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Intracerebral haemorrhage
Laurent Puy1, Adrian R. Parry-Jones    2,3,4, Else Charlotte Sandset5,6, Dar Dowlatshahi7, Wendy Ziai8,9
& Charlotte Cordonnier1 
Abstract Sections

Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) is a dramatic condition caused by Introduction

the rupture of a cerebral vessel and the entry of blood into the brain Epidemiology
parenchyma. ICH is a major contributor to stroke-related mortality Mechanisms/pathophysiology
and dependency: only half of patients survive for 1 year after ICH, and
Diagnosis, screening and
patients who survive have sequelae that affect their quality of life. prevention
The incidence of ICH has increased in the past few decades with shifts
in the underlying vessel disease over time as vascular prevention
Quality of life
has improved and use of antithrombotic agents has increased. The
pathophysiology of ICH is complex and encompasses mechanical Outlook

mass effect, haematoma expansion and secondary injury. Identifying

the causes of ICH and predicting the vital and functional outcome of
patients and their long-term vascular risk have improved in the past
decade; however, no specific treatment is available for ICH. ICH remains
a medical emergency, with prevention of haematoma expansion as
the key therapeutic target. After discharge, secondary prevention and
management of vascular risk factors in patients remains challenging
and is based on an individual benefit–risk balance evaluation.

Lille Neuroscience & Cognition (LilNCog) - U1172, University of Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, Lille, France. 2Geoffrey
Jefferson Brain Research Centre, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Northern Care Alliance NHS
Foundation Trust & University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. 3Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, Faculty
of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. 4Manchester Centre for Clinical
Neurosciences, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, Salford, UK. 5Department of Neurology, Stroke Unit,
Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. 6The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation, Oslo, Norway. 7Department
of Medicine (Neurology), University of Ottawa and Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Division of Neurocritical Care, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. 9Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.  e-mail:

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 1


Introduction from 2 to 5 per 100,000 individuals and was most common in men9.
Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) is defined by the rupture of a cerebral Moreover, the incidence of ICH in Asian individuals is around double
blood vessel and the entry of blood into the brain parenchyma. The that in Black or white people1,10. Furthermore, in a US study, Black and
most common cause of non-traumatic (also called spontaneous) ICH Hispanic people had ICH 10 years earlier than white individuals11. ICH
is cerebral small-vessel disease (SVD; a group of diseases that affect might be more prevalent in men than in women, possibly owing to a
the small arteries, arterioles, venules and capillaries of the brain; complex sex-based interaction between age, ethnicity and underlying
namely cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and arteriolosclerosis). risk factors12,13.
The pathophysiology of ICH is complex and encompasses mechanical
haematoma expansion, mass effect (local pressure from the bleeding Mechanisms/pathophysiology
core on adjacent structures of the brain) and secondary injury (mainly Causes of ICH
driven by toxicity of blood compounds). Non-traumatic ICH is a heterogeneous condition, with several potential
The concept of ‘time is brain’ is relevant for the management of causes that share distinct acute management and outcome14. There-
ICH. Even in the absence of specific treatment, ICH is a neurological fore, identification of the underlying mechanisms of ICH should be as
emergency. No clinical scale is accurate enough to distinguish ischae- prompt as possible. Attempts have been made to produce a classifica-
mic stroke from bleeding; therefore, emergency brain and vascular tion system for ICH subtypes. ICH can be classified either according to
imaging is mandatory to diagnose ICH, elucidate its cause and identify anatomical location (using the CHARTS instrument to classify haemor-
patients who may need surgical interventions (such as those with rhage as lobar (haemorrhage located in one of the cerebral lobes) versus
intraventricular extension with hydrocephalus or brainstem compres- non-lobar (haemorrhage located in the deep structures of the brain),
sion). Prompt treatments that target haematoma expansion (such as supratentorial (in regions of the brain located above the tentorium
intensive blood pressure (BP) lowering or correction of haemostatic cerebelli) versus infratentorial (in regions of the brain located under the
disorders) should be implemented immediately. Long-term BP control tentorium cerebelli)) or according to presumed mechanisms (using
is probably the most important intervention in terms of secondary the H-ATOMIC, SMASH-U and CLASICH instruments)15–19. In ~80% of
prevention. cases20, ICH involves a small arteriole that is affected by chronic cer-
Although ICH represents 20–30% of all acute strokes, the disability- ebral SVD of one of two main origins: deep perforating vasculopathy
adjusted life years (DALYs) lost for ICH is greater than that for ischaemic (also termed hypertensive arteriopathy or arteriolosclerosis) or CAA.
stroke1–3. Mortality is >50% 1 year after ICH onset, and survivors can ICH caused by SVD is usually termed ‘spontaneous’ ICH whereas other
have functional and cognitive impairment4–6. In addition, survivors causes of ICH that have macrovascular aetiology (such as arteriovenous
of ICH are at high risk of future vascular events (both ischaemic and malformation, cavernoma or cerebral sinus venous thrombosis) or neo-
haemorrhagic, cerebral and extracerebral), adding to the complexity plastic aetiology are usually referred to as secondary ICH. ICH has been
of the management of the disease. considered as a single entity for many years, and, although these condi-
This Primer focuses on non-traumatic spontaneous ICH and sum- tions share distinct risk factors, pathophysiology and prognosis, their
marizes the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of this condition, exact prevalence and distribution across the globe remain unknown.
in addition to the effects of ICH on patient quality of life (QoL).
Deep perforating vasculopathy or arteriolosclerosis. Deep per-
Epidemiology forating vasculopathy (also termed hypertensive arteriopathy or
In the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, ICH constituted 27.9% of all arteriolosclerosis) is the main cause of ICH (Fig. 2). This condition
new strokes in 2019 (ref. 3). The worldwide global incidence of ICH was is characterized by lipohyalinosis, arteriolosclerosis and fibrinoid
~3.5 million (42 cases per 100,000 person-years), with a particularly high necrosis, and it predominantly affects deep perforating arteries that
incidence in low-income countries and parts of Oceania and Southeast become prone to both rupture and occlusive events21. Bleeding gener-
Asia3 (Fig. 1). People living in low-income countries or regions have an ally occurs in deep structures (including the basal ganglia, thalamus,
almost twofold greater proportion of ICH compared with those living deep white matter and pons) but can also arise from lobar regions22,23.
in higher-income countries or regions (29.5% compared with 15.8% of all The main vascular risk factors for ICH caused by deep perforating vas-
stroke cases in 2019)2,3. The global prevalence of ICH almost doubled from culopathy are age, hypertension and excessive alcohol consumption8.
~1.9 million in 1990 to ~3.7 million in 2013 in people aged 20–64 years7. The prevalence of deep ICH is higher in Black and Hispanic individuals
Improved access to imaging, as well as an ageing population with more than in white individuals and is higher in low-income countries than in
antithrombotic agent use may explain this increase. high-income countries (mediated by poorly controlled hypertension
Between 1990 and 2019, ICH rose from the ninth to the fourth in low-income countries)11,24.
leading cause of premature death, with an estimated 3 million indi-
viduals dying from ICH in 2019 (ref. 3). The case fatality rate was high- Cerebral amyloid angiopathy. CAA is caused by vascular deposits of
est in Oceania, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and parts of sub-Saharan Aβ-amyloid peptide (mostly comprising Aβ40) in the wall of cortical
Africa. The higher prevalence and mortality of ICH in low-income and and leptomeningeal vessels and is responsible for lobar ICH (Fig. 2).
middle-income countries might be due to a lack of public awareness of Although hereditary forms of CAA exist, most cases are sporadic25. CAA
preventive measures (such as diagnosis and treatment of arterial hyper- occurs frequently in elderly individuals; two-thirds of spontaneous
tension) and access to health care. In 2019, an estimated ~70 million ICH in patients >70 years is related to CAA, with no reported sex differ-
DALYs lost (combination of years of life lost owing to premature mortal- ence26. Other clinical manifestations of CAA are cognitive impairment
ity and years lived with disability) were due to ICH, whereas an estimated and transient focal neurological episodes but it can be asymptomatic
~65 million DALYs were lost owing to ischaemic stroke3 (Fig. 1). for years27. Three main factors increase risk of ICH in patients with
Risk of ICH increases with age, although ICH can still affect young CAA: untreated hypertension, a genetic predisposition (especially
individuals8. In people <50 years old, the annual incidence of ICH varied apolipoprotein-ε2/4 status) and use of antithrombotic agents25.

