IET Intelligent Trans Sys - 2022 - Zheng - Stochastic Simulation Based Optimization Method For Arterial Traffic Signal

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Received: 30 March 2022 Revised: 2 August 2022 Accepted: 22 August 2022 IET Intelligent Transport Systems

DOI: 10.1049/itr2.12264


Stochastic simulation-based optimization method for arterial

traffic signal coordination with equity and efficiency consideration

Liang Zheng1 Min Feng1 Xia (Sarah) Yang2 Xinfeng Xue3

School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Abstract
Central South University, Changsha, China
This study proposes an innovative stochastic simulation-based optimization (SSO) model
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of for arterial traffic signal coordination based on the ring-and-barrier diagram. The SSO
Ministry of Education and College of Transportation
Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
model takes the network traffic equity and the arterial traffic efficiency as the two objec-
tives, which are evaluated by the relative Gini index and the relative vehicular throughout,
Hunan Provincial Communications Planning,
Survey & Design Institute Co,Ltd, Changsha, China respectively. Then a surrogate-based promising area search (SPAS) algorithm is developed
to solve the SSO model. The advantage of the SPAS algorithm is that the built-in shrinking
Correspondence ball method and the promising area search technique help reduce the computational efforts
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of while appropriately capturing the stochasticity. Then some numerical experiments are con-
Ministry of Education and College of Transportation
Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
ducted based on a real-world urban arterial road with four signalized T-intersections and
Email: field data in Nanchang, China. The numerical results show that the SSO model for arterial
traffic signal coordination can be well solved by the proposed SPAS algorithm and that
the relationship between the arterial traffic efficiency and the network traffic equity is not
completely competitive. Specifically, increasing the weight of arterial traffic efficiency from
0.5 can slightly improve the network traffic equity while significantly improving the arterial
traffic efficiency, providing significant guidance for real-world arterial signal coordination.

1 INTRODUCTION temporal, and/or demographic characteristics. For instance,

Levinson et al. [4] studied the temporal and spatial inequities
Arterial traffic signal coordination is one of the most criti- of ramp metering control. The former measured the equity
cal research topics in traffic control. Most previous studies on among users who had the same trip origin-destination (OD) but
arterial traffic signal coordination focused on improving the departed the origin at different time intervals. The latter studied
efficiency of the arterial traffic flow with little consideration for the equity among users who departed in the same time interval
the secondary roads, which could cause traffic inequity. Further, but with different OD pairs. Litman et al. [5] proposed the lat-
the relationship between arterial traffic efficiency and network eral and vertical equity evaluation methods. The former treated
traffic equity is unclear. Kotsialos et al. [1] and Kesten et al. various user groups homogeneously, while the latter considered
[2] concluded that the more efficient the traffic signal control their differences in income and social class or mobility need and
system, the lower the traffic equity, which indicated that traf- ability. In addition, various quantitative analysis methods have
fic efficiency and equity were competing, while Zhang et al. [3] been developed to assess traffic equity, which can be classified
revealed that traffic efficiency and equity could be simultane- as the statistical approach and the equity index-based approach.
ously improved. Thus, it gives us the motivation to consider On the one hand, the widely used statistical approaches include
equity in arterial signal coordination and revisit the relationship analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis [6]. For
between the arterial traffic efficiency and the network traffic example, Delmelle et al. [7] employed the standard deviation
equity. to assess the inequity of regional public transit demand/supply
Equity evaluation involves comparing the control effects gaps. Sider et al. [8] applied one-way ANOVA to evaluate the
such as vehicle delays of two or more road user groups. In lit- inequity of exposure to traffic emissions among user groups
erature, road users can be categorized based on their spatial, with different social disadvantage index values. Morency et al.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. IET Intelligent Transport Systems published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

