carefully
prepared BIM collaboration framework. The BIM collaboration framework on the project should
take the form of a contract containing requirements to data exchange, communication and CAD
modeling techniques. The framework may also include a description of collaborative processes
designed to ensure effective project collaboration. By working with the same processes, it is
possible to achieve synergies and:
•• Greater overview of the project
•• More accurate BIM models
•• Less errors in the design documentation
•• Standardised processes to avoid that everybody uses BIM in different ways

Figure 4.2
Effective data flow


This appendix is based on the use of digital data flows in BIM on infrastructure projects, using
a small bridge project as an example. In the appendix, references will be made to international
standards. The appendix contains checklists that can be used for infrastructure projects.
In MT Højgaard, we have used the knowledge and experience we have gained to develop a
collaborative process that we call the “effective data flow”. The process is a form of work that
seeks to get the different software/programmes to work together in the most efficient way,
wasting as little data as possible. This process will be described in further detail in the section
on the “effective data flow” below.

Effective data Flow

The “effective data flow” figure 4.2 describes the processes for the effective exchange of data
between various tools throughout the construction process. The appendix provides a general
description of the tools as the processes can be carried out, using Autodesk or Bentley products.
The “effective data flow” underpins effective BIM project collaboration if the right tools and
competencies are available and can be used for all types of infrastructure projects such as
roads, railways, bridges, tunnels and land developments.
“The effective data flow” enables the reuse of data from process to process. The reuse of data
reduces errors and workload.
At the top of figure 4.2 two types of modeling tools are shown, (1) a preliminary project tool and
(2) a design tool , and options for further processing of the BIM models in other tools are shown
at the bottom of figure 4.2 (3-6). The arrows between the tools indicate data flow directions.
An active interaction in all phases of the project adds tremendous value as the tools contain
entirely different design and analysis options and allow seamless transfer of information/data.
The different types of tools and processes are described in further detail below.

1. Preliminary project tool
The preliminary project tool makes it possible to create conceptual designs of different solutions
and presentation of processes and solutions. The tool is intended to support the design and
visualisation processes in the design tool and to facilitate seamless flow of data between these
two tools, without loss of data.
The tool must be able to import a number of file formats to compile the conceptual design.
Likewise, the tool must be able to import existing data such as terrain, buildings, roads, wires
and cables.
The tool must include an option to make analyses of BIM models such as roadway curves,
analyses of visibility from cars, profile optimisation and shade conditions. The tool must have
an option for development of conceptual designs of bridges, roads and drainage systems which
can be processed in detail in ancillary design tools (2).


Autodesk InfraWorks 360, which enables import of most file formats, the development of
analyses and the add-on of three design modules (road, bridge and drainage), is an example
of a preliminary design tool.

2. Design tool
In the design tool, it must be possible to design and optimise alignments, profiles, road
constructions, excavations, levelling, etc. in detail. The tool must allow for automatic quantity
take-offs as well as the extraction of cross sections as along with plan and profile views so that
products such as quantities and drawing generations need not be made manually as previously.
Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D is a good example of a design tool for earthworks and roadworks
and Revit and Tekla for concrete and steel projects.

3. Production planning
Production planning represents a wider range of BIM initiatives for the planning of projects
and processes, e.g.:
•• Site model
•• Visualisation of critical processes and building components
•• Materials and logistics optimisation
By planning the construction activities and processes from start to finish already in the design
phase, most challenges are taken into account before the execution of the works. This will for
instance minimise unforeseen costs and production stoppage and reduce fuel consumption
and CO2 emissions – and ultimately shorten construction time.
The InfraWorks, DynaRoads and Navisworks production planning tools are generally used on
infrastructure projects.

4. BIM detailed project planning

For BIM detailed project planning, the design tools are used (2).

5. Earthworks optimisation
For earthworks optimisation, a location-based project management tool that can handle earth
quantities is used.
Dynaroad is an example of a programme used for planning and management of large linear
infrastructure projects, e.g. roads and railways.


6. Machine control and surveying
Today, BIM models are being used for most machine control and surveying tasks. BIM models
from the design tools (2) can be entered in the tablet/controller, and then it is possible to stake
out reference points and begin excavation directly from the designed BIM models. The work
performed can also be measured automatically for control and as-built documentation.
Leica’s iCON system is an example of a tool for both machine control and surveying.

Data flows
a. From design tool (2) to preliminary project tool (1) and vice versa
Central to the “effective data flow” is the exchange between design tools (2) and preliminary
design tools (1). It is also fundamental that the two tools interact well enough to avoid loss
of data during the transfer. An example of a procedure between these two tools:
•• In the project start-up phase, the existing conditions will be imported into the preliminary
design tool to create a conceptual design. The conceptual design may, for instance, consist
of a bridge, see figure 4.3A. The existing conditions in the conceptual design will now be
exported to the design tool to detail the design, see figure 4.3B. In the course of the design
phase or after the end of the design, the project can then be gathered in the preliminary
design tool to produce a visualisation of the designed building, see figure 4.3C.