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 2


(per 100,000 people)
No data

(per 100,000 people)
No data

Fig. 1 | Epidemiology of intracerebral haemorrhage. The global distribution of age-standardized stroke incidence per 100,000 people (panel a) and related
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (panel b) by country or region for both sexes. Adapted with permission from ref. 3, CC BY 4.0 (

Other causes. Non-traumatic ICH is heterogeneous and can be caused cerebral infarction, severe clotting factor deficiency such as haemo-
by chronic cerebral SVD, brain arteriovenous malformation, intracra- philia, brain tumour (both primary or metastasis), vasculitis, infective
nial aneurysm, dural arteriovenous fistula, cavernous malformation, endocarditis or posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Few
intracranial venous thrombosis, haemorrhagic transformation of data are available regarding sex specificities or other epidemiological

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 3


influence of this area on the prognosis of ICH is unclear34 (Figs. 4 and 5).
a b
Immediate physical tissue injury occurs in the perihaematomal
brain owing to the space-occupying effect of the expanding haema-
toma. Larger haematomas will lead to raised intracranial pressure
(ICP; the pressure exerted by fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) inside the skull and on the brain tissue within the craniospinal
compartment) and herniation, which have implications for brain tissue
distant from the haematoma via compression and reduced cerebral
perfusion pressure (the net pressure gradient between mean arterial
pressure and ICP that drives oxygen delivery to cerebral tissue).
c d e
Secondary injury begins within hours of the ICH and progresses,
contributing to tissue damage over the subsequent days to weeks35.
Secondary injury is initiated and propagated by multiple cellular and
molecular events, including factors released by primary physical
injury, components of extravasated serum and lysis of erythrocytes36.
Fig. 2 | Examples of intracerebral haemorrhage associated with deep Factors released from damaged tissue and extravasated blood (such as
perforating vasculopathy and probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
nucleic acids, ATP, thrombin and extracellular matrix components) are
a, Deep intracerebral haemorrhage with deep cerebral microbleeds (arrow)
detected by pattern recognition receptors on the surface of microglia37,
suggesting deep perforating vasculopathy in a 56-year-old man with chronic
which become activated and initiate a damaging pro-inflammatory
hypertension. b, Lobar intracerebral haemorrhage with lobar cerebral
microbleeds (arrows) in a patient with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. c–e, Other
response. Activated microglia cannot fully clear the haematoma;
biomarkers frequently observed in cerebral amyloid angiopathy and used in the therefore, they signal to endothelial cells to trigger the recruitment of
Boston criteria version 2.0: cortical superficial siderosis (panel c), white-matter circulating macrophages and neutrophils38,39. Neutrophils are the first
hyperintensities with multispot pattern (panel d) and perivascular enlarged leukocytes to infiltrate the brain tissue after initial injury40. Neutrophils
spaces in centrum semi-ovale (panel e). have a role in inflammation and can engage a specific suicidal death
mode (netosis), which has been observed after ICH in a human
post-mortem study41. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) exert
pro-inflammatory and pro-haemostatic effects42.
characteristics of these rare causes. Although 80% of non-traumatic Erythrocyte lysis begins ~24 h after ICH with release of haemo-
ICH is due to SVD, clinicians should keep the other causes in mind globin, haem and iron, which are all toxic to the surrounding tissue
when evaluating patients. Some of these causes of ICH require urgent through oxidative damage to proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates
treatment (Fig. 3). and lipids37. Collectively, these processes (mass effect, thrombin,
microglial activation, recruitment of pro-inflammatory cells and blood
ICH pathophysiology product toxicity) are toxic for the brain and precipitate cell death
Vessel rupture. Regardless of the underlying cause, ICH begins with through various mechanisms and timing (excitotoxicity mediated by
blood vessel rupture and extravasation of blood into the brain paren- glutamate release, necrosis, apoptosis, pyroptosis and ferroptosis)43,44.
chyma. In deep perforating vasculopathy-related ICH, vessel wall These processes also contribute to cerebral oedema, which occurs
fragility is related to hyaline changes and subsequent arteriolone- progressively over 3 days and increases up to 1–2 weeks after ICH
crosis, which often occurs at bifurcation points in the lenticulostriate onset45,46.
arterioles28. In patients with CAA, a similar weakening of cortical and This perihaematomal area (brain parenchyma at the immediate
leptomeningeal vessel walls by the deposition of β-amyloid leads to border of the haematoma core) is also a strategic interface for adaptive
lobar haemorrhage. In chronic SVD, the precipitant for vessel rupture response to ICH, including endogenous blood clearance process, and
is unknown, but in one population-based study, systolic BP rose steeply tissue remodelling and repair47. These beneficial effects are mainly
in the days to weeks preceding ICH and may have an important role29. driven by the changing nature of the inflammatory response over
time, switching form a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory
Haematoma expansion. One out of five patients with ICH experience status48. Although the precise time frame remains unknown, this shift
subsequent haematoma expansion, which is associated with poor is suggested to start in the first week after ICH47. This change is driven
outcomes30. Indeed, the odds of death and disability triple with as by the release of cytokines, chemokines and enzymes by leukocytes
little as 3 ml of haematoma expansion31. Risk of expansion is highest recruited to the site of injury and glial cells. Anti-inflammatory macro­
during the first 3 h and reaches a plateau after 6 h (ref.  30). The two phages and microglia develop their haemoglobin-scavenger abilities
main predictors of haematoma expansion are the delay between ICH to enhance haematoma resorption47 and to limit the injury caused by
onset and first brain imaging and the use of antithrombotic drugs30. blood breakdown products. After erythrolysis, haptoglobin binds to
Early clinicopathological studies and modelling studies lend support free haemoglobin, and this complex binds to CD163, a scavenger recep-
to the hypothesis that bleeding from a primary vessel rupture applies tor expressed by microglia and macrophages; however, haptoglobin
shear forces (the force that the blood flow exerts on the vessel wall that is rapidly depleted in ICH, meaning that not all free haemoglobin is
can deform endothelial cells) to adjacent vessels, precipitating further effectively scavenged, and haem can be released from haemoglobin49.
bleeding and haematoma expansion32,33. Haemopexin is a haem scavenger, neutralizing its toxicity and trans-
porting it to the liver for catabolism and excretion50. Regulators of
Perihaematomal area. The perihaematomal area is a strategic inter- this scavenging system include the transcription factor NRF2 and the
face for both deleterious and beneficial effects and as a result, the receptor PPARγ50.