IET Intell. Transp. Syst. 2022;1–12. 1


[9] employed a multilevel Poisson regression model to explore algorithm. Moreover, analytical modeling of arterial signal coor-
the inequality between wealthy and poor urban areas in traf- dination optimization under emerging traffic scenarios (such as
fic injuries at intersections. On the other hand, equity indexes, Connected Vehicle (CVs) or Connected and Autonomous Vehi-
such as the Gini index [10] and Atkinson index [11], have been cle (CAVs)) has attracted the attention of many researchers [23,
widely used to measure traffic equity. For instance, studies by 24, 25]. However, the analytical modeling method is challeng-
Welch et al. [12], Kaplan et al. [13], and Gori et al. [14] used ing to fully capture the sophisticated relationships between the
Gini indexes to measure the equity performance of the public signal control plans and network-wide traffic states. Further,
transport system. the research findings on CAVs and CVs are far from practical
Furthermore, some equity index-based methods were applied implementation.
in some studies on traffic signal control optimization as well. As analytical modeling usually makes some simplifications
Yan et al. [15] optimized a signal control plan at an isolated and assumptions and can hardly fully capture the sophisticated
intersection by deep reinforcement learning with a reward func- relationships between the signal control plans and network-
tion that measured efficiency and equity through the cumulative wide traffic states, the simulation-based method provides an
throughput and a dedicated equity factor, respectively. Wen et al. alternative way to flexibly design and simulate the complicated
[16] employed a distributed reinforcement learning method to a interactions between various elements of the traffic control
ramp metering problem, and the two objectives of the problem, system. For instance, Osorio et al. proposed a simulation-
efficiency and equity, were captured by total time spent (TTS) based optimization (SO) method that embedded a surrogate
and the Gini index, respectively. Liang et al. [17] proposed a model integrating a simulation model and an analytical queue-
real-time Connected Vehicle-based traffic signal control method ing model [26] (or multiple simulation models [27]) within a
for an isolated intersection, and its objective was to minimize derivative-free trust region algorithm to address the traffic sig-
the average vehicle delay and limit the maximum delay that nal control problem and improve traffic efficiency. Additionally,
any individual vehicle may experience (i.e. an equity measure). Osorio et al. employed the above surrogate model-based SO
Zheng et al. [18] employed a bi-objective stochastic simulation- method to address traffic signal control optimization prob-
based optimization (BOSSO) method to a network traffic signal lems under uncertainties with weighted objectives of travel time
control problem with Atkinson index and travel time being and vehicular fuel consumption [28] (or vehicular emissions
the equity and the efficiency evaluation measures, respectively. [29]). Furthermore, Chen et al. [30] and Chong et al. [31] also
Kesten et al. [2] employed various statistical and equity index- employed the above surrogate model-based SO method pro-
based methods to judge the equity of traffic control strategies posed by Osorio et al. [26, 27, 28, 29] to address traffic signal
in fixed-time ramp metering, including variance, covariance, rel- control optimization problems and made some achievements.
ative mean difference, logarithmic variance, Gini coefficient, Chen et al. [30] addressed the challenging problem that involves
Theil index, Atkinson index, and Kolm index. However, arterial higher-order distributional information and uses the expecta-
signal coordination with consideration for both efficiency and tion and the standard deviation of travel times as one weighted
equity remains to be studied to reveal the relationship between objective. Later, Chong et al. [31] addressed the time-dependent
the arterial traffic efficiency and the network traffic equity and traffic signal control problem with time-dependent continuous
guide real-world arterial traffic signal coordination. decision variables to improve traffic efficiency. Recently, Zheng
Previous methods to optimize arterial signal coordination et al. employed the BOSSO method to address network-wide
can be categorized as analytical modeling and simulation-based traffic signal control optimization problems under uncertainties
method. Numerous studies have been carried out in the past with weighted objectives of traffic efficiency and traffic equity
few years on arterial signal coordination optimization based on [18] (vehicular emissions [32] or traffic safety [33]). Additionally,
analytical modeling. For instance, Chen et al. [19] maximized Zheng et al. [34] presented another stochastic simulation-
the arterial progression band based on the set of “local bands” based optimization method named bi-objective surrogate-based
related to the upstream and downstream traffic movements of promising area search (BOSPAS) to solve an arterial signal con-
each link. Jing et al. [20] proposed a two-way signal progression trol stochastic simulation-based optimization model with traffic
model to simultaneously optimize phase pattern choices from safety and efficiency as objectives. The SO method is different
overlapping phase or split phase, phase sequence, and offsets. from analytical mathematical programming in that an algebraic
The above two studies have made achievements in the two- description of a simulation is not required, and the simulation
way arterial signal control optimization by analytical modeling. can be viewed as a black box that only allows the evaluation
Additionally, with OD information extracted from automatic of objective functions and the constraints based on the inputs
number plate recognition (ANPR) data, Xu et al. [21] created [35]. By definition, the SO method refers to the optimization of
an OD-based multipath-band method to achieve a time-varying an objective function under certain constraints, both of which
arterial signal coordination plan. Their numerical results indi- can be evaluated through stochastic simulation. There are three
cated that the OD data helped a lot to create a time-varying main SO methods: stochastic approximation methods (SA), ran-
and Multipath-Band arterial coordination control. Islam et al. dom search (RS), and response surface methodology (RSM)
[22] developed a mixed-integer linear mathematical program [36].
with a penalty function for the vehicular energy consumption First, SA estimates the gradient of the objective func-
constraint for the arterial signal control problem under uncer- tion through stochastic simulation and relies on averaging
tainty and solved it by a stochastic gradient-based optimization to eliminate the estimation errors during the iteration [37,