Figure 4.3
Work flow between preliminary design tool and design tool


b. From design tool (2) to preliminary design tool (1) to production planning (3)
Production planning is a broad concept when speaking about programmes and processes.
The starting point of this document is planning using a site model, visualisation of critical
processes and building components and materials and logistics optimisation.

b1. Site model

Site models are made using construction site objects (e.g. cranes, containers, signs, etc.) in BIM
models made in the design tool (2) or the preliminary design tool (1). The construction site
model gives a good overview of the construction period and makes it possible to identify space
problems in the design phase and to minimize relocation of functions at the site because every
aspect is considered from the outset. It is necessary to update the site model as the project
Figure 4.4 shows an example of an update of a site model. It shows a crane, areas for on-site
huts, car park, materials stores and interim road. When half the bridge is built, the site will
be relocated to the other side of the motorway.

b2. Visualisation of critical processes/building components

The preliminary design tool (2) is used for visualisation of critical processes, e.g. crane lifts,
fencing, interim measures, health and safety and scaffolds. It can also be useful to visualise
carriage roads etc. if there is little space around the site. Visualisations make it possible to think
the critical process and building component through and to find a useful and tested solution.

b3. Materials and logistics optimisation

A location-based project management tool (5) is used for materials and logistics optimisation.
For more information, please see section d below.

Figure 4.4
Site model, phases 1 and 2


c. From design tool (2) to preliminary design tool (1) to BIM detailed project planning (4)
The preliminary design in the preliminary design tool (1) is exported to the design tool (2) to
make the detailed planning. The same BIM model is being used in the preliminary design phase
and the detailed planning. This is to ensure that the same geometry is being used.
Figure 4.5 shows an example of a detailed design of a bridge component. The element comes
from the preliminary design tool (1) to the design tool (2) where the geometry is updated and
3D reinforcement models are produced.

Figure 4.5
BIM detailed design of bridge component.


d. From design tool (2) to location-based planning tool (5) and vice versa
Earth quantities from the design tool (2) are imported in the location-based planning tool (5)
from a spreadsheet. The quantities in the spreadsheet are generated in the design tool (2),
in which they are analysed and segmented according to application. On that basis, the loca-
tion-based planning tool (5) calculates hauls and thereby visualises areas where it would be
an advantage to make vertical changes on the alignment or other design changes. If possible,
the design will be adjusted in the design tool (2) on the basis of the calculations in the location-
based planning tool (5), and then the quantities will be recalculated and reimported into the
location-based planning tool (5). The process runs iteratively until the optimal solution is found.

e. From design tool (2) to machine control/surveying (6) and vice versa
The design file is imported into the machine control and surveying tools (6) to generate a terrain
model, an alignment file and a file containing information on the project’s coordinate system.
The files can be used for machine control and in a total station, see figure 4.6). The systems
can also measure in points during performance of work for control and as-built documentation.
These points are exported to the design tool (2) to check the work performed.

f. Handover
Handover can consist of quantities, production drawings, visualisation, parts lists, presentation
model, schedule, as-built records, etc.

Figure 4.6
Display of controller at the total station and in the machine house


Example of flow on a project
The design work with 3 trades
The road model is started in the design tool based on the client’s alignment and bridge
clearance data. At the same time, the other teams will begin to design the bridge model
and the drainage model based on the same data from the client.
The process includes four steps of QA for the BIM models:
1. Self-checking
In the self-checking process, you check your own work. There is an accompanying checklist,
see figure 4.7 that can be used as a guide to the self-checking.
2. BIM model technical quality assurance (QA)
The BIM model technical QA is carried out by the BIM coordinator. The BIM coordinator
is responsible for the QA-work being carried out. BIM model technical QA is based on
a checklist, see figure 4.8. The QA is to ensure that all components are included in
the BIM model and is used as a clash and consistency detection tool in relation to other
BIM models on the project.
3. Design Engineer QA
In QAs of non-BIM model technical aspects, the design engineer must check geometry, joints,
etc. These types of QA can be performed in two ways:
• As a traditional QA of 2D drawings
• QA of BIM model in 3D viewer program with the option of measuring, turning, commenting
and sectioning the model
4. Approval of lead designer


□□ The BIM model contains reference points

□□ The objects are in the right coordinates (coordinate system)
□□ The model sign has been filled in
□□ Layer structure has been used correctly
□□ The objects are named correctly
□□ Break lines and surfaces are interrelated
□□ Is there consistency in the BIM model?
□□ Are there any clashes in the BIM model?

Figure 4.7
Checklist for self-checking and design work


Quality assessment for:


No, does not comply

Yes, but not 100%

Not applicable
Yes, perfect

1.0 Files
1.1 File format
1.1.1 - The model was received in original file format
1.1.2 - The model was received in LandXML
1.1.3 - The model was received as a viewer file
1.2 The model received is in the agreed format
1.3 A file naming structure has been complied with (BIM execution

2.0 Coordination
2.1 Shared reference points have been used
2.2 A common system of coordinates has been used
2.3 The model sign has been filled in
2.4 The objects are named according to the BIM manual of the project
2.5 Is the layer structure correct?