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 4


Hydrocephalus. Patients with ICH are at risk of hydrocephalus Accordingly, immediate neuroimaging (CT scan or MRI) is a crucial first
(dilatation of the ventricular system)51. The risk is higher (50–70%) step to differentiate ICH from ischaemic stroke54,55.
in patients with intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH)52. Two forms of Given that early haematoma expansion and neurological deterio-
hydrocephalus exist: obstructive (blood clot blockage), which requires ration are common in those with ICH56, the clinical course of patients
urgent drainage, and non-obstructive, which can be a delayed compli- in the acute setting can be highly dynamic and requires close and
cation. The latter may also require a chronic external drainage system frequent monitoring.
(shunt) depending on the clinical severity. Several factors are involved
in hydrocephalus including blood clot blockage, ependymal cell dam- Recent advances in neuroimaging
age, blood–brain barrier impairment, inflammation and the presence Neuroimaging to guide acute care. CT or MRI of the brain should
of blood components (such as thrombin and iron) in CSF52. be performed as soon as possible in those with suspected ICH. Owing
to its wide availability, non-contrast CT is the reference imaging
Diagnosis, screening and prevention type worldwide for the positive diagnosis of ICH (visible as a spon-
Diagnosis taneous hyperdensity). Although with sensitivity equal to that of
Although acute stroke must always be considered in patients with acute CT scan, brain MRI is less often used in the acute setting55. As mentioned
onset focal neurological deficits owing to its relatively high pre-test earlier, individuals in low-income and middle-income countries have
probability across all age groups in those presenting with these deficits, a higher risk of ICH than those in high-income countries; however,
medical history or clinical examination cannot reliably distinguish an fewer than one CT scanner per million inhabitants is available in these
ischaemic stroke from ICH without neuroimaging. Some clinical fea- countries compared with ~40 scanners per million inhabitants in high-
tures such as headache at onset, severe hypertension, rapid progression income countries57. To reduce the mortality and morbidity due to ICH,
of symptoms and altered level of consciousness are anecdotally more international public health policy should promote access to brain
common in patients with ICH than in those with ischaemic stroke. How- CT scanners in low-income and middle-income countries. In addition
ever, clinical prediction rules incorporating these features and others to the identification of ICH, the brain imaging performed at admis-
overlap with findings in ischaemic stroke from large vessel occlusions53. sion is also useful to assess the severity of the bleeding (for example,

Arteriovenous malformation Cavernous malformation

• Extension to other brain compartments • Small, homogeneous ICH with no
(subarachnoid haemorrhage) extension to other brain compartments
• Flow voids • ‘Popcorn’ appearance on MRI
• Calcification
• Nidus with abnormal dilated vessels
• Arteriovenous shunt
Cerebral venous thrombosis
• Area of venous infarct
• ICH close to sinuses or veins
Micro-aneurysm (infective endocarditis) • High relative oedema volume
• Acute and multiple ischaemic lesons
• Small irregular arterial aneurysms
• Diffuse brain microbleeds
Brain tumour (primary and/or metastasis)
• Large perihaematomal oedema

Haemorrhagic transformation
of cerebral infarction Vasculitis
• Substantial areas of acute ischaemic • Small multiple acute ischaemic lesions
lesions adjacent to the ICH • Segmentary diffuse arterial stenosis

Moya Moya disease Posterior reversible encephalopathy

• Stenosis and/or occlusion of the syndrome
terminal portion of the internal • Parietal and occipital asymmetrical
carotid arteries oedematous lesions
• Presence of dilated collateral vessels

Dural arteriovenous fistula

• Subarachnoid or subdural extension
Aneurysm • Abnormal dilated cortical veins and
• Disproportionate subarachnoid extension extracranial arteries without nidus
of the blood, abnormal focal dilatation of an artery • Arteriovenous shunt

Fig. 3 | Clues for underlying treatable causes of intracerebral haemorrhage. Non-traumatic cerebral haemorrhage can be caused by several macrovascular
disorders, each of which have key features that can be observed via brain MRI and CT. ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage.

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 5


• Blood pressure lowering • Decompressive craniotomy Suggestion for therapeutic

• Haematoma evacuation • Boost the switch from pro-inflammatory intervention
• Haemostatic drugs to anti-inflammatory status • Iron chelators
Deleterious effects
Beneficial effects
• Mass effect • Excessive pro-inflammatory response • Toxicity of blood lysate
• Tissue necrosis • Oedema-related mass effect • Oxidative stress
• Microvascular collapse or rupture • Apoptosis/ferroptosis (cell death)

Minutes Hours Days Weeks Months

• Paracrine effect of inflammatory • Anti-inflammatory • Blood • Tissue remodelling

cells (encirclement of the lesion) status clearance and repair

• Boost the switch from pro-inflammatory • Enhance haemoglobin-

to anti-inflammatory status scavenging activity

Fig. 4 | Putative secondary injury and adaptive process following intracerebral haemorrhage and potential therapeutic targets. The upper part (red) of the
figure describes the secondary brain injuries that occur in the perihaematomal area, and the lower part (blue) describes the adaptive and repair processes. Grey boxes
indicate current or putative therapeutic interventions to limit deleterious effects and promote beneficial ones.

volume, proximity to the brainstem and the presence of blood in Establishing aetiology
the ventricles). Identifying the cause of ICH is crucial for both acute management
The most important imaging biomarker for risk of haematoma and secondary prevention. Secondary causes of non-traumatic ICH
expansion is ICH volume at admission30. Baseline ICH volume can be that may require urgent therapy should be ruled out after diagnosis of
estimated in clinical practice using the ellipsoid volume formula58 ICH. In a prospective evaluation of CTA and MRI in patients with ICH,
(Supplementary Fig. 1), although semi-automated software based 20% of patients <70 years old had a secondary vascular cause such as
on intensity and planimetric volume measurement is under develop- arteriovenous malformations, fistula or cavernous malformations20.
ment59. A more detailed analysis allows the identification of patients CT or MR venography may be indicated to exclude cerebral venous
with active bleeding, as these patients have a higher risk of haematoma thrombosis as the underlying cause of ICH, depending on the history
expansion. and radiological appearance. Other imaging sequences, such as arterial
The CT-angiography (CTA) spot sign is a radiological finding of spin-labelling MRI, can be useful to screen for an arteriovenous shunt
contrast extravasation from a ruptured vessel, representing active in arteriovenous malformations (Fig. 7). A catheter digital subtraction
haemorrhage into the parenchymal or ventricular space (Fig. 6). The angiogram is indicated in a subgroup of patients with ICH with a high
presence of CTA in the first few hours of ICH onset is predictive of both probability of an underlying vascular secondary cause and in whom
haematoma expansion and functional outcome60. However, the clini- the benefit–risk balance of the procedure is deemed reasonable: those
cal use of the CTA spot sign is dependent on the timing of the imaging with lobar spontaneous ICH and age <70 years, deep/posterior fossa
relative to symptom onset; the presence of the spot sign within 2 h of ICH and age <45 years, or deep/posterior fossa and age 45–70 years
ICH onset represents active extravasation, whereas its presence 6 h without history of hypertension and negative non-invasive imaging63.
after ICH onset is more likely to reflect pseudo-aneurysmal fibrin globe After ruling out these secondary causes of ICH, a detailed evaluation of
formation where the bleeding has stopped61. Several non-contrast CT the brain parenchyma using MRI is necessary to assess for biomarkers
predictive biomarkers for haematoma expansion are being evaluated62 of deep perforating vasculopathy and CAA (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 6), including blend signs, swirl signs, fluid–fluid levels, hypodensi- The traditional sequence to detect haemorrhagic biomarkers is
ties and black hole signs as well as irregular morphologies and small T2*-weighted gradient Echo, in which the local magnetic field inho-
satellite haematomas; however, these markers are not validated for mogeneities caused by paramagnetic iron in ICH, microbleeds and
clinical use. siderosis, result in signal loss (also called susceptibility effect). Of note,

