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Northern Railway Headquarters Office, Baroda House, New Delhi 110001 AMENDMENT SLIP TO GENERAL & SUBSIDIARY RULES Sub: Amendment Slip No. 202 dated®%08.2023 to G&SR Rule Book 1983, of Northern Ref: Railway. 1. The Gazette of India, New Delhi, July 25" 2023, Notification No.429, Railway Board notification dated 11.07.2023 and 2. Railway Board letter no. 2021/Safety/(A&R)/19/49 dated 31.07.2023. [In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (g) of sub-section (2) of section 60, read with section 198 of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Indian Railways (Open Lines) General Rules, 1976,] 1 Delete Existing sub rules (1) & (2) under GR 1.01 and substitute as under: G.R. 1.01: Short title and commencement: (1) These rules may be called the Indian Railway (Open Lines) General (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Add the following sub-rule in GR 3.47: GR_ 3.47: “(1) Taking ‘Off signals for more than one train at a time when two or more trains are approaching simultaneously from any direction may be permitted over non-isolated lines; under special instructions when requirements of adequate distance under Rule 3.40 are fulfilled; and under approved special instructions when requirements of adequate distance under Rule 3.40 are not fulfilled.” Delete Sub Rule GR 3.13 (2) and Substitute with the following: GR 3.13(2): A Calling-on signal, where provided, shall be fixed below a Stop signal governing the approach of a train. Under special instructions, a Calling-on signal may be provided below any other Stop signal except the last Stop signal Delete Sub Rule GR 3.70(4) and Substitute with the following: GR 3.70(4): Where under special instructions a Calling-on signal has been provided below a departure Stop signal, other than the last Stop signal, the Calling-on signal shall not be taken “off” unless the conditions for taking “off” the departure Stop signal above it have been fulfilled. the following: Delete Sub Rule GR 3.81(1)(b) and Substitute ignal, if provided under special GR 3.81(1)(b): by taking ‘of the Calling-on instructions, vide sub-rule(2) of Rule 3.13.” [F.No. 2021/Safety(A&R)/19/49] JAYA VERMA SINHA, Member (O&BD) and Ex-Officio Secy. Note: The rule GR 3.47 is to be read along with the following instructior (Ref: Railway Board’s letter no. 2021/safety (A&R)/19/49 Pt. I dated 31.07.2023) listed under heading 1. All such dispensations under GR 3.47(1) shall be separate the SIP & SWR “Simultaneous Movements without Physical isolation” Diagram. 2. All “Simultaneous Movements without Physical isolation” shall be included in Station Working Rules along-with instructions as approved under “special structions” or under “approved special instructions”. 3. Special precautions for allowing directly opposite movements may be considered by the Zonal Railways as per site requirements, if any. 4. Before permitting movements under GR 3.47(1), local conditions like gradients, speed, curvature, in the yards ete. may be considered. Delete the existing SR 3.47/1. “Ate AERSUCE Mowry Krishna Akhouri) Pr. Chief Operations Manager No.403-1/190/5/Optg/AS/21 Dated:6#.08.2023 &e) fret eT ‘sar tart war wratera wert Fee aig fcc arene wd ere Pre aor vier 9a fue: Tere Yard, reer Ue Ter Pra Gera 1983 GT Weiery TA HEAT 202 Fettam7.08.2023 wok 4, area ar roma, aE fect, forties 25 org 2029, afer wea 429, Yara ahs arftregerat Rie 11.07.2023 2. 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