3.0 Modelling technique

3.1 The intended object types have been used
3.2 Break lines and surfaces are aligned
3.3 Have the reference systems been used (defined in the BIM
manual of the project)
3.4 Is there consistency in the model?
3.5 Objects do not lie on top of each other
3.6 No objects are missing
3.7 Objects do not overlap

4.0 Contents
4.1 The model contains the expected objects
4.2 The model seems to be complete and adequate

5.0 Clash detection

5.1 There are no clashes in the model
5.2 There are no clashes with the drainage model
5.3 There are no clashes with the construction model
5.4 There are no clashes with the excavation model
5.5 There are no clashes with the road/railway model
5.6 There are no clashes with the finished terrain

6.0 Take-off
6.1 2D drawings are a take-off from the model? (defined in the BIM
manual of the project)
6.2 Are quantities a take-off from the model? (defined in the BIM
manual of the project)
Some effort required

Not even close



7.0 Can the model be used for …

7.1 Scrutiny and design review
7.2 Clash detection
7.3 Quantity take-off
7.4 Visualisation of construction programme
7.5 Visualisation of the construction project and structural parts
7.6 Production planning where time schedule is coupled with 3D
7.7 Financial planning where time schedule and finances are coupled
with 3D model (5D)

Figure 4.8
BIM model technical quality assurance (QA)


When the BIM models have been approved in the QA process, they will be uploaded to
the project web open to all. When the BIM model has been uploaded to the project web,
the other teams can download the BIM model and use it as the basis for their own designs.
At the same time, the BIM models will be uploaded to the archive part of the project. In the
archive part, a version and revision number will be added to the BIM model names, and here
all versions and revisions of the BIM models will be available.
After the bridge and drainage models have also been uploaded, they can be downloaded as
an appendix to the road model. The road model will then have its geometry adjusted to the
bridge and drainage models. If there are geometrical or other challenges involved in adjusting
the BIM models, a meeting will be scheduled to allow the different teams to discuss and find
a solution to the challenges.
The adjusted road model will now go through the exact same quality and approval processes.
When the road model has been approved, a new version will be uploaded to the project web.
When another version of the road model is uploaded to the project web, a version of the road
model will also be placed in the archive part of the project web and given an updated version
When the road model has been adjusted to the bridge and drainage models, the road model
will go through the quality and authorisation process.
1. BIM model technical QA
2. Approval
When the road model has been authorised in the above process, the BIM model will be released
to the client. At the same time, the BIM model will be placed in the archive part of the project
web and given a new revision number.

Part of a larger movement

BIM data are exchanged through common file formats enabling all parties to open and combine
the models. The jointly developed file formats are today:
•• IFC – created for building models
•• LandXML – created for civil engineering models
•• COBie – created for operation and maintenance


Appendix 3: Effective digital collaboration
– based on white papers
Our industry is changing with e.g. a forthcoming European framework for BIM and digital
collaboration on construction projects. In this context it may be relevant to assess whether
current Danish best practice of the digital collaboration may provide inspiration for BIM practice
in other countries.
The white paper “The strength of the local BIM efforts in a larger perspective”, May 2016,
uncovers what is important for the client and the contractor when they use BIM in projects
in the light of the national requirements on the use of BIM in public construction projects in
Denmark. The paper also look into the extent to which the Danish approach to the use of BIM
in public construction projects can be used in other countries to improve productivity through
increased use of BIM. This includes an assessment of whether the Danish experience can be
applied in another and broader context with Canada as an example.

Clear requirements provides an effective digital collaboration with BIM

In the past five years, MT Højgaard has followed the BIM use on our projects with the Danish
BIM-framework in the form of the Danish ICT Regulation 118, see the english version in Appendix
A, ICT Regulation 118 in the white paper “The strength of the local BIM efforts in a larger
perspective”, May 2016, for digital collaboration using BIM. This framework for digital collabora-
tion using BIM in public construction projects in Denmark came into effect in April 2013 and
it defines the explicit requirement, that building models must be available in the Industry
Foundation Classes (IFC) file format, throughout the project, from concept to maintenance.
This statement is a clear prescription of how to conform to the requirement, and ICT Regulation
118 prescribes that the client, the owner of the project, must provide for coordination of the
usage of ICT between all participating companies. This statement is a clear requirement of what
to do.