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 6


several parameters can influence the detection rate of these haemor- Management
rhagic biomarkers. For instance, a higher magnetic field (1.5 T com- Stroke unit care
pared with 3 T), low flip angle, long echo time and long repetition A stroke unit is a 24/7 specialized ward dedicated to the care of patients
time increase the sensitivity to susceptibility effects64. Susceptibility- with acute stroke by a multidisciplinary team that includes specialist
weighted imaging (SWI) is another key sequence to improve the nursing staff, physiotherapists and speech therapists. A meta-analysis of
detection of such lesions65. eight trials involving 2,657 patients showed that stroke unit care benefits
For deep perforating vasculopathy, clinicians should search for patients with ICH at least as much as patients with ischaemic stroke75.
related haemorrhagic (deep cerebral microbleeds and/or old silent
deep ICH) and ischaemic (cerebral white-matter hyperintensities Targeting haematoma expansion
of presumed vascular origin and/or lacunes) biomarkers. Impor- Treatments targeted at limiting haematoma expansion should
tantly, deep perforating vasculopathy is likely to be part of a dynamic be initiated as quickly as possible in all patients with ICH. As for
multisystemic disorder affecting the small vessels outside the brain; ischaemic stroke, monitoring door-to-treatment times may improve
therefore, the detection of typical end-organ damage related to arte- the in-hospital workflow and potentially affect short-term mortality76.
rial hypertension (retinopathy, coronary heart disease or myocardial
infarction and heart failure, proteinuria and renal impairment, and Blood pressure management. Both high and low BP after ICH are asso-
vasculature atherosclerotic changes (stenosis and aneurysms)) is ciated with poor outcomes (death and dependency)77. Multiple trials
important66. have been conducted aiming to lower BP in acute ICH with diverging
By contrast, the definitive diagnosis of CAA requires neuro- results. Many trials were carried out >24 h after ICH, which may be too
pathological examination. Hence, in vivo indirect biomarkers — lobar late to affect haematoma expansion. Indeed, one meta-analysis found no
cerebral microbleeds, cortical superficial siderosis, white-matter effect of BP lowering on functional outcome assessed using the modified
hyperintensities, subcortical dilated perivascular spaces and cortical Rankin Scale (mRS); however, BP lowering was associated with reduced
microinfarcts — that reflect various aspects of CAA pathophysiol- haematoma expansion in those recruited within 6 h of symptoms78.
ogy are used. The most commonly used criteria for CAA diagnosis Current international guidelines from the European Stroke Organ­
are the Boston criteria 2.0; these criteria provide various degrees of isation, the American Heart Association (AHA)/American Stroke Associa-
diagnostic certainty for CAA (possible, probable or definite)67. The tion and the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations endorse
most clinically relevant category is the probable category, defined systolic BP lowering to 140 mmHg as soon as possible after symp-
as: a patient older than 50 years old who experienced a lobar ICH and tom onset, with the goal of maintaining systolic BP between 130 and
showing either multiple strictly lobar haemorrhagic lesions (old lobar 150 mmHg (refs. 63,79,80). However, a more individualized approach is
ICH or lobar cerebral microbleeds or cortical superficial siderosis) warranted for some patients, such as those with a very high BP after ICH
or one lobar haemorrhagic lesion with white-matter feature (visible (systolic BP >220 mmHg). Indeed, patients with very high BP (systolic
severe perivascular space in the centrum semi-ovale or white-matter BP >220 mmHg) were not included in the trials, and lowering systolic BP
hyperintensities in a multisport pattern). In patients who cannot to 140 mmHg in this population might be harmful, with a higher rate of
undergo brain MRI, the Edinburgh CT scan-based criteria can predict neurological deterioration and kidney adverse events; therefore, BP
underlying moderate or severe CAA22 (Supplementary Box 1). lowering should be more cautious81. In these patients, the target systolic
Although the anatomical location of ICH in the lobar versus deep BP or the rate of BP reduction remains unknown. Recent data suggest that
brain regions has traditionally been used to indicate different underly- the magnitude of systolic BP reductions in 1 h is associated with outcome,
ing causes of ICH, this approach is probably too reductionist. In older with larger drops in BP (>70 mmHg) being potentially deleterious82.
patients with lobar ICH, it is likely that a certain degree of both CAA Acute aggressive BP management can successfully limit haema-
and deep perforating vasculopathy exist22,68. toma expansion but has failed to demonstrate a benefit on functional
In young patients with ICH who have biomarkers of SVD and recovery. To bridge this gap, other approaches should be considered,
familial history, hereditary SVD due to COL4A1, COL4A2, HTRA1 or including ultra-early intervention (<2 h)83, defining an individualized
APP mutations should be discussed69–71. In patients with no identifiable BP target that takes into account ethnicity84, the nature and severity of
cause of ICH, a repeat brain MRI, and/or catheter digital subtraction the underlying vessel disease, the magnitude of BP reduction and pre-
angiogram in selected patients, can be repeated in 3–6 months, as existing conditions such as renal impairment. Limiting BP variability
identifying the cause of the bleeding is important to inform prognosis might also contribute to a better outcome85.
and tailor secondary prevention.
Anticoagulation reversal. Nearly 15% of patients with ICH were using
Prevention oral anticoagulants at the time of stroke6. Patients with anticoagulation-
The Interstroke study identified several modifiable risk factors associated ICH have larger baseline haematomas, higher risk of hae-
that can be targeted for the prevention of ICH72. In this study, the matoma expansion and higher mortality than those not receiving
greatest population attributable risk for ICH was from untreated anticoagulants86–88. Stopping ongoing anticoagulation followed by
hypertension (73.6%), followed by lack of exercise (27.6%), waist- reversal of the anticoagulation effect may reduce the risk of haema-
to-hip ratio (26.1%), poor diet (24.1%), excessive alcohol intake toma expansion and improve vital and functional outcome89–91. As with
(14.6%), current smoking (9.5%) and psychosocial stress (3.5%). This BP lowering, reversal of anticoagulation should be started as soon as
study highlights the importance of lifestyle management for the possible after onset of symptoms63. Prothrombin complex concen-
prevention of ICH, particularly for the treatment of hypertension. trates and vitamin K should be administered to target an international
Tight control of hypertension is associated with a significant reduc- normalized ratio (INR) to normal value (<1.3) in patients treated with
tion in ICH occurrence in both the primary and secondary prevention vitamin K antagonists. By contrast, specific reversal agents should
setting73,74. be used in patients treated with direct oral anticoagulants. When no

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 7


1 Vessel rupture and

massive entry of blood

2 Mass effect —
10 Ferroptosis
Microglia iron

Neuron ICH

Thrombin clearance
5 9



• NF-κB Astrocyte
• IL-1β
• Chemokines
• MMPs Inflammatory cell
extravasation 4 Extravasation


and E-selectin

Red blood cell
3 ↑ BBB
permeability Endothelial cell

cytokines and Brain tissue Mass effect Haemoglobin
interleukins compression Haptoglobin

ATP depletion and CD163

neuronal depolarization

Amoeboid microglia Glutamate Haem Biliverdin

release oxygenase reductase
Haemoglobin Biliverdin Bilirubin
Microglial Neuronal
activation damage CO Fe 2+
Fe 3+

and/or death
Glutamate O2 O2 •–
H2O2 HO• +OH−
channel Fenton
Ca2+-activated Hydroxyl radical

