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Lesson 1
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to say what objects they have.
II. Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: class CDs, flashcards, /TV.
III. Languages focus:
Vocabulary: car, train, bus, plane
Structure :
 I have a (car).
IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Option 1: Who is faster?  Teacher –
- Divide the class into groups. whole class/
5’ - Arrange the flashcards on the board. groupwork
- Invite a student from each group to go to the board.
- Teacher says a word and the students run to tap the right card.

20’ New lesson

A- Listen and point. Repeat.  Teacher –
CD 2- Track 39 whole class/
- Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio, and point to each individuals
- Play audio again and have students point to the pictures
- Play audio again and have students listen and repeat.
Activity 1: Heads up. What's missing?
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Arrange the flashcards on the board and remove one card when  Teacher-
students are not looking. whole class/
- One student from each team calls out the missing flashcard groupwork/
B- Listen and point. individuals
CD2- Track 40
- Introduce the situation.  Teacher-
- Play audio and have students look at the picture. whole class/
- Demonstrate the activity by pointing to the new vocabulary items. individuals
- Play audio. Have students listen and point.

Board race  Teacher –
whole class/
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Stick three flashcards on the board, e.g. "car", “train” “bus” and
- Have one student from each team stand away from the
- board.
- Choose one of the flashcards and say the word.
5’ - Have the students from each team race to the board to
- touch the correct flashcard and say the sentence, e.g. "I have a
- The first student to touch the correct flashcard and say the
- sentence will get one point for their team.
- Continue with other students.
- The team with the most points will be the winner.

Chữ ký giáo viên

Hồ Thúy Dung
Phê duyệt của giáo viên chủ nhiêm Phê duyệt của BGH
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Lesson 2
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to say what objects they have.
II. Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: class CDs, flashcards, TV.
III. Languages focus:
Vocabulary: car, train, bus, plane
Structures :
 I have a (car).
IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Guessing game  Teacher –
- Students work in groups. whole class/
- Show a half of a picture of a toy (car, teddy bear, ball). groupwork
- Students work in groups to try to guess what toy in the picture is.
- The students who gives a correct guessing will get one point.
New lesson
D- Point and say.  Teacher –
- Have students look at the picture and call out the name of some whole class/
toys . pair work
- Have students practice the structure using the new word. E.g. "I
have a car."
- Have students work in pairs. One points to the toy in the picture
and one makes a sentence. Swap roles and continue.
- Invite a child to come to the front of the class and whisper the
name of a toy he/she will draw.
- The child draws the picture on the board for the rest of the class to  Teacher-
guess what it is. whole class/
- The first child to guess the object correctly comes to the front of individuals
the class to draw the next picture.
- Repeat until all the toys have been used.
Slap  Teacher –
whole class/
- Split the class into 2 teams.
- Place pictures of toys on the board.
5’ - Have four students come to the board to face off.
- Call out the word and have students run to the board then slap the
pictures. The winner is the team who slaps the pictures first and
makes correct sentences that match the vocabulary.

Chữ ký giáo viên

Hồ Thúy Dung
Phê duyệt của giáo viên chủ nhiêm Phê duyệt của BGH
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