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Your Personal Daily Ritual

Think about all the things on which you spend any time at all in your business, and write them
on the list. The more specific the better, and avoid using vague generalities (i.e.: instead of

1. PHYSICAL (Health / Fitness)

Creating daily routines that improve your physical health and fitness will provide you
more energy, ability to focus on overall higher quality of life.
This category involves anything that you do to increase your physical fitness, stamina
and overall physical health. This can involve specific activities such as running, walking,
swimming, working out, etc., and also may include things such as chiropractic sessions,
stretching, yoga, etc.
Think about what you can do each day to improve and maintain your physical body from
an activity and movement perspective.

Each day, I will … # Minutes Benefits I’ll Gain From

Doing This
Doing 30 pushups every morning 5 - good cardio / increase heart rate

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and creating a daily plan to have a
proper nutritional start to your day will ensure better physical health, mental ability to
focus, and will give you a sense of accomplishment each morning.

Each day, I will … # Minutes Benefits I’ll Gain From

Doing This
Make a healthy shake that I can drink 5 - provide more energy
on the way to the office. - satisfaction of being healthy

3. MENTAL (Mindset / Thinking / Stress Management)

Creating daily routines that allow you to relax your mind and focus on positive things will
help decrease the stress, anxiety and overwhelm that you feel, and allow you to start
the day in a much more empowered, positive frame of mind.

Each day, I will … # Minutes Benefits I’ll Gain From

Doing This
Complete a 15 minute meditation 15 - reconnect and center myself
- forced to slow down and relax

4. GROWTH (Continued Learning / Awareness)

Creating daily routines that allow you to improve your knowledge and awareness in
business and in your specific industry and market, allowing you to remain creative and
provide innovative solutions to clients.

Each day, I will … # Minutes Benefits I’ll Gain From

Doing This
Read from one of the books on my 30 - take 1 good idea to think about
Reading List - continued growth and new

One More Addition to Your Daily Ritual

One of the most powerful things you can do is express gratitude in your life, for the
things that you are blessed and grateful for.
For the next 90 days, in addition to your Daily Ritual items that you’ve outlined
above, you will keep a Gratitude Journal. Each day, you will start a new page in the
journal. At the top, you’ll write the date and the headline “I am grateful for …”
You will then make a list of at least 10 things that you think of that you are grateful for.
These can be important things, or little things in your life – the goal is not to recognize
the most significant things, but to also acknowledge the small things in your life that you
are grateful for. Making this list of 10 things every day will take you less than 5 minutes.


Taking the various items that you’ve outlined in the previous 4 categories, summarize
what your Daily Ritual is going to be for the next 90 days:

Each day, I will … # Minutes Benefits I’ll Gain From

Doing This

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