Oxidative stress

Resting microglia Macrophage or microglia

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 8


Fig. 5 | Mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of intracerebral bleeding. (7) First, neutrophils phagocytose apoptotic cells and their debris
haemorrhage. (1) Intracranial pressure increases in the minutes after blood to stop the spread of necrosis and engage a suicidal mode of death (netosis),
vessel rupture and blood effraction within the brain parenchyma. (2) This which exacerbates inflammation. (8) Subsequently, macrophages try to manage
increase in pressure results in mechanical compression of brain tissue, the toxicity of blood degradation products. Between 3 and 7 days after ICH
leading to necrosis and reduced perfusion, which precipitate cell death by erythrocyte haemolysis, the ICH core releases free haemoglobin (Hb) and iron
excitotoxicity owing to glutamate release. Necrotic cells release proteases compounds that can form reactive oxygen species (ROS). In the extracellular
and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) that are detected by space, Hb is taken up by haptoglobin and the free haem by haemopexin.
microglia. (3) Microglia engage their amoeboid active form and release pro- Recruited macrophages and active microglia can uptake the Hb–haptoglobin
inflammatory cytokines to trigger the recruitment of circulating inflammatory complex through the CD163–haem oxygenase 1 (HO-1) system. However, severe
cells (neutrophils and macrophages). To allow this recruitment, endothelial cells haemolysis overwhelms these elimination capabilities, therefore, these toxic
increase their capillary permeability. (4) Plasma and its constituents also blood products accumulate. (9) ROS also contribute to BBB disruption and the
infiltrate the parenchyma through the vascular walls. This fluid, termed exudate, development of peri-haemorrhagic oedema. In addition, free haem stimulates
contains numerous enzymes, antibodies and other molecules that disrupt endothelial expression of the adhesion molecules ICAM1, VCAM1 and E-selectin,
ionic homeostasis and local cellular function, also amplifying the inflammatory which allow leukocyte extravasation. Moreover, iron deposits exacerbate
response. (5) Thrombin from circulating blood also amplifies inflammation the expression of AQP4 by astrocytes, which is highly involved in brain tissue
and blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption, as thrombin promotes the release of water homeostasis. Iron deposits also activate microglia through the TLR4
various inflammatory mediators (nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), tumour necrosis pathway. (10) ROS trigger a form of oxidative stress responsible for a specific
factor, IL-1β, chemokines) and various proteolytic enzymes that degrade the iron-mediated cell death called ferroptosis. Of note, although all these steps
interstitium and the extracellular matrix (such as matrix metalloproteinases are supported by experimental data, the precise roles and timing of each step
(MMPs)). Thrombin also activates PAR1 receptors on endothelial cells, resulting remain to be determined. ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage; MRC, mitochondrial
in a disruption of the BBB and exacerbated inflammatory response. (6) In respiratory chain; NETs, neutrophil extracellular traps.
the parenchyma, leukocytes move towards and circumscribe the site of the

specific reversal agent is available, prothrombin complex concentrates (identified in most studies by volume ≥30 ml), IVH, hydrocephalus
should be considered63. or infratentorial location102. Patients with higher clinical severity and
respiratory compromise can benefit from care in a neurointensive
Other haemostatic therapies. Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic care unit103–107.
drug that reduces bleeding by inhibiting the enzymatic breakdown of External ventricular drainage (EVD; temporary drainage of CSF and
fibrin blood clots. Tranexamic acid can reduce mortality due to bleeding blood from the ventricles) as a treatment for obstructive hydrocepha-
after trauma, post-partum haemorrhage92 and traumatic brain injury93. lus secondary to IVH (presence of blood in the ventricles of the brain)
Treatment is most effective when given early, and the effect is greatest on or external compression or obstruction of the ventricular system is
early mortality93. Several differences in patient populations, pathophysi- reasonable, especially in patients with decreased level of consciousness
ology and natural history mean that these results cannot be translated in whom EVD is associated with reduced 30-day mortality108,109. IVH is
to ICH but this therapy holds promise for this indication94. In patients an independent risk factor of poor functional outcome in patients with
with ICH, recent trials (Table 1) showed that tranexamic acid treatment ICH and increases mortality at 90 days from 21% in patients without
can reduce haematoma expansion, without a significant benefit on IVH to 50% in those with IVH110,111. The mechanism of IVH-related injury
90-day functional outcome. Several other trials using tranexamic acid includes acute obstructive hydrocephalus, mass effect caused by the
in ICH with early intervention (<2 to 4.5 h after stroke onset) are ongo- haematoma, toxic blood breakdown products resulting in local tissue
ing (ISRCTN97695350, NCT03385928 and CHICTR1900027065)95–97. ischaemia, and chronic hydrocephalus112. The benefit of EVD use on
No proven benefit has been seen with other haemostatic therapies functional outcomes in patients with IVH is less clear, with only data
such as desmopressin for antiplatelet-associated ICH or recombinant with a high risk of bias available from observational studies and post-
factor VIIa98,99. Platelet transfusion may be harmful in patients with ICH hoc analyses112. One of the reasons is that the use of EVD alone is limited
associated with antiplatelet use, and should not be used100. by slow flow of CSF and catheter obstruction by blood clots. This led
Interestingly, intensive BP management and haemostatic drugs to consideration of the association of drainage with intraventricular
reduce haematoma expansion without a clear benefit on functional thrombolysis (IVT). The CLEAR III trial is the largest randomized con-
outcome. The reasons for this discrepancy remain unclear but some trolled trial (RCT) of IVT for IVH. This trial compared EVD plus IVT (using
hypotheses can be discussed. The time to intervention is crucial, and alteplase) with EVD plus intraventricular saline (placebo) in patients
ongoing trials are focusing on a shorter time window (NCT03385928)96. with obstructive IVH secondary to ICH (volume <30 ml)113. Although
Moreover, patient characteristics (namely, ethnicity, medical history the study did not meet the primary outcome (mRS 0–3 at 180 days),
and ICH aetiology) may also be important in terms of addressing hae- it suggested that good outcomes could be achieved in patients with
matoma expansion. Eventually, haematoma expansion may be one >80% IVH clot removal. A recent meta-analysis showed that a higher
factor that mainly influences mortality, then to improve functional treatment effect occurs when the combined EVD plus IVT approach
outcome a different target should be defined such as peri-haematoma is initiated within the first 48 h after ICH onset114. Other interventions
oedema or secondary brain injuries. for IVH suggest that endoscopic surgery with or without fibrinolysis
might be a good alternative to EVD; however, high-quality large RCTs
Neurocritical care and surgical options have not been performed115–117.
ICH is a neurological emergency, and 70% of patients are at risk of The frequency of elevated ICP and indications for use of ICP moni-
early neurological deterioration within the first 24 h (ref. 101). Patients toring in ICH are not well established, although observational data
at risk of clinical worsening are those with moderate to severe ICH suggest that ICP monitoring might reduce mortality and improve

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 9


a Baseline b c +24 h Prophylactic administration of hyperosmolar agents has been

studied predominantly for mannitol; the ERICH study found no asso-
ciation of prophylactic use of mannitol with clinical benefit123. There is
no evidence-based role for corticosteroids in the treatment of elevated
ICP in patients with ICH.

