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Aim: To investigate the relationship between ___________________ and

_________________________in a series circuit and a parallel circuit.
2. Problem statement: Does the number of bulbs affect the brightness of the bulbs in
series and parallel circuit?
3. Hypothesis: As the number of bulbs increases, the brightness of the bulbs in a series
circuit decreases. As the number of bulbs increases, the brightness of the bulbs in a
parallel circuit does not change.
4. Variables:
a) Manipulated variable: ______________________
b) Responding variable: _____________________
c) Constant variable: ____________________
5. Apparatus and materials: nine bulbs, nine bulb holders, six dry cells, six dry cell
holders, three switches, and connecting wires with crocodile clips.
6. Steps:
a) Build three series circuit as follows:
i. A series circuit using two bulbs and two dry cells.
ii. A series circuit using three bulbs and two dry cells.
iii. A series circuit using four bulbs and two dry cells.
b) Then, close the switches simultaneously.
c) Observe the brightness of the bulbs and record the results in the table as shown
d) Repeat steps a to d by replacing series circuit with parallel circuit.
7. Results:

Brightness of Bulbs Brightness of Bulbs in

Number of in Series Circuit Parallel Circuit

8. Conclusion:

a) ___________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________


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