38]. There are some well-known variants of SA, including mating the true response surface from a low-order surrogate
Kesten’s rule [39] and simultaneous perturbation stochastic model over a trust-region and adjusting the size of that region
approximation (SPSA) [40], as well as some other recently pro- according to the quality of the estimation. However, SPAS
posed extensions such as scaled and shifted Kiefer–Wolfowitz does not use gradient information, while the trust-region-based
(SSKW) [41], robust stochastic approximation (RSA) [42], accel- methods rely on the twice differentiability of the objective func-
erated stochastic approximation (AC-SA) [43] for strongly tion. Thus, we apply the SPAS algorithm to solve the proposed
convex functions, and Secant-Tangents AveRaged stochastic model in this paper.
approximation (STAR-SA) [44]. Noteworthy, sample average The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
approximation (SAA) [45, 46] is another way to approximate the formulates the arterial traffic signal coordination SSO model
points sampled. To transform a stochastic problem into a deter- followed by the solution method SPAS. Section 3 presents some
ministic one, SAA requires a large number of simulation efforts real-field experiments using the SSO model and SPAS. Finally,
for every point sampled. However, SAA is inferior to SA on some major findings are concluded in Section 4.
the asymptotic efficiency. As SA methods are easy to describe
and employ without dependence on gradient information, they
remain appealing. Second, RS performs a sequence of random 2 METHODOLOGY
iterations to generate candidates and promising subsets to reach
the optimal solution. There are several typical RS methods, This section presents the methodology of the paper, including
including genetic algorithms (GA) [47, 48], simulated anneal- the SSO model and the SPAS algorithm we have proposed. We
ing [49, 50], Tabu search [51], Scatter search [52], shrinking ball will first describe the two traffic indexes, that is, Gini Index
methods [53, 54], and COMPASS [55]. Specifically, the shrink- and vehicular throughout, to evaluate traffic network equity and
ing ball method was first devised by Baumert and Smith [53]. arterial efficiency, respectively. The objective of the SSO model
It evaluates the objective value of a sampled solution by aver- is to minimize the weighted sum of the relative network equity
aging the performance of all solutions centred on the sampled and the relative arterial efficiency. Then we will list the deci-
solution. This method of evaluating the objective function only sion variables of the SSO model based on the ring-and-barrier
requires one simulation for each solution, which is suitable for diagram. After the model formulation, we present the SPAS
problems with a high computational cost. COMPASS [55] used algorithm, which uses Kriging as the surrogate model.
the most promising area technique to search for local optimal
solutions. Third, RSM aims at approximating the input-output
relationships of simulation by a surface (also known as a surro- 2.1 Arterial traffic signal coordination
gate model) and then solving the surface with derivative-based control optimization model
optimization methods. Surrogate models include the low-order
polynomials [56, 57, 58], spline models [59], radial basis func- 2.1.1 Traffic equity of network
tions (RBFs) [60, 61, 62], and Kriging models [63, 64, 65]. In
recent years, researchers have paid more attention to designing Inspired by Zheng [18] which formulated the Atkinson index
more efficient SO algorithms to address challenging problems to measure traffic equity using the travel time ratio, we use the
by combining SA, RS, and RSM. For instance, Zheng et al. vehicle delay ratio to formulate the Gini index for the network
proposed a bi-objective robust simulation-based optimization traffic equity evaluation. The vehicle delay ratio 𝜔i is calculated
(BORSO) method to solve unconstrained problems involving by
implementation errors and parameter perturbations, in which
the worst-case neighbours were first identified by a surrogate- di
𝜔i = , (1)
guided neighbourhood exploration and then excluded by a step d̄Ji
size along a robust local move direction [66]. Later, Zheng
et al. proposed a Surrogate-based Optimization algorithm with where di is the delay of individual vehicle i, Ji denotes all the
Dynamic Adaptation of perturbation search of All Dimen- routes connecting the origin and destination of vehicle i, and d̄Ji
sions (SODA-AD) to address high-dimensional mixed-integer is the mean vehicle delay of all the vehicles along Ji . Then, the
optimization problems [67]. Gini index G (ω) based on vehicle delay ratio is formulated as
To filter noises, most SO methods require multiple simula-
tions for each input. However, there is no doubt that multiple 1 ∑m ∑ m
| |
simulations will extend the calculation time. We are fortunate to G (𝜔 ) = |𝜔 − 𝜔 j | , (2)
2m2 𝜔̄ i = 1 j = 1 | i |
observe a surrogate-based promising area search (SPAS) algo-
rithm proposed by Fan and Hu [68]. In detail, the shrinking
ball method avoids multiple simulations of the same solution. where m is the total number of vehicles of the traffic network
The promising area search technique helps reduce computa- in a time interval, and 𝜔̄ is the mean of vehicle delay ratio of
tional efforts. Additionally, the surrogate model can predict the the traffic network. G (ω) varies between 0 and 1. Moreover,
response surface of the objective function based on historical the lower the value of G (ω), the more equal the distribu-
data samples. Further, SPAS relates to the algorithms developed tion of vehicle delay ratios and the better the traffic equity
under the trust-region framework [69, 70, 71, 72], that is, esti- in the study area. To describe the relative change of the net-

work traffic equity for various traffic signal plans compared with
the real-world signal plan (RSP), the relative Gini index Gr is
given as

Gr = , (3)

where G0 is the Gini index of the benchmark traffic signal plan,

that is, real-world traffic signal plan, evaluated by the calibrated
traffic simulator.