Surgical considerations. Surgical evacuation in patients with ICH may

seem intuitive owing to the deleterious effect of massive blood entry
into the brain; however, the reality is more complex as no study has
demonstrated a compelling functional outcome benefit from surgery.
Various surgical techniques exist for ICH: craniotomy with evacuation,
drainage using minimally invasive techniques and decompressive
d craniectomy with or without evacuation.
2 Surgical evacuation of supratentorial ICH is of uncertain
benefit. Two large RCTs (STICH I and STICH II) showed no benefit
with craniotomy compared with standard care in terms of mortality
or functional outcomes assessed with the extended Glasgow Out-
come Scale124,125; however, these trials suggested a potential benefit
for mortality in lobar ICH. The STICH I and STICH II trials had high
medical-to-surgical crossover rates and promoted the policy that
early haematoma evacuation is not clearly beneficial compared with
Regularity marker examples
haematoma evacuation when patients deteriorate. Craniotomy for
supratentorial ICH is therefore considered as a life-saving measure,
e especially for young, comatose patients with midline shift (a shift of
the brain past its centre line), deep or lobar haemorrhages with IVH,
5 and with refractory elevated ICP126.
4 2 Owing to the results of the STICH trials, there was a paradigm shift
towards less-invasive approaches for ICH evacuation to mitigate dam-
age to surrounding healthy brain. Multiple less-invasive techniques and
devices have been developed, including stereotaxic and endoscopic
approaches. The minimally invasive surgery approaches have shown
potential for improved outcomes compared with conventional crani-
otomy127–134. Of these approaches, MISTIE (minimally invasive surgery
Homogeneity marker examples with thrombolysis in intracerebral haemorrhage evacuation) emerged
as one of the most gentle and promising strategies. The MISTIE
Fig. 6 | Imaging markers of haematoma expansion. Non-contrast CT scan in III trial showed that minimally invasive surgery followed by thrombo-
the axial plane showing a right deep intracerebral haemorrhage (panel a). The lytic irrigation of the catheterized ICH with alteplase in patients with
spot sign CT-angiography scan (panel b; arrow) at admission suggests a risk of supratentorial ICH135 was safe and resulted in survival benefit compared
haematoma expansion as illustrated by the plain CT scan performed 24 h after with standard management; however, the primary outcome (functional
admission (panel c). Representative examples of non-contrast CT markers of
improvement based on mRS score 0–3 at 1 year) was not met. However,
haemorrhage expansion (panels b and e). Illustration of margin irregularity
the MISTIE III trial also demonstrated that a threshold of ICH evacua-
features associated with higher risk of haemorrhage expansion. (1) Satellite
tion of ≥70% haematoma reduction or end-of-treatment volume to
sign. (2) Island sign. (3) Margin irregularity within the Barras scale (panel d).
Illustration of haemorrhage’s density features. (4) Hypodensity. (5) Hypodensity
≤15 ml conferred a significantly higher probability of a good outcome
also qualifying for a swirl sign owing to the greater density difference with the compared with medical management alone in a post-hoc exploratory
adjacent clot (panel e). analysis. These data suggest that with improved evacuation, minimally
invasive surgery could be the game changer of ICH management.
For cerebellar ICH, surgical haematoma evacuation is generally
recommended to avoid brainstem compression in patients with large
outcomes63. One meta-analysis reported a pooled prevalence of 67% ICH volumes (>3 cm in diameter), IVH extension and/or hydrocepha-
for any episode of intracranial hypertension and a pooled mortality of lus and with neurological deterioration. Because cerebellar ICH is a
50% associated with intracranial hypertension118. ICP is not frequently rare and potentially dramatic event, RCTs are not likely to be performed
elevated after obstructive IVH treated with EVD monitoring and drain- for this condition. One large individual participant data meta-analysis
age, although increased ICP and duration, are associated with poor that included patients with spontaneous cerebellar haemorrhage
outcome and mortality119,120. In the absence of clinical trials, thresholds without brainstem extension, found that haematoma evacuation was
to indicate the need for ICP monitoring are typically borrowed from the associated with a survival benefit at 1 year for larger haematoma vol-
traumatic brain injury literature and are considered for patients with umes (>15 ml), although no improvement in functional outcomes at
ICH who have a reduced level of consciousness (for example, Glasgow 3 months was reported136.
Coma Scale (GCS) score ≤8, indicating severe injury). However, the Decompressive hemicraniectomy (DC) either alone or combined
data are conflicting121,122. with clot evacuation can alleviate elevated ICP, midline shift caused

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 10


by mass effect and associated perihaematomal oedema, although a b c

evidence is dominated by case series and small RCTs. These series and
small trials also demonstrated that DC is safe and improves survival,
although the effect on functional outcomes was inconclusive137–140.
Results are awaited for the SWITCH trial, which is a RCT designed to
determine whether decompressive surgery improves outcomes com-
pared with best medical treatment in patients with supratentorial ICH
The optimal timing for surgery after ICH is uncertain given the
variability of RCT design (up to 96 h from onset for STICH trials and
within 72 h after the first CT imaging for the MISTIE III trial) and as no
large RCTs have evaluated surgery within the first 12–24 h. Several RCTs Fig. 7 | Representative example of advanced imaging to determine the cause
are underway to better understand whether earlier surgical interven- of intracerebral haemorrhage. MRI of a lobar intracerebral haemorrhage.
tion with advanced techniques can mitigate risk of rebleeding while The susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) sequence (panel a) shows the
reducing secondary brain injury and improving outcomes. haemorrhage in the left frontal lobe delimited by a hyposignal rim. The angioMRI
sequence (panel b) shows an abnormal, dilated vessel in the upper part of the
haemorrhage (arrows). The red signal in arterial spin-labelling MR imaging
Secondary prevention
(panel c) within the vessel indicates an arteriovenous shunt, suggesting the
Secondary prevention aims to prevent the recurrence of ICH and
diagnosis of an arteriovenous malformation.
prevent other ischaemic events, owing to the associated high risk
in survivors of ICH. Indeed, the risk of recurrent ICH is 1.3–7.4% per
year depending on bleeding location (thus to the underlying vessel
disease), with higher rates in patients with lobar ICH or probable peripheral arterial occlusion, mesenteric ischaemia, pulmonary
CAA compared with those with deep ICH or deep perforating vascu- embolism, deep vein thrombosis and revascularization procedures)
lopathy4. Of note, clinicians cannot precisely quantify the individual in patients who restarted antiplatelet therapy compared with those
risk of future haemorrhagic events. Some radiological biomarkers who did not restart antiplatelet therapy. On the basis of this RCT, it
(such as cerebral microbleeds, cortical superficial siderosis or severe seems safe to start or restart, antiplatelet agents in survivors of ICH
white-matter lesions) may be useful to improve the prognostication when they have a clear indication for secondary prevention.
of future ICH142,143. The benefit of anticoagulation to prevent future ischaemic events
Patients with ICH also have increased risk of ischaemic stroke and in those with atrial fibrillation is less clear. The SoSTART and APACHE-
other extracerebral vaso-occlusive events6. The nature of incident AF trials were the first two RCTs to investigate the safety and efficacy
events differs according to ICH location and can guide the second- of oral anticoagulation (OAC) in patients with ICH and atrial fibrilla-
ary preventive strategy. Risk of ischaemic events is higher after deep tion146,149. SoSTART found non-inferiority of OAC resumption compared
ICH, whereas risk of haemorrhagic events is higher after lobar ICH144. with avoidance of OAC use. However, symptomatic major vascular
Patients with ICH or ischaemic stroke share multiple vascular risk events were numerically higher in patients without OAC149. Similarly, the
factors, including atrial fibrillation (which is present in one in five sur- APACHE-AF trial found a 12% annual risk of non-fatal stroke or vascular
vivors of ICH)6. Accordingly, survivors of ICH have an annual 5% risk of death in patients with ICH and atrial fibrillation who either received or
serious vascular events, but risk increases to 12% per year in those with did not receive apixaban146. Of note, some ethnicities (Black, Hispanic
concomitant atrial fibrillation145,146. and Asian individuals), women and patients with presumed CAA were
In the absence of clear consensus, secondary prevention after ICH under-represented in these trials. Other RCTs evaluating the risk–
should be individualized, and multidisciplinary discussion is strongly benefit balance of resuming anticoagulant drugs after ICH are ongoing
encouraged. with a planned individual patient data meta-analysis (COCROACH:
PROSPERO CRD42021246133).
Blood pressure control. Irrespective of ICH location and aetiology, When the decision to start anticoagulation has been made, there is
long-term BP control is the most important action to prevent ICH recur- no consensus regarding the timing of introduction or re-introduction150.
rence147. In survivors of ICH, it is reasonable to lower systolic BP below The best choice of OAC has also yet to be established. Direct OACs
130 mmHg and diastolic below 80 mmHg (ref. 63). are the preferred therapy as they are at least as effective as vitamin K
antagonists in preventing future ischaemic events and are associated
Antithrombotic agents. Fifty per cent of patients in high-income with significantly less bleeding, including ICH151. The availability of
countries are treated with antithrombotic agents (including oral anti- rapid reversal agents is also a consideration when using these drugs152.
coagulants for 15% of them) at the time of their ICH6. The discussion In patients at high risk of ICH recurrence (such as those with severe CAA
of antithrombotic resumption at discharge or later during follow-up or recurrent ICH), the AHA guidelines suggest that non-pharmacological
is difficult as evidence-based data are scarce63,80. approaches (such as transcatheter left atrial appendage closure) could
The RESTART trial148 found no significant difference in ICH recur- be an alternative to OACs63. This suggestion is being evaluated in one
rence and major haemorrhagic event occurrence (recurrent sympto- ongoing RCT (NCT03243175)153.
matic ICH, other intracranial haemorrhages and symptomatic major
extracranial haemorrhage) at any site in patients who restarted anti- Statins. The use of statins after ICH is controversial as they may increase
platelet therapy compared with those who did not restart antiplatelet the risk of recurrent bleeding154,155. The SATURN trial (NCT03936361)156,
therapy. Moreover, this trial found no difference in the rate of major a phase III RCT, is investigating the benefit of continuation versus dis-
occlusive vascular events (ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, continuation of statins after spontaneous lobar ICH. To date, in patients

