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De La Paz High School

De La Paz Cortes, Bohol



Name: ______________________________________________Score: _____________

Grade & Section: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read the following questions comprehensively. Write the letter
of the correct answer in the space provided before the number.

_____1. A type of music that create an emotional mood rather than a specific picture.
A. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
C. Electric music
D. Folk music
______2. What is Expressionism?
A. This music style introduces a new concept of harmonies, like polychords and complexity.
B. Complexity of rhythms by introducing the polyrhythms and changing meters.
C. Intense emotional expression into their music and explored the subconscious mind.
D. All of the above
_____3. Music composition of Debussy.
A. Claire De Lune
B. Engulfed Cathedral
C. The Rite of Spring
D. All of the above
_____4. An Impressionist composer.
A. Stravinsky
B. Maurice Ravel
C. Alban Berg
D. Varese
_____5. An Expressionism composer.
A. Arnold Schoenberg
B. Igor Stravinsky
C. Anton Webern
D. All of the above
_____6. Who was the primary exponent of the impressionist movement?
A. Stravinsky
B. Maurice Ravel
C. Claude Debussy
D. Varese
_____7.It is machined such as synthesizers, amplifiers, tape recording, and loudspeakers to create
different sounds.
A. Chance Music
B. Electric Music
C. Rock music
D. Instrumental
_____8. A Composer of Electronic Music.
A. Edgard Varese
B. Karlheinz Stockhausen
C. Both A& B
D. None of the above

______ 9. Claude Debussy was born on ______.

A. 1863
B. 1872
C. 1862
D. 1875


_____10. The following are the elements of art, except

A. Color
B. Value
C. Balance
D. Texture
_____ 11. What is post-Impressionism?
A. Rejecting its limitations they continued using vivid color and thick paint application.
B. Convey emotion and meaning rather than reality.
C. Expression of reality expression in the non- representational statement with line, color and
D. All of the above
_____12. Who is the Catalan photographer known for documenting the indigenous people in Cordillera?
A. Agnes Arellano
B. Eduardo Masffre
C. Benedicto Cabrera
D. Jose T. Joya
_____13. Fernando Amorsolo is known for his?
A. Pioneered abstract expressionism in the Philippines
B. Craftsmanship and mastery in the use of light.
C. His painting are infused with Vigorous rhythmic stokes flowing lines and spirited body
D. All of the above
_____14. What painting style uses bold , vibrant color and visual distortion?
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
D. Surrealism
E. Social Realism
_____15. What is the famous painting of Amorsolo?
A. Planting Rice
B. Dalagang Bukid
C. Fruit Pickers Harvesting Under the Mango Tree
D. All of the Above
______16. Who is the Philippine Sculptor known for her surrealistic sculpture?
A. Agnes Arellano
B. Eduardo Masffre
C. Benedicto Cabrera
D. Jose T. Joya
______17. Which painting style is characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, visual tricks, and
A. Fauvism
B. Surrealism
C. Dadaism
D. Social Realism
_____18. What is Neoprimitivism?
A. Style that used bold , vibrant colors and visual distortions
B. Style that incorporated elements from the native art.
C. A through or collection of through that generate in the mind
D. None of the above

_____19.What is Vincent Van Gogh’s art Movement?

A. Impressionist
B. Expressionist
C. Post- Impressionist
D. Abstractionism

______20. What is the Significance of assessing health-related fitness?

A. Enable the body systems to function properly with vigor and alertness.
B. Keeping the body physically active
C. Staying in shape which allows the individual to perform daily task.
D. All of the above
______21. Gemma wants to achieve a healthy body, and she wants her BMI to be normal How can one
maintain an ideal body weight?
A. Consult a doctor about an effective diet pill that you take
B. Believe in the power of your genes
C. Balance the amount of food you eat with regular physical Activity
D. Follow the latest diet foods
______22.Which of the following is NOT moderate activity?
A. Brisk walking
B. Running
C. Gardening
D. Household Chores
______23. It requires the highest amount of oxygen consumption to complete the activity.
A. Vigorous activities
B. Exercise
C. Moderate activities
D. Physical activity
______24.The following are Health care facilities, except
A. Hospital
B. Health center
C. Daycare center
D. Walk-in Surgery Center
______25.A medical doctor specializes in women’s health, reproductive health, menopause and hormone
A. Surgeon
B. Gynecologist
C. Psychiatrist
D. Pediatricians
______26.A medical doctor with specialized training in diagnosing and treating brain diseases.
A. Surgeon
B. Gynecologist
C. Psychiatrist
D. Neurologist
______27. What tips to become a wise and well-informed consumer?
A. Get to know the product and services first.
B. Consult authorities when in doubt
C. Never sacrifices quality from quantity
D. All of the above
______28.How will you know if the produce or service is qualified?
A. Content
B. Disclosure
C. Credibility
D. Interactivity
______29. Lily wants to buy a whitening capsule but wants more information about the specific product.
Which criteria does the consumer offer comments and suggestions?
A. Content
B. Disclosure
C. Credibility
D. Interactivity
______30. The Covid19 has infected Elizabeth. Who is licensed to practice medicine and other allied
health programs can help her?
A. Health professionals
B. Health worker
C. Hospital Worker
D. All of the above

______31.It is a facility that offers surgery without the patient being admitted to the hospital.
A. Hospital
B. Walk-In Surgery Center
C. Health Center
D. Extended health care Facility
______32.An institution where people undergo medical diagnosis, care and treatment
A. School
B. Hospital
C. Barangay
D. None of the above



Answer key:
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. D
21. C
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. B

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