2.1.2 Traffic efficiency of the arterial roads

FIGURE 1 Standard ring-and-barrier structure. Note: 𝜙 denotes the
signal phase
The vehicular throughout of arterial roads is employed to evalu-
ate the arterial traffic efficiency, which is the number of vehicles
that pass through the arterial roads in a time interval. Similarly,
to reflect the relative change of arterial traffic efficiency of vari- change flexibly as long as barrier pairs within the same barrier
ous traffic signal plans, the relative vehicular throughout of the end simultaneously.
arterial roads Cr is formulated as Then, the decision variables in this study are expressed as x
= [sT , c, bT , tT , oT ] , xi ∈ [0, 1], i = 1, 2, … , dm, consisting
Cr = C0 ∕C , (4) of five parts that are related to the phase sequence, the com-
mon cycle length, the phase timing, and the offsets, where dm is
where C is vehicular throughout of arterial roads, and C0 is the number of elements in x (i.e. the dimension of the decision
the benchmark vehicular throughout of arterial roads, that is, variable).
real-world traffic signal plan, evaluated by the calibrated traffic Phase sequence: Here, we use a 0–1 binary variable to rep-
simulator. resent the phase sequence. In a barrier pair, 1 means the odd
phase appears first while 0 means the even phase leads. As
a result, a four-digit binary variable is used to represent the
2.1.3 Weighted objective phase sequence of a four-leg intersection. For example, the
phase sequence shown in Figure 1 can be represented as a four-
The weighted sum of the relative Gini index Gr and the relative T
digit binary code, that is, 1111. Let s = [s 1 , s 2 , … , s n ] , s i ∈
vehicular throughout of the arterial road Cr is set as the objective [0, 1], i = 1, 2, ⋯ , n, where s i denotes the phase sequence of
function of the arterial traffic signal control optimization and the ith signalized intersection. The process for getting the phase
formulated as sequence from s i is as follows. First, map s i to the range [0, 255]
which is the range of eight-digit binary in decimal notation, and
F = 𝜆Cr + (1 − 𝜆 ) Gr (5) get sdei . This step aims to improve the accuracy. Then, we con-
vert sdei to an eight-digit binary format denoted by sbii . Finally,
where parameter 𝜆 represents the weight of Cr with a range of the XOR operation is performed on sbii , resulting in a four-digit
[0, 1], and (1 − 𝜆) represents the weight of Gr . In other words, binary variable corresponding to a certain phase sequence type.
the larger the parameter 𝜆 the higher the weight placed on the Cycle length: In coordinated traffic signal control plans, all
arterial traffic efficiency. signalized intersections share a common cycle length, which
Inspired by Zhang et al. [73], the decision variable in this satisfies
study, that is, the signal control plan, is also described by
the standard ring-and-barrier structure defined by the National
Cl = c ∗ ( Clmax − Clmin ) + Clmin , (6)
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) as shown in
Figure 1. Additionally, some important definitions in the ring-
where Clmin and Clmax are the lower and upper bounds for
and-barrier structure are given as follows. Firstly, eight phases
the common cycle length, respectively. c ∈ [0, 1] is the param-
in total are assigned to two rings, and the front and rear phases
eter setting the common cycle length Cl within the range
conflict with each other. Then, to ensure safety, barriers sepa-
[Clmin , Clmax ].
rate phases of the major street and the minor street. Moreover,
Phase timing: Matrix PTn×8 represents the 8 phase tim-
barrier pair is two phases within the same ring and the same
ings of n signalize intersections along the arterial road. To
barrier such as 𝜙1 and 𝜙2 in Figure 1. The phase sequence
express PTn×8 , we first formulate the two vectors, that is,
within a barrier pair can be reversed without traffic conflict. T T
As a result, there are 16 different phase sequences for a four- B1 = [B11 , B12 , … , B1n ] and B2 = [B21 , B22 , … , B2n ] as Equation
leg intersection, and 16n for arterial roads with n intersections. (7), which determines the two barrier lengths for n signalized
Finally, the duration of each phase within a barrier pair can intersections, respectively. Then, let t = [tT1 , tT2 , tT3 , tT4 ] , where

t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ∈ (0, 1)n×1 are the first phase timing ratio of four model (10) aims to minimize F , which is a weighted sum of
different barrier pairs, respectively. In detail, t1 and t2 are the the relative Gini index and the relative vehicular throughout. In
first phase timing ratios of two barrier pairs on major streets, the following, we will put forward a surrogate-based promising
and t3 and t4 correspond to those on minor streets. Thus, PTn×8 area search method to solve the model (10) that has stochastic
are expressed as Equation (8). simulation noises and is computationally challenging.

B1 = b ∗ Cl , (7a) 2.2 SPAS algorithm

B2 = (1 − b ) ∗ Cl , (7b) Different from the SPAS algorithm proposed by Fan and Hu

[68], this study proposes using the Kriging model as the sur-
rogate model instead of the radial base functions (RBFs). We
PT = [B1 ◦t1 , B1 − B1 ◦t1 , B1 ◦t2 , B1 − B1 ◦t2 , choose the Kriging model for the SPAS for two reasons. First, it
is an interpolation-based fitting strategy that meets the require-
B2 ◦t3 , B2 − B2 ◦t3 , B2 ◦t4 , B2 − B2 ◦t4 ], (8) ment mentioned in Fan and Hu [68]. Second, Kriging has higher
fitting accuracy when the dimension of decision variables is
where b ∈ [0, 1]n×1 is the parameter vector to determine the relatively low, which satisfies the SSO model in this study.
first barrier length of n signalized intersections. ◦ denotes the Next, we briefly introduce the notation used in the SPAS
Hadamard product (or Schur product), with the calculation rule algorithm. xki denotes the i th sample selected in the kth iteration
of A◦B = [ai j ⋅ bi j ] , in which A = [ai j ] and B = and x∗k represents the optimal solution based on the surro-
m×k m×k
[bi j ] . gate model in the kth iteration. Λk denotes the set of sampled
Offset: Offset is a set for coordinating the signalized inter- solutions and Nk represents the number of candidate solu-
sections along the arterial road. According to previous studies tions sampled at the kth iteration. Vk represents the collection
on arterial signal control optimization, it is a common practice of all candidate solutions samples up to the kth iteration. sbk
to set the first intersection as the reference intersection for the denotes the simulation times up to the kth iteration and SB
absolute offset method [21, 74, 75]. So, this study applies the is the simulation budget. {rk }k≥1 denotes a sequence of deter-
absolute offset method and takes the first intersection in the ministic positive real numbers to determine the radius of the
arterial road as the reference intersection. Then, the offset is shrinking ball. B (x, r ) = {y ∈ 𝕏 ∶ d (x, y) < r} represents an
briefly formulated as open ball of centre x and radius r. h(x) denotes the simula-
tion evaluation of sample point x. Pk denotes the promising area
O = o ∗ Cl , (9) determined by the kth iteration. d (x, y) represents the Euclidean
distance between two given points x and y in 𝕏, and d (x, A) =
where o ∈ (0, 1](n−1)×1 is the vector of offset ratios of signalized in fy∈A d (x, y) represents the distance between a point x and the
intersections except the reference/master intersection. set A for a set A ⊆ 𝕏. Finally, Sk and Pk ⊆ 𝕏 are the surrogate
Moreover, after elaborating the arterial coordinated sig- model and the promising area constructed at the kth iteration of
T SPAS, respectively. The pseudocode of the SPAS algorithm is
nal control plan x = [sT , c, bT , tT , oT ] , the arterial signal
given below.
coordination SSO model is formulated as