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 11


Table 1 | Main randomized clinical trials targeting haematoma expansion in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage

Trial name, Design and size Main inclusion criteria Time Main characteristics Intervention in Main findings
year window treatment group

Blood pressure lowering

INTERACT 2, Randomized, open- Spontaneous ICH, <6 Mean age 64 years; men Target systolic BP <140 Intensive lowering of BP
2013 (ref. 186) label, phase III trial BP >150 mmHg and 63%; lobar ICH 16%; versus <180 mmHg did not reduce death
(n = 2,839) <220 mmHg and GSC >5 median baseline ICH during 1 day or major disability but
volume 11 ml may improve functional
outcomes in ordinal
analysis of the mRS
ATACH-II, 2016 Randomized, open- Supratentorial <4.5 Mean age 62 years; men Target systolic BP Intensive lowering of BP
(ref. 187) label, phase III trial spontaneous ICH, BP 62%; lobar ICH 10%; 110–139 versus did not reduce death or
(n = 1,000) >180 mmHg, ICH volume median baseline ICH 140–179 mmHg major disability
<60 ml and GSC >4 volume 10 ml during 1 day
Haemostatic agent administration
TICH-2, 2018 Randomized, Spontaneous ICH, and <8 Mean age 69 years; men TXA: 1 g in 100 ml 0.9% No significant difference
(ref. 94) placebo-controlled, GSC >4 56%; lobar ICH 32%; NaCl over 10 min followed in functional outcome;
phase III trial median baseline ICH by 1 g in 250 ml 0.9% NaCl significant but modest
(n = 2,325) volume 14 ml infusion over 8 h versus reduction in HE and early
placebo (saline) death (within 7 days)
STOP-AUST, Randomized, Spontaneous ICH, <4.5 Median age 71 years; TXA: 1 g in 100 ml 0.9% No significant difference
2020 (ref. 188) placebo-controlled, presence of active men 62%; lobar ICH 30%; NaCl over 10 min followed in HE or functional
phase II trial (n = 100) bleeding (spot sign), median baseline ICH by 1 g in 500 ml 0.9% NaCl outcome at 3 months
ICH volume <70 ml and volume 15 ml infusion over 8 h versus
GSC >7 placebo (saline)
TRAIGE, 2021 Randomized, Spontaneous ICH, <6 Mean age 56 years; men TXA: 1 g in 100 ml 0.9% No significant difference
(ref. 189) placebo-controlled, presence of active 73%; lobar ICH 26%; NaCl over 10 min followed in HE or functional
phase II trial (n = 171) bleeding (spot sign or median baseline ICH by 1 g in 250 ml 0.9% NaCl outcome at 3 months
spot-like appearance), volume 20 ml infusion over 8 h versus
ICH volume <70 ml, and placebo (saline)
GSC >7
BP, blood pressure; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; HE, haematoma expansion; ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; TXA, tranexamic acid.

at risk of vascular ischaemic events, there is no evidence to withhold siderosis or cerebral atrophy at ICH onset (that is, those with markers of
statins in general for survivors of ICH. ongoing SVD) are more likely to develop dementia5. As the occurrence
of new strokes also contributes to future cognitive decline, secondary
Quality of life prevention should be carefully monitored in those high-risk patients.
ICH-related mortality has not decreased over the past decade owing to Neuropsychiatric symptoms evaluated using the Neuropsychi-
the lack of specific treatment for this condition157. Most deaths occur atric Inventory Questionnaire164 are observed in more than half of
within the first 30 days of ICH, but the cumulative survival rate at 10 years ICH survivors 6 months after ICH165. Patients with post-ICH dementia
is 40%158. Long-term mortality is also high in young patients (18–55 years) have a three times higher risk of neuropsychiatric symptoms com-
with ICH, reaching 35% after a median follow-up of 8 years159. pared with those without post-ICH dementia. Affective symptoms are
QoL is a major issue among stroke survivors. The assessment of the most prevalent neuropsychiatric symptoms. Hyperactivity and
QoL is complex and highly dependent on individual preference. To help apathy are more frequent in those with post-ICH dementia, whereas
clinicians in their evaluation of QoL, the two most used validated scales affective symptoms (such as anxiety and depression) are more fre-
are the SS-QOL and the EQ-5D-5L160,161. However, these instruments were quent in patients without post-ICH dementia165. Although data on
not specifically designed for ICH and are mainly used in patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with ICH are scarce, the existing
ischaemic stroke. In the ensuing months to years after a bleeding event, data suggest that timely recognition of neuropsychiatric symptoms
ICH survivors may face complications that affect their QoL. could improve care planning and have a clinically meaningful effect
Almost one-quarter of ICH survivors have progressive functional for long-term ICH management63.
decline over time162. Elderly patients with diabetes mellitus, a large ICH Patients with ICH also have an increased risk of post-ICH epilepsy.
at baseline and strictly lobar or mixed cerebral microbleeds are at high The frequency of post-ICH epilepsy varies across studies from 8% to
risk of future decline and should be regularly followed up to improve 13% 2 years after ICH166–168. Patients with ICH can develop partial or
secondary prevention162. In addition to functional dependency (usually secondary generalized seizures, and seizures are more likely to occur in
measured with the mRS163), patients with ICH also have increased risk of those <65 years of age with cortical involvement of the ICH166–168. Some
cognitive impairment of various severity (from mild cognitive impair- prognostic scores (such as the CAVE score) have been developed166,
ment to dementia). Indeed, during a median follow-up of 4 years, 28% but these scores fail to identify patients at such a high risk of post-ICH
of patients with ICH will develop new-onset post-ICH dementia5. Elderly epilepsy that it would outweigh the adverse effects caused by long-term
patients with more than five cerebral microbleeds, cortical superficial preventive anti-epileptic treatments63.

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 12


During the clinical follow-up, clinicians should screen for all these survivors, this belief is debatable. One post-hoc analysis of two inter-
complications to improve the global care and QoL of survivors of ventional RCTs found that more than 40% of patients with severe ICH
ICH. Special attention should also be given to family caregivers as with IVH who initially had a poor functional outcome recovered to good
they have a key role in the recovery process of patients. Accordingly, they outcome by 1 year170. Clinicians should therefore avoid early pessimistic
need to be involved in the care plan as well as knowledgeable about prognostication. Different prognostic models demonstrated valuable
the disease63. outcome prediction after ICH, but the inclusion of patients with early
Early prediction of outcome in patients with ICH is challenging. care limitations induces a negative bias that results in an overestima-
To avoid the self-fulfilling prophecy of poor outcome during a time tion of poor outcome. In this view, the max-ICH score was developed to
period in which prognostic uncertainty is present169, initial care for prevent patients with ICH from experiencing unwarranted limitations
every patient with ICH is recommended unless patients have previously of care171,172.
documented a desire for these treatment limitations before the onset
of their ICH. ICH is usually considered a more severe condition than Outlook
ischaemic stroke. In terms of long-term functional outcome among There are several future research avenues for ICH (Box 1).

