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AQUINO, Pauline Krisha B.

PSYCH 006 - B
BS Psychology – 2 Ms. Pevi Mariz De Ocampo

Reflection Paper

As one of the goals of experimental psychology wherein to establish cause-and-

effect relationships between variables, applying it in a real-life setting and being able to

experience conducting an experiment is I could say a stressful but rewarding

experience. Stressful as it was my first time conducting an actual experiment and also

because I was complying with other subjects all at once, but I can say that once I get

used to it and improved from it, I will enjoy it more than I will expect. On the other hand,

rewarding in a way that interacting with other people would be a great help for me in the

future as I continue studying psychology. It was tiresome but I actually enjoyed it. I told

myself conducting an actual experiment earlier in my school years will help me improve

for further years in my course. Even though there are unexpected situations we

encountered, I know it sometimes couldn’t be helped, so we just find solutions for them

with ease. Moreover, it was an interesting experience and I am thankful for the new

knowledge I gained through conducting an experiment and interacting with different

people at school.

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