min f (x, 𝜍 ) = 𝔼[F (x,𝜍)] Step 0: Initialization. Set k = 0, V0 = ∅, sb0 = 0, and

, (10) P0 = 𝕏. Specify {𝛼k }k≥1 satisfying 𝛼k ∈ [0, 1)∀k, and
s.t . Φ (x, 𝜍 ) → {Gr (x, 𝜍 ) , Cr (x, 𝜍 )} {rk }k≥1 .
Step 1: Initial Evaluation by simulation. Let k = k + 1.
where 𝕏 = {x ∶ a1 ≤ x ≤ b1 } is the search space of deci- Sample Nk candidate solutions Λk = {xk1 , xk2 , … , xkN }
sion variables, a1 and b1 , respectively, are the lower and upper from the promising area Pk−1 and evaluate each
bounds of the decision vector x with the dimension dm. 𝜍 sample in Λk once by the simulator. Update Vk =
represents the exogenous parameter vector involved in the Vk−1 Λk and sbk = sbk−1 + Nk .
microscopic traffic simulation, which involves the fixed param- Step 2: Update the estimations of Vk . Use the shrinking
eters and stochastic parameters (e.g. uncertainties on driving ball method to get H̃ k (x) as estimator for all x ∈ Vk as
behaviours and traffic demands). Φ(x, 𝜍) denotes the micro- follows:
scopic traffic simulation with the inputs of x and 𝜍. →stands for ∑ ( )
the output operator. Gr (x, 𝜍) = gr (x, 𝜍) + 𝛿a , 𝛿a ∼ N (0, 𝛿a2 ) y∈B (x,rk )∩Vk h y
H̃ k (x ) = 𝛼k
and Cr (x, 𝜍) = cr (x, 𝜍) + 𝛿t , 𝛿t ∼ N (0, 𝛿t2 ). That is, Gr (x, 𝜍) |B (x, rk ) ∩ Vk |
and Cr (x, 𝜍) are the simulator-evaluated values of the network ∑ ( )
traffic equity and the arterial traffic efficiency with stochastic y∈B (x,rk )∩Λk h y
+ ( 1 − 𝛼k ) , (11)
noises. gr (x, 𝜍) and cr (x, 𝜍) are the true expected values. Two |B (x, rk ) ∩ Λk |
random variables 𝛿a and 𝛿t are assumed to follow the normal
distribution. 𝔼[⋅] is the expectation operator. Thus, the SSO where |A| denotes the cardinality of a set A.

Step 3: Build a Kriging surrogate model: Fit a Kriging The input data for traffic simulation is an OD matrix as shown
model Sk (x) for (x, H̃ k (x)). in Table 1, which is calculated from the field OD demand data
Step 4: Search for the optimal solution x∗k based on during the morning peak period (7:30–9:00 a.m.) for 14 work-
Kriging by GA: x∗k = argminx∈P Sk (x). days in 2017. The traffic demand of each OD pair is assumed to
Step 5: Update promising area Pk according to the follow a normal distribution with a mean and a variance as given

