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This chapter presents the results of this investigation with the data gathered by the
researchers. The objective of this study is to determine the extent use of E-Payment in the
City of Roxas. Obtaining the data, researchers employed the use of questionnaires through
online and face to face distribution.

Table 1. Presents the demographic characteristics of the respondents



15 - 20 years old 0 0%

21 - 25 years old 13 65%

26 - 30 years old 3 15%

31 years old and above 4 20%

Total 20 100%


Male 6 30%

Female 14 70%

Total 20 100%

Economic Profile:

Student 6 30%

Employed 14 70%

Unemployed 0 0%
Total 20 100%


Roxas City 14 70%

Outside Roxas City 6 30%

Total 20 100%

Table 1. Presents the demographic characteristics of the study.   Based on the data
gathered, in terms of age majority of the respondents belonged to the 21-25 years old bracket
(65%) and the least number of respondents was 15 – 20 years old (0%). In terms of the gender
of the respondents, the female gender overwhelmed the male at 70% and 30% respectively.
From the economic profile, most of the respondents are employed which has the percentage
of 70%, students with 30% and unemployed having 0% result. In terms of the location of the
respondents, residing in Roxas City got the highest percentage of 70%, followed by
respondents outside Roxas City at (30%).

In State of Digital Payment in the Philippines Executive Summary of the Bangko

Sentral ng Pilipinas (2021 Edition), From 10% in 2018 to 14% in 2019, the amount of
monthly digital payments in the Philippines increased. Consequently, there has been a 27%
rise in volume, mostly as a result of high-frequency, low-value retail transactions like
merchant payments.

In a poll Rakuten Insight performed in the Philippines, as of February 2020, roughly

51% of the female respondents and 46% of the male respondents paid their transactions with
an e-payment method many times a month. Comparatively, 6% of the male respondents rarely
used an e-payment option for their transactions.

The advantage of E-Payment is to cut down on payroll processing time, operational

expenses, benefit payouts, and employee pay delays. Due to the reduction in bank transaction
times and time spent on paperwork due to automation, HR is able to handle payroll more
quickly. Bonuses, mileage reimbursements, and food allowances are just a few examples of
things that employers can electronically give to employees. Eliminating payroll fraud, bank
service fees, and personnel expenses for payroll administration. Productivity will increase as
staff won't have to visit the bank during regular business hours. The bank has sent an SMS
confirming receipt of the salary deposits. Implementing paperless payroll with minimal to no
overhead is possible thanks to the availability of several payroll software suppliers who offer
to set up this procedure at no cost.

Table 2. Summary of transaction using E-Payment Tools.


1. Physical Shopping 70 4.23 Very High

2. Restaurants 67 3.94 High

3. Online Shopping 84 4.42 Very High

Total 74 4.20 Very High

Table 2. The results of this study from the data collected prove that the sample's
participants are familiar with e-payment methods and utilize such platforms for various
transactions such as payments for services and online shopping, restaurants and physical
shopping. From the physical shopping our respondents verbal interpretation is very high with
the mean of 4.23, it is because most of the consumers used digital platform while paying for
their goods. In terms of paying in a digital platform from the restaurants the verbal
interpretation of our respondents is high, with the mean of 3.94, it is lower compared to
physical shopping, for the reason of most of the customer in restaurants pays cash. In terms of
online shopping our respondents verbal interpretation is very high with the mean of 4.42,
from above we can further intervene that people would prefer online payments more than that
of the physical cash in online shopping.

Supported study by O’Donnell(2023) Most transactions under $10 are still made in
cash in the restaurant sector. However, it lacks a lot of security and is quickly lost, stolen, or
destroyed. Restaurants ought to increase the number of non-cash payment methods to lower
the likelihood of robbery and other criminal activity. Users are protected by numerous
security safeguards in mobile payments, including data tokenization and encryption. While
tokenization encrypts client data into a singular transaction number that is only valid for a
single transaction, encryption is the process of encoding information. Only the tokenized data,
which is now worthless, will be accessible in the event of a system compromise.

In Sales Layer Blog, 2.1 billion individuals are sending or receiving money digitally
these days. Products are increasingly purchased through invisible transfers, whether online or
at physical stores. As opposed to the increased expenses associated with managing cash and
checks, they are a more flexible, safe, and long-lasting system for the global economy.

Table 3. Satisfaction of Usage of Different E-Payment Tools


1. Convenience 72 4.23 Very High

2. Safety 48 3.42 Moderate

3. Customer Support 73 4.29 Very High

Total 196 3.98 High

Table 3. It shows user satisfaction with various e-payment tools. According to the
researchers' observations in terms of convenience, customers can utilize E-Payment in the
comfort of their own homes with little difficulty. This time and effort-saving practice of
conducting cashless transactions anywhere and anytime.

E-commerce is a form of electronic payment that is used to buy and sell goods. It
uses the internet to transport the information, data, and money related to commercial
payments. Essentially, e-commerce makes it simple for customers and business people to
make payments by allowing the purchase and sale of tangible things over internet platforms.
Whoever is able to purchase and sell anything at any time, anywhere (Neger & Uddin, 2020;
Al-Khayyal et al., 2021)
The fact that online purchasing is faster and more time-efficient than traditional retail
is the only explanation for its explosive rise (Chawla & Kumar, 2022). Some consumers were
hesitant to transition from traditional to online shopping due to their worries that their private
information may be compromised, that they might not receive the precise item they requested,
and that the product might not be of the quality they anticipated (Alzoubi et al., 2022). As
more consumers become aware of the benefits of internet purchasing, their concerns have
increasingly reduced in this regard.

In PayMaya’s Customer Service , millions of Filipinos across the nation benefit from
the financial services provided by PayMaya, which offers quick and easy financial
transactions.Because of this, the PayMaya Support team is a wonderful asset to users,
ensuring that all of their issues are addressed properly and promptly.

Table 4. Usage Level of Different E-Payment Tools.

What is the extent 75 3.94 High
use of electronic
payment tools of
business owners of
Roxas City?


Alzoubi, H., Alshurideh, M., Kurdi, B.A., Inairat, M. (2020) Do perceived service value,
quality, price fairness and service recovery shape customer satisfaction and delight? A
practical study in the service telecommunication context. Uncertain Supply Chain
Management, 8(3), 579–588.

Antikula(2021). Electronic Payment Methods To Pay Employees

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (2021) State of Digital Payment in the Philippines

Castro, 2022. The Best Payment Systems for Ecommerce

(Chawla & Kumar, 2022). E-Commerce and Consumer Protection in India: The Emerging

Jerico(2021). PayMaya Customer Service: 4 Ways to Contact Them
Neger, M., & Uddin, B. (2020). Factors affecting consumers’ internet shopping behavior during
the COVID-19 pandemic:
Evidence from Bangladesh. Chinese Business Review, 19(3), 91-104.

O’Donnell (2023). The Advantage of Mobile Payment Systems for Restaurants

Statista Research Department (2002), Frequency of using e-payment methods Philippines

2020, by gender

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