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Lorenzo Zoie, K.

Section: 8-botanist Date: 4/9/23

Activity 1.1: A Closer Look at Your Family Life

Family Members How have they influenced you?

My mother has taught me at a young age

Mother how to be a proper lady, proper manners and
respect, to be a respectful and kind person
inside and out, and how to be an independent
and a strong woman.

My father has taught me that I should never

Father lower my standards for any men, to never
hesitate to ask for help when needed, to
know how to manage my emotions, never
always look at things and say “hard” but look
at it and say “I can do it”,and to always follow
what I’m passionate about.

Even though me and my brother have some

Older Brother disagreements here and there, he will always
be someone who I can count on. He has
taught me that I should never hesitate to
make friends, to expand and explore my
hobbies and talents, and to never be afraid to
take risks nor to speak my own opinion.

My grandma might be old but she has always

Grandmother taught me that whatever a man can do, a
woman can do it too. She taught me to never
depend on other people, to never give up
whenever I encounter a challenge, and to
never take anyone for granted.

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