Box 1

Knowledge gaps and future directions for intracerebral

haemorrhage research
Reduce the incidence of ICH •• More inclusive trials including the whole range of patients with
Challenges ICH (large ICH, lobar ICH, women and individuals of different
•• Raise public awareness of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) ethnicities)
•• Promote blood pressure control Redefine the different temporalities in ICH management
•• Promote reduction of salt and alcohol consumption Challenges
•• Public health campaigns on awareness and education on stroke •• ‘Time is brain’ in ICH
•• Adjust the best time window of interventions according to the
Improve understanding of the disease treatment target
Challenges •• Define the best timing for outcome measures
•• Heterogeneity of the disease Suggestions
•• Complex natural history •• Improve pre-hospital care with mobile stroke unit equipped with
Suggestions on-board brain imaging and artificial intelligence
•• Develop ICH preclinical models that mimic human disease •• Improve diagnostic and treatment workflow to save time
•• Disentangle the causes of ICH •• Implement the use of a bundle of care — combined interventions
•• Develop radiological, genetic and biological biomarkers to at various timepoints
improve classification -- Limit haematoma expansion in the first hours after stroke, as it
can be life saving
Develop new treatment strategies -- Improve blood evacuation in the first hours to days after stroke
Challenges as it can be life saving and can improve functional outcome
•• Failure of the translational pipeline -- Limit secondary brain injuries in the first days to weeks after
•• Different targets associated with different outcomes stroke to improve functional outcome
-- Haematoma expansion and mortality •• Refine the optimal timing to assess functional outcome (180 days
-- Secondary brain injuries and functional recovery and 360 days instead of 90 days as in ischaemic stroke)
•• Define the expected treatment effect
Suggestions Improve the outcome of patients with ICH
•• Optimization of the translational pipeline Challenges
-- Implementation of modifiable and non-modifiable (genetic) •• Improve prognostic tools
risk factors •• Tailor secondary prevention
-- Widespread use of female animals Suggestions
-- Use of different methods to generate the bleeding •• Develop radiological, genetic and biological biomarkers to
-- Use of different species improve prognostication
-- Compare animal data with human post-mortem data •• Promote research calls dedicated to support international studies
-- Multidisciplinary approach including clinicians and basic on ICH
scientists when designing new therapeutic avenues for ICH

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 13


Prevention clinics and a second one at 1 year seem more adapted to the trajectory of
Prevention should be promoted in people who have already had an ICH patients with ICH compared with patients with ischaemic stroke102.
or for those with high haemorrhagic risk (such as patients with CAA). Another therapeutic approach is to target neuroinflammation. Early-
Home-based monitoring of BP and prognostic blood biomarkers may phase trials of targeting inflammation have been completed and further
help better identify very high-risk patients. studies are ongoing. Two small studies evaluating minocycline (which
has multiple potentially beneficial actions including modulation of
Precision and personalized diagnosis inflammation and reduction in glutamate toxicity) reported no safety
Mobile stroke units permit pre-hospital stroke assessment and early concerns in 36 patients178,179. However, larger trials are not planned.
treatment (FASTEST trial; NCT03496883)173. In a mobile environment, A small trial of fingolimod (a sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modu-
automated evaluations of the bleeding (as a prognostic factor) will lator that sequesters lymphocytes in lymph nodes) found a reduction of
be available. Of note, automated haematoma assessment tools have oedema and an improvement in recovery180, and a further small study is
already been developed that can automatically detect ICH, perform underway (NCT04088630)181. The naturally occurring inhibitor of IL-1,
volumetric assessments and calculate the rate of haematoma expan- IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is an approved treatment for rheuma-
sion174. A better definition of chronic SVD (outside the bleeding) with toid arthritis and has been evaluated in phase II studies in ischaemic
approaches such as texture analysis will also contribute to an early and stroke and subarachnoid haemorrhage, with a demonstrated reduc-
personalized assessment175. Furthermore, rapid on-site characterization tion in markers of peripheral and central inflammation (neutrophil
of blood components (for example, its content of pro-inflammatory leucocytosis, plasma C-reactive protein and IL-6)182. IL-1Ra is being
and haemostatic markers) will contribute to definition of the ICH sig- evaluated in two phase II trials with oedema as the primary outcome
nature, and eventually therapeutic strategies will be tailored to these (NCT03737344 and NCT04834388)183,184.
Global societal efforts for worldwide challenges
New therapeutic approaches Until now, most research and funding efforts for stroke have focused
The time window to prevent haematoma expansion after ICH is on acute ischaemic stroke treatments, which led to the development
extremely short, and patients are often admitted to hospital when of thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy185. Research on ICH
this therapeutic opportunity has elapsed. Haemostatic and haemody- (both experimental and clinical) remains rare. To reduce mortality
namic therapies designed to stabilize haematomas and limit expansion and improve functional and cognitive outcome for patients with ICH,
have proved challenging: patients at high risk of expansion cannot be more collaborative research programmes are needed that are specific
clearly identified. Therefore, there is considerable interest in discover- for ICH. Patient participation in studies worldwide and data sharing are
ing neuroimaging biomarkers that can identify patients who are best important steps to achieve this goal.
suited for these therapies. Moreover, ICH disproportionately affects low-income countries.
Two types of trial are ongoing: those that focus on specific In those countries, access to primary prevention, especially to improve
subgroups of patients at very high risk of haematoma expansion BP management, should be reinforced. It concerns treatment of arterial
that evaluate agents such as recombinant factor VII (FASTEST trial; hypertension and also public health measures to reduce salt and alco-
NCT03496883)173, and others that evaluate tranexamic acid in all types of hol consumption. Such actions could have an effect on the incidence
ICH (TICH-3 trial; ISRCTN97695350)95. Endovascular techniques are also and severity of ICH in the most vulnerable populations.
in development and present a potential new mechanical paradigm for
acute ICH therapy. For example, flow diversion used in aneurysmal repair Recovery approaches specific to ICH
or balloon tamponade techniques already used to control haemorrhage Stroke rehabilitation efforts for ICH are largely based on those devel-
extracranially could be applied to hyperacute ICH management. oped for ischaemic stroke. However, the recognition that ICH follows a
During the evaluation of treatments that target secondary injury, very different time course102 opens the possibility for a novel recovery
it will be vital to heed the lessons from ischaemic stroke, in which many paradigm of more aggressive therapy in a later time window, perhaps
promising therapies from preclinical research failed to translate to ben- once the mass effect from ICH has resolved. Moreover, emerging thera-
efit in clinical trials. Coordinating the efforts of research and industry peutic modalities such as magnetic brain stimulation may need to
ICH investigators are likely to be beneficial in this regard176. target different recovery windows in patients with ICH compared with
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NCT03936361 (2022). Author contributions
157. Pedersen, T. G. B. et al. Trends in the incidence and mortality of intracerebral hemorrhage, Introduction (L.P. and C.C.); Epidemiology (L.P.); Mechanisms/pathophysiology (A.R.P.-J. and L.P.);
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(2022). and C.C.); Quality of life (L.P. and D.D.); Outlook (D.D. and C.C.); Overview of Primer (C.C.).

Nature Reviews Disease Primers | (2023) 9:14 17


Competing interests Peer review information Nature Reviews Disease Primers thanks G. Donnan, J. Kuramatsu,
L.P. received speaker fees from Daichi–Sankyo. A.R.P.-J. participated in advisory boards for L. P. Liu and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of
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