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The coronavirus, also known as the COVID-19 pandemic has

been affecting many lives- in a bad way.

Outbreak, Epidemic & Pandemic- Ways to Stop the Spread

What's the Difference?
- Practice social distancing.
Outbreak: increase in number of cases of a
- Wash your hands frequently.
disease in a particular place
- Wear a mask when you go out.
Epidemic: a large outbreak
- Always cover your coughs and sneezes.
Pandemic: global epidemic

Epicenter- center point (where the outbreak began)

Government Implemented Major Symptoms of

Restrictions COVID-19
- Closure of schools Fever Coughing
- Cancellation of large public events Shortness Tightness in
- Encouragement of working from home of breath the chest

Carry out People who are preparing

quarantine if... to self-quarantine can...
- Stock up on food
- You have come into contact with others
who have the virus. Examples: dry goods and non-perishables
- You have went to the place where the
virus was found.
Reminder: DO NOT hoard!
This contagious virus is fatal and can be spread very easily.
It is vital that we take this pandemic seriously.

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