BIM initiatives that provide the contractor with the greatest value
The white paper “Value drivers in the Danish national ICT regulations”, December 2014, showed
among other things that a clear requirement of what to do contributes positively to the con-
struction project performance, by providing for coordination of the entire usage of BIM between
all participating companies on construction projects. The analysis examines which requirements
have given most value to the contractor during the construction process on the basis of the
projects that MT Højgaard is working on under the ICT Regulation 118, and examines the require-
ments contained in ICT Regulation 118. Next, the analysis looks at the client’s assessment of the
value of the use of BIM, and the BIM initiatives that give the greatest value to the construction
project. The analysis of the value drivers in the Danish national ICT shows, in 2016, what BIM
initiatives can provide the contractor with the greatest value in the execution, see Figure 4.9,
on a scale from 0-5 (with five being the highest value added):

Quantity Takeoff Preparation and Regularly Handling Handling
using BIM management collision and of BIM of design
of the BIM consistency coordination changes
Execution Plan control

Figur 4.9
The 5 BIM initiatives adding the greatest value to the contractor in 2016


The 5 BIM-initiatives which provides the client the best value
In 2015, the Danish Building & Property Agency introduced a systematic analysis of the digital
deliveries on the Agency’s building projects (www.bygst.dk, September 13, 2016). The Danish
regulation concerning the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in public
construction – 118 is described in the white paper “The strength of the local BIM efforts in a
larger perspective”, May 2016, in Appendix A, ICT Regulation 118. The meta-analysis in the white
paper is partly based on the fact that in February 2016 the Danish Building & Property Agency
published its concept for systematic analysis of the digital deliveries on building projects which
include projects implemented under ICT Regulation 118. The systematic analysis of digital BIM
deliverables on its construction projects is described as:
“The systematic analysis uses the quality of the digital deliverables as benchmark against
the requirements contained in the Regulation. Each deliverable is weighted with the value it
is considered to have for the Agency’s project implementation and subsequent operation”.
On this basis, the analysis draws a picture of the prioritization on a construction project of
the most important initiatives in collaboration with BIM, which provides the best value for both
the contractor and the client. This is supported by each requirement regarding what to do
and is connected with the framework for the digital collaboration with BIM in the form of ICT
Regulation 118.
The effective BIM collaboration can be created when both parties prioritization of the processes
in the BIM collaboration on a construction project is interconnected see Figure 4.10.

for the client
0 for the contractor
Quantity Takeoff Digital leverance Preparation and Regularly Handling Handling
using BIM ved byggeriets management collision and of BIM of design
afslutning of the BIM consistency coordination changes
Execution Plan control

Figure 4.1o
Alignment of BIM initiatives in a joint process under ICT Regulation 118


Hereby we have a picture of the prioritization on a construction project of the most important
initiatives in collaboration with BIM. This is in Appendix B, The framework for BIM collaboration
in the white paper “The strength of the local BIM efforts in a larger perspective”, May 2016,
supported by each requirement with respect to what to do and is connected with the wording of
the regulatory framework for the digital collaboration with BIM in the form of ICT Regulation 118.

Clear objectives for the collaboration

MT Højgaard has in 2015 analyzed 3.168.926 objects from 196 discipline specific BIM models and
researched the use of classification in the Danish AEC industry. The white paper “Addressing
classification in the Danish AEC industry”, from June 2015 shows that the industry holds its own
energy and readiness for change:
“Even though 64% of the projects don’t explicitly require classification systems it is found that
63% of the discipline models contain classified objects to some extent”.
The results are shown in Figure 4.11, and shows that the client’s requirements has a significant
impact on what is provided by the designers and the extent to which the project is given a real
basis for increased productivity through digital collaboration on the project.
The client can benefit from a clear framework prescribing the use of classifiation throughout the
project, and thereby obtain a change from 12% to 81%, as shown in Figure 4.11. This will include
facilitating critical project activities such as faster iteration in the tender phase, model-based
procurement and the subsequent operation with BIM for Facility Management (FM).



81% 81%
70 74%



ICT regulation
17% 20%
12% With
0 ICT regulation

Figure 4.11 The figure displays the percentage of classified objects for each discipline when contributing to a project either
governed – or not governed by the ICT regulations. (”Addressing classification in the Danish AEC industry”, June 2015, page 5)


The client can ensure that the project is based on productivity-enhancing data that is based
on the collaboration and dialogue. It is often seen that BIM execution plans do not provide
the data required for the contractors on the projects where the contractors are not involved
from the outset. These projects impose unnecessary costs on the contractor because of the lack
of productivity. These costs ultimately end up with the client in the form of higher bid and
higher unit prices.
Early involvement of the contractor and other projects parties in the project are the primary
change clients must adapt and practice. This will together with the right framework for digital
cooperation allow that the potential of the digital collaboration is realized on the client’s

The effective collaboration on construction projects

The effective BIM collaboration can, as shown in the analysis, be created between the client
and contractor on a construction project. But as previous analysis in the white paper “Closing
the gap with VDC and early involvement”, March 2016, specifies the essence of ICT Regulation
118, is that the client must make clear demands and objectives for the collaboration. In order
to achieve an effective digital collaboration the client must require that:
I. The overall framework for digital collaboration requires that all parties must ensure that
their digital production can be used by and together with other stakeholders in the project.
II. The collaboration shall at a minimum take place around an open industry standard as IFC
(Industry Foundation Classes). The goal is that the project’s BIM shall provide the client with
a good basis for decision-making in terms of execution time, total cost of ownership and
subsequent operation and maintenance.
III. The contractor must be involved as early as possible in order to realize the project. The first
focus must be on the choice of solutions and 4D production planning that enhances project
efficiency and reduces execution time by up to several weeks. The early involvement of
the contractor will also contribute to a more effective production and the client will have
high-quality buildings and infrastructure assets, among other things because project docu-
ments based on BIM results in less rework.
The client that translates these recommendations to the requirements contained by the pro-
ject’s BIM Execution Plan will ensure a framework for collaboration where the projects profitabil-
ity is increasing and the stakeholder’s exposure to risks and conflicts is reduced. Source the
white paper “Closing the gap with VDC and early involvement”, March 2016.

Making a BIM framework for an effective collaboration

Our analysis over the recent years reflect the industry practice and show a clear link between
the client’s choice of project type and the productivity and quality of the project. An effective
cooperation on the project’s BIM is a prerequisite for effective achievement of the client’s


The analysis indicates that the key is that the client first develops a strategy for the use of
BIM and VDC on the project. The following elements may be advantageously incorporated into
the client’s early framing of the project and the digital collaboration:
a. Early involvement of the contractor
b. The contractor and the designers must use BIM to visualize, simulate and analyze
the changes requested
c. Use of BIM in the initial concept phase
d. Use of the project’s BIM contributes to a faster clarification process
e. Ensure a common effort and alignment of expectations about common objectives
that support the client’s goals
f. Benchmark the digital collaboration
A first recommendation for an approach to effective collaboration with BIM could be an
approach similar to the following:
I. Copy the Danish BIM-framework for the digital collaboration on projects in the form of
ICT Regulation 118, see Appendix B in the white paper “The strength of the local BIM efforts
in a larger perspective”, May 2016
II. Involve the Danish experience in the development a few well-chosen initiatives concerning
III. Copy the Danish insights about how IFC works in practice and gives a better design and
thus a production base for the contractor which has a higher quality, and can contribute
to reducing uncertainties and risk on the project and the digital collaboration
When participants on the construction projects begins to gather and disseminate the experience
and insights of the practice with BIM, can we jointly create a better collaboration and construc-
tion work with a much higher productivity.
By international standardization can we create a better foundation for the sharing of experi-
ences concerning the BIM implementation and application, which for example can be seen
in relation to an open industry standard as IFC. We can increase the value of our respective
initiatives when results and experiences are shared across our industry, and get the value of
a better common BIM practice.


Appendix 4: Data for effective
execution of infrastructure projects
Infrastructure projects are typically characterised by complexity and large-scale use of cost-­
intensive equipment and machinery. Logistical challenges of earthworks have previously made
planning and management complex and at times unpredictable. The interdependence between
the cost-intensive equipment and machinery is required in infrastructure projects is a high risk
factor in terms of timing and economy. It is necessary to excavate earth before it is transported
to the place where it is to be built in or deposited. As a result of the interdependence, the lack
of coordination, production stoppages or delays affect the subsequent activities.
Errors and lack of transparency in project documents have been one of the main reasons
for production stoppages and delays. In relation to civil engineering projects, there has been
a tendency not to prepare 3D/BIM models of the civil engineering works relating to buildings,
including residential housing, commercial buildings, etc. Complex 2D drawings with large
amounts of information and a relatively high error frequency have created a need for the use
of BIM in this area.

An effective production
Accurate data generate an effective production process through increased transparency and
clarification. BIM models containing data on both new and existing conditions make it possible
to calculate and analyse quantities and plan the execution phase in detail, having regard to
risks and delays to timely handover.
The project’s BIM models contain data that support the needs of the production and are con-
sistent with practice. Experience shows that data containing these factors enhance productivity
in production. When the project’s BIM models are used in production, the data are available and
operational on-site and thus minimise wasted time. On machine control and surveying alone,
such data can reduce production time by one third.
Productivity-enhancing data are based on collaboration and dialogue. It is often seen that BIM
execution plans do not provide for the data required for the contractors on the projects where
the contractors are not involved from the outset. These projects impose unnecessary costs on
the contractor because of the lack of productivity. These costs ultimately end up with the client
in the form of higher bid and unit prices.
Collaboration with and early involvement of the contractor ensure accurate data that support
all processes of the project as the BIM models are enriched with relevant data for production
from the outset, and consistency between theory and practice is verified continuously.
The civil engineering work is the first to be performed, and therefore, major changes and
production stoppage will delay the other activities on the project. As opposed to consultants
and architects, it is necessary for the contractor. To this must be added existing conditions, e.g.
existing pipes and cables. Existing pipes and cables which are not discovered during production
only add to the costs of the project because of revised project plans and production stoppage.