optimal solution xk . To ensure that the samples in the in Table 1. Additionally, the uncertainties in traffic demands are
promising area are closer to the current center point the stochasticity source in the traffic simulation. Then, we set
x∗k than the historical sample points, the new promising the simulation time for a single run as one and a half hours in
area Pk is constructed as follows: the real world consisting of the warm-up period (the first half
{ ( ) ( ) } an hour) and the effective simulation period. Furthermore, we
Pk = y ∈ 𝕏 ∶ d x∗k , y < d x, y , x ∈ ∀Vk . adopt the calibration process presented in Xue et al. [76] and
have calibrated three parameters including the average parking
(12) distance (1.0m), the additional part of the safety distance (2.3m),
and the multiple parts of the safety distance (10.0m).
In addition, as shown in Figure 3, there are only two
Step 6: Reiterate from Step 1 and finally output the phase sequence alternatives for each intersection on Ganjiang
optimal solution until sbk ≥ SB. Middle Avenue since all the four signalized intersections are
T-shaped intersections. Hence, the decision variable can be
In detail, the SPAS algorithm starts with the entire solution T
expressed as x = [s, c, bT , tT , oT ] = [x1 , x2 , … , x13 ]T , s =
space as the initial promising area. Then it samples from the
x1 , c = x2 , b = [x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 ]T , t = [x7 , x8 , x9 , x10 ]T and
new promising area, which is updated based on all the histori-
cal samples and their performance estimations. To address the o = [x11 , x12 , x13 ]T , xi ∈ [0, 1], i = 1, 2, … 13. As the real-
bias issue from the correlated samples in Vk , Fan and Hu [68] world signal cycle length is 120 and 130, we set Clmin and Clmax
proposed taking the convex combination of the average of the as 60 and 180, respectively. According to the parameters set-
simulation evaluations of samples in B(x, rk ) ∩ Vk and the aver- ting given by Fan and Hu [68], the critical parameters√of the
age of the simulation evaluations of samples in B(x, rk ) ∩ Λk SPAS method in this study are set as follows: Nk = max( k, 4),
as the estimator, that is, Equation (11). To be specific, the bias 𝛼k = ln(100) ∕ln(100 + k), SB = 800, and rk = a∕k0.49∕d

h(y) where the choice of a depends on the size of the decision space
effect of the first average 𝛼k
y∈B(x,rk )∩Vk
is discounted by the 𝕏 and its value is set as 50% of the maximum length of the
|B(x,rk )∩Vk |
weight 𝛼k whose value decreases with iterations. variable ranges in 𝕏.

3 NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS 3.2 Arterial traffic signal coordination

In the study, some numerical experiments are conducted on an
urban arterial road in Nanchang, China. We first model the arte- Taking the calibrated arterial road traffic simulator as the eval-
rial road by VISSIM and calibrate the traffic simulation model uation tool, we obtain optimized signal control plans under
using field data. Then, based on the calibrated traffic simulator, five scenarios with the weights of the arterial traffic efficiency
we use the proposed SPAS algorithm to solve the arterial sig- 𝜆 set as 1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2 and 0, respectively. The five opti-
nal coordination control optimization problem. In addition, we mized signal control plans are named SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, and
conduct a series of numerical experiments to validate that the SP5, which are attached in Table A1 in Appendix A together
arterial signal coordination SSO model can be well solved by the with the RSP. The SPAS algorithm for signal control optimiza-
SPAS algorithm, and conclude that the arterial traffic efficiency tion converges at around the three hundredth iteration. For
and the network traffic equity can be simultaneously improved example, Figure 4 gives the convergence curve when 𝜆 = 0.8
in various degrees by adjusting the weights of two objectives. where the sudden jump in function value after 300 iterations can
be explained by the inherent stochasticity of the problem.
Table 2 indicates that the three traffic performance indi-
3.1 Construction and calibration of the cators Fr , Cr and Gr of are simultaneously improved by the
traffic simulation model five optimized signal control plans in various degrees. CRA =
(A − ARSP ) / ARSP , where CRA represents the percentage
First, an urban arterial road in Nanchang, China is modeled by change in the traffic performance indicator A (e.g. Fr , Cr and
VISSIM, which includes 4 signalized intersections (with 12 sig- Gr ), and ARSP represents the simulation evaluation value of
nal phases), 6 entries, and 6 exits as shown in Figure 2. Note that the performance index A under RSP. Note that the relative
no other traffic control facilities (such as dedicated bus lanes vehicular throughout Cr of SP5 exceeds 1, which is because the
and reversible lanes) but traffic lights exist on the road network weight of Cr in SP5 is set as 0. In detail, the relative vehicular
of the numerical experiments. Additionally, due to limited data throughout of the arterial roads Cr and the relative Gini index
accessibility, we only consider cars as the road users in the study. Gr are improved by at most 27.86% and 45.18%, respectively.

FIGURE 2 Selected study site, (a) Satellite map, (b) VISSIM model of the road network. Note: Numbers 1–6 indicate the six origins or destinations, and the
arterial road is Ganjiang Middle Ave.

FIGURE 3 Two types of ring-and-barrier structures for T-shape signalized intersections.

TABLE 1 Mean and variance of OD traffic demand during 7:30–9:00 a.m.

for 14 workdays

@ D 1 2 3 4 5 6
O @
1 – (550, 67) (840, 102) (335, 41) (545, 66) (762, 92)
2 (123,15) – (80, 10) (69, 9) (134, 16) (175,21)
3 (465, 57) (129, 16) – (66, 8) (158, 19) (224, 27)
4 (39,5) (18, 2) (9, 1) – (12, 1) (16, 2)
5 (598, 73) (263, 32) (251, 30) (133, 16) – (573, 70)
6 (735,89) (318, 39) (318, 39) (178, 22) (420, 51) –

Additionally, the relationship between Cr and Gr is nearly com-

petitive, that is, the arterial traffic efficiency and the network
traffic equity are competitive with each other on a certain level.