The design of excavations for pipes, cables and structures is generally something that the
contractor adds to the project’s BIM models in the execution phase. These designs not only
promote productivity through machine control and surveying, but also visualise the impact
of excavations on e.g. build­ability, safety, logistics and statics. By making these visualisations,
the project becomes transparent, thereby minimising negative effects and reducing extra costs.

BIM models support production

To generate productivity-enhancing data for the production, it is necessary to target and adapt
the BIM models accordingly. The BIM models are targeted to create consistency between design
and actual methods and adapted to exclude unnecessary data from models that may cause
doubt and thus errors in production. Moreover, design and modeling must be subjected to
requirements and standards that support both the client’s requests and the contractor’s work.
The project’s BIM models are generated in close liaison between contractors and consultants
to create design solutions that have regard for the financial and temporal effect of execution
on the overall project. To this must be added data on how the project is to be implemented,
including interim structures, logistics, safety, excavations, etc. All data are continuously
consolidated by the contractor who then uses the data to create different solution scenarios.
Everything happens in an iterative collaborative process that provides the best possible basis
for making the right decisions through analysis and simulations.
The result of a good collaboration between the project participants supported by design and
modeling requirements and standards is productivity-enhancing data that do not add additional
costs to the design.

Data for surveying and machine control

BIM models in building and civil engineering projects can be divided into two types, object-
based BIM models and models built up from surfaces, reference points and alignments.
Object-based BIM models are primarily used for modelling of buildings, and BIM models built
up from surfaces, reference points and alignments are primarily used for terrain modeling
in infrastructure projects. Both types of BIM models are used to generate production data,
but each in their own way. Object-based BIM models can only be used to generate points
for GPS rover and total stations, whereas models built up from surfaces, reference points
and alignments can also generate alignments and surfaces which can also be used for 3D
machine control.
Stake-out data in the form of reference points from object-based building models are generated
in used BIM software through an API. Reference points are selected in the BIM model and
exported to a GPS rover and total station controller for stake-out and subsequent measurement
checks. Measurement checks are imported in the BIM software to check tolerances and update
as-built records.


Stake-out data from models built up from surfaces, reference points and alignments are
exported directly from the BIM software used to the controller for GPS rover and total station.
As opposed to the export from the object-based BIM models, this method can be used to export
surfaces, reference points and alignments. The method provides for a more flexible use as the
stakeout can be based on whole alignments and surfaces, and consequently it does not depend
on the exact positioning of the individual point. Check measurements are also imported into
the BIM model to perform quantity measurements, control of tolerances and as-built records.
Alignments and surfaces can also be used in 3D machine control. However, they cannot
be exported directly, but must go through the relevant machine control manufacturer’s own
software, where producer-specific file formats are generated. The machine operators carry out
the excavation work independently of surveyors, based directly on the converted BIM model
built up from surfaces, reference points and alignments. In the process the machine operator
can perform measurement checks with his shovel which is logged in a point file. The measure-
ment checks are cleared of unnecessary data in the manufacturer’s software and then exported
to the BIM software used. Here it forms the basis of bills of quantities, documentation and as
built records.

The logistical challenges and non-transparent optimisation options form part of the production
in large building and infrastructure projects. The use of data from either object-based BIM
models or models built up from surfaces, reference points and alignments can minimise
the scope of these challenges through analysis and simulation, and also create transparency
and understanding of the optimisation options, using geometric representation and quantity
and material analysis.
Site layout and logistics are good examples of how data, combined with good team work
create an effective production. The basis is a complete BIM model containing data on existing
conditions, interim structures, excavations and new structures. All these data are included
in a visual review and analysis of the parties involved in the project.
It has previously often been difficult to have timely attention to excavations, interim structures
and the negative effects of existing pipes and cables or their direct collision with cranes,
site huts, carriage roads, logistics, etc. in connection with large-scale site layouts. The three-­
dimensional graphical representation of BIM models combined with clash detection and
analyses make it possible to visualise any negative effects and collisions before they cause
stoppages or delays in production. To this must be added another important factor relating
to safety, which we know from experience will improve if it is incorporated in the same review
and analysis process.
Logistics optimisation is a fixed element of the foreman meetings. Here, interactive smart
boards are used for the detailed planning of the work to be carried out in the period. The BIM
model is displayed and navigated by the project’s BIM coordinator where its three-dimensional
representation creates understanding and transparency for all project participants. The
programming of BIM software and the interactive smart boards allows all project participants
to move gangs, equipment and machinery and materials interactively by simply touching
the screen. First and foremost, the method generates a valid logistics plan and creates an
opportunity for everyone to take ownership of the things agreed upon.


Civil engineering works in connection with construction projects typically depend on several
different file formats and consequently on the interoperability between object-based building
models and models built up from surfaces, reference points and alignments as well as applied
surveying solutions and 3D machine control.
To create effective data, it must be based on the solutions that the contractor uses in his pro-
duction and the information and file format requirements made. In case the data do not contain
the right information and file formats, it imposes unnecessary extra work on the contractor
and may, in the worst case scenario, cause production stoppages which could been avoided
with the right planning. Interoperability therefore requires increased focus on civil engineering
projects, which is why colla­boration and dialogue between the designers and the contractor
are necessary in order to set out the right requirements and framework in the BIM execution
plan for productivity-enhancing data.

Data capture
Effective data create value for all parties involved in a building or infrastructure project.
The pivotal point of effective data is collaboration with and early involvement of the contractor.
BIM models must be prepared so as to be consistent with the contractor’s methods based on
experience and must contain temporary measures that are to provide for safe and effective
execution. Effective data are based on the production and then adapted to the contractor’s
solutions for effective execution.


Appendix 5: DesignQA

DesignQA is a function with the responsibility to review all design data on ongoing and
future projects to check the quality of all design data and to document and communicate
any problems in the design data to all stakeholders. The purpose of the quality assurance
(QA) process is to identify all potential problems in the design data that may affect future
produc­tivity on the project. Software, technologies and processes make it possible to establish
this quality assurance.
DesignQA reports problems in the design data to the project and design management teams
so that they are known to everybody and can be corrected them or otherwise take them
into account in the project. Furthermore the project teams can carry out their own review
of the design data which can be more targeted after DesignQA’s review. Poor quality design
data have far-reaching consequences, including an inadequate basis for calculations, planning
and procurement, and affect not only the contractor, but all project participants.

Figure 4.12 The figure illustrates how projects using IFC under the ICT Regulations have design documentation of a higher
quality than non-IFC projects. Each project is plotted with the average design quality of the BIM of all disciplines on the
projects on the x-axis and the design quality of the entire projects on the y-axis


In addition to DesignQA’s reporting, MT Højgaard captures data organised around defects in
the quality of the design data. This data capture enables the management to gain an insight
into the quality of the design data on the individual project, whilst at the same time allowing
for analysis across projects. This gives MT Højgaard a unique opportunity to examine the
parameters that affect the quality of the design data and convey to the industry through

IFC and the ICT Regulations in Denmark improve quality by 45%

On the basis of the systematic and structured data captured by DesignQA, MT Højgaard
has analysed a large number of projects and found that the design quality of projects using
the IFC format for open data exchange and the framework contained in the ICT Regulations
is 45% better than in other projects. See Appendix 3: Effective digital collaboration – based
on white papers.


Appendix 6: Overview of relevant organisa-
tions, standards and selected references
An effective digital collaboration on a building and infrastructure project may benefit
from compliance with the following international and national standards and best practice
specifications in relation to BIM.

Industry Foundation Classes, IFC
The first buildingSMART IFC for Infrastructure extension project will act as a baseline for
further projects, such as IFC-Bridge and IFC-Road, and provides the data model for 3D and 2D
alignment information for spatial location of infrastructure assets.
Main objectives of the IFC for Infrastructure extension project are the ability to:
• Exchange alignment information from planning to design, to construction, and finally to asset
management phase
• Link alignment information to other project information such as cross sections and full 3D
geometry of construction elements (realised by upcoming IFC-Bridge and IFC-Road projects)
• Query alignment information providing data such as linear referencing for positioning
• Allow open data access of alignment information from asset management databases
• Map IFC alignment models to InfraGML (developed by OGC), and LandXML
BuildingSMART has developed a common data schema that makes it possible to exchange
digital information in construction processes. This common data schema is called the
building-SMART Process or IDM (Information Delivery Manual) and is to ensure clarification
and a common understanding of the digital deliveries in a project so that each individual player
knows exactly what is to be received and delivered with the various deliveries throughout the
project. The IDM may be used as a common data schema to specify the data exchange as a
basis for implementation in software and as an appendix to the BIM execution plan.

Around 2007 a number of major clients and the buildingSMART organisation developed
a standard protocol for the purpose of ensuring that the operation and maintenance system of
the client and the facilities manager is up-to-date and contains accurate data and information
on building components and their positions in the construction project. This protocol was
entitled Construction-Operations Building information exchange (COBie). The COBie Protocol


has subsequently been implemented in all BIM design tools and in BIM tools such as Solibri
and in international systems handling facilities operations and maintenance. Today, COBie is
a central element of the British BIM Initiative where the objective is to make the use of COBie
throughout the construction project a substantial benefit to both the client and the facilities
http://www.wbdg.org/resources/cobie.php and http://www.bimtaskgroup.org/ cobie-uk-2012/

LandXML is an open international format developed for the exchange of civil engineering, survey
measurement and infrastructure data. The format is a text format which can be opened in most
software programmes for civil engineering design and now also in Revit using the add-in Site
designer. The LandXML file format is being developed on an ongoing basis.

BIM Task Group (UK)
The BIM Task Group is a UK organisation helping the Government to equip people in the UK
to organise BIM Level 2 in 2016.
The BIM Task Group has quite a lot of partner organisations working on developing
and standardising BIM in different areas such as:
• Infrastructure: BIM4Infrastructure.
• Water utility management: BIM4Water.
• Surveying: Survey4BIM.


PAS 1192 (UK)
Based on experience a “Best practice” is developed in and around BIM is developed from
experience. Internationally, the ongoing standardisation efforts in the UK, using PAS 1192
standards and tools, is evolving as a basis for setting an EU framework for digital collaboration
in construction projects. This is supported by BIM seminars and the development of tools
supporting the BIM processes. Among other things, the NBS has developed the process
tool BIM Toolkit that comprises roles, tasks and deliverables from the PAS 1192 standards.
The current standardisation effort in the UK has resulted in the following standards:
• PAS 1192-2:2013 Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of
construction projects using building information modeling.
• PAS 1192-3 Specification for information management for the operational phase of construction
projects using PAS 1192-3 Specification for information management for the operational phase
of construction projects using building information modellng.
• BS 1192-4 Collaborative production of information Part 4: Fulfilling employers’ information
exchange requirements using COBie – Code of practice.
http://shop.bsigroup. com/upload/Construction_downloads/BS1192-4_Collaborative_production_
of_information_ Part_4.pdf
• PAS 1192-5 Specification for security-minded building information modelling, digital built
emvironments and smart asset management.
http://shop.bsigroup.com/ forms/PASs/PAS-1192-5/
The Digital Work (DK)
The Digital Work (Det Digitale Anlæg, DDA) is project collaboration between the Danish Road
Directorate, Banedanmark, the Danish Association of Consulting Engineers, Femern A/S and
Danske Anlægsentreprenører. The DDA wishes to support the use of digital tools and seamless
sharing of information among all stakeholders of the construction sector, private as well as pub-
lic, to streamline the entire construction process. The objective is to achieve an overall financial
gain when implementing civil engineering projects. In the DDA, work is being done to standard-
ise the processes and naming within the civil engineering projects in Denmark. For instance, the
DDA has worked on layer structure, coordinate systems and data collection from construction


Supplement to bips CAD Manual 2008 (DK)
A voluntary group has prepared this supplement to the bips CAD Manual from 2008. The
supplement has the same structure as the bips CAD Manual 2008 and contains information on
the basis for the CAD production, structuring and modeling, documentation and data exchange.
Link (in Danish only):

Selected references:
1. Danish Building & Property Agency’s website: http://www.bygst.dk/viden-om/digitalise-
ring-af-byggeriet/ikt-bekendtgoerelsen/, September 2016
2. White paper ”Efficient digital delivery of construction projects with COBie”, August 2016
3. White paper “The strength of the local BIM efforts in a larger perspective”, May 2016
4. White paper “Closing the gap with VDC and early involvement”, March 2016
5. White paper “Industrialised BIM - using data to drive productivity”, October 2015
6. White paper “Addressing classification in the Danish AEC industry”, June 2015
7. White paper “Value drivers in the Danish national ICT regulations”, December 2014
8. White paper “IFC – A driver for design quality in the AEC industry”, August 2014
9. White paper “Quality of Design in Denmark”, April 2014



Architects 3, 20, 21, 51, 69

BIM coordinator 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 23, 31, 33, 44, 51 ,60, 71
Client 3, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 44, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
67, 69, 70, 75, 76
Consultants 3, 20, 21, 69, 70
Cooperation 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 44, 67
Coordination 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 44, 50, 52, 53, 61, 63, 64, 65,
69, 77
Cost 7, 12, 13, 20, 26, 32, 40, 41, 50, 51, 55, 67, 69, 70
Designers 8, 13, 18, 19, 23, 26, 31, 36, 40, 51, 66, 68, 72
Early involvement 7, 8, 67, 68, 69, 72, 78
Effective 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 36, 37, 40, 44, 50, 52, 53, 54,
56, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
Execution 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 44, 45, 51, 55, 61, 64, 65, 67,
69, 70, 72, 75
ICT 7, 14, 19, 23, 32, 37, 44, 63, 64, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 77, 78
planning 3, 6, 12, 18, 19, 22, 26, 36, 37, 40, 41, 45, 50, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75
Process 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 32, 36, 40, 41, 44, 45, 53, 54, 55,
57, 59, 60, 62, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77
Quality 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 36, 37, 40, 44, 50, 53, 60, 61, 62, 73, 67, 68, 74, 78
Safety 18, 19, 24, 26, 44, 57, 70, 71
Subcontractor 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 36
VDC 3, 6, 7, 41, 45, 67, 68, 78
Visualisation 6, 14, 18, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 70


A practical guide to BIM in construction
and infrastructure projects

2nd edition, August 2018

Published by:
MT Højgaard
Knud Højgaards Vej 7
2860 Søborg

+45 7012 2400



ISBN: 978-87-990534-9-0 (print)

ISBN: 978-87-999360-0-7 (web)

Print: PrinfoHHK.dk


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