FIGURE 4 Convergence performance of SPAS for signal coordination

3.3 Comparison of traffic signal plans under optimization
stochastic noise
To further test the effectiveness of the optimized traffic sig- ular throughout of the arterial road and the Gini index slightly
nal plans, we have conducted 100 independent and repeated vary across the 100 experiments, two major observations can be
experiments for each of the above five traffic signal plans with made from Figure 5. First, the arterial traffic efficiency improves
some numerical results shown in Figure 5. Though the vehic- with the increase of parameter 𝜆 and four out of the five signal

FIGURE 5 Distribution of numerical results of 100 independent and repeated experiments for each traffic signal plan. (a) The vehicular throughout of the
arterial road (veh/h), (b) Gini index. Note: The boxes cover the results between the 25th and 75th percentiles, in which the lines in boxes represent the medians, the
dotted lines encompass the overall range

TABLE 2 Numerical comparisons for signal control plans

Signal control
plan (Fr , CRFr ) (Cr , CRCr ) (Gr , CRGr )

RSP (1,0) (1,0) (1,0)

SP1 (𝜆 = 1) (0.7214, 27.86%↓) (0.7214, 27.86%↓) (0.8643, 13.57%↓)
SP2 (𝜆 = 0.8) (0.7569, 24.31%↓) (0.7297, 27.03%↓) (0.8657, 13.42%↓)
SP3 (𝜆 = 0.5) (0.8391, 16.09%↓) (0.8670, 13.30%↓) (0.8113, 18.87%↓)
SP4 (𝜆 = 0.2) (0.6120, 38.80%↓) (0.8670, 13.30%↓) (0.5482, 45.18%↓)
SP5 (𝜆 = 0) (0.6648, 33.52%↓) (1.5670, 56.70%↑) (0.6648, 33.52%↓)

Note: ↑ and ↓ indicate the increase and decrease in Fr , Cr and Gr compared with RSP,

control plans perform better than the RSP in arterial traffic

efficiency. Note that SP5 sets efficiency weight 𝜆 = 0 which
sacrifices the arterial traffic efficiency for the network traffic FIGURE 6 Improvement percentages of two objectives under five
equity. Second, the Gini index does not strictly increase with optimized traffic signal plans compared with the RSP
the increase of 𝜆, that is, the network traffic equity does not
strictly decrease with the increase of 𝜆. This can be explained by
that high traffic volume on the arterial road with similar delays
contributes to lowering the network Gini index value. Specifi-
cally, increasing the value of 𝜆 from 0.5 can slightly improve the decreasing while that of the average Gini index decreases slightly
network traffic equity while significantly improving the arterial first and then increases. This in fact implies that the bi-objective
traffic efficiency performance. This indicates that the relation- indices have a competing relationship at some degree for SP1 to
ship between arterial traffic efficiency and network traffic equity SP5. That is also to say, one objective performance may be sac-
is not entirely competitive. Thus, the arterial traffic efficiency rificed to improve the other objective performance if a higher
and the network traffic equity can be simultaneously improved weight is placed on the other objective when carrying out the
in various degrees under stochastic noises by adjusting the optimization of the signal control plan. In practice, as the effi-
weights of the two objectives, providing significant guidance ciency and equity performance may vary by both the weights
for real-world arterial signal coordination. We further present and the demand profiles, the numerical results can provide help-
Figure 6 to show the improvement percentages in the average ful guidance for traffic practitioners to appropriately select the
vehicular throughout of arterial road and the average Gini index weights of the arterial traffic efficiency and the network traf-
of the five optimized traffic signal plans compared with the RSP. fic equity based on the social requirements or preferences for
As it can be observed in Figure 6, with the decreasing weight efficiency and equity.
placed on the arterial traffic efficiency, the improvement degree To further compare the traffic efficiency performance of each
of the average vehicular throughout of the arterial road is traffic signal plan, we have added two additional performance

TABLE 3 Numerical comparisons for signal control plans frequent stops along the arterial. It can be noticed that the actual
Signal control traffic signal plan along the arterial is so poorly designed that the
plan (MDart , CRMDart ) (MDart , CRMDnet ) arterial gets incredibly congested and vehicles stop frequently
on the road sections, leading to frequent stagnations and thus
RSP (686,0) (441,0)
less noticeable delays at signalized intersections. Additionally,
SP1 (112, 83.67%↓) (154, 65.08%↓)
Figure 7b–f present the vehicle trajectories of the SP1 to SP5,
SP2 (314, 54.23%↓) (304, 31.07%↓) respectively, and the SP1 to SP5 all show shorter arterial vehicle
SP3 (213, 68.95%↓) (304, 31.07%↓) delay and higher traffic volume than the RSP.
SP4 (504, 26.53%↓) (384, 12.93%↓)
SP5 (556, 18.95%↓) (382, 13.38%↓)
Note: ↑ and ↓ indicate the increase and decrease in in MDart and MDnet compared with RSP,
respectively. The traffic right-of-way equity has attracted more and more
attention from both traffic management agencies and scholars
indicators MDart and MDnet as (13) and (14). in recent years. In the study, we have built an innovative SSO
model for arterial signal coordination, which can appropriately
consider both the network traffic equity and the arterial traf-
1 ∑
MDart = d, (13) fic efficiency. The objective is to minimize the weighted sum
C i=1 i of the relative Gini index and the relative vehicular throughout,
which are used to evaluate the network traffic equity and the
1 ∑
MDnet = d, (14) arterial traffic efficiency, respectively. Next, the SPAS algorithm
m i=1 i is developed to solve the proposed model, which consists of the
shrinking ball method, a surrogate model, and the promising
where MDart and MDnet represent the average delays of vehicles area searching method. Compared with traditional SSO solu-
on the arterial road and on the road network within the effective tion methods, the proposed SPAS is much superior with the
simulation period, respectively. The comparison of MDart and following three main advantages. First, its build-in shrinking ball
MDnet for SP1 to SP5 is presented in Table 3, from which two method avoids multiple simulations of the same solution, which
major observations can be made. First, the five optimized signal significantly reduce the computational cost. Second, using the
plans perform better than the RSP in both MDart and MDnet . surrogate model can predict the response surface based on
Specifically, SP1 gives the maximum arterial traffic throughout historical samples and find the current optimal solution, thus
C as well as the least MD art and MD net , which shows the effec- identifying the current promising area without excessive simu-
tiveness of the proposed model in optimizing the arterial traffic lation costs. Moreover, the SPAS concentrates the computation
signal coordination. As for SP5, we placed the largest weight power on the promising area determined by historic samples
(i.e., 1) on traffic equity and then obtained the largest improve- and their performance estimations, which significantly speeds
ment degree of the Gini index. While the average delay of SP5 up the algorithm convergence. Further, we choose the Kriging
is almost the highest and the improvement degree is almost the model as the surrogate model for SPAS as it has higher fitting
smallest among SP1 to SP5. This in fact accord with the com- accuracy when the dimension of decision variables is relatively
petitive relationship between the arterial traffic efficiency and low.
the network equity and it is reasonable. Second, the percent- We have also conducted some numerical experiments based
age change of both MDart and MDnet increase roughly with the on a real-world arterial road with four T-shaped signalized inter-
increase of parameter 𝜆. Thus, MDart and MDnet can be simul- sections and field data in Nanchang, China to test and validate
taneously improved in various degrees under stochastic noises the superiority of the proposed SSO model and SPAS algo-
by adjusting the weights of the two objectives. The numerical rithm. In the numerical experiments, the arterial is first modeled
experiment results can assist the traffic management depart- with some related parameters calibrated by the traffic simula-
ment to reasonably set the weights of the two objectives based tion software VISSIM. Based on the calibrated traffic simulator,
on the real-world requirements. we solve the SSO problem by the SPAS algorithm. The numer-
To demonstrate the implementation effects of the RSP and ical results show that the arterial vehicular throughout can be
the above five optimized traffic signal plans in a more intuitive increased by at most 61.48% and the Gini index can be reduced
manner, we have plotted the vehicles’ space-time trajectories in by at most 55.11%. Moreover, the network traffic equity and
the busier direction of the arterial road as shown in Figure 7. the arterial traffic efficiency are not necessarily in a competi-
Only vehicles entering and leaving the network within the effec- tive relationship. Specifically, if more weight is placed on arterial
tive simulation period 1800s to 5400s will be recorded, and efficiency (i.e., 𝜆 ≥ 0.5), both arterial efficiency and network
the first 1800s is the warm-up period to produce a stable equity can be improved with the increase of 𝜆. The numeri-
road network. In addition, a steeper trajectory line indicates a cal results demonstrate that both the arterial traffic efficiency
shorter average vehicle delay and more trajectory lines indicate and the network traffic equity can be simultaneously improved
larger traffic volume throughout the arterial road. According to in various degrees by adjusting the weights of two objec-
Figure 7a, traffic flow on the arterial road is severely congested tives, providing significant guidance for real-world arterial signal
under the RSP, with small vehicular throughout, long delays, and coordination.

FIGURE 7 Space-time vehicular trajectories in one direction of the arterial road of six signal control plans. (a) RSP, (b) SP1, (c) SP2, (d) SP3, (e) SP4, (f) SP5.
Notes: the numbers of trajectory lines form (a) to (f), respectively, are 135, 417, 362, 371, 302, 207

Last but not least, two future research directions are listed the Innovation Driven Plan of Central South University (Grant
as below. First, this study only considers car-based users and it No. 2019CX018) and the Excellent Youth Foundation of
is interesting to study how traffic equity can be modeled when Hunan Education Department (Grant No. 21B0015).
different user classes/vehicles (such as buses and emergency
vehicles) simultaneously exist on road networks. Second, we can
also study how various traffic control facilities such as dedi-
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
cated bus lanes and reversible lanes will affect the relationship
between the arterial traffic efficiency and the network traffic
Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS generated or analysed during the current study.
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
Hunan Province (Grant No. 2021JJ30888), the National Natural ORCID
Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71871227, 52072264), Xinfeng Xue

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TABLE A1 Detailed signal parameters of signal control plans

Plancycle(s) SI1 SI2 SI3 SI4

RSP Phase

Timing 35 61 25 50 39 22 23 64 24 24 55 32
Offset 0 0 0 0
Cycle 130 120 120 120
SP1 117 Phase

Timing 16 34 58 60 34 14 28 54 26 45 48 15
Offset 0 4 8 1
SP2 168 Phase

Timing 90 48 21 71 44 44 62 65 32 75 62 22
Offset 0 130 53 62
SP3 103 Phase

Timing 65 16 13 49 18 27 17 41 36 39 40 15
Offset 0 100 70 85
SP4 81 Phase

Timing 12 12 48 32 23 17 23 21 28 32 29 11
Offset 0 37 31 63
SP5 115 Phase

Timing 14 19 73 17 13 76 19 24 63 43 31 32
Offset 0 63 85 91

Note: SI1 to SI4 represent the four signalized intersections from southwest to northeast in